Legenda & explanation
date INES title location
29-09-2008INES 2Radiographer Overexposure to ExtremityMetco, United States of America
11-09-2008INES 2Radiation Overexposure of a WorkerS.H.I.Examination & Inspection Ltd / Ehime prefecture, Japan
07-10-2008INES 2Cobalt-60 contaminated elevator buttons sold abroad by a French companyMetallic products manufacturer, France
23-10-2008INES 2Unsuitable management of Bakelite plates containing radioactive materialsBunkyo-city, Tokyo, Japan
18-12-2008INES 2Non-Radiation Worker OverexposureDelek Refining, United States of America
03-03-2009INES 2Non-respect of a safety-criticality requirement at AREVA NC Melox facility (Marcoule)MELOX Fuel process plant, France
03-02-2009INES 2Overexposure to WorkerPerma-Fix, United States of America
04-05-2009INES 2Drop out of a SPND from transport container into the reactor hall during outagePAKS-4, Hungary
23-01-2009INES 2Radioactive contamination spread from release of ventilation duct condensate at SellafieldSellafield Ltd, Cumbria, United Kingdom
07-05-2009INES 2Incident at Irradiation FacilitySTERIGENICS - Fleurus, Belgium
29-06-2009INES 2Introduction of potentially moderating material to fuel routeDUNGENESS-B1 UNIT A, United Kingdom
03-08-2009INES 2Exposure of two workers in excess of statutory annual dose limitsBEZNAU-2, Switzerland
31-08-2009INES 2Loss of Radiation SourceBirjand University, Iran
21-07-2009INES 2Worker OverexposureCardinal Health / Beltsville MD, United States of America
28-08-2009INES 2Contamination of a vehicle with Cs-137NO facility associated to this event, Armenia
06-10-2009INES 2Failure in fissile material accountabilityCADARACHE, France
23-09-2009INES 2Potential Overexposure of Members of the PublicLaramie River Station, United States of America
12-11-2009INES 2Worker OverexposureOwensby & Kritikos, United States of America
01-12-2009INES 2Shutdown of Cruas unit 4 after heat sink incidentCRUAS-4, France
31-08-2010INES 2Exposure of a worker in excess of statutory annual dose limitsLEIBSTADT, Switzerland
20-07-2010INES 2Co-60 orphan source discovered in a container of metal scraps in the Genova PortGenova port, Italy
04-08-2010INES 2Extremity OverexposureISOAID, LLC/Port Richey, FL, United States of America
26-05-2010INES 2Contamination of 6 workers during the recovery of a gammagraphy Co-60 sourceindustrial radiography, France
23-04-2010INES 2Worker overexposure CHINON-B4, France
20-04-2010INES 2Member of the Public OverexposureOhio State University, Columbus Ohio, United States of America
28-03-2010INES 2Reactor Trip and Safety Injection with Complications from FireH.B. ROBINSON-2, United States of America
16-09-2010INES 2Radiography overexposureInspecta Oy/Kotka, Finland
17-09-2010INES 2Inadvertent Containment Spray of Reactor Coolant SHINKORI-1, South Korea
02-12-2010INES 2Several mine workers overexposed by X-raysBoliden Mineral, Gällivare, Sweden
04-11-2008INES 2Overexposure of field radiography workersArgus/ Yeosu, South Korea, South Korea