
Worker Overexposure

A radiographer trainer received a whole body dose of 58 mSv (5.8 rem) on 3/14/2018. The radiographer assistant received a whole body dose of 46 mSv (4.6 rem). The licensee believes that the radiographers may have received the doses as a result of not fully retracting the 3.3 TBq (88.9 Ci) Ir-192 source back inside the camera after performing a radiography exposure. The licensee also believes that a confirmatory survey was not performed after the exposure, and also that the two radiography personnel did not properly utilize their self-reading dosimeters inasmuch as the high doses were not recognized until their dosimetry of record was routinely processed 3/22/18. The dose received by the radiographer trainer exceeds the U.S. statutory limit for whole body dose of 50 mSv (5 rem). Both radiographers were removed from radiography operations, and are no longer employed by the licensee. As a result of this event, the licensee will strengthen their radiography personnel training and audits, including increasing the frequency of their audits. NRC EN53283

Location: Benicia, California / Qualspec, LLC
Event date: Wed, 14-03-2018
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation