
Legenda & explanation
date INES title location
12-06-1996INES 1Degraded pressure subpression (PS) functionBARSEBECK-2, Sweden
16-05-1996INES 1Disturbance of forced reactor coolant circulation in cold shutdown conditionKOZLODUY-5, Bulgaria
12-07-1996INES 1Degradation of essential service water (ES'W) for a year due to a defficient design modificationASCO-1, Spain
24-07-1996INES 1On-site radioactive contaminationKHMELNITSKI-1, Ukraine
13-08-1996INES 1Water leak into a hot cell at the Studsvik research establishmentStudsvik Nuclear AB, Sweden
18-07-1996INES 1Erroneous line-up before start-up of vent pipe valves to the scrubber systemFORSMARK-1, Sweden
28-02-1996INES 1Internal Contamination of Several Workers While Cleaning up EquipmentVANDELLOS-1, Spain
17-01-1997INES 1Slow insertion of control rodsALMARAZ-2, Spain
16-04-1996INES 1Violation of limits and conditions - a late test of emergency core cooling system pumpsDUKOVANY-2, Czech Republic
21-04-1996INES 1Spurious signal for actuation of the ESFAS caused by human errorDUKOVANY-3, Czech Republic
08-07-1996INES 1Violation of limts and conditions - a late test of spray pumpsDUKOVANY-4, Czech Republic
06-10-1996INES 1Scram of the reactor caused by a wrong operation of the control room operatorDUKOVANY-4, Czech Republic
05-02-1997INES 1Supposedly empty shipping containers found to contain nuclear materialENUSA, Spain
01-07-1997INES 1Two out of four diesel generators unavailable due to loose connection to the voltage regulatorRINGHALS-2, Sweden
16-05-1997INES 1Degraded containment pressure suppression function during shutdown of reactor before outage periodFORSMARK-2, Sweden
17-08-1997INES 1Automatic protection system disconnected during non nuclear heat up after refuellingRINGHALS-2, Sweden
26-07-1997INES 1Slightly increased radioactivity release outside the reactor while preparing for removal of leaky fuel assemblyMIR-M1, RU-0013, Russian Federation
26-03-1997INES 1Worker contamination for AM-241 inhalation when manipulating a radiation detectorVANDELLOS-1, Spain
28-01-1999INES 1Loss of reactor annulus integrityTRILLO-1, Spain
02-03-2000INES 1Loss of a Promethium source (18.5 GBq)TANDEM CONSULTANTS, France
03-05-2000INES 1Loss of an iodine-125 sourceCIS BIO INTERNATIONAL, France
07-06-2000INES 1Loss of an Iodine-131 package between France and Spain during air shipmentCIS BIO INTERNATIONAL, France
15-06-2000INES 1Unplanned exposure of workersBOHUNICE-4, Slovakia
17-08-2000INES 1Water leakages at Loviisa-1 NPP unit from the fuel loading pool on 17 and 18 August 2000 during the annual maintenance outageLOVIISA-1, Finland
27-08-2000INES 1Increase in the gamma background in front of the reactor building of unit 3KOZLODUY-3, Bulgaria
19-09-2000INES 1Unshielded Cs-137 source found in metal scrapJewometaal, Rotterdam-Botlek, Netherlands
29-09-2000INES 1Loss of a radioactive package containing a small amount of depleted uraniumSICN COMPANY, France
13-11-2000INES 1Loss of a radioactive Type-A package containing 30,8 GBq of Thallium 201 between Paris-Roissy (France) and Budapest (Hungary) airportsCIS BIO INTERNATIONAL, France
16-10-2000INES 1Flooding event at the EUREX facilityEUREX, Italy
28-11-2000INES 1Loss of a radioactive package between Roissy (France) and Athens (Greece) airportsCIS BIO INTERNATIONAL, France