/01- Informatiebladen kernenergie -GKN -
/02- Waarom Kernenergie -Gerholm/de Waard -
/03- Kernspaltung. Ende der Zukunft? -Tamplin/Gofman - /70
/04- Kernenergie en elektriciteit -GKN - /72
/05- Atoomenergie. 50 vragen en antwoorden -SSK Utrecht - /73
/06- Nuclear energy: promises, promises -George L.Weil - 4/73
/07- Energie vandaag en morgen -A.A.de Boer - /74
/08- Kernenergie en elektriciteit (herz.04) -GKN - 3/75
/09- De kwestie kernenergie: welke energie voor onze toekomst -Luc Gillon - /76
/10- Health hazards of not going nuclear -Petr Beckman - /76
/11- Dossier kernenergie: Balans van kollektief zelfmoord-programma -Willems/Brans/e.a. - /76
/12- Machteloze energie, crisis van samenleving -Barry Commoner - /76
/13- So ist das mit der kernenergie -Robert Gerwin - /76
/14- Kernenergie offen bilanziert -Schneider/King/e.a. - 8/76
/15- Das Veto. Ein kritisches Handbuch zu den Problemen der KE -Ford Foundation - /77
/16- Trias Themanummer -ACJN/NJN - 5/77
/17- Atomares Dilemma -Manstein/Strohm/e.a. - 6/77
/18- Das Ei des Kolumbus. Ein Bilderbuch -Frederic Vester - /78
/19- Nuclear power for beginners (zie /30 en /176) -Croall/Sempler - /78
/20- Our energy options -Ontario Royal Commiss. - /78
/21- Argumenten tegen kernenergie -SSK Nijmegen - 1/78
/22- Atomenergie; Sauber? Sicher? Wirtschaftlich? -Holger Strohm - /79
/23- Atoomenergie? Nee bedankt! -VMD/Sater - /79
/24- Kernenergie: oorzaak en gevolg -Milieu Hygiëne Zeeland - 2/79
/25- Friedlich in die Katastrophe -Holger Strohm - /81
/26- Kernenergie. Vragen en antwoorden -Vd Poll/Derks -10/79
/27- Het jaar van Harrisburg -Schuurings/e.a. - /80
/28- Woher das KKW seinen Brennstof bekommt und was damit geschiedt -Informationskreis KE - /80
/29- Commonsence in nuclear energy -Hoyle/Hoyle - /80
/30- Kernenergie voor beginners (zie /19 en /176) -Croall/Sempler - /80
/31- The big risk -Michael Flood - 3/80
/32- Fragen und Antworten zur Kernenergie -Grupe/Koelzer - 4/80
/33- Kan Kernenergie? -Herman Damveld - 9/80
/34- Tussen kernenergie en kolen. Analyse -Storm van Leeuwen -11/80
/35- Commentaar op "Tussen kernenergie en kolen" -Min. EZ -12/80
/36- Enkele aspecten van kernenergie voor opwekking van elektriciteit -St. Energie Informatie - /81
/37- Kernenergie -Louis de Bie - /81
/38- Kernenergie in kernwoorden -Min. EZ - 7/81
/39- Werkschrift Gelders Kongres -Gelders Kongres - 9/81
/40- Daarom geen kernenergie -Stroomgroep Nijmegen -11/81
/41- Kernenergie; willen we dat? -Floor Toot - /82
/42- Kernenergie in beweging -Andriesse/Heertje/e.a. - /82
/43- Atoomenergie Nee Bedankt. Inleiding -AKB Arnhem - 5/82
/44- Kernenergie, wat weet jij ervan? -TH Twente -10/82
/45- Splijtstof. Controverses over kernenergie -Bezinningsgroep - 1/83
/46- Deskundigen en kernenergie -Althof/Smits/e.a. - 1/83
/47- Kernenergie: Vooruitgang of Vernietiging? -AKB Ede - 9/83
/48- Kernenergie: een stralende toekomst? -AKB Ede Scholengroep -10/83
/49- La polemica nuclear -Com. Antinuclear Cataluna - /84
/50- Kernenergie ja of nee -N & M fed. Overijssel - 7/85
/51- Kernenergie. Noodzaak of eigenbelang -Basisgroep Wageningen - 4/86
/52- Geen gevaar voor de volksgezondheid -Basisgroep Mores - 2/87
/53- Faktenpapier zur kernenergie -Deutsches Atomforum - 6/87
/54- Nuclear lessons -Curtis/Hogan/Webb - /80
/55- Die Wahrheit über die Atomkraftwerken -K.Höll - /78
/56- Kernsplijting, omstreden energie -NRC kortschrift - 6/78
/57- Zum richtigen Verständnis der Kernindustrie -Bätjer/Soyka - 5/75
/58- Kernenergie in Dialoog -Betr.& Herst. KKW BRD - /87
/59- Kernenergie -Schweizerische Ver.für Atomenergie - /87
/60- Kernenergie: voor of tegen -Van Loon - /81
/61- Vrouwen en kernenergie. Korte éénvoudige informatie over kernenergie -H.Geers/M.Quaak - 3/81
/62- Verslagen Pugwash conferenties - -
/63- No Nukes- Everyone's guide to nuclear power -Anna Gyorgy & Friends - /79
/64- Nuclear Power- The unviable Option -John J. Berger - /76
/65- Atoomwaanzin, wat u er zelf aan kunt doen -H.Caldicott - /78
/66- Leven met atomen. Atoomkracht in dienst van welvaart en vrede -Mr.H.C.M.Edelman - /57
/67- Energiekrisis als masker voor de krisis van het kapitaal./De As -Chorus,Constandse, Radius,Ramaer - 1/74
/68- Zwartboek over het nucleaire tijdperk -Greenpeace - /89
/69- Informatie over Kernenergie -Werkgroep KE VUB - 4/75
