the Laka catalogue

Overview on author greenpeace

2023-03 La Russie, plaque tournante de l’uranium Greenpeace France russia - export / rosatom
2022-03 The vulnerability of nuclear plants during military conflict. Lessons from Fukushima Daiichi, Focus on Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine Greenpeace Int., Jan Vande Putte, Shaun Burnie nuclear terrorism - military attacks
2020-10 The reality of the Fukushima radioactive water crisis Shaun Burnie, Greenpeace Germany japan - fukushima (dai’i chi accident)
2019-10 FÖS-Kurzanalyse zu staatlichen Ausgaben für EURATOM Greenpeace Energy, FÖS, Butschbachor, Fiedler international organisations - euratom
2017-09 Rosatom's Mayak: More Reprocessing, More Contamination Greenpeace CEE, J.Haverkamp russia - mayak/chelyabinsk (incl. disaster kyshtym urals 1957)
2015-04 Chernobyl, 29 years on. The situation at the site - no foreseeable solution and a race against time Greenpeace Int., O.Becker chernobyl accident - consequences surroundings - sarcophagus
2014-03 Lifetime extension of ageing nuclear power plants: Entering a new era of risk Greenpeace, J.Haverkamp nuclear safety - reactors - general
2014 Infomap Pallas Expertmeeting Provincie Noord-Holland Laka, Greenpeace pallas research reactor - general
2013-02 Fukushima Fallout. Nuclear business makes people pay and suffer Greenpeace japan - fukushima (dai’i chi accident)
2012-12 Zienswijzes ontwerpbeschikking levensduurverlenging kerncentrale Borssele Laka, Greenpeace borssele i - licensing & legal procedures
2012-05 Delta 2020: Een toekomstbestendige strategie voor Delta Spring Associates, ZMf, Greenpeace utilities - delta
2012-05 Critical Review of the EU Stress Test performed on Nuclear Power Plants Greenpeace, A.Wenisch, O.Becker nuclear safety - reactors - general
2012-04 Toxic assets: Nuclear reactors in the 21st century: Financing reactors and the Fukushima nuclear disaster Greenpeace, BankTrack costs
2012-03 Zienswijze uitbreiding Covra nrs. 001 t/m 006 Greenpeace, ZMF covra interim waste storage - licensing procedures & lawsuits
2012-02 Lessons from Fukushima: Catalysing an energy revolution Greenpeace, T.Morris-Suzuki, D.Boilley japan - fukushima (dai’i chi accident)
2012 The EPR nuclear reactor: A dangerous waste of time and money: Catalysing an energy revolution Greenpeace Int. nuclear safety - reactors - new generations - e.p.r.
2011-08 The true cost of nuclear power in South Africa Greenpeace south africa - general
2011-06 Selected Aspects of the EPR Design in the Light of the Fukushima Accident H.Hirsch, Greenpeace Int. nuclear safety - reactors - new generations - e.p.r.
2011-05 Nuclear phaseout by 2015 is possible: New Greenpeace calculation for a secure energy supply, free of nuclear power Greenpeace, A.Boehling germany - general
2011-05 Comments On the ”stress tests” specifications – Proposal by the WENRA Task Force Greenpeace, J.Haverkamp nuclear safety - reactors - general
2011-01 Rapportage van onderzoek aan eigenschappen van de klei van Boom die relevant zijn bij de beschouwing van dit laagpakket voor opslag van kernafval J.Brugge, B.Vrouwe, Greenpeace waste - geological disposal in salt/clay
2011 Battle of the grids: Report 2011: How Europe can go 100% renewable and phase out dirty energy Greenpeace Int., Jan Vande Putte, R.Short np & greenhouse effect - nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
2011 European grid study 2030/2050 E.Tröster, energynautics, Greenpeace Int. international organisations - liberalisation
2010-10 Definitieve berging van hoogradioactief en/of langlevend kernafval in een kleiformatie in de Belgisch-Nederlandse grensstreek Greenpeace België, W.Weyns belgium - waste
2010-09 Zienswijze Greenpeace MOX-vergunning Kerncentrale Borssele Greenpeace, I.Teuling borssele i - licensing & legal procedures
2010-09 Rock Solid? A scientific review of geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste Wallace, Greenpeace waste - storage on land (f.i. salt / clay) (incl. synroc)
