
Overexposure of two workers

Unit 2 was under annual shutdown. A permit was applied to take up the job on leak detecting beetles in pump room, delayed neutron monitoring system, and fuel transfer room on north and south side. Health physics unit cleared the work in all areas, except at fuel transfer (FT) room on south side where radiation field was high. Two workers to whom the job was assigned, were familiar with the job and went ahead without informing the supervisor, who had applied for the permit. After completing the job at north FT room, and confirming that the dose received as as expected, they proceeded to South FT room, unaware of the high radiation field in that area. The dosimeter readings taken after the job indicated that the two workers received radiation dose of 124,8 mSv and 76 mSv. The incident has been rated at level 2 on INES as the individual exposure to the workers exceeded the annual regulatory limits.

Location: NARORA-2
Event date: Fri, 11-09-1998
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation