the Laka catalogue

Overview on author pon

2018-11 The Global Crisis of Nuclear Waste P.Roche, B.Thuillier, B.Laponche, M.Goldstick, J.Swahn, H.Ban, R.Alvarez waste - radioactive waste general
2008-10 The origin of Iraq’s nuclear weapons program: Technical reality and Western hypocrisy S.Erkman, A.Gsponer, JP.Hurni, S.Klement iraq
2004-04 ITER and the Nuclear Weapons Proliferation Implications of Thermonuclear-Fusion Energy Systems A.Gsponber, J.P.Hurni nuclear fusion - iter
2001-12 Geological Challenges in Radioactive Waste Isolation. Third Worldwide Review Witherspon, Bodvarson waste - storage on land (f.i. salt / clay) (incl. synroc)
1999 Деякі розбиті аргументи за ядерну енергетику (Discussion on NP) Ahinponempobcbk ukraine - general
1997-11 Energie en het broeikas. Een antwoord in 60 vragen EPON, EPZ, EZH, Una, SEP np & greenhouse effect - co2 reduction and climate change
1997* Stralende brieven diverse correspondentie opinion - other
1996-07 An assessment of "Low-Level" Radioactive Waste Options for Hospitals and Biomedical Research Institutions in New York Hamilto, Physicians for Social Responsibility miscellaneous - radio isotopes - nuclear medicine / medical applications
1996-03 Een internationale uitdaging voor de Nederlandse electriciteitsproducite EPON, EPZ, Una, EZH, SEP utilities - other/general
1988-04 Plutonium issues- airborne shipments to Japan Nuclear weapons Freeze transports - other countries - from & to reprocessing plant (incl. pu & hava)
1986-10 Vom Reaktor zur Bombe: Atomkraft in der Dritte Welt Entw.pol.Korrespond. importance worldwide
1986-04 Lozing van radioactieve stoffen bij ernstige reactorongev. PNEM, EPON nuclear safety - sourceterm
1985-08 Estimating Lung cancers Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility radiation - natural radioactivity / radon
1984-09 La Quadrature du CERN Grinevald, Gsponer, Hanouz miscellaneous - superconducting / cern / particles accelerators
1983-05 Nuclear case book. An illustrated guide Medical Campaign against Nuclear Weapons radiation - consequences nuclear tests
1982-04 Canada and Namibian uranium Taskforce on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility namibia - general
1977-10 Samenvatting van reakties op het ASEV. West Brabant PON new nuclear power plants - site selection

*: Estimated date