2010-07 The deadly legacy of radioactive waste: Wasting our time with nuclear power: Catalysing an energy revolution Greenpeace Int. waste - radioactive waste general
2010-06 Energy [r]evolution: Towards a fully renewable energy supply in the EU 27 EREC, Greenpeace np & greenhouse effect - nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
2010-05 Planning proliferation: The global expansion of nuclear power and multinational approaches F.Barnaby, Shaun Burnie, Greenpeace Int. proliferation - multinational approaches (gnep / fuel bank / gnpi)
2010-04 Left in the dust: Areva’s radioactive legacy in the desert towns of Niger Greenpeace Int., Andrea A.Dixon niger
2010-03 Alternatives for the production of medical isotopes Greenpeace Netherlands, Profundo, J.W.van Gelder, A.Herder miscellaneous - radio isotopes - nuclear medicine / medical applications
2010 No solution to dangerous nuclear waste Greenpeace Int. waste - radioactive waste general
2009-09 The Financial risks of nuclear power: 8 good reasons not to invest Greenpeace, R.Mortier, J.Beranek costs
2009-05 Nuclear power a dangerous waste of time. Greenpeace waste - radioactive waste general
2009-05 Nuclear power and climate change . Shaun Burnie, Greenpeace Germany np & greenhouse effect - flexible mechanisms cdm/ji/emission trade
2009-03 Noodzaak opstarten HFR Petten. Onderzoeksrapport voor Greenpeace Profundo, Greenpeace petten research location - hfr
2009 France’s nuclear failures. The great illusion of nuclear energy Greenpeace france - general
2009 Nuclear Power: An obstacle to rapid development Greenpeace Int. general
2008-12 Energy [r]evolution. A sustainable EU 27 energy outlook Greenpeace np & greenhouse effect - nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
2008-10 Energy [r]evolution. A sustainable Global energy outlook Greenpeace, EREC np & greenhouse effect - nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
2008-10 Nuclear power; undermining climate protection Greenpeace np & greenhouse effect - nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
2008-02 Nuclear power, energy insecurity (analyses & alternatives: briefing 2008) Greenpeace general
2008-02 Nuclear power energy: undermining climate protection (briefing 2008) Greenpeace general
2008 Kernenergie… …een goed idee? (voor kinderen) Greenpeace Kids general
2007-12 Nuclear power: undermining action on climate change: case study & alternatives Greenpeace Int. np & greenhouse effect - co2 reduction and climate change
2007-11 The economics of nuclear power (full report) Greenpeace, S.Thomas, P.Bradford, Antony Froggatt, D.Milborrow costs
2007-11 The economics of nuclear power (Summary) Greenpeace, S.Thomas, P.Bradford, Antony Froggatt, D.Milborrow costs
2007-09 Mayak: A 50-year tragedy. Summary report Greenpeace Int. russia - mayak/chelyabinsk (incl. disaster kyshtym urals 1957)
2007-06 Het licht zal niet uitgaan door de kerncentrales te sluiten Greenpeace Belgie belgium - general
2007-02 An overview of nuclear facilities in Iran, Israel and Turkey Greenpeace Mediterranean middle east - general
2007 Posouzeni moznosti zvyseni urovne jaderne bezpecnosti na zamyslene dostavbe 3.a 4. bloku Jaderne elektrarny Mochove Greenpeace, Sirius, WISE slovakia - other facilities
2007 Kernenergie: overbodig onheil Greenpeace general
2007 Energy [r]evolution. A sustainable China energy outlook Greenpeace, EREC np & greenhouse effect - nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
2006-10 Kerncentrales voorbij houdbaarheidsdatum. De gevaren van levensduur- verlenging van de Belgische reactoren Bond Beter Leefmilieu, Greenpeace belgium - general
2006-10 EPR reactor project in Finland. What you won’t hear from the industry K.Kosonen, Greenpeace finland - facilities
2006-09 Energy Revolution. A Sustainable pathway to a clean energy future for The Netherlands Greenpeace np & greenhouse effect - nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
2006-05 Assessment of Operational Risks and Hazards of the EPR when subject to Aircraft Crash Large & Associates, Greenpeace Int. nuclear safety - reactors - new generations - e.p.r.
