the Laka catalogue

Overview on author european-parliament

2003-12 Operations of Euratom Safeguards in 2002 European Parliament international organisations - euratom
2003-12 Report on the proposal (...) to issue Euratom loans for the purpose of contributing to the financing of nuclear power stations Hiltrud Breyer, European Parliament international organisations - euratom
2002-09 EURATOM conference “After 45 years of nuclear promotion: time for change” Conference proceedings European Parliament international organisations - euratom
2002-03 Key parts of Electricity Liberalisation Directive Approved by European Parliament international organisations - liberalisation
2001-12 The European Parliament and the Euratom Treaty; Past, Present and Future European Parliament international organisations - euratom
1998-02 Survey and Evaluation of Critism of Basic Safety Standards for the Protection of workers and Public against Ionising Radiation STOA, European Parliament radiation - standards
1998 Vijfde Kader Programma. Gemneenschappelijk standpunt van de Raad en het Europees Parlament European Parliament international organisations - e.e.c./european parliament / eu / ec general
1997-04 Verslag over het voorstel voor een mededeling over de kernindustrie in de Europese Unie zoals in Artikel 40 Euratom Verdrag European Parliament international organisations - euratom
1997-04 Report on the communication from the Commission on the nuclear industries in the European Union European Parliament international organisations - euratom
1997-04 Report on the commission....Europe-Asia cooperation strategy.. European Parliament international organisations - e.e.c./european parliament / eu / ec general
1997-04 Verslag over de mededeling van de commissie "Strategie voor energiesamenwerking tussen Europa en Azie" European Parliament international organisations - e.e.c./european parliament / eu / ec general
1997-04 Verslag voorstel voor een besluit vd Raad betreffende...samenwerking... communautaire energiedoelstellingen European Parliament international organisations - e.e.c./european parliament / eu / ec general
1997 Invloed van het Europese Parlement via de medebeslissingsprocedure European Parliament international organisations - e.e.c./european parliament / eu / ec general
1996-11 Nuclear safeguards and nuclear safety in the East;Final report European Parliament nuclear safety - reactors - "assistance" to...(ebrd/nsa/tacis/phare etc.)
1996-06 The importance of energy issues in East-West cooperation - nuclear energy in central and eastern Europe European Parliament nuclear safety - reactors - vver/rbmk general
1996-05 Richtlijn 96/29/EURATOM tot vaststelling van de basisnormen voor de bescherming van de bevolking en de werkers tegen de aan ioniserende straling verbonden gevaren European Parliament radiation - standards
1996 Het Europese Parlement European Parliament international organisations - e.e.c./european parliament / eu / ec general
1992-08 Draft report on environmental and public health aspects of storage, transport and reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel European Parliament international organisations - e.e.c./european parliament / eu / ec general
1991-05 Verslag Commissie Energie, Onderzoek en Technologie over energie en milieu European Parliament international organisations - e.e.c./european parliament / eu / ec general
1989 Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Inquiry on the handling and transport of nuclear material European Parliament international organisations - e.e.c./european parliament / eu / ec general
1988-06 Verslag namens de Onderzoekscommissie behandeling en vervoer van nucleair materiaal. Over de resultaten van het onderzoek European Parliament, G.Schmid germany - hanau - bribery scandal tn
1987-03 Session Documents European Parliament chernobyl accident - consequences europe - contaminated food
1987 Renunciation of nuclear energy by a Member State ... European Parliament international organisations - e.e.c./european parliament / eu / ec general
1986-06 Draft report on the contravention by the UK government of the Euratom Treaty European Parliament united kingdom - general
1986-05 titelloos European Parliament chernobyl accident - consequences europe - general
1985-03 Working document on Discontinuing the nuclear-powered production of electricity European Parliament costs
1983-08 Ontwerpverslag: behoefte aan communautaire maatregelen voor definitieve opslag van radioactief afval en opwerking van bestraalde splijtstoffen European Parliament international organisations - e.e.c./european parliament / eu / ec general
STOA The Assessment of Scientific and Technological Policy Options for the EP European Parliament international organisations - e.e.c./european parliament / eu / ec general