
Worker Overexposure

During industrial radiography operations, a radiographer approached the camera, believing the source to be in the shielded position. The radiographer did not have his survey meter, but was wearing an alarming ratemeter and a pocket dosimeter. The radiographer was attempting to put the safety plug on the end of the camera when he realized the source was not in the shielded position. The radiographer did not contact the Radiation Safety Officer or secure the area, as procedure required, but instead, with the assistance of another radiographer, he put the source back into the shielded position. Both radiographers’ personal monitors were sent for emergency processing. One received a whole body dose of 55.7 mSv (5.57 rem) for November, which made his annual dose 67 mSv (6.67 rem). The other radiographer did not exceed the dose limit. The dose limit is 50 mSv (5 rem).
Update: this rating is being updated to reflect the fact that the over exposures to the radiographers have been confirmed. There are no other adjustments to this event.

Location: Owensby & Kritikos
Event date: Thu, 12-11-2009
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation