
Non-Radiation Worker Overexposure

On December 18, 2008, an oil refinery in Tyler, Texas reported that a non-radiation worker (considered to be a member of the public) at the facility received a dose in excess of 0.01Sv (1 Rem) due to a 9.62 GBq (260 mCi) Cs-137 process level gauge source that had become unshielded inside its outer housing. The estimated dose to the individual is 0.02962 Sv (2.962 Rem) based on the 500 mR/hr reading where the member of the public was working 129.5 cm (51 inches) below the source for up to four hours. This estimated dose may decrease depending on the amount of time the non-radiation worker was actually in the area. The Texas Department of Health will conduct an investigation of the licensee during the first week of January.

Location: Delek Refining
Event date: Thu, 18-12-2008
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation