
Overexposure of two workers

The dosimetry service of an industrial radiography facility identified that the TLD of two workers at this facility had exceeded the annual dose limit. The irradiation source was an Ir-192 gammagraph, in which the source got stuck during irradiation work.
The first worker had received a dose of 68.84 mSv according to his TLD and, although he indicated that he had lost the dosimeter for approximately a week, and therefore he was not aware of the actual dose received, it was considered that he had exceeded the annual limit.
The TLD of the second worker indicated a dose of 3000 mSv. This worker also stated that he had lost his dosimeter for an undetermined period of time. During that time, he continued working with the radioactive source.
Biological dosimetry was performed on the second worker, that concluded that he had received a heterogeneous irradiation with doses between 3 and 4 Gy in a small part of the body and 0.5 and 1 Gy in the rest.

Location: OCA ICP, Madrid
Event date: Tue, 20-07-2021
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation