Legenda & explanation
date INES title location
03-03-1998INES 0Reactor trip resulting from fast acting scram system (FASS) actuationIGNALINA-1, Lithuania
13-02-1998INES 0Loss of shutdown coolingCLINTON-1, United States of America
09-11-1997INES 0Small short-term fire in the switchboard in the NPP DukovanyDUKOVANY-1, Czech Republic
09-10-1997INES 0Fire in emergency diesel generator exhaustLIMERICK-2, United States of America
29-09-1997INES 3Worker irradiation from a Co-60 source after a gamma radiographyTREVISO, Italy
27-09-1997INES 2Closed valves in the containment spray pumps' suction lines during the non-nuclear phase of start-up after refuelingRINGHALS-4, Sweden
22-08-1997INES 2Fresh fuel assembly damage during refuellingSOUTH UKRAINE-2, Ukraine
20-08-1997INES 2Sticking of one control rod during reactor protection actuation after the turbine control system's testPAKS-3, Hungary
17-08-1997INES 1Automatic protection system disconnected during non nuclear heat up after refuellingRINGHALS-2, Sweden
26-07-1997INES 1Slightly increased radioactivity release outside the reactor while preparing for removal of leaky fuel assemblyMIR-M1, RU-0013, Russian Federation
14-07-1997INES 2Leakage of water in the primary cooling system of AERE Reasearch CentreTRIGA MARK II, Bangladesh
01-07-1997INES 1Two out of four diesel generators unavailable due to loose connection to the voltage regulatorRINGHALS-2, Sweden
09-06-1997INES 0Fire involving used extract ventilation filtersBNFL SPRINGFIELDS, United Kingdom
20-05-1997[N/A]Small fire in the research reactor LR-O building in RezNUCLEAR RESEARCH INST., Czech Republic
18-05-1997INES 2Actuation of secondary shutdown system (SSS) on slow insertion of more than one rod of primary shutdown system (PSS)KAKRAPAR-1, India
17-05-1997INES 0Loss of the residual heat removal system during refuelingKRSKO, Slovenia
16-05-1997INES 1Degraded containment pressure suppression function during shutdown of reactor before outage periodFORSMARK-2, Sweden
15-05-1997INES 2Discovery of a Cs-137 radiation source on a scrap yardMETAL FOUNDRY, HETTSTEDT, Germany
02-05-1997INES 2Workers receive dose exceeding statutory annual dose limitKOEBERG-1, South Africa
26-03-1997INES 1Worker contamination for AM-241 inhalation when manipulating a radiation detectorVANDELLOS-1, Spain
23-03-1997INES 0Leakage on thge feedwater recirculation pipeline of the steam-generator no. 1BN-350, Kazakhstan
11-03-1997INES 2Uncontrolled entry into room under reactor vessel during refuelling outageKOEBERG-2, South Africa
11-03-1997INES 3Fire and Explosion at the Bituminization Demonstration Facility of the Reprocessing PlantTOKAI REPROCESSING PLANT, Japan
07-03-1997INES 2Exceeding the required operating limits, aggravated by safety culture problemsPALUEL-1, France
02-03-1997INES 0Reactor trip on PHT pressure less than 79.6 kg/cm2 for 15 secondsKAKRAPAR-1, India
05-02-1997INES 1Supposedly empty shipping containers found to contain nuclear materialENUSA, Spain
04-02-1997INES 0Reactor trip due to short circuit on control and protection system of generatorARMENIA-2, Armenia
03-02-1997INES 2Spillage of active liquorBNFL, Sellafield, United Kingdom
02-02-1997INES 2Release of airborne activity into the workplace resulted in a building evacuationBNFL, Sellafield, United Kingdom
17-01-1997INES 1Slow insertion of control rodsALMARAZ-2, Spain