Publication Laka-library:
Economics of Nuclear Power from Heavy Water Reactors

AuthorRamana, D’Sa, Reddy
DateApril 2005
Classification (COSTS)

From the publication:

                   Economics of Nuclear Power
                   from Heavy Water Reactors
     Using a discounted cash flow methodology, this paper performs a detailed analysis of the
      current costs of electricity from two of the Department of Atomic Energy’s heavy water
      reactors. It compares these costs to that from a recently constructed coal-based thermal
    power plant. The cost so computed is a sensitive function of the discount rate (a measure of
    the value of capital) used and the results show that for realistic values of the discount rate,
         electricity from coal-based thermal power stations is cheaper than nuclear energy.
                                      M V RAMANA, ANTONETTE D’SA, AMULYA K N REDDY

        he Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) has been pro-               had concluded that other options like coal and hydroelectric
        moting nuclear power as the “obvious choice for India            power were cheaper than nuclear power under realistic assump-
        to solve its energy problems in the long-term” [Bhoje            tions and “even if the projections and scenarios indicate large
2001]. Such promises that nuclear power would play an important          demand-supply gaps in the future, the most expensive way of
role in satisfying India’s energy needs have been routinely offered      bridging these gaps is through nuclear power plants” [Reddy
since the 1950s, but the actual growth of nuclear power in the           et al 1990].
country has been extremely modest. As of January 2005, the total            The present study was undertaken with the hope that over the
installed nuclear power generation capacity is 2,770 MW, less            last decade more information on the expenditures actually in-
than 3 per cent of the total installed electricity generation capacity   curred would have become publicly available, allowing a better
in the country.1                                                         and more reliable estimate of the cos