Below you see a list of the sub-issues the information on nuclear energy in general (so not related to 1 specific country) is dividid in. If you click on the subject links you will see a list of books available at the Laka library on that specific subject. More and more books become available online as pdf.
If a subject is no link there are no books of that subject, but there is other information at the Laka library on it!

0.00- General
  .10- Costs
  .20- Importance worldwide
  .30- Liability / Insurance / Legislation
  .40- History / Development nuclear power
  .60- (Temporary-) Employment in nuclear facilities

6.01.1- Accidents
1.10- Nuclear Power Plants
  .11- Mont Louis
  .12- Other facilities

6.01.2- Technical
2.10- General
Nuclear energy & Climate
2.12- Nuclear energy, Acid Rain & Forest mortality
  .13- Krypton & climate discussion
  .15- Nuclear & Greenhouse effect - General / CO2 reduction and climate change
  .16- Nuclear power yes or no solution & scenarios
  .18- Flexible mechanisms - CDM/JI/Emission trade
  .19- Influence of climate change on nuclear power
Nuclear fuel chain
  .20- Uranium; Mining / stocks / price
  .25- Enrichment
  .27- Fuelfabrication
  .29- Strategic raw materials
  .30- Technical nuclear power plants
  .40- decommissioning
  .50- Reprocessing
2.55- General
  .56- MOX & possible re-use weapons PU / HEU
Fastbreeder reactors
2.60- General
  .65- E.F.R. (European Fastbreeder Reactor)

Thorium cycle
2.70- General
  .75- Reactor types

6.01.3- Nuclear safety
3.00- General
  .10- Reactors - General
  .20-                  - Pressurized water (PWR) / Boiling water (
  .30-                  - Candu
  .35-                  - Gascooled (AGR/GCR)
  .40-                  - East-European (VVER/RBMK) - General
  .45-                                                                  - "Assistance" to....
  .50-                  - New generations - General
  .51-                                                   - High Temperature Reactor / PBMR
  .52-                                                   - E.P.R.
  .55-                                                   - Nuclear Hydrogen production
  .60-                  - Other Types
  .70- Risk analyses / -perception
  .80- Site selection / Emergency planning
  .90- Sourceterm

6.01.4- Radiation
4.00- General
  .10- Iodine pills
  .15- Radioactive monitoring systems
  .20- Natural radioactivity / radon
  .30- Standards
  .50- Consequences - nuclear weapons tests
  .55-                 - employees
  .60-                 - around facilities
  .70-                 - other
  .80- Low-level radiation discussion

6.01.5- Radioactive Waste
5.50- General
  .51- Storage on land / Saltdomes (incl. Synroc)
  .52- Sea dumping (incl. OSPAR)
  .53- Sea-bed disposal
  .56- Actinides (-transmutation/burning)
  .59- Other "Solutions"
  .60- Export radwaste - Lomé Treaty
  .61-                     - Africa
  .62-                     - Azië
  .63-                     - South/Central Amerika
  .64-                     - Pacific (Palmyra)
  .69-                     - Other/General
  .70- International storage (diskussion)

6.01.8 Transports
8.00- General
  .05- Safety / Technology (containers/ships/etc)
  .07- Legislation
  .20- General
  .24- Uranium mining  till  nuclear reactor
  .25- From & to reprocessing plants
  .30- Low- intermediate level waste
  .49- Other
Other countries
  .50- General
  .60- Uranium mining till fuel fabrication plant
  .65- from fuel fabrication plant till power reactor
  .70- From & to reprocessing plant (incl. Pu & High level waste)
  .80- Low-, intermediate level waste
  .99- Other