/70- Cover-Up: What you are not supposed to know about nuclear power -Karl Grossman - /80
/71- A nuclear plant in pictures -EdF - /80
/72- Contra-expertise kernenergie -Storm van Leeuwen e.a. - 4/87
/73- De uitdaging van het atoom -E.H.Bunte - /63
/74- Energie-atlas kernenergie -Robin Mc Kie - /85
/75- Kernenergie nader bekeken -WEDgroep R'dam - /84
/76- Nuclear power in crisis -A. Blowers / D. Pepper - /87
/77- Atomenergie oder Ein Weg aus der Krise? -E.Gaul - 2/74
/78- Stralende toekomst in de Landbouw? -Boeren tegen KE -
/79- Energie für morgen - Planung van heute -Bay. Landesz. Pol. Bildungsarb. - /78
/80- Kernenergie in diskussie -IKV - /77
/81- Der megawatt clan -Günter Karweina - /81
/82- Atomkraft am Ende? -J.Scheer, H.Hirsch ea - 8/86
/83- The energy controversy -A.B.Lovins - /79
/84- Kernenergie -Wetenschapslijn PWT - /89
/85- Informatie over kernenergie (zie ook /199) -Gemeente Dodewaard - /77
/86- Atoom Energie. Hoe en Waarom reeks -Donald Barr - /61
/87- Der Atomkonflikt -L.Metz - /79
/88- Hazards of nuclear power -A.Roberts/Z.Medvedev - /77
/89- Le Monde -dossiers et documents: les défis du nucléaire -Le Monde - 2/87
/90- Is nuclear power necessary? -A.Lovins - 5/79
/91- Nuclear energy questions -ISE -
/92- Nuclear Power- The Rigged Debate -Politics of Energy Group - /81
/93- Kernenergie op de korrel -G. Bryerton - /71
/94- Kernenergie. Mogelijkheden en gevaren -Walter C. Patterson - /76
/95- Argumenten tegen Kernenergie -Energiegroep - 3/76
/96- De halve waarheid over kernenergie -Wgr. Alg. Milieuproblematiek -12/72
/97- Nucleaire tout ce qu'on vous a caché -CRILAN/CFDT - /83
/98- Nuclear resisters -Feminists againt Nuclear Power - /81
/99- Für eine sichere, sparsame und umwelt gerechte Energie-versorgung -Ini.kom. fur Atom/Energie-initiative - /84
/100- La Relève Énergétique -J-C. Rochat & J. Rossel - /80
/101- Kernenergie. Fragen und Antworten -Jürgen Seidel - /90
/102- What about Nuclear Energy? -in: National Geographic - 4/79
/103- Overdruk uit Plan -Strohalm -12/75
/104- Electro- nucléaire: danger -L'inf. zur l'Energie Nucleaire - /77
/105- Kernenergienota -Raad voor Milieu defensie - /72
/106- Kern? Energie -Energie Edukatief - /72
/107- Stop kerncentrales! -AMADA - /77
/108- Fakten und Argumente zur aktuellen Diskussion um die Kernenergie -KWU - 1/87
/109- Splijtstof voor Europa -Onderwijsbulletin - /78
/110- Kernenergie in de lage landen -J. A. Goedkoop - /75
/111- De aarde is stervende -S. Ch. Bakker - 9/75
/112- Milieuaspecten kernenergie-produktie -Goedkoop e.v.a. RCN - /72
/113- Aspects technique, écologique, économique et politique de l'énergie nucléaire -Y. Le Hénaff - /77
/114- L'escroquerie nucleaire -Les amis de la terre - /78
/115- The Necessity for Nuclear Power -Geoffrey Greenhalgh - /80
/116- Nuclear Energy and the Environment -IAEA - /71
/117- Nuclear Power: The Fifth Horseman -D. Hayes, Worldwatch - 5/76
/118- Kritiek EZ weerlegd -Iek de Pagter, CE -11/82
/119- Der Nutzen der Kernkraft -Infokreis Kernenergie - /91
/120- Wat is kernenergie? -J. Bosman. Werkgr. KE, NO-Polder - 1/81
/121- Kernenergie: technische redenen voor ethische bezorgheid -Amory B. Lovins, VMD - /75
/122- The churches and the nuclear debate -anticipation -11/77
/123- Nuclear Energy Facts -ANS - /77
/124- kernenergienota (zie -VMD - 5/73
/125- Der Kampf der Wissenschaft gegen den Aberglauben -Petr Beckmann - 6/81
/126- 33x Kernenergie, Energie Nucléaire -SVA - 9/78
/127- Energie - Kernenergie -SVA - 9/76
/128- Le combustible nucléaire -EdF - 3/87
/129- Nucléaire. Réponses a questions -SFEN - 5/82
/130- Energie die wir brauchen -DAtF - /80
/131- Energie von der man spricht -DAtF -12/82
/132- Alle Energie für unsere Zukunft -Min. Forschung & Technologie - /83
/133- Die kleine Energiebroschüre -INFEL -
/134- 27 simpele tekeningen met eenvoudige toelichting... -J.P. Kruseman -
/135- Kernenergie- Lebensnotwendige Kraft oder tödliche Gefahr? -Weizsäcker/Hirsch/Schüller - /79
/136- L'enjeu Nucleaire -J. Rossel - /77
/137- Understanding nuclear power -AECL -
/138- The science of U-238 -Canadian Nuclear Association -
/139- Sortir du nucléaire, c'est possible. Avant la catastrophe -Bella & Roger Belbéoch - /98
/140- Nuclear power, the environment and man -IAEA -11/84
