Below you see a list of sub-issues the information on nuclear energy in the Netherlands is dividid in. If you click on the subject links you will see a list of books available at the Laka library on that specific subject. More and more books become available online as pdf.
If a subject is no link there are no books of that subject, but there is other information at the Laka library on it!

Netherlands in General
- General
- EZ-Papers (stolen 21-06-85 at Dutch Min. Of Economic Affairs)
- Radiation Monitoring System
- Liability / Insurance / Legislation
- Radiation experiments Dutch Navy
- Emergency plans

New Nuclear Power Plants
- General
- Construction companies
- Site selection
- Actions

Public Opinion
- Broad Societal Discussion
- Polls
- Political Parties
- Public organisations
- Other

Anti-nuclear movement
- National/Background
- Laka
- Affinitygroup Ede

- Lawsuits & police-actions
- Nuclear power & Democracy
- Infiltrators - Joop de Boer
- Other

- General
- 'Willy Wortel'
- 'Atoomstroom'

Radioactive waste
- General / sea sumping
- Storage above ground - General
- Site selection
- Final disposal - Saltdomes / Clay
- Reprocessing, contracts & discussions
- Actions

 - General
 - Uranium mining  till  nuclear reactor
 - From & to reprocessing plants
 - Low- intermediate level waste
 - Other

- General
- Reactorvessel South Africa

- Price / Capacity / Consumption
- Import (nuclear) electricity
- Companies- SEP/VEEN/VDEN
-                - PZEM/EPZ
-                - PGEM/IJC/EPON/EDON
-                - PNEM/PLEM
-                - NUON
-                - DELTA
-                - REMU
-                - ESSENT
-                - ENECO
-                - Atoomstroom
-                - Other / General
- Other (high tension lines, etc.)

Depleted uranium
- Military
- Bijlmer disaster

Nuclear power at sea
- Schips

Nuclear lobby
- General
- Companies & Organisations
- Employers/KIVI/Large-scale consumers
- Universities
- Individuals - General
-                 - Kistemaker
-                 - Wiersma, B(enno)


Dutch involvement in foreign facilities:
See the involved foreign location, except in cases where emergency plans
are involved (then the responsible municipality or country is leading).
In some cases an extra Dutch subject is created like:
- Tsjernobyl Consequences
- Kalkar

Athene TH Eindhoven
- General

Borssele I
- Borssele I -General
-                 - Licensing procedures & lawsuits

Borssele II
- Delta
-                            Licensing procedures

Borssele Actions
- both I and II

COVRA Borsele
- General
- Low- & Medium level waste
- High Level waste
- Licensing procedures & lawsuits
- Actions

- General
- Waste incinerator
- Licensing procedures & lawsuits
- Actions

- General

ENS Coevorden
- General

FHS   Dedemsvaart
- General

HFR/LFR   Petten
- General

Hoogte Kadijk 400   Amsterdam
- General

IRI Delft
- General

ITAL Wageningen
- General
- Discharges
- Instructions internal radprotection organisation

KEMA Arnhem
- General
- Waste
- Licensing procedures & lawsuits

- General

- General
- Actions

Nikhef/Iko (WCW)   Amsterdam
- General

- General
- Actions

Nucleair Kenniscentrum Vlissingen
- Algemeen

OLP (Research Location Petten) NRG/ECN/RCN
- Algemeen

Pallas (new planned research reactor)   Petten
- General

Polderweg (Gas mantles)   Amsterdam
- General

Swammerdam Institute   Amsterdam
- General

Techno Center Zeeland (Nuclear Education Network)   Vlissingen
- General

Urenco/UCN   Almelo
- General
- Namibian uranium & UN lawsuit
- Contracts - Brasil
-                    - Other
-                    - Export DU to Russia
- Licensing procedures & lawsuits
- Actions