Legenda & explanation
date INES title location
13-11-2000INES 1Loss of a radioactive Type-A package containing 30,8 GBq of Thallium 201 between Paris-Roissy (France) and Budapest (Hungary) airportsCIS BIO INTERNATIONAL, France
16-10-2000INES 1Flooding event at the EUREX facilityEUREX, Italy
28-11-2000INES 1Loss of a radioactive package between Roissy (France) and Athens (Greece) airportsCIS BIO INTERNATIONAL, France
04-12-2000INES 1Loss of a radioactive package between Orange (84-France) and Thrion-Gardals (28-France)SAPHYMO, France
28-12-2000INES 1Radioactive source found in scrap recycling facility in GreeceHELLENIC STEEL PRODUCTION CO., Greece
09-08-2001INES 1New equipment with CO-60 in steel flanges in non-nuclear research instituteSCRAPYARD, Netherlands
09-10-2001INES 1Iridium source lost in a stolen vanBINCH, Belgium
04-12-2001INES 1Loss of a type "A" package during a road shipment between France and ItalyCIS BIO INTERNATIONAL, France
01-07-2003INES 1Radiological incident occurred in the fuel element auxiliary pool, involving Co-60 withdrawn from an adjuster unitEMBALSE, Argentina
05-04-2002INES 1Steam Generator Tube FailureULCHIN-4, South Korea
08-12-2003INES 1Incidents of Radioactivity in Consumer ProductsConsumer Products, Canada
02-12-2003INES 1Missing Radioactive GaugeGeismar, United States of America
16-12-2003INES 1Process vessel with natural uranium compound found in stainless steel scrapJewometaal, Rotterdam-Botlek, Netherlands
01-03-2004INES 1Sealed sources stolen from an industrial non destructive test companyI. C. Q. MODI/Massafra (Taranto), Italy
23-02-2004INES 1Loss of a type A package between Saclay (France) and Nuremberg (Germany)Transport International, France
16-05-2004INES 1Fire on electric cables in Cattenom-2 NPPCATTENOM-2, France
23-12-2003INES 1Contamination of Demineralized Water System & Uncontrolled Minor Radioactivity ReleaseYONGGWANG-5, South Korea
06-06-2004INES 1Small leakage from Residual Heat Removal System.TEMELIN-2, Czech Republic
14-06-2004INES 1Theft of two low activity radioactive sources in PalaiseauTransportation/France, France
28-05-2004INES 1Violation of Containment ventilation operation modeLEIBSTADT, Switzerland
28-05-2004INES 1Violation of heat-up rate during restart of reactorLEIBSTADT, Switzerland
17-07-2004INES 1Loss of an excepted package between Saclay (France) and La Habana (Cuba)Transport International, France
24-09-2004INES 1Loss of an excepted package shipped to SlovakiaTransport International, France
20-10-2004INES 1Unplanned exposure of workersPorvoo, Finland
29-11-2004INES 1Radioactive orphan source of Eu-152,154non-nuclear, Croatia
02-05-2005INES 1Potential Radiographer OverexposureHouston, United States of America
29-05-2005INES 1Lost Radiographic Exposure DeviceOffshore Lousiana, United States of America
27-06-2005INES 1Potential Loss of Containment Due to Small Crack in TorusFITZPATRICK, United States of America
25-11-2005INES 1I-192 sealed source stolenORAT s.r.l. Company for industrial non destructive analysis, Italy
12-05-2006INES 1Lost radiopharmaceutical during its transportTransport International, France