/141- Die Grenzen der Atomwirtschaft -K.M. Meyer-Abich, B. Schefold - /86
/142- Energie, énergie nucléaire -UEEB - 8/78
/143- Critical Mess: the real costs of global nuclearisation -Third World First - /86
/144- Kernenergie in Opkomst -M. Bogaardt (NAtF, RCN) - /62
/145- Atomstrom - eine Energiedarlehen? -J.W. Storm van Leeuwen - 5/84
/146- Non-Nuclear Futures. Case for an ethical energy strategy -Amory B. Lovins & John H. Price - /75
/147- Atom's eve. Ending the nuclear age. An Anthology -Mark Reader - /80
/148- Was Sie nach der Reaktorkatastrophe wissen müssen -Holger Strohm - 5/86
/149- Geht uns das Licht aus? Kernkraft oder Alternativen? -Nagel / Zastrow - /82
/150- Accidents will happen. The case against nuclear power. -Environmental Action Foundation - /79
/151- Nuclear madness. What you can do! -Helen Caldicott - /78
/152- Nuclear Power -Walter C.Patterson - /76
/153- Nuclear Power New Edition -Walter C.Patterson - /83
/154- Nuclear Power in perspective -E.Addinall & H.Ellington - /82
/155- Nuclear power: the bargain we can't afford -Richard Morgan - /77
/156- Unacceptable risk; The nuclear power Controversy -McKinley C.Olson - 8/76
/157- Facing up to nuclear power -J. Francis & P. Abrecht - /76
/158- Nuclear Power and the environment -Royal Com. on environmental pollution - 9/76
/159- Time bomb. A nuclear reader -Progressive Foundation - /80
/160- Nuclear power: way forward or cul-de-sac? -Peter Bunyard - 2/92
/161- De werking en veiligheid van kerncentrales -Robert van den Damme (Intercom) - 1/85
/162- Nuclear Power. Shut It Down. Volume 1 -Ecologist -
/163- Nuclear Power. Shut It Down. Volume 2 -Ecologist -
/164- Herbezinning kernenergie -Gezondheidsraad - 6/89
/165- Splijtstofketen en milieu -Gert Kelfkens, Natuur en Milieu -11/94
/166- Power Corrupts. The arguments against nuclear power -H.Bacon & J.Valentine -
/167- The energy gap; the need for nuclear power and other fairytales -Dick, Sam, John, Pete, etc -
/168- Jadrova Energia. Slepá ulicka bez konca -Za Matku Zem - 4/97
/169- Prirucka Bezpecnej Energie (SEHandbook-sloveens, 170/173/174/177) -Plutonium Free Future - /97
/170- Güvenli Energi (SEHandbook-turks, zie 169/173/174/177) -Plutonium Free Future - /97
/171- Nuclear Power Promise or Peril? -Michael J.Daley - /97
/172- Nuclear Electricity (voor scholieren van lobby) -Ian Hore-Lacy (UIC - /97
/173- Safe Energy Handbook (zie ook 169, 170, 174 & 177) -Plutonium Free Future - /97
/174- (onleesbaar) (SEHandbook-japans, zie 169, 170, 173, 177) -Plutonium Free Future - /97
/175- Nuclear Power - problems and alternatives -Greenpeace - 4/98
/176- (onleesbaar, KE voor beginners in het Thais) zie /19, /30 -Croall/Sempler -
/177- (onleesbaar) (SEHandbook-thais, zie 169,170, 173 & 174) -Plutonium Free Future - /97
/178- Diez Razones para vivir sin nucleares -B.Commoner/R.Jungk/A.Lovins... - 3/91
/179- Energie in discussie - kernenergie ja of nee? -Natuur en Milieu - 7/85
/180- Energy for a just and sustainable society -Anticipation no.23 -11/76
/181- Bezwaren tegen kernenergie -E.Tuininga (TH Eindh.) - /73
/182- Zum besseren Verstandnis der Kernenergie -HEW/NWK - /73
/183- Nuclear energy at the turning point -A. Weinberg - 5/77
/184- A psychological perspective of the nuclear energy controversy -Ph.Pahner - 8/76
/185- Aint no where we can run. handbook for women on nuclear mentality -Susan Koen and Nina Swain - /80
/186- Kernenergie voor de armen? Een brandende vraag (kranteknips.) -Missionair Centrum Heerlen - 9/81
/187- Tchernobyl und kein Ende? Argumente für den Ausstieg -W.Liebert/Schmithals (ed.) - /97
/188- Nuclear energy - are the risks acceptable? -Calypso Log -10/91
/189- Nuke Book -Za Zemiata - 7/00
/190- Nuclear Energy, a dead end -WISE/NIRS -11/00
/191- De kwestie kernenergie (idem als 6.01.00/09 extra voorwoord) -Luc Gillon - /86
/192- Atomenergie. Warum wir dagegen sind! -BIs Ahaus & Lüchow-Dannenberg -12/00
/193- Civil nuclear energy. Fuel for the future or relic of the past -Malcolm C.Grimston/Peter Beck - /00
/194- Informatie over kernenergie -werkgroep ke vd UBV - 4/75
/195- Kernenergie voor de elektriciteitsproduktie. Een globaal overzicht -P.J.B.Wasser GKN - 7/73
/196- Moord op termijn. Kerncentrales ontmaskerd! -Ralph Graeub - /74
/197- Nuclear science and society -Bernard L.Cohen - /74
