the Laka catalogue

Overview on author hboll-foundation

2011-04 Perspectives: Political analysis and commentary from the Middele East L.Al-Zubaidi, H.Böll Foundation middle east - general
2010-09 Myths about nuclear energy: how the energy lobby is pulling the wool over our eyes: publication series on ecology G.Rosenkranz, H.Böll Foundation general
2010-09 Nuclear proliferation: A civilian and military dilemma: Series on ecology Nassauer, Sokolsky, H.Böll Foundation proliferation - general
2010-08 Systems for change: nuclear power vs. Energy afficiency + renewables? Series on ecology Antony Froggatt, Mycle Schneider, H.Böll Foundation np & greenhouse effect - co2 reduction and climate change
2010-03 The economics of nuclear power: An update: publication series on ecology S.Thomas, H.Böll Foundation costs
2010 Mythos Atomkraft: Warum der nukleare Pfad ein Irrweg ist: Schriften zur Ökologie Band 12 Antony Froggatt, H.Böll Foundation general
2009-12 Serie Pensar la energía: La energía nuclear en sociedad del riesgo: apuntes para un análisis de sus implicaciones en el ámbito, politico y ambiental WISE, Inercia, H.Böll Foundation argentina - general
2006-04 Цернобыльские уроки – Пособие для учителя по организации и проведению мероприятий H.Böll Foundation chernobyl accident - consequences surroundings - general
2006-03 Mythos Atomkraft : Über die Laufzeitverlängerung von Atomkraftwerken F.Matthes, B.Kallenbach, H.Böll Foundation nuclear safety - reactors - general
2006-02 Mythos Atomkraft: Über die Risiken und Aussichten der Atomenergie F.Matthes, G.Rosenkranz, H.Böll Foundation general
2006 Після Чорнобиля (After Chernobyl) A. Yablokov, F. Mueller, H.Böll Foundation ukraine - general
2006 Nuclear Power: Myth and reality: The risks and prospects of nuclear power F.Matthes, G.Rosenkranz, H.Böll Foundation general
2006 Ядерна энергиям: миф и реальність Тематични дослідження з ядерної енергетики F.Matthes, H.Böll Foundation general
2006 Nuclear Power – Myth and Reality (summary) F.Matthes, G.Rosenkranz, H.Böll Foundation general
2006 Міф "Атомна Енергія" Небезпеки та перспективи Атомної енергії F.Matthes, G.Rosenkranz, H.Böll Foundation general
1993-03 Die Kindern von Tschernobyl Jens Siegert, H.Böll Foundation chernobyl accident - consequences surroundings - children’s holidays