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Third Opinion
, December 1999
City: Sydney, Australie
1 December 1999
Description: Australia's independent Energy Journal
Construction at the Beverly uranium mine site
A national survey commissioned by Greenpeace
The mushroom approach
A plan to lift the lid
Japan goes critical
Wakey, wakey
WMC, Heathgate Resources and Southern Cross Resources
This stuff certainly gets around
The Tohoku Electric Power Company
How will the accident affect nuclear power in Japan and Australia's uranium sale
Sweden's Barsebaeck 1
A worker at the Sellafield
Twenty-two workers
As human sperm counts
Schroeder jolted into more positive rhetoric
The Brits aren't any better
Story of the decade: The boy scout who almost built a reactor
Northeast Utilities
A study on stllbirths
For the umpteenth time
X-rays cause cancer
Best not to scare the kiddies
Two-day nuclear holiday urged
Take 'em off
The value of self-regulation 1
The value of self regulation 2
The French government
The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment
Like a poorly-poured beer
Canadian Atomic Energy officials
Four environment activist
The mill will make or break Jabiluka
The softly, softly approach
There's no crime of genoicide
Bill doesn't go far enough
Why aren't there more takers?
Defacto dump?
Cutting ties?
Nuclear-free zones spread
Unwellcome rally
The state of Washington
Britain's House of Commons
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency
When Hurricane Floyd passed over the Brunswick
Seems it isn't just the locals
Nuclear waste to make frying pans, wedding rings and baby carriages!
Champions of the euphemism
The other option: keep it where it is
The things workers get told. Safe enough to eat
Plugging pipes with pencils at Portsmouth
The US House of Representatives
In October, members of Norway's Bellona
Nato has no idea where they bombed
Bowing to European pressure
Bargain hunters eye 'end-of-era' sales
Amnesty irrational
A hydrogen gas explosion
A US federal appeals court
The ships are in, but...
Silencing the dissenters
Northeast Utilities, is getting out of
A US House of Representatives and Senate
The United States will pay $US3.8 million
AmerGen Energy has bought the
The community of Jackson, Wyoming
Canada goes for the big fire scale
Forty workers at Isreal's Dimona nuclear reactor
A US appeals court has ruled that
In a victory for Native Americans
Four environmental activist, were arrested
Nuclear waste can be buried, you know
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