Title: |
Hitachi and General Electric to strenghten ties |
Author | GE 13/11/06 |
Description | kort nieuws |
Date | 17 November 2006 |
Page number | 1 |
Magazine | Uranium Information Centre Weekly Digest / WNA Weekly Digest, Melbourne, Australie |
Number of pages | 1 |
Tags: | CONSTRUCTION NUCLEAR POWER PLANT - (Installations) international + Netherlands BWR - Boiling water reactor; including ABWR, SWR 1000 ESBWR GE - GENERAL ELECTRIC - General Electric S Fairfield HITACHI - Hitachi Plant Engineering & Construction Company Ltd LOBBY COMPANIES - General several companies PWR - Pressurized water reactor COOPERATION - between companies, governments or government bodies bedr.en TOSHIBA CORPORATION - Toshiba Corporation Chiyoda-ku, Tonyo 100 |
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