/198- L'Escoquerie nucleaire -Les Amis de la Terre - /75
/199- Informatie over kernenergie ('aanvulling' op brochure gem. Dodewaard)-GKN (zie /85) - 5/77
/200- Nuclear Power. Fuel for debate -Agenor - /75
/201- The Anti-Nuclear Handbook (later "Nuclear Power for Beginners") -Stephen Croall & Kaianders - /78
/202- Kan Kernenergie? -alarmgroep atoomplannen stad groningen- /79
/203- Kernenergie en energiebeleid -Inst. Politiek en Sociaal Onderzoek - 6/79
/204- Basiskennis Kernenergie. Belangrijke punten voor burgers -US Liga Vrouwelijke kiezers/Urenco -ca 82
/205- Nuclear power; back from the grave? Compilation articles Renew -NATTA report - 7/01
/206- RUephar Ehepletnka (Russ: Kerneenrgie. Vragen en Antwoorden) -SEU/EcoDefense - /99
/207- Jadrova energia. slepa ulicka (slovak translation 190) WISE/NIRS - 2/02
/208- In Zukunft ohne Atomkraft -Global 2000 -  /01
/209- Nuclear power: technical bases for ethical concern -Amory B. Lovins - 3/75
/210- Energie op leven en dood -G.A. Sanders -  /72
/211- Nuclear power. More facts you should know -Ecoropa - 5/87
/212- The silent bomb  -P. Faulkner (ed.) - 7/77
/213- Radioaktiviteit, als vervuiler bekeken -M. Steensma - 7/72
/214- Die sanften Mörder -R. Graeub -   /72
/215- Energie kernenergie -VEB - 8/78
/216- Atomkraft  -H. Friedel - 7/46
/217- Kernenergie. Eine Bürgerinformation -Bundesminister für Forschung und Technologie -  4/76
/218- Double or quits? The global future of civil nuclear energy -M.C. Grimston, P. Beck -  /02
/219- Energiebronnen \96 uitdagingen voor fysici -A.P.van Ulden e.a. (KNAW) -  /03
/220- Atomenergie \96 eine Sackgasse! -WISE, NIRS -11/00
/221- Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Energie. Développement durable et énergie -W. Kröger e.a. (SGK) - 5/00
/222- Reaktorta. Nukleáris erömüvek és környezetünk -Energia Klub -  /01
/223- Business as usual and nuclear power. -IEA, NEA -  /00
/224- Int. symposium on nuclear fuel cycle and reactor strategy. Key issue papers -IAEA - 6/97
/225- Weltenergiewirtschaft -F. Baade -  /58
/226- Aan de poorten van een nieuwe tijd -H.C.M.Edelman e.a. -  /60
/227- Nuclear madness  -Helen Caldicott -11/80
/228- Something in the wind: politics after Chernobyl -L.Mackay, M.Thompson (eds.) -  /88
/229- KoHEU AtoMHoN 3PbI (Russ. transl. of 190) -WISE/NIRS - 5/01
/230- Nuclear Energy in a Sustainable Development Perspective  \96OECD/NEA  -    /03
/231- Atomkraft \96 Schweres Erbe fuer die Zukunft -Greenpeace Germany -   8/00
/232- Kernenergie en anthroposofie - Stefan Leber -  /83
/233- Themenpapier: Atomkraft: Wiedergeburt eines Auslaufsmodells? -BMU -10/04
/234- Kernenergie?: Niet doen -SNM, Wise, e.a. -03/05
/235- Nuclear Power and Children\92s Health: What you can do -NSPI (NIRS/PSR); NEIS -  /04
/236- Nuclear Power and Children\92s Health: What you can do -Symposium Proceedings -  /04
/237- Nuclear Power: Myth and reality: The risks and prospects of nuclear power -Heinrich Böll Foundation -  /06
/238- Nuclear power, no solution to climate change [PDF]-FOE Melbourne -  9/05
/239- Nuclear Power: Myth and reality (Ukrainian translation summary) -G. Rosenkranz H.Böll Foundation -  /06
/240- Nuclear Power \96 Myth and Reality (summary) -G.Rosenkranz, H.Böll Found. -  /06
/241- A 20 años de Chernobyl: Los mitos de la Energía nuclear  -P.Bertinat, GP, Conosur Sustentable -  /06
/242- Nuclear Power: Myth and reality (Russian translation summary) -G. Rosenkranz H.Böll Foundation -  /06
/243- Nuclear Energy, a dead end (Russian translation)  -WISE/NIRS  -11/00
/244- Mythos Atomkraft. (German translation, summary) -G.Rosenkranz, H.Boell Foundation - 2/06
/245- En stralande Framtid. Del 1: Atomer for fred -Ulla Kloetzer -  /06
/246- Insurmountable risks. Executive summary [+PDF]  -Brice Smith, IEER -  /06
/247- Nuclear power \96 not worth the risk -CND Briefing - 4/06
/248- Jadrova energia. Slepa ulicka bez konca. -Juraj Krivosik - 4/97
/249- Landscape, environment & community impacts of nuclear power -Sustainable Development Com - 3/06
/250- Kernenergie: overbodig onheil[PDF] -Greenpeace - /07
/251- Nuclear power. Only problems no solutions [PDF] -WISE, P.de Rijk & F. v. Schaik - 3/07
/252- Sience or fiction; is there a future for nuclear? [PDF] -Wenisch, Kromp, Reinberger -11/07
