During interventional radiography procedures for medical purposes, one operator received a cumulative dose to the lens of the eye, over one year, in excess of a statutory dose limit. The increasing dose to the lens of the eye was not observed in the monthly dosimetry reports until the end of 2019. Several failures were identified including failure of management systems, irregular use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and use of dosimetry not approved to measure the equivalent dose to the lens of the eye. Dose estimates have been made based using assumptions that were judged as realistic based on operator recollection of PPE use. The operator has not reported any deterministic effects to the eye. Based on the available information the best estimated equivalent doses to the lens of the eye were 25.8 mSv The annual dose limit in the UK for the lens of the eye is 20.0 mSv according to the relevant legislation. The incident has been investigated by the Health and Safety Executive of Great Britain and the case is now closed following a decision not to prosecute.
Location: United Kingdom, Wales, Hospital Event date: Tue, 31-12-2019