Title: |
Nuclear plants in East Asia |
Description | map |
Date | 1 January 2006 |
Page number | 6 |
Magazine | Nuke Info Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
No | 110 |
Number of pages | 1 |
Tags: | CHIN-SHAN, TAIWAN - Chin-Shan, Taiwan CHINA - country in Asia DAYA BAY - PWR reactor: Guangdong, China KORI, KOREA - Kori, Korea KUOSHENG, TAIWAN - Kuosheng, Taiwan LING AO - PWR reactor: Guangdong, China LUNGMEN - Lungmen, Taiwan MAANSHAN, TAIWAN - Maanshan, Taiwan NORTH KOREA - Country in Asia (DPRK: Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) QINSHAN, CHINA - PWR / PHWR reactor: Zhejiang, China SANMEN - AP 1000 / PWR reactor: Zhejiang, China SHIN KORI - Shin Kori, South Korea TAIWAN - country in Asia TIANWAN - VVER reactor: Jiangsu, China ULJIN, KOREA - Uljin, Korea scary alternative spelling: Ulchin WOLSUNG, KOREA - Wolsung, Korea scary alternative spelling: Wolsong YANGJIANG - PWR reactor: Guangdong, China YOUNG-KWANG - S Korean nuclear power plants; also (eng.): Youggwang SOUTH KOREA - country |
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