/253- The Role of Nuclear Energy in Establishing Sustainable Energy Paths -ECN/IVM Brugging, Vd Zwaan -10/01
/254- False promises. Debunking Nuclear Industry Propaganda (Revised.)[+PDF] -NIRS - 5/08
/255- Kernenergie\85 \85een goed id\E9e (voor kinderen) -Greenpeace Kids - /08
/256- Thirsty Energy. Water and Energy in the 21ste Century [+PDF] -World Economic Forum - 2/09
/257- Nuclear power: The critical question. An inspirational call to action -WECF/K. Adolph , J. Hausmann -08/09
/258- Die Kernfrage. Insiderberichten \FCber ihre Erfahrungen mit der kernenergie -WECF/K.Adolph.J.Hausmann e.a. -08/96
/259- Nuclear power, energy insecurity.(analyses&alternatives: briefing 2008)[PDF] -Greenpeace -02/08
/260- Nuclear power a dangerous waste of time. -Greenpeace - 01/09
/261- 100 Gute Gr\FCde gegen Atomkraft -Naturfreundejugend Deutschlands /09
/262- Nuclear energy: Rebirth of Resuscitation?[+PDF] -CEIP/Sharon Squassoni - /09
/263- Nuclear Power: An obstacle to rapid development [+PDF] -GP International - /09
/264- Mythos Atomkraft: Warum der nukleare Pfad ein Irrweg ist: Schriften zur \D6kologie Band 12 -HBF/ A.Froggatt e.a. /10
/265- Myths abourt nuclear energy: how the energy lobby is pulling the wool over our eyes -HBF/GEF/Gerd Rosenkranz 09/10
/266- Kernenergie: speciale editie Elsevier: Alles wat u na Fukushima moet weten over 's werelds krachtigste energiebron -A.Joustra/Elsevier - /11
/267- How to make a nuclear free world -Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World - /12 KOSTEN
/01- Kernenergiebeleid -Katernen 2000 - 7/76
/02- Parameterstudie zur Ermittlung der Kosten der Stromerzeugung aus Steinkohle und Kernenergie -Schmitt/Junk/e.a. - /78
/03- De kosten van elektriciteitsopwekking met kernenergie in Nederland -KIVI/NIRIA - 7/82
/04- Antwoorden Kamervragen Commissie Beek -Kamerstukken - 3/83
/05- Das Ende des billigen Atomstroms -Franken/Viefhues - 4/83
/06- Kernenergie uitgeteld -Verhagen/Damveld - 3/84
/07- Verslag conferentie kosten sluiten/open houden kerncentrales -Comm. Beek - 6/83
/08- Costs of generating electricity -I.E.A. -11/87
/09- Economie van kernenergie, deel 1 -Ake Sundström -
/10- Economia vs. plantas nucleares -R.Davis/A.Castro - /86
/11- Das Märchen von der Wirtschaftlichkeit des Atomstroms -Clausen/Franke - 1/80
/12- Lasten en baten van de elektriciteitsvoorziening in Nederland (waarin: historische kosten van kernenergie) -N.J. Koenders ECN - 5/81
/13- Prijs van Kernenergie -H. Damveld -12/82
/14- Kosten van elektriciteit opgewekt met kernenergie -Energie & Samenleving - 6/84
/15- Kostprijs elektriciteitsopwekking in 2000 -J.Oude Lohuis/e.a. - 2/86
/16- Toekomstige produktiekosten van basislasteenheden -P.G.M. Boonekamp/ECN - 7/89
/17- Kostenvergleich durch Stromerzeugung auf die Basis von Kernenergie und Steinkohle -BMWI -10/81
/18- A Comparison of Nuclear and Coal costs -Charles Komanoff -10/78
/19- Nuclear Energy: The Real Costs  -Econo.of Nucl. Electr. -
/20- Het juiste gebruik van kostenberekeningen -A. de Boer - 9/81
/21- Real costs of Nuclear Electricity in UK -J.W.Jeffery - 6/82
/22- Net Effective costs -F.P.Jenkin -10/83
/23- Economics of Coal, Nuclear Energy and Conservation -J. Harding - /84
/24- Electricity generating costs -G. Moynet, EdF - 6/85
/25- Too cheap to be true -N. Rubin, Energy Probe - 9/89
/26- Unpaid costs of electric energy. Health & environmental impacts from coal & nuclear power -William Ramsay - /79
/27- Nuclear Power Costs And Subsidies -U.S. GAO - 6/79
/28- De kostprijs van elektriciteitsopwekking in 2000 -J.Oude Lohuis ea.(IVEM) - 2/86
/29- Evaluation of storage and disposal costs for conditioned radioactive waste in several European countries -H. Zaccai, Ondraf/Niras - /90
/30- Comparison of electricity prices -Electricity Council - 2/84
/31- Nuclear Power: The Market Test -C. Flavin, Worldwatch -12/83
/32- Revised testimony of Ch. Komanoff..... -Komanoff Energy Associates -10/77
/33- Working document on Discontinuing the nuclear-powered production of electricity -European Parliament - 3/85
/34- Nuclear power, the cost and potential of conventional and low-carbon electricity options -Int.Project for Sustainable Energy - /94
/35- Analysis of generation costs -CEGB - /83
/36- The costs of nuclear energy in France -J.Baumier, J.Bergougnoux - 9/82
