Laka's online poster collection


Posterbooks wich include a considerable section on posters against nuclear power. Many of these books are available at the Laka documentation centre.

Books are listed alphabetically

Affischerna 1967-1979

cover fran den svenska alternativrorelsen

Sweden, 2013. Håkan Agnsäter; 21x29cm; 224 pages
ISBN: 978-91-7469-057-6

This is a unique book based on a unique poster treasure. It covers an exciting time in Swedish history and world historical events. The book contains approximately 220 original photographed posters divided into the chapters Alternative Music Movement, Solidarity at Home, International Solidarity, Women's Fight and the Environmental Movement.

Les Années Giscard 1974-1981

cover France, 2011. Philippe Benassaya. 24x32,5cm; 223 pages
ISBN 978-2-84941-264-0

"From this day, a new era of French politics, the rejuvenation, and the change of France, is emerging." With these words spoken when he took office on May 27, 1974, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing kicked off the seven years that transformed France. This book witnesses this tranformation through the eyes of protest posters.

Askatasunaren irudiak (Images of freedom)

cover Euskal Herriko Kartelak (Posters from Basque country)

Basq Country (Spain), 1997. 24x30cm, 1,180 pages
ISBN 978-84-8136-082-0

The biggest collection of posters in the Basque Country. Over 4,000 posters, all in colour. Chronology and themes organized. The technical characteristics of each poster: including numbers, motto, publisher, measure and publication date. Translated into 4 languages: Catalan, English, French and Spanish. Incredible collection!
Three volumes
Vol I: 1793-1979, 335 pp.
Vol II: 1980-1986, 336 pp.
Vol III: 1986-1990, 334 pp.
+ Index, 175 pp.

Block 4

cover International Exhibition of Graphic art and poster "4th-Block"

Ukraine, 1991. Fourth Bloc, 14x19,5cm; 200 pages in black/white.
The "4th Block" international exhibition was arranged for the 5th anniversary of Chernobyl tragedy. More than 300 works of artists from 21 countries were presented here. Among the authors are famous masters of graphic art and poster, united by the belief into humane mission in art, by sincere sympathy and anxiety for the future of our not so large planet.

Block 4

cover 2-th International Exhibition of Graphic Art and Poster "4th-BLOK"

Ukraine, 1994. Fourth Bloc, 20x20cm; 142 pages in black/white
The exhibition of Ecological Art is being created as a tribute of memory to those, who risking their lives defended the world from the nuclear nightmare of Chernobyl.

Een teken aan de wand

cover Album van de Nederlandse samenleving 1963-1983

Netherlands, 1983. Henk Hofland & Marius van Leeuwen; Prometheus. 21x30cm; 219 pages
ISBN: 9035100174

Overview in word and image of posters, in which a picture is given of changes in Dutch society during the 'protest years' 1963-1983. Including a section on anti-nuclear posters.

hoch die kampf dem

cover Plakatbuch band 1. 20 jahre autonome plakate

Germany, 1999. HKS 13 (Sebastian Haunss/Markus Mohr/Klaus Viehmann), 22x20cm; 240 pages +cdrom
ISBN: 3-922611-73-7

"Hoch die kampf dem" is much more than just a souvenir album. It undertakes a self-critical reflection of the language of words and pictures as well as of the self-portrait of autonomous movements expressed in the past two decades. The book is available online

Met emmer en kwast

cover Veertig jaar Nederlandse actieaffiches 1965-2005

Netherlands, 2005. Eric Duivenvoorden & Fort van Sjakoo; 24x22cm; 206 pages
ISBN: 9789077749029

From Provo in 1965 to the globalization movement in 2005, actiongroups and emancipation movements have contributed to a radical change in the political, social and cultural climate in the Netherlands. For those who did not have access to established media, posters were pre-eminently the medium through which the wishes, desires and demands of the changing society were made known to the general public. The book contains 600 posters that can be counted among the most beautiful and special. Includes cd-rom

The Nuclear Posters

cover Australia, 2007. Breakdown Press; 21x29,5cm; 7 x A2 and 10 x A3 posters printed in full colour.
A powerful collection of posters by artists, designers and writers breaking down the nuclear industry in Australia and celebrating creative dissent. Published at a time when the Howard-led Liberal Government want to take Australia down the nuclear path in the lead-up to the 2007 Federal Election, The Nuclear Posters brings together the work of committed artists and campaigners to spark debate about the role of the nuclear cycle in Australia.

Klaus Staeck


Klaus Staeck (website) is a German lawyer and publisher who is best known for his political graphic design work. He took sides for the poor, the environment, and for peace, urging his countrymen to join him and to interfere in political affairs. He published many books.

Radiating Posters

cover A collection of posters from the global movement against nuclear power

Netherlands, 2011. Dirk Bannink, Laka Foundation, WISE; 30x21cm; 190 pages
ISBN: 978-94-90762-02-5

The book reflects the richness of the multi-cultural heritage and teh rich history of the anti-nuclear power movement - it could also serve as an excellent source of inspiration for poster designers. Never before such a large collection of anti-nuclear posters was brought together, or, for that matter, of any other societal issue, of so many countries, cultures and of such a long period.

Strahlende Plakate

cover Eine Sammlung von Plakaten der Weltweite Anti-Atom-Bewegung

Germany, 2011. Dirk Bannink, Laka Foundation, WISE. Unrast Verlag; 30x21cm; 190 pages
ISBN: 3-978-89771-515-8

German translation of Radiating Posters, includes a section on Fukushima-posters

Le PSU s'affiche

cover 30 ans d'affiches politique

France, 2013. Collectif Le seau et la colle, 95 pages

This small (but attractive) book offers a nostalgic look at a beautiful set of posters published by the PSU (Parti Socialiste Unifié)between 1962 (fight against the OAS) and 1982. More than a hundred posters are thus presented. Includes information on the graphic designers (for those who have been identified) and all the posters are dated, which makes it possible to perceive quite exactly the evolution of the style and the graphic design.

Quand l'écologie politique s'affiche

cover 40 ans de militantisme graphique

France, 2014. Dominique Bourg, Plume de carotte; 26,5x34cm; 144 pages.
ISBN: 978-2366720648

Environmental struggles and mobilizations have multiplied during the last years: from Larzac in the 1970s, through Plogoff and Malville to Notre-Dame-des-Landes. Accompanied by a text by the academic Dominique Bourg, this beautiful book brings together 150 reproductions of posters that illustrate the existence and vigor of political ecology.

vorwärts bis zum nieder mit

cover Plakatbuch Band 2. 30 Jahre Plakate unkontrollierter Bewegungen

Germany, 2001. HKS 13 (Sebastian Haunss/Markus Mohr/Klaus Viehmann), 22x20cm; 288 pages + cdrom
ISBN: 978-3-935936-05-7

The sequel to "hoch die kampf dem. 20 jahre autonome plakate". The subtitle "uncontrollable movements" also points to the fact that HKS13 no longer wants to limit themselves thematically on the poster culture of the autonomous movements (mainly from the 1980s/1990s) but took the trail of the posters back to the sixties. Book and the 8.300 (!) posters on the cd-rom are available here

Still under construction. Work in progress