2006-04 The Chernobyl Catastrophe. Consequences on Human Health Greenpeace Int. chernobyl accident - consequences surroundings - medical & mutations
2006 Olkiluoto 3: De bouw van een nieuwe EPR-centrale in Finland: Financiële en technische aspecten Claeys, Fauconnier, BBL, Greenpeace, WWF finland - facilities
2006 A 20 años de Chernobyl: Los mitos de la Energía nuclear P.Bertinat, Greenpeace, Conosur Sustenable general
2006 Reichweite der Uran-Vorräte der Welt Greenpeace, Peter Diehl uranium - mining / production / stocks / prices
2005-11 Europe’s radioactive secret Greenpeace Int. waste - international or multinational storage
2005-11 Europe’s radioactive secret. How EDF and European nuclear utilities are dumping nuclear waste in the Russian Federation Greenpeace uranium - enrichment
2005-09 Nuclear power no solution to climate change J.Green, Greenpeace Australia np & greenhouse effect - nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
2005-09 The Real Face of the IAEA’s Multilateral Nuclear Approaches: The proliferation of nuclear weapon material & enviromental contamination Greenpeace international organisations - i.a.e.a.
2005-08 Thinking the Unthinkable: Japanese nuclear power and proliferation in East Asia ORG, F.Barnaby, Shaun Burnie, Greenpeace Int. japan - general
2005-04 Nuclear Reactor Hazards. Ongoing dangers of Operating Nuclear Technology in the 21ste Century Greenpeace nuclear safety - general
2005-03 Verlengde opening Borssele: risico’s en kosten J.W.van Gelder, Profundo, Greenpeace borssele i - general
2005-03 Kernenergie?: Niet doen SNM, WISE, Milieudefensie, Greenpeace general
2004-11 Secrets, lies and uranium enrichment: The classified Silex project at Lucas Heights Greenpeace australia - enrichment
2004-07 Elektriciteitsbesparing als alternatief voor bouw van nieuwe kerncentrales Ecofys, Harmelink, Blok, Greenpeace electricity - price / capacity / consumption
2004-04 Сколько стоит ядерное электричество и стоит ли инвестировать в строительство новых реакторов В.Чупров/Greenpeace russia - general
2003* The economics of new nuclear power plants K.Kosonen, Greenpeace finland - general
2003* Acuerdo nuclear con Australia: preguntas frecuentes y respuestas completas WISE Rosario, Amigos de la Tierra Argentina, Greenpeace Argentina argentina - import
2003 World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2002 Greenpeace importance worldwide
2002-08 Acuerdo Nuclear con Australia: Preguntas frecuentes y Respuestas completas WISE Rosario, FOE, Greenpeace argentina - general
2002-03 El informe de Greenpeace sobre Invap Greenpeace argentina - general
2002 World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2001 Antony Froggatt, Greenpeace Int. importance worldwide
2002 The economics of new nuclear power plants and electricity liberalisation: Lessons for Finland from British experience S.Thomas, Greenpeace Finland international organisations - liberalisation
2001-11 No a la Basura Nuclear de Australia. Si a la Constitucion Argentina FUNAM, Greenpeace argentina - general
2001-11 Danger to German nuclear power plants from crashes by passenger aircracft H.Hirsch, Greenpeace nuclear safety - reactors - pressurized water (pwr) / boiling water (bwr)
2001-11 Gefährdung deutscher Atomkraftwerke durch den Absturz v. Verkehrsflugzeugen H.Hirsch, Greenpeace nuclear safety - reactors - pressurized water (pwr) / boiling water (bwr)
2001-11 Vulnerability of VVER-1000 NPP to Passenger Aircraft Crash H.Hirsch, Greenpeace nuclear safety - reactors - vver/rbmk general
2001-05 De kleur van stroom: milieukwaliteit van in Nederland geleverde elektriciteit ECN, Greenpeace electricity - price / capacity / consumption
2001-03 Qualität: Undurchsichtig. Fehlende Produktkontrollen bei hochradioaktiven Glaskokillen Greenpeace, S.Ochse transports - safety / technology (containers/ships/etc)
2001 Risky Business. The probability and Consequences of a nuclear accident Jim Riccio, Greenpeace nuclear safety - risk analyses / risk perception
2000-09 De betekenis van Petten voor de radiofarmaceutische markt J.W.van Gelder, Profundo, Greenpeace petten research location - nrg/ecn/rcn - general
2000-09 De betekenis van Petten voor radiofarmaceutische markt J.W.van Gelder, Greenpeace petten research location - hfr
2000-09 De betekenis van Petten voor de radiofarmaceutische markt J.W.van Gelder, Greenpeace miscellaneous - radio isotopes - nuclear medicine / medical applications
2000-08 Atomkraft – Schweres Erbe fuer die Zukunft Greenpeace Germany general
2000-08 The Clean Development Mechanism: An instrument for Sustainable Development or a New Nuclear Subsidy? Greenpeace Int. np & greenhouse effect - flexible mechanisms cdm/ji/emission trade
2000-07 (Un)Safety of Temelin J.Haverkamp, J.Beranek, FOE, Greenpeace czech republic - temelin
2000-05 The liberalisation of Europe's electricity markets Antony Froggatt, Greenpeace Int. costs
