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Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management National Report of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the Sixth Review Meeting
Author | Min. I&M |
1-01-4-10-30.pdf | |
Date | October 2017 |
Classification | (WASTE - GENERAL) |
Front |
From the publication:
Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management National Report of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the Sixth Review Meeting The Hague, October 2017 Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment Section A Introduction Purpose of the national Joint Convention report On 10 March 1999, the Netherlands signed the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management (hereafter: Joint Convention or JC), which was subsequently formally ratified on 26 April 2000 and entered into force on 18 June 2001. The Joint Convention obliges each contracting party to apply widely recognized principles and tools in order to achieve and maintain high standards of safety during management of spent fuel and radioactive waste. It also requires each Contracting Party to report on the national implementation of these principles to meetings of the parties to this Convention. This report is the sixth in its series. It describes how the Netherlands meets the obligations of each of the articles established by the Joint Convention. The information provided by the present report applies to the situation of August 1st 2017 unless explicitly specified otherwise. Structure of the national report The national report for the Joint Convention follows closely the structure as suggested in INFCIRC/604/Rev.4, “Guidelines regarding the form and structure of national reports”. Where appropriate, more detailed information is provided in the Annexes. This updated report has been designed to be a ‘stand alone’ document to facilitate peer review. Consequently, in this national report the different articles from the Joint Convention are addressed as follows: Section A – Introduction Section B – Article 32.1, policies and practices Section C – Article 3, scope of application Section D – Article 32.2, inventories and lists Section E – Articles 18 - 20, legislative and regulatory system Section F – Articles 21 – 26, other general safety provisions Section G – Articles 4 – 10, safety of spent fuel management Section H – Articles 11 – 17, safety of radioactive waste management Section I – Article 27, transboundary movement Section J – Article 28, disused sealed sources Section K – General efforts to improve safety Section L – Annexes Relationship between this national report and other national reports1 In the European Union, Council Directive 2011/70/Euratom (hereafter: the Directive) establishes a community framework for the safe management of spent fuel and radioactive wastes. Article 11 of the Directive obliges EU Member States to publish a ‘national programme for the management of spent fuel and radioactive waste’ (hereafter: national programme) which describes in detail the policy regarding the management of spent fuel and radioactive waste now and in the future. The Netherlands published its national programme in 2016.