Legenda & explanation
date INES title location
18-07-1996INES 1Erroneous line-up before start-up of vent pipe valves to the scrubber systemFORSMARK-1, Sweden
08-11-1995INES 2Degradation of the control rod system due to sticking of one control rod assemblyPAKS-2, Hungary
14-09-1996INES 0Blockage of sea water screen by jellyfishULCHIN-2, South Korea
11-08-1996INES 0Manual shutdown for repairing of main condenser tubeULCHIN-1, South Korea
07-08-1996INES 0Manual shutdown for repairing the steam generator tube leakYONGGWANG-2, South Korea
12-07-1996INES 0Manual shutdown for repairing the fueling machineWOLSONG-3, South Korea
10-07-1996INES 0Reactor trip due to the malfunction of optical isolatorYONGGWANG-4, South Korea
19-08-1996INES 0RCIC turbine insulation fireCLINTON-1, United States of America
08-10-1996INES 0Reactor trip due to short circuit on the high-voltage lineARMENIA-2, Armenia
07-01-1996INES 0D2O leak from a calandria tube sheet plugKALPAKKAM-1, India
05-01-1996INES 0Reactor trip on adjuster rod cooling flow very lowNARORA-2, India
27-12-1995INES 0Reactor trip on low PHT pressure due to change in power while reverse fueling of channelNARORA-2, India
10-11-1995INES 1Non-closure of primary steam isolating valves on auto during total loss of power incidentTARAPUR-1, India
14-08-1996INES 0Reactor trip caused by blown fusesKRSKO, Slovenia
13-08-1996INES 1Water leak into a hot cell at the Studsvik research establishmentStudsvik Nuclear AB, Sweden
03-08-1996[N/A]Rupture of a freon storage tankCERNAVODA-1, Romania
24-07-1996INES 2Over-exposure of one worker during the industrial radiography activitiesGILAN, Iran
24-07-1996INES 1On-site radioactive contaminationKHMELNITSKI-1, Ukraine
24-05-1996INES 1Failure to replace horizontal flux detector shielding after maintenancePOINT LEPREAU, Canada
12-07-1996INES 1Degradation of essential service water (ES'W) for a year due to a defficient design modificationASCO-1, Spain
06-04-1996INES 2Sticking of a control rod cluster during reactor scramBELLEVILLE-1, France
13-05-1996INES 2Degradation of seismic stops of the reactor pitCHINON-B1, France
30-06-1996INES 0Slight contamination of potable water due to damage in an auxiliary heat exchanger of the main condenser circuitEMBALSE, Argentina
19-06-1996INES 0Reactor trip due to the malfunction of optical isolatorYONGGWANG-4, South Korea
18-06-1996INES 0Reactor trip due to steam generator level low-low signalKORI-2, South Korea
15-05-1996INES 0Reactor trip due to steam generator level low signalYONGGWANG-4, South Korea
25-04-1996INES 0Reacotr trip due to steam generator level high signalULCHIN-1, South Korea
16-05-1996INES 1Disturbance of forced reactor coolant circulation in cold shutdown conditionKOZLODUY-5, Bulgaria
28-06-1996INES 0Radioactive contamination in the reactor hallCHERNOBYL-1, Ukraine
12-06-1996INES 1Degraded pressure subpression (PS) functionBARSEBECK-2, Sweden