Legenda & explanation
date INES title location
04-12-2000INES 1Loss of a radioactive package between Orange (84-France) and Thrion-Gardals (28-France)SAPHYMO, France
28-11-2000INES 1Loss of a radioactive package between Roissy (France) and Athens (Greece) airportsCIS BIO INTERNATIONAL, France
24-11-2000INES 2Successive events in operation during reactor restartTRICASTIN-3, France
28-11-2000INES 0Forced shutdown of Narora Unit-1 due to unavailability of make up waterNARORA-1, India
16-10-2000INES 1Flooding event at the EUREX facilityEUREX, Italy
13-11-2000INES 1Loss of a radioactive Type-A package containing 30,8 GBq of Thallium 201 between Paris-Roissy (France) and Budapest (Hungary) airportsCIS BIO INTERNATIONAL, France
09-09-2000INES 0Beloyarsk NPP Unit 3 scram due to events in the operation of the Urals power systemBELOYARSKY-3(BN-600), Russian Federation
11-09-2000INES 2Finding of abandoned radioactive source in the streetPERU radiation source, Peru
06-10-2000[N/A]Fire at Dukovany NPPDUKOVANY-1, Czech Republic
29-09-2000INES 1Loss of a radioactive package containing a small amount of depleted uraniumSICN COMPANY, France
19-09-2000INES 1Unshielded Cs-137 source found in metal scrapJewometaal, Rotterdam-Botlek, Netherlands
27-08-2000INES 1Increase in the gamma background in front of the reactor building of unit 3KOZLODUY-3, Bulgaria
17-08-2000INES 1Water leakages at Loviisa-1 NPP unit from the fuel loading pool on 17 and 18 August 2000 during the annual maintenance outageLOVIISA-1, Finland
20-06-2000INES 2Missing sealed source CS-137 of 73 mCiHYDERABAD MNJ, India
15-06-2000INES 1Unplanned exposure of workersBOHUNICE-4, Slovakia
15-04-2000INES 1Moderator water leak in moderator roomNARORA-2, India
07-06-2000INES 1Loss of an Iodine-131 package between France and Spain during air shipmentCIS BIO INTERNATIONAL, France
27-06-2000INES 2Error in operating rules leading to safety injection system unavailabilityDAMPIERRE-1, France
26-06-2000INES 4Lost source causing a radiological accident at Meet Halfa, EgyptMEET HALFA, Egypt
19-11-1999INES 2Discovery of a crack in boiler superheater penetrationDUNGENESS-B2 UNIT B, United Kingdom
03-05-2000INES 1Loss of an iodine-125 sourceCIS BIO INTERNATIONAL, France
15-02-2000INES 0Steam generator tube leakINDIAN POINT-2, United States of America
02-09-1999INES 2Inadvertent plutonium shipment from Belgium to United KingdomIRMM, Geel, Belgium
02-03-2000INES 1Loss of a Promethium source (18.5 GBq)TANDEM CONSULTANTS, France
28-12-1999INES 2Partial loss of safeguards systems as a result of external floodingBLAYAIS-1, France
31-01-2000INES 1Loss of power of a 220 VAC safety bus barEMBALSE, Argentina
27-11-1999INES 2Loss of reactor coolant system inventoryWATERFORD-3, United States of America
31-08-1999INES 2Reactor trip wth complicationsINDIAN POINT-2, United States of America
29-09-1999[N/A]Tornado sighting within protected areaH.B. ROBINSON-2, United States of America
18-10-1999INES 2Incorrectly packaged radioactive sourcesBNFL, Sellafield, United Kingdom