
Legenda & explanation
date INES title location
11-01-2024INES 1Missing dangerous source during transport had been foundJambangan, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
27-02-2022INES 0Discovered Ra-226 source in copper scrap metalsIslamic Republic of, West border, Iran
29-05-2021INES 3Worker exposure to X-ray generatorSetouchi Works of Nippon Steel Corp., Hyogo Pref., Japan
09-01-2021INES 0Grid Fluctuations at Chashma Nuclear Power Generating Station Affecting C-1, C-2, C-3 and C-4Chashma Nuclear Power Generating Station, Pakistan
24-11-2020INES 1Discovered Ra-226 source in Copper scrap metalsIslamic Republic of, Northwest border, Iran
26-06-2019INES 1Loss and subsequent recovery of a radiography device containing sourceChakan, Pune, India
10-05-2019INES 2Auxiliary feedwater system actuation and manual reactor trip due to careless withdrawal of control rods at Hanbit Unit 1HANBIT-1, South Korea
16-01-2019INES 1Loss and subsequent recovery of a radioactive sourceRajahmundry, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd., India
14-01-2019INES 1Lost and Subsequent Recovery of a Radioactive SourceWajedo International Corporation (Private) Limited, Pakistan
18-12-2018INES 3Overexposure of two workersIslamic Republic of Iran, KHORASANE RAZAVI province, Iran
04-08-2017INES 2Overexposure of Workers after Moderator Heavy Water Leak from Bonnet Gasket of Moderator Storage Tank Outlet ValveKANUPP-1, Pakistan
06-06-2017INES 2Exposure of Workers at Plutonium Fuel Research FacilityOarai Research and Development Center, Japan
19-10-2016INES 2Overexposure of a member of the publicSakarya province, Turkey
20-04-2016Not ApplicableLeakage from Piping Transferring RO-Concentrated Water to G-6 Tank AreaFUKUSHIMA-DAIICHI, Japan
11-03-2016INES 2Leak from primary coolant system at Kakrapar Atomic Station-1KAKRAPAR-1, India
15-12-2015INES 1Loss of radioactive source (Cs-137, Bac Kan, 2015)Bac Kan cement company/Bac Kan province, Viet Nam
23-09-2015INES 3Overexposure of two industrial radiographersIslamic Republic of Iran, Oil refinery Company, Iran
15-09-2015Not ApplicableLeakages of water from the dikes in tank areas storing contaminated waterFUKUSHIMA-DAIICHI, Japan
29-05-2015Not ApplicableContaminated water being transferred to turbine building of unit 3 from 1000 tons notch tank was leaking from the cracked pressure hoseFUKUSHIMA-DAIICHI, Japan
01-04-2015INES 1Loss of radioactive source (Co-60, Pomina, 2015)Pomina steel company/Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu province, Viet Nam
22-02-2015Not ApplicablePossible Flow of Contaminated Water to the Outside of the Controlled AreaFUKUSHIMA-DAIICHI, Japan
17-12-2014Not ApplicableLeakage of Water Treated by the Multi-Nuclide Removal Facility (ALPS)FUKUSHIMA-DAIICHI, Japan
17-09-2014Not ApplicableDiscovery of a Crack in a Connection Valve between Tanks for Concentrated Water Treated by Reverse OsmosisFUKUSHIMA-DAIICHI, Japan
12-09-2014INES 1Loss of radioactive source (Ir-192, APAVE, 2014)APAVE Company/Hồ Chí Minh city, Viet Nam
02-06-2014Not ApplicableLeakage of Contaminated Water from Two Notch TanksFUKUSHIMA-DAIICHI, Japan
17-05-2014INES 1Exposure of a temporary worker in excess of annual dose constraint during transfer operation of irradiated neutron detector.TARAPUR-4, India
04-05-2014INES 1Exposure to Worker in Excess of Administrative LimitCHASNUPP-1 (C-1), Pakistan
02-05-2014INES 1Inspection of Container No.TSAU 2600500 for Radioactive Contaminationsri lanka colombo port, Sri Lanka
13-04-2014Not ApplicableInappropriate Transfer of Contaminated WaterFUKUSHIMA-DAIICHI, Japan
20-02-2014Not ApplicableLeakega of Contaminated Water from the Upper Part of Tank C-1 in H-6 Tank AreaFUKUSHIMA-DAIICHI, Japan