Publication Laka-library:
National Report of the Kingdom of the Netherlands under the Convention on Nuclear Safety
Author | Min. Sociale Zaken |
Date | September 1998 |
Classification | (GENERAL) |
Front |
From the publication:
Introduction On 24 September 1994, the Netherlands signed the Convention on Nuclear Safety (ref. 1), which was subsequently formally ratified on 15 October 1996, and entered into force on 13 January 1997. The Convention obliges each contracting party to apply widely recognised principles and tools in order to achieve high standards of safety management at their nuclear power plants. The Convention also requires each party to report on the national implementation of these principles to meetings of the parties to the Convention. This report describes the manner in which the Netherlands bas fulfilled its obligations under the Convention. The Netherlands has a small nuclear programme: only one nuc1ear power reactor is currently in operation, plus a small number of research reactors (the technical details of which are provided in Annex 1). lt was originally thought that nuclear power would play an important role in the country's electricity generation. A small prototype reactor (Dodewaard BWR., 60 MWe) was opened in 1968, and this was followed by the first commercial reactor (Borssele PWR., 480 MWe) in 1973. Although plans were made to expand nuclear power by 3000 MWe, these were shelved following the accident at Chemobyl in 1986. Instead, the govemment ordered a thorough screening of the safety of both plants, which led to major backfitting projects at both of them. The backfitting project at Borssele was successfully completed in 1997. Meanwhile, mainly for economie reasons, the Dodewaard reactor was shut down. Nuclear supervision is exercised by several, mainly govemmental, organisations, which are stafred by only a very small number of people, as is commensurate with the small scale of the country's nuclear programme. Plants operate under a licence, after a safety assessment bas been carried out, based on the IAEA NUSS Requirements and Safety Guides, as amended for application in the Netherlands. The licence is granted under the Nuclear Energy Act (Kew). As the only operating nuclear power plant bas recently been modemised, no major safety issues are outstanding at present. Of course, ageing is an issue requiring serious attention with relatively old power plants such as Borssele. The main empbasis now is on the safety of the research reactors, such as the high-flux reactor (HFR) of the European Commission Joint Research Centre in Petten. The regulatory authorities arealso interested in the COVRA interim storage facility in the municipality of Borsele* and the uranium enrichment facility operated by URENCO Nederland BV in Almelo. These fàcilities arenotsubject to the Convention and are hence not given any further consideration bere. This report gives an article-by-article review of the situation in the Netherlands, as compared with the obligations laid down by the Convention. The numbers of the chapters and sections of this report correspond with the articles of the Convention.
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