Publication Laka-library:
Energy from Uranium

AuthorJ.W.Storm van Leeuwen
DateJuly 2006

From the publication:

Energy from Uranium
Jan Willem Storm van Leeuwen, July 2006

In the perspective of rising prices of fossil fuels and climatological concerns, nuclear power
gained renewed interest as a solution to the energy problems. This paper discusses some
unique aspects of nuclear power, which may be important in the considerations of the options
for the future energy supply mix

This paper is based on the study Storm & Smith 2005 [6], comprising a full life cycle assessment
(LCA) and analysis of the energy and mass flows of a light-water reactor (LWR) in the once-through

1       Burners and breeders
2       Energy costs energy
3       Emission of carbon dioxide and other Green House Gases (GHGs)
                 Carbon dioxide
                 Emission of other greenhouse gases
4       Time scale
5       Lifetime costs
                 Energy debt
                 Internalising external costs, energy pay-back time
6       Uranium resources
                 World known recoverable uranium resources
                 Prospects of future finds
7       Extraction of uranium from ore
                 Dilution factor
                 Extraction yield
                 The energy cliff
                 The uranium peak
8       Conclusions

          Appendix: Breeders


Quantities and units
FPY = Full-Power Year
One full-power year FPY, corresponds with one year continuous operation at 100% power output.
This unit avoids discussion about load factors and lifetime of the power plants. In the energy
analysis the lifetime energy production and lifetime energy inputs of the system are analysed.

1 Mg = 1 megagram = 106 gram = 1 metric tonne.
1 Gg = 1 gigagram = 109 gram = 1000 metric tonnes
1 Tg = 1 teragram = 1012 gram = 1 million metric tonnes
1 TJ = 1 terajoule = 1012 joule, corresponds with 2.78x105 kWh

In this document the references are coded by Q-numbers (e.g. Q133). Each reference has a
unique number in this coding system, which is consi