
Spurious signal for actuation of the ESFAS caused by human error

During start-up of the reactor at 1:22 a signal "small leakage" was actuated in the second train of the third ESFAS subsystem and in the first train of the second ESFAS subsystem (there are three independent subsystems and each of them has two independent trains). The high pressure emergency core cooling pump was started. The cause of event was a wrong action of shift personnel to set-up sensors which resulted to pressure shock in the pulse piping. A next reason of event was a technical state of sensors.
Justification of rating: This event was rated at level 1 according to the INES user's manual Section III-5.3 (safety culture).

Location: DUKOVANY-3
Event date: Sun, 21-04-1996
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation