
Legenda & explanation
date INES title location
15-04-2000INES 1Moderator water leak in moderator roomNARORA-2, India
26-01-2000INES 0Earthquake in the Indian State of GujaratKAKRAPAR-1, India
30-09-1999INES 4Workers exposed to radiation at conversion test building of JCO Co., Ltd., Tokai WorksJCO COMPANY, TOKAI, Japan
12-07-1999INES 1Manual shutdown of Tsuruga Power Station Unit 2TSURUGA-2, Japan
18-06-1999INES 2Criticality accident during periodic inspectionSHIKA-1, Japan
26-03-1999INES 2Leak from coolant channel K-05 at MAPS-2KALPAKKAM-2, India
08-01-1999INES 3Accidental overexposure to radiation from Co 60 sourceSCRAPYARD, Turkey
08-01-1999INES 3Loss of radioactive Co60 source of 700 CiIKITELLI, Turkey
11-09-1998INES 2Overexposure of two workersNARORA-2, India
13-07-1998INES 2Failure of safety system train during routine testingARMENIA-2, Armenia
04-06-1998INES 2Reactor discharge due to deterioration of quality of water in the secondary circuit (power reduction)ARMENIA-2, Armenia
14-07-1997INES 2Leakage of water in the primary cooling system of AERE Reasearch CentreTRIGA MARK II, Bangladesh
18-05-1997INES 2Actuation of secondary shutdown system (SSS) on slow insertion of more than one rod of primary shutdown system (PSS)KAKRAPAR-1, India
23-03-1997INES 0Leakage on thge feedwater recirculation pipeline of the steam-generator no. 1BN-350, Kazakhstan
11-03-1997INES 3Fire and Explosion at the Bituminization Demonstration Facility of the Reprocessing PlantTOKAI REPROCESSING PLANT, Japan
02-03-1997INES 0Reactor trip on PHT pressure less than 79.6 kg/cm2 for 15 secondsKAKRAPAR-1, India
04-02-1997INES 0Reactor trip due to short circuit on control and protection system of generatorARMENIA-2, Armenia
08-10-1996INES 0Reactor trip due to short circuit on the high-voltage lineARMENIA-2, Armenia
14-09-1996INES 0Blockage of sea water screen by jellyfishULCHIN-2, South Korea
11-08-1996INES 0Manual shutdown for repairing of main condenser tubeULCHIN-1, South Korea
07-08-1996INES 0Manual shutdown for repairing the steam generator tube leakYONGGWANG-2, South Korea
05-08-1996INES 1Release of iodine-131 from 131 production plant of nuclear chemistry division Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and TechnologyPINSTEC, Pakistan
24-07-1996INES 2Over-exposure of one worker during the industrial radiography activitiesGILAN, Iran
12-07-1996INES 0Manual shutdown for repairing the fueling machineWOLSONG-3, South Korea
10-07-1996INES 0Reactor trip due to the malfunction of optical isolatorYONGGWANG-4, South Korea
19-06-1996INES 0Reactor trip due to the malfunction of optical isolatorYONGGWANG-4, South Korea
18-06-1996INES 0Reactor trip due to steam generator level low-low signalKORI-2, South Korea
16-06-1996INES 0Fire incident in boiler roomKANUPP, Pakistan
15-05-1996INES 0Reactor trip due to steam generator level low signalYONGGWANG-4, South Korea
25-04-1996INES 0Reacotr trip due to steam generator level high signalULCHIN-1, South Korea