2000-05 The liberalisation of Europe's Electricity Markets - is the environment paying the price for cheap power? (slightly different) Greenpeace, Antony Froggatt international organisations - liberalisation
2000 Zwartboek opwerking Greenpeace, Deiman reprocessing
1999-08 The Millenium Bug Y2K. It's potential threat to nuclear facilities Large & Associates, Greenpeace nuclear safety - reactors - general
1999-06 Van gas en kolen, naar zon en molen. Klimaat en stroomproductie Greenpeace np & greenhouse effect - co2 reduction and climate change
1998-06 Climate in Crisis. A Climate change primer for southeast asia Greenpeace np & greenhouse effect - co2 reduction and climate change
1998-04 Nuclear Power - problems and alternatives Greenpeace general
1998 Jaarverslag Greenpeace 1997 Greenpeace international resistance - general
1997-11 L'Énergie nucléaire; n'est pas la réponse au changement climatique Greenpeace np & greenhouse effect - nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
1997-11 40 Years of Nuclear Disaster. 40 years of IAEA Greenpeace international organisations - i.a.e.a.
1997-09 Developments in Liability and Compensation for Nuclear Damage Simon Caroll, Greenpeace Int liability / insurance / legislation
1997-09 Nuclear Energy - No solution to Climate Change Greenpeace np & greenhouse effect - nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
1997-09 The Network. Organised crime in international Waste trade. The case of "Oceanic Disposal Management Inc." Greenpeace illegal trade - illegal trade companies / countries
1997-09 Greenpeace reveals mafia linked company's plan to illegally dump toxic and radioactive waste on Eastern European and African Countries (Oceanic Disposal Managment ODM) Greenpeace illegal trade - illegal trade companies / countries
1997-06 The Convention on Nuclear Safety Simon Carroll, Greenpeace nuclear safety - general
1997-06 The European Commission's Proposals for Funding of Soviet Designed VVER 1000 Reactors Antony Froggatt, Greenpeace Int. nuclear safety - reactors - "assistance" to...(ebrd/nsa/tacis/phare etc.)
1997-06 Save our Seas. Pu Reprocessing and the Contamination of the Seas Greenpeace radiation - around facilities
1997-05 Greening Euratom. From Promotion to Control; An essential first step in reforming the Treaty Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community Greenpeace international organisations - euratom
1997-05 Energy subsidies in Europe Greenpeace international organisations - e.e.c./european parliament / eu / ec general
1997 Interviews over opwerking en hergebruik van plutonium D.Pantsers, Greenpeace waste - reprocessing, contracts & discussions
1996-10 Het einde van de plutoniumdroom. Afrekenen met opwerking Greenpeace waste - reprocessing, contracts & discussions
1996-05 Liquid discharges from European Reprocessing Facilities Greenpeace Int. radiation - around facilities
1996-04 Getuigenissen, Tsjernobylrapport No 1 Greenpeace chernobyl accident - consequences surroundings - general
1996-04 Alt, älter Super GAU? Je länger Atomkraftwerke in Betrieb sind, desto grösser wird das Risiko (samenvatting) Greenpeace nuclear safety - reactors - general
1996-03 Tsjernobyl kan overal Greenpeace chernobyl accident - consequences surroundings - general
1996-03 Testimonies Greenpeace chernobyl accident - consequences surroundings - general
1996-03 Chernobyl; 10 years after Greenpeace chernobyl accident - consequences surroundings - general
1996-03 Tsjernobyl; 10 jaar later (de gevolgen) Greenpeace, H.Damveld chernobyl accident - consequences surroundings - general
1996-03 RBMK Report 1996. A Critical discussion of Chernobyl-type reactor Roland Kollert, Donderer, Greenpeace nuclear safety - reactors - vver/rbmk general
1996 Het einde van de plutoniumdroom: Afrekenen met opwerken Greenpeace reprocessing
1995-12 The trade in nuclear weapon materials: the European Commission, Russia and highly enriched uranium Greenpeace Int. russia - export / rosatom
1995-11 Ukraine: Potential for energy saving, alternative power supplies and closure of Chernobyl nuclear power plant Greenpeace Ukraine ukraine - general
1995-10 Kozzloduy: A risk too far? Greenpeace Int. bulgaria - facilities
1995-08 Enmod, une arme juridique contre les essais nucleaires? Greenpeace France france - general
1995-04 The 490 Forgotten Bombs. US and British Foreign Deployed Nuclear Weapons in Europe Kristensen, Greenpeace Int. proliferation - general
1995-04 A failure to disarm. Issues for review by Main Commitee I Greenpeace proliferation - non proliferation treaty - review conferences
1995 Nuclear power, Human health and the environment- the breast cancer warning in the Great Lakes Basin Greenpeace radiation - around facilities
1995 End the nuclear age Greenpeace proliferation - non proliferation treaty - general
1994-11 Report on the Greenpeace visit to the Priarkunskiy Mountain Chemical Combine Dima Litvinov, Greenpeace russia - uranium mining (& consequences)
1994-11 The nuclear dilemma in Eastern Europe Greenpeace Int. nuclear safety - reactors - "assistance" to...(ebrd/nsa/tacis/phare etc.)
