
Reactor trip due to degradation of photoresistic cell in the main feedwater control system

Ulchin unit 1 was operated at full power. During normal operation, one of the main feedwater control valves was opened and reactor was tripped by steam generator level high-high signal. Investigation revealed that photoresistic cell in the feedwater control system, which gave certain value to consider the influence of feedwater temperature in comparing steam generator level and programmed feedwater flow, was degraded by the effect of heat generated in nearby resistance. Plant was returned to normal operation after replacement of failed control circuit.
There was no release of radioactive materials outside the reactor building and no unplanned exposure to employees.
Justification: As full safety functions were available. the event is rated at level "0" as per User's manual, Part III, Table II, A1.

Location: ULCHIN-1
Event date: Fri, 02-02-1996
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation