

2004 a bumper year for new nuclear capacity

Descriptionkort nieuws
Date28 January 2005
Page number1
MagazineUranium Information Centre Weekly Digest / WNA Weekly Digest, Melbourne, Australie
Number of pages 1
Tags: GLOBAL IMPORTANCE OF NUCLEAR POWER - Nuclear interest in total production
CHAPELCROSS, GB - Chapel Cross, GB
HAMAOKA, JAPAN - Hamaoka, Japan
IGNALINA - location Lithuania (till 1-9-1991 Soviet Union)
KALININ, SU - Kalinin, SU
KHMELNITSKI, SU - Khmelnitski, SU, but nowadays Ukraine
START UP - putting into use
QINSHAN, CHINA - PWR / PHWR reactor: Zhejiang, China
ROVNO, WESTERN UKRAINE - Rivne, western Ukraine
CLOSURE - finally closing a nuclear plant
ULJIN, KOREA - Uljin, Korea scary alternative spelling: Ulchin

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