

Argentina and Brazil focus on new reactors

AuthorNucleonics Week 25/9/03, Ux Weekly 22/9/03, NEW 1-2/2001
Date 1 September 2003
Page number6
MagazineWorld Nuclear Association Newsletter, London (UK)
Number of pages 1
Tags: ANGRA, BRAZIL - (possible) location of 3 PWR reactors
ARGENTINE - country, capital Buenos Aires
ATUCHA, ARGENTINIA - location 2 PHWR reactors
CONSTRUCTION NUCLEAR POWER PLANT - (Installations) international + Netherlands
BRAZIL - country in South America, capital: Brasilia
CANDU - technical information; This also includes PHWR
FINANCING - being no subsidy; also related to KE / Nuclear Weapons
COSTS NUCLEAR ENERGY - Atomic energy costs
PWR - Pressurized water reactor

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