

On May 10, 1993 at 1:53 steam line radiation monitor RM31 indicated increase in count rate. The N-16 monitors detected primary to secondary leak through steam generator #1. Calculation gave leakage rate of 45 litres/hour which was below the Technical Specification limit of 79 liters/hour. The decision was to shut down the plant preventively not to wait for daily limit. At 2:08 the operator crew started with power decrease. At 2:10 abnormal procedure PRI-2 (Steam Generator Tube Leak) was activated. Abnormal event in accordance with emergency plan was declared at 2:45. At 7:20 the reactor was shutdown by normal operating procedure. The abnormal event was cancelled at 11:25. During the event no safety system operation was required. There was no abnormal release of radioactivity to the environment.

Location: KRSKO
Event date: Mon, 10-05-1993
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation