Publication Laka-library:
Geological disposal of radioactive waste: Moving towards implementation

AuthorJoint Research Centre, Falck, Nilsson

From the publication:

J R C   R E F E R E N C E       R E P O R T S

         Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste:
                 Moving Towards Implementation

                                     W.E. Falck and K.-F. Nilsson

                                                 2 0 0 9

                                                    Report EUR 23925 EN
The mission of the JRC-IE is to provide support to Community policies related to both nuclear and non-nuclear energy
in order to ensure sustainable, secure and efficient energy production, distribution and use.

European Commission
Joint Research Centre
Institute for Energy

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JRC 45385

EUR 23925 EN
ISBN 978-92-79-12697-0
ISSN 1018-5593
DOI 10.2790/12387

Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities

© European Communities, 2009