6.02- Nuclear terrorism / Atomic State
.00- General
.10- (Consequences of) military attacks
.20- (Threats of) Selfmade nuclear bombs & radioactive contamination
 21- Al-Qaida & Osama Bin Laden
 25- Litvinenko & polonium
.30- Sabotage of facilities, transports & employees
.40- Nuclear emergency teams & Exercises (incl. Nuclear police)
Atomic State
5.00- General
  .10- Berufsverbote (Workprohibition) & pressure to quit jobs
  .20- (Murder-) attacks on opponents of nuclear power
  .30- Legislation
  .40- Extreme repression by demonstrations
  .50- Censorship
  .90- Other

6.03- Proliferation
0.00- General
0.50- Enrichment/Reprocessing/Fastbreeders
Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
1.00- General
  .10- (New-) Members
  .20- Review conferences
  .30- Safeguards
Other Non Proliferation Treaties
2.00- General
  .10- CTBT/Verification/Simulation
  .20- Fissban (Fissile Material Cut Off Treaty)
  .30- Multinational Approaches (GNEP / GNPI / Fuel Bank)
  .50- Nuclear Suppliers Group & INFCEP
3.00- Theft / missing of radioactive material / technology
3.00- General
Illegal Trade
4.00- Companies/Countries
  .50- Black market / Smuggling - General
  .51- Pu-affaire 10-8-1994 BND/Germany

6.04- International cooperation
0.10- I.A.E.A.
0.20- Euratom
  .23- I.C.R.P.
  .25- I.E.A./I.C.E.D./N.E.A. etc.
  .30- European Energy Charter
  .40- International Treaties
  .50- London Dumping Convention/London Convention 1972
0.60- IMF / World Bank / G8
EU / EC / E.E.C./European Parliament
1.10- General
  .12- Opinion Polls
  .15- Accession East-Europe
  .20- Comecon
  .30- Anzuss
  .40- O.A.U. (Organization African Unity)
  .50- IRENA (discussion on nuclear energy)

6.05- Depleted uranium
0.00 - General (fi. health consequences)
  .10 - Trade
1.00 - General
  .10 - Weaponsystems
  .50 - (Inter-) National Law
2,10 - Desert Storm / Iraq / Kuwait
  .20 - (Ex-) Jugoslavia
  .30 - ROSM Featherstone
  .40 - Vieques, Puerto Rico
  .50 - Afghanistan
  .60 - Netherlands
  .90 - Other locations
5.00 - General
  .10 - Bijlmer disaster
  .20 - Faro accident
  .90 - Other locations

6.06- Nuclear lobby
1.10- General
  .20- Companies & Organisations
  .30- Employers / KIVI / Large-scale consumers
  .35- Universities
  .40- Individuals - General
  .41-                 - Kistemaker
  .42-                 - Wiersma, B(enno)
Other countries
5.10- General
  .90- Companies

6.07- Reviews
1.10- Word (books/brochures/radio)
  .20- Image (movie/tv/theater)

6.07- Nuclear fusion
2.20- General
  .21- Netherlands
  .22- J.E.T./N.E.T.
  .23- ITER
  .29- Other (project/facilities

6.07- Nuclear power in Air and Space
5.10- General
5.14- General / Other
  .15- Cassini mission
  .16- Nuclear power & S.D.I. / N.M.D. (Star Wars)

6.07- Nuclear power at sea
5.20- General / Other
  .21- Otto Hahn
  .25- Netherlands
5.30- General / Other
  .31- USSR/Russia - General
  .32-                        - Komsomelets & Kursk
  .35- Accidents - Other

6.07- Other applications radionuclides miscellaneous
3.10- Ball lightning
4.10- Food irridiation
4.50- Superconducting/CERN/Particles accelarator
  .60- Nucleaire medicine / Medical applications
  .90- Applications Radionuclides - Other
  .95-                                    - Radioactive scrapmetal / recycling
  .96-                                    - Smoke detectors
5.40- PNE's (Peaceful Nuclear Explosions)
  .50- EMF (ElectroMagnetic Fields)
6.10- Other (only books)

6.08- Materials for schools
0.00 - General

6.09- International resistance
0.00- General / Other
  .10- WISE