
Legenda & explanation
date INES title location
13-12-2024INES 1Package containing four radioactive sources lost.Madrid Airport (Adolfo Suarez-Barajas Airport), Spain
04-09-2024INES 1Triggering of the fire sprinkler system in a fuel production facility at a research centerInstitute for Energy Technology, Kjeller, Norway
11-01-2024INES 2Unavailability of Reactor protection system of unit 3DUKOVANY-3, Czech Republic
09-03-2023INES 3Worker Exceeded Statuary Annual Whole Body Dose LimitsLower Saxony / Company for Material Testing, Germany
15-11-2023INES 2Partial loss of post-trip coolingTORNESS-2, United Kingdom
31-12-2019INES 2Radon Exposure at Boarding SchoolKingswood School, Bath, United Kingdom
24-09-2023INES 2Worker Exceeded Statuary Annual Whole Body Dose LimitsMachine Factory, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
24-03-2023INES 1Accidental exposure of workersRadioisotope Centre POLATOM, Otwock-Świerk, Poland
21-07-2022INES 2Contamination of an employee and the break room in a nuclear medicine departmentSCINTIGARD radiology centre (Nîmes), France
06-03-2023INES 2Stress corrosion: presence of a deep crack on the safety injection system of reactor 1 of the Penly NPPPENLY-1, France
02-02-2023INES 2External contamination of a worker leading to exceeding of the annual statutory dose limitCATTENOM-3, France
31-10-2022INES 2Exposure of a worker in excess of the statutory dose limitAperam Stainless Steel France, France
25-05-2022INES 2Exposure of a worker in excess of the statutory dose limitSellafield Ltd. UK, United Kingdom
19-05-2021INES 2Exposure of a worker over annual statutory dose limitHungary, Hungary
29-05-2022INES 1Violation of Operational Limits and Conditions is the Interim Spent Fuel Storage FacilityPaks, Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility, Hungary
24-03-2022INES 2Exposure of radiographer over annual statutory dose limitBorsodChem Co. Ltd, Hungary
08-02-2022INES 3Damaged radiation source out of regulatory controlDąbrowa Górnicza/Mirków, Poland
05-05-2022INES 2Exposure of industrial radiographerAntwerp Region, Belgium
21-04-2022INES 1Rod type source of a level gauge became openNitronénművek Co Ltd., Hungary
08-12-2021INES 2Equivalent dose for extremities (hand) exceeding statuary annual limitsHospital, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Germany
23-11-2021INES 2Exposure of workers in excess of statutory annual dose limitsNorrköping, Sweden
10-01-2022INES 2Higher dose rate in an operating area due to inappropriate positioning of a Co-60 sourceInstitute of Isotopes Ltd. Budapest, Hungary
22-07-2021INES 2Automatic trip of both reactors following loss of off-site electric suppliesHeysham 1 Power Station, United Kingdom
22-07-2021INES 2Automatic trip of both reactors following loss of off-site electric suppliesHeysham 1 Power Station, United Kingdom
20-07-2021INES 2Overexposure of two workersOCA ICP, Madrid, Spain
11-12-2020INES 2Hands skin exposureWales, F-18 Radio-pharmacy, United Kingdom
23-05-2021INES 1Failure of a defectoscope during industrial radiography testBorsodchem PLC, Hungary
09-10-2020INES 2Discovery of legacy radioactive sources and residual contaminationUniversity Hospitals of Strasbourg, France
24-08-2021INES 2External contamination of a worker leading to exceeding of the regulatory annual limit for the equivalent dose to the skinCRUAS-2, France
28-11-2020INES 1Am-241 meltingsFinnish steel factory, Finland