Publication Laka-library:
Joint convention on the safety of spent fuel management and on the safety of radioactive waste management. National Report of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the Seventh Review Meeting

AuthorMin. I&W
DateOctober 2020
Classification (WASTE - GENERAL)

From the publication:

This section sets out the purpose and structure of the present report, and it 
continues with an overview of the national nuclear programme. It also gives an 
overview of the main developments since the previous report to the Joint Convention
(sixth report in 2017) and presents an update on the main challenges identified at 
the review meeting of the Joint Convention in 2018. This section ends with the 
overview matrix of liabilities and current policies and practices in the

Purpose of the national Joint Convention report
The Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of 
Radioactive Waste Management1 (hereafter: Joint Convention or JC) obliges each 
Contracting Party to apply widely recognized principles and tools in order to 
achieve and maintain high standards of safety during management of spent fuel and 
radioactive waste. It also requires each Contracting Party to report on the national 
implementation of these principles.
On 10 March 1999, the Netherlands signed the Joint Convention, which was 
subsequently formally ratified on 26 April 2000 and entered into force on 18 June 
2001. This report is the seventh in its series. It describes how the Netherlands
meets the obligations of each of the articles established by the Joint Convention.
The information provided by the present report applies to the situation of August 
1st 2020 unless explicitly specified otherwise. Updates to the information presented 
in this report may be provided at the review meeting in May/June 2021.