Legenda & explanation
date INES title location
10-09-1999INES 1Loss of 185 MBq of I-131 in type A packagingSOUTH AFRICAN AE CORP., South Africa
30-09-1999INES 4Workers exposed to radiation at conversion test building of JCO Co., Ltd., Tokai WorksJCO COMPANY, TOKAI, Japan
23-07-1999INES 2Exposure to radiation from a fixed gauge in New Waterford Nova ScotiaCAPE BRETON (DEVCO), Canada
26-05-1999INES 2Plutonium uptake at Chalk River FacilitiesCHALK RIVER LABORATORIES, Canada
17-07-1999INES 2Workers exposure exceeding a statutory annual dose limitCHERNOBYL-3, Ukraine
12-07-1999INES 1Manual shutdown of Tsuruga Power Station Unit 2TSURUGA-2, Japan
08-05-1999INES 2Melting of a radioactive source with scrap metalsSCRAPYARD, Greece
08-06-1999INES 0Malfunction of the feedwater control valve caused reactor tripKRSKO, Slovenia
25-05-1999INES 2Temporary Loss of the seawater cooling systemsBARSEBECK-2, Sweden
25-02-1999INES 0Core instability occurred during maintenance performed in the switchyardOSKARSHAMN-2, Sweden
26-03-1999INES 2Leak from coolant channel K-05 at MAPS-2KALPAKKAM-2, India
11-04-1999INES 2Spillage of radioactive materialsBNFL, Sellafield, United Kingdom
05-03-1999[N/A]Discovery of suspicious item in plantSAN ONOFRE-2, United States of America
23-03-1999INES 2Theft of a vehicle containing a GAM80 gamma radiography unit (with 80 Ci source)Mesnil Amelot, France
11-09-1998INES 2Overexposure of two workersNARORA-2, India
08-05-1998INES 2Loss of 4 TBq of Mo-99 in B(U) packagingSOUTH AFRICAN AE CORP., South Africa
11-03-1999INES 2Dose to a worker exceeding a statutory annual dose limitTRICASTIN-1, France
20-02-1999INES 3Radiological accident in industrial gammagraphy with Ir-192PERU radiation source, Peru
04-03-1999INES 2Loss of 7 TBq of Mo-99 in B(U) packagingSOUTH AFRICAN AE CORP., South Africa
28-01-1999INES 1Loss of reactor annulus integrityTRILLO-1, Spain
08-01-1999INES 3Loss of radioactive Co60 source of 700 CiIKITELLI, Turkey
08-01-1999INES 3Accidental overexposure to radiation from Co 60 sourceSCRAPYARD, Turkey
27-12-1998INES 2Loss of off-site power supplies at Hunterston B Power StationHUNTERSTON-B1 UNIT A, United Kingdom
21-11-1998INES 2Fuel assembly drop during refuellingLAGUNA VERDE-1, Mexico
08-10-1998INES 0Fire in emergency diesel generator control panel during testENRICO FERMI-2, United States of America
10-11-1998INES 2Workers exposure during weld testsZAPOROZHE-3, Ukraine
02-10-1998INES 2Switch off of a protection device during periodic inspectionPHEBUS, France
31-08-1998INES 0Reactor trip breaker train B undervoltage card damageKRSKO, Slovenia
13-07-1998INES 2Failure of safety system train during routine testingARMENIA-2, Armenia
04-06-1998INES 2Reactor discharge due to deterioration of quality of water in the secondary circuit (power reduction)ARMENIA-2, Armenia