1994-10 Afrekenen met Borssele Greenpeace borssele i - general
1994-06 The slovakian nuclear power plant Mochovce Global 2000, Greenpeace slovakia - other facilities
1994-06 The nuclear threat to the marine environment and to fishing and coastal communities: Liability and Compensation for Damage Caused by Nuclear Activities Greenpeace Int. liability / insurance / legislation
1994 250 Reasons. Australia's involvement in nuclear industry Greenpeace Australia australia - general
1994 The Non-Proliferation Treaty. A critical assessment Greenpeace proliferation - non proliferation treaty - general
1993-10 Fossiele brandstoffen in een veranderend klimaat Greenpeace np & greenhouse effect - co2 reduction and climate change
1993-06 Shutdown! Realising the low cost option to phase out Nuclear Power in Eastern Europe Greenpeace nuclear safety - reactors - "assistance" to...(ebrd/nsa/tacis/phare etc.)
1993-04 Proposals to amend the 1963 Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage 21 May 1963 SCNL, FIELD, Greenpeace Int. liability / insurance / legislation
1993-03 Vessel head penetration cracking in nuclear reactors (part I&II) Greenpeace nuclear safety - reactors - general
1993-02 Safety risks from damaged Pressure Tubes Stan Gray, Greenpeace nuclear safety - reactors - candu
1993 Aldermaston - Inside the citadel Greenpeace united kingdom - aldermaston
1993 The game of hazard Greenpeace nuclear safety - reactors - general
1992-11 Broeikasproblemen en kernenergie. Een nucleaire illusie ontmanteld Greenpeace np & greenhouse effect - nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
1992-09 The IAEA file (Greenbase netwerk/APS) Greenpeace Int. international organisations - i.a.e.a.
1992-05 World Nuclear industry Status Report 1992 WISE Paris, Greenpeace importance worldwide
1992-04 Tschernobyl - sechs Jahre nach dem Unfall Greenpeace chernobyl accident - consequences surroundings - general
1992-03 Proposed Alternative to the Draft Language prepared by the IAEA Secretariat for Consideration by the standing Committee on Nuclear Liability Greenpeace Int. liability / insurance / legislation
1991-12 The Single European Dump. Free Trade in Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes in the New Europe Simon Carroll, Greenpeace waste - international or multinational storage
1991-12 An Appraisal of the European Energy Charter Arrangements in the Context of Environmental Law and Policy Greenpeace international organisations - liberalisation
1991-11 Risk finance: Backfit vs. Shutdown of VVER nuclear reactors Greenpeace nuclear safety - reactors - "assistance" to...(ebrd/nsa/tacis/phare etc.)