/37- Fiscal Fission: Economic failure of Nuclear Power (summary) -Komanoff Energy Associates -12/92
/38- Power plant cost escalation. Nuclear and coal, capital costs, regulation and economics -Charles Komanoff - 3/81
/39- Van wereldmarkt tot eindverbruiker. Energieprijzen voor de periode tot 2015 -vdBerg/Boot/Dykstra/kool/etc. - 1/95
/40- Fiscal Fission: Economic failure of Nuclear Power (zie ook 37)-Komanoff Energy Associates -12/92
/41- Stromerzeugung im Kostenvergleich von Steinkohlen- und Kernkraftwerken -Minist Wirtschaft NRW - 3/84
/42- Nuclear Power Economics (Mythbusters #9) -SECC US -10/95
/43- De kosten van kernenergie in Nederland -P. Boomsma - 3/92
/44- CPB-studie "economische gevolgen kernenergievermogen" -EZ - 5/86
/45- Cost evolution in nuclear power -Ch.Komanoff -10/82
/46- Power propaganda -Ch.Komanoff - 3/80
/47- Materialen zur diskussion um die Unwirtschaftlichkeit des Atomstroms -D.Viefhues - 4/84
/48- Nuclear power in Competitive Electricity Markets -OECD/NEA - /00
/49- Why Nuclear Power's Failure in the Marketplace is Irreversible -Amory B.Lovins - 4/01
/50- ExternE National Implementation, The Netherlands (Fuel cycle externalities) -IVM, VU Amsterdam -11/97
/51- Nuclear power plant reliability: the 1973-74 record -D.D.Comey - 2/75
/52- Nucler power plant reliability (CBE-7760) -D.D.Comey - 2/77
/53- Dramatic changes in nuclear and fossil costs -A.J. Rossi, F.A. Ritchings -10/76
/54- Electricity generating cost. Evaluation made in 1990 for plant to be commissioned in 2000 -G.Moynet, EdF -6/91
/55- Projected costs of generating electricity from power stations for commissioning in the period 1995-2000 -OECD, NEA, IEA -  /89
/56- Projected costs of generating electricity. Update 1992 -OECD -  /93
/57- The liberalisation of Europe\92s electricity markets -A. Froggatt (Greenpeace Int.) - 5/00
/58- Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse der in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gebauten Kernkraftwerke und Vergleich mit Steinkohlekraftwerken. Diss. Essen -Jae-Geung Kim - 2/91
/59- External costs of the nuclear fuel cycle -D.H.Dodd -10/95
/60- The economics of the nuclear fuel cycle -NEA -  /94
/61- De berekeningswijze van de kWh-kosten van een kerncentrale -N.J.Koenders (ECN) - 9/82
/62- Reduction of capital costs of nuclear power plants -NEA -  /00
/63- Projected costs of generating electricity. Update 1998 -NEA, IEA -10/98
/64- Advanced design nuclear power plants: competitive, economical electricity -USCEA - 6/92
/65- External costs. Research results on socio-environmental damages due to electricity and transport -EC -  /03
/66- Externalities of Energy. Vol 5: Nuclear -EC, CEPN, FT -    /95
/67- The Liability Equivalence of Unfunded Decommissioning Costs [PDF]  -Khurana, Pettway, Ramann   /99
/68- Energy Subsidies in the European Union: A brief Overview -European Environmental Agency - 1/04
/69- Economics of Nuclear Power from Heavy Water Reactors [PDF] -Ramana, D\92Sa, Reddy - 4/05
/70- NRC Needs More Effective Analysis to Ensure Accumulation of Funds to Decommission Nuclear Power Plants [PDF] -US General Accounting Office -10/03
/71- Mirage & oasis. Energy choices in the age of global warming (costs) [PDF] -N.E.F -    /05
/72- The Risks of Building New Nuclear Power Plants [PPT] -Security Analysts, D.Schlissel -  6/06
/73- Why a future for the nuclear industry is risky  [+PDF] -Bradford, Schlissel -  /06
/74- The economics of nuclear power [+PDF] -Greenpeace; Froggatt, Thomas - 3/07
/75- The economics of nuclear power, summary 2007 -Greenpeace; Froggatt, Thomas - 3/07
/76- Costs of reprocessing versus directly disposing of spent nuclear fuel [PDF] -Peter R.Orszag, US Senat -11/07
/77- The economics of nuclear power (research report 2007) -Greenpeace/S.Thomas/P.Bradford -09/07
/78- The economics of nuclear power (Summary 2007) -Greenpeace -11/07
/79- The Financial risks of nuclear power: 8 good reasons not to invest -Greenpeace/R.Mortier,J, Baranek -09/09
/80- The economics of nuclear reactors: Renaissance or relapse ? -Vermont Law School/M. Cooper - 06/09
/81- Comparative costs of California Central Station electricity generation: Draft: CEC- 200-2009-017-SD [+PDF] CEC/J. Klein -08/09