1991-09 Un peligro inminente; Atucha-I Greenpeace argentina - atucha 1
1991-07 Taking the lid off the nuclear dustbin; A geological critique of Nirex's atttemps to find a deep disposal site for nuclear waste at Sellafield and Dounreay. P.J.Richardson, Greenpeace united kingdom - waste - nirex/nda decommisioning
1991-03 Uranium Mining and the Australian Economy: The Facts Greenpeace Australia australia - general - general
1991 Crisis in the french nuclear industry François Nectoux, Greenpeace france - general
1991 A polítoca nuclear no Brasil Greenpeace brasil - general
1991* Atucha-I: Una grave amenaza Greenpeace argentina - atucha 1
1991* La Energie Nuclear No Es Una Solucion Greenpeace np & greenhouse effect - nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
1990-08 Import/export of irradiated fuel and radioactive waste to and from the Uni. Kingdom Greenpeace UK united kingdom - sellafield - contracts
1990-08 Testimonies. Witness of French nuclear testing in the South Pacific Greenpeace radiation - consequences nuclear tests
1990-07 Sellafield, reprocessing and the nuclear waste trade Greenpeace united kingdom - sellafield - general
1990-04 Wackersdorf ist tot-Es lebe La Hague? Greenpeace france - la hague - general
1990 4 Good reasons to stop uranium mining Greenpeace Canada canada - uranium mining
1990 Uranium demand, supply and prices: 1991-2000 Greenpeace uranium - mining / production / stocks / prices
1989-09 Current politics of radiation protection in Canada Greenpeace canada - general
1989-09 Current politics of radiation protection in Canada Greenpeace radiation - employees
1989-08 The International Law of Liability for Transboundary Nuclear Pollution: The Existing Regime, It's deficiencies and a framework for a New Regime Greenpeace Int. liability / insurance / legislation
1989-06 Greenpeace Pacific Campaign (map) Greenpeace pacific - general
1989 Zwartboek over het nucleaire tijdperk Greenpeace general
1989 Geen kernafval in zee Greenpeace waste - sea dumping (incl. ospar)
1989 Briefing on radioactive waste dumping at sea Greenpeace waste - sea dumping (incl. ospar)
1989 Briefing on Radioactive Waste Dumping at Sea Greenpeace international organisations - london dumping convention / london convention 1972
1988-11 The International Trade in Wastes Jim Vallette, Greenpeace waste - export - other / general
1988-06 Plutonium-Pfade und Bombenbau Greenpeace proliferation - enrichment / reprocessing / fast breeding
1988-03 Die WAA Wackersdorf: Drehscheibe für Atomtransporte Greenpeace germany - wackersdorf
1988 Survey Radiation Monitoring Organisations in Western Europe Greenpeace international resistance - general
1987-11 Radioactive waste management: The environmental approach CORE, Greenpeace, FOE united kingdom - waste - nirex/nda decommisioning
1987-06 The case for the cessation of Magnox reprocessing with respect to BNFL, Sellafield Greenpeace united kingdom - sellafield - general
1987-04 Sin Nucleares. Cerrada. Un projecto para sustituir la energia electronuclear en espana Greenpeace spain - general
1987-04 1992 sin nucleares Greenpeace spain - general
1987 Thule Ulykken 1968 Greenpeace, OOA greenland
1986-12 Shut them down Greenpeace united kingdom - public opinion
1986-05 Informatiefolder ongeval Tsjernobyl Greenpeace chernobyl accident - consequences the netherlands - general
1985-07 Radioactive waste - proposals to construct long term stores Greenpeace united kingdom - waste - nirex/nda decommisioning
1984-07* Preventing nuclear war. The case for a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Greenpeace int. proliferation - ctbt / verification / simulation
1983-10 Wildlife and the atom Lowana Veal, Greenpeace London radiation - consequences - other
1983 Briefing document on ocean disposal of radioactive wastes Greenpeace international organisations - london dumping convention / london convention 1972
1983 Greenpeace. Informationsfolder 1983 Greenpeace Denmark international resistance - general
1982 The Windscale File Greenpeace united kingdom - sellafield - general
1980 French Polynesia-the nuclear tests Greenpeace pacific - french testing area
1980 Onderzoek naar gevaren verbonden aan het vervoer over zee van bestraalde reactorbrandstof naar Groot-Brittannië Greenpeace transports - other countries - from & to reprocessing plant (incl. pu & hava)
1980 An Investigation into the Hazards Associated with the Maritime Transport of Spent Nuclear Reactor Fuel to the British Isles Greenpeace UK, Political Ecology Research Group transports - other countries - from & to reprocessing plant (incl. pu & hava)
Dechets nucleaires. Un casse-tete insoluble Greenpeace france - waste (andra)
The plutonium trade: a troubling new era of proliferation Greenpeace Int. plutonium - general
Radiation Monitoring P.Hayward, D.Arnott, Greenpeace radiation - general
* True Crimes. The Story of Radioactive Waste Disposal Greenpeace UK waste - sea bed disposal
Calendar of the nuclear age Greenpeace miscellaneous

*: Estimated date