/82- De ware energie factuur -A. Verbruggen - /08
/83- All risk, no reward for taxpayers and ratepayers: The Economics of subsidizing the 'Nuclear Renaissance' with loan guarantees and construction work in progress [+PDF] -Mark Cooper/IEER -11/09
/84- Due diligence on the economics and business risks of new nuclear power [+PDF] -Craig A. Severance -03/10
/85- Solar and nuclear costs: The historic crossover: Solar energy is now the better buy [+PDF] -NC WARN/J.O.Blackburn a.o. -07/10
/86- The economics of nuclear power: An update: publication series on ecology -HBF-EU/ GEF/ S. Thomas -03/10
/87- The economics of nuclear power: An update: publication series on ecology HBF-EU/ GEF/ S. Thomas 03/10
/88- Externe kosten van kernenergie: hoe zwaar wegen calamiteiten? Eindrapport CE/M.N. Sevenster e.a. 12/08
/89- Questioning Globalized militatrism: Nuclear and military production and critical Economic Theory -Peter Custers /07
/90- The economics of nuclear power: Technology, economics, alternatives & case studies -Greenpeace -11/07
/91- Unfair aid: The subsidies keeping Nuclear energy afloat - WISE / Nirs/ P. Ward -06/05
/92- Nuclear energy: The difference between costs and prices [PDF] -CE Delft/M. Bles -07/01 Radioactive revenues: Financial flows between uranium mining companies and African governments [+PDF] -SOMO/Wise/A. Ten Kate -03/11
/93- Nuclear power: Still not viable without subsidies [PDF] -D. Koplow/Union of Concerned Scientists/ Earth Track Inc. -02/11
/94- Toxic assets: Nuclear reactors in the 21st century: Financing reactors and the Fukushima nuclear disaster [PDF] -Greenpeace/BankTrack -04/12
/95- Financi\EBle zekerheidsstelling kernenergiewet: Eindrapport [PDF]   -KPMG/ NRG   -04/06 The hidden costs of nuclear power: UK's route to its 2050 low carbon target [PDF] -K. Ente   -06/11 BELANG MONDIAAL
/01- Kernenergie, toepassingen en toekomst -M.J.Gaines - /71
/02- Kernenergie in de lage landen -J.A.Goedkoop - /75
/03- Der Atomkonflikt. Berichte der internationalen Atomindustrie, Atompolitik und Anti-Atom-Bewegung -Petra Kelly/e.a. - /79
/04- Jahrbuch der Atomwirtschaft 1981 -Atomwirtschaft - /81
/05- Nuclear Fix. KE in de Derde Wereld -WISE De la Court/e.a. - /82
/06- Nuclear power plants performance 78/81 -S.Thomas -12/82
/07- Operation nuclear power stations 1982 -EEG Eurostat - 6/83
/08- Before and after Chernobyl: Nuclear power in crises. A country by country report -Asa Moberg - /86
/09- Der Atomatlas -Heinrich/Schmidt - /86
/10- Nuclear research reactors in the world -IAEA - 5/87
/11- World nuclear reactor performance 1986 -Ontario Hydro - /87
/12- Vom Reaktor zur Bombe: Atomkraft in der Dritte Welt -Entw.pol.Korrespond. -10/86
/13- Nuclear activities in the world -EdF - 6/86
/14- Energy & development: case of nuclear power in "Third" world -WISE - 8/81
/15- What is the energy problem -Lovins/Lovins -
/16- Energy, Electricity and Nuclear Power estimates for period up to 2000 -IAEA - 8/87
/17- Nuclear power Reactors in the World -IAEA - 4/87
/18- Special project to develop comprehensive outlook on global energy demand & supply among non-member countries -OESO/IEA - 4/90
/19- Draft general report on 1988 review of national energy policies and programmes of IEA countries -OESO/IEA - 3/89
/20- Nuclear power in western europe 1988 -Foratom - /88
/21- Nuclear industries in the EEC; illustrative nuclear Program -EEG - 7/85
/22- Operating experiences with nuclear power stations in member states in 1987 -IAEA - 9/88
/23- Worldwide nuclear plant performance revisited -S.Thomas - /82
/24- The nuclear Fix (engels) -WISE, De La Court/e.a. -10/81
/25- World Nuclear industry Status Report 1992 -WISE Paris/Greenpeace/e.a. - 5/92
/26- Mémento sur l'énergie -CEA - /84
/27- Nuclear research reactors: status and trends 1986 -IAEA - 7/86
/28- Global Phase-Outs of Nuclear Power -S. Malcolmson - 3/92
/29- Energy in Central and Eastern Europe; Nuclear Power and Energy Efficiency: Celakovice Conference. Two Options -FOE, Greenway, Panos - /92
/30- Nuclear energy and the third world -WISE - /80
/31- Nuclear energy and its fuel cycle. Prospects to 2025 -OECD (NEA) - /82
/32- Energiewirtschaft in Europa -IZE - /93
33- L'energie nucleaire en europe occident. -FORATOM - /87
/34- Neue Kernkraftwerke in Europa 1981 -atomwirtschaft - /81
/35- Nuclear Power: Status and Trends -IAEA - /86
/36- World Nuclear Industry Handbook -Nuclear Engineering - /88
/37- Operating experience with nuclear powerstations in member states in 1988 -IAEA - 9/89
/38- Financing Arrangements for Nuclear Power Projects in Developing Countries -IAEA - 3/93
/39- Operation of nuclear power stations 84 -eurostat - 7/85
/40- Operation of nuclear power stations 87 -eurostat - 7/88
/41- Facts about energy -IAEA - 3/82
/42- Energy, Electricity and Nuclear Power Estimates up to 2005 -IAEA - 7/88
/43- Nuclear Links -Students ag.n.energy, 3rd world... -
/44- Nuclear power in the Developing Countries -J. Perera - /84
/45- Nuclear power in developing countries -J.Everett Katz, O.Marwah - /82
/46- Nuclear exports & world politics - policy and regime -R. Boardman, J.Keeley - /83
/47- Généralités -GIDE - 7/85
/48- Nuclear power and fuel cycle - status and trends -IAEA - /89
/49- Les centrales nucléaires dans le monde -CEA - 1/89
/50- Les centrales nucléaires dans le monde -CEA - 1/88
/51- Nuclear power in crisis (zie ook /08,/63,/64) -Asa Möberg/WISE - /86
/52- Energie Daten '94 -BM WI -10/94
/53- Energy developments and policies of the Asian newly industrialized economies -OECD/IEA - 4/90
/54- Nuclear activities in developing countries -EdF - /79
/55- Energieversorgung der Dritten Welt -blätter des iz3w - 6/78
/56- Atomenergie International. Atomprogramme und Widerstand in 28 Ländern -o.a. Scheer/Wasman/Krümpelman -
/57- Power reactors in Memberstates 1979 edition -IAEA - 6/79
/58- Nuclear energy prospects in 2000 -IAE/NEA - /82
/59- Kernenergie und Dritte Welt -Evangelische Studiengeeinde. -11/84
/60- Nuclear power: Status and trends 1984 -IAEA - 7/84
/61- Nuclear power: Status and trends 1985 Edition -IAEA - 8/85
/62- Nuclear Power Reactors in the world. April 1985 edition -IAEA - 5/85
/63- Kärnkraftg i Sönderfall -Äsa Moberg - /85
/64- La Energia Nuclear en Crisis. Antesa y Despues de Chernobyl -Äsa Moberg - 3/87
/65- Les Chiffres clés de L'énergie. Edition 1987 -Min.Industrie et du Tourisme - /87
/66- Nuclear Power Reactors in the world. April 1992 edition -IAEA - 4/92
/67- World Energy Outlook -IEA/OECD - /93
/68- Les Centrales Nucleaires dans le Monde. Edition 1990 -CEA - /90
/69- The Proliferation of nuclear reactors -Ursula Wasserman - 1/86
/70- Toekomstige ontwikkelingen van kernsplijtings- en kernversmeltingsenergie tot het midden van de 21e eeuw -General Technology Systems - 3/87
/71- World Nuclear Industry Handbook 1990 -Nuclear Engineering -11/89
/72- International Nuclear Power -SECC Mythbusters #10 - 4/96
/73- International Nuclear Power Supplement -SECC Mythbusters #10 - 4/96
/74- Electricity in Eastern Europe. 10 years after Chernobyl -Matthes/Mez - 4/96
/75- La Energia nuclear en el mundo (vertaling spaans zie /72) -WISE-Rosario - /96
/76- Energy indicators of Major Developing Member Countries of ADB -Asian Development Bank - 8/87
/77- Memento sur l'Energie 1996 -CEA -
/78- Les Centrales Nucleaires dans le Monde 1997 (on 31-12-96) -CEA - /97
/79- Energievoorziening in de 21ste eeuw (Atoomenergie en toepass.) -RCN - 2/76
/80- Nuclear Fuels Policy -Atlantic Council USA - /76
/81- Reactor strategies and the energy crisis -W.Häfele/W.Schikorr -
/82- Les Centrales Nucleaires dans le Monde 1998 (on 31-12-97) -CEA - /98
/83- Informations Utiles Edition 1998 -CEA - /98
/84- Jahrbuch der Atomwirtschaft 1985 -Atomwirtschaft - 1/85
/85- Operation of nuclear power stations 1979 -Eurostat - /80
/86- Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA -IEA - /00
/87- World Energy Assessment: Energy and challenge of sustainability -UNDP/WEC - /00
/88- La energia y el reto de la sostenibilidad (vertaling /87) -UNDP/WEC - /00
/89- Financing disaster. How the G8 fund the Global Proliferation of Nuclear Technology -NIRS/CNIC/Urgewald e.a. - 6/01
/90- World nuclear industry handbook 1987 -Nuclear Engineering -11/86
/91- World nuclear industry handbook 1989 -Nuclear Engineering -11/88
/92- World nuclear industry handbook 1991 -Nuclear Engineering -  /
/93- World nuclear industry handbook 1992 -Nuclear Engineering -  /
/94- World nuclear industry handbook 1993 -Nuclear Engineering -  /
/95- Nuclear energy prospects for Europe. Deutsches Atomforum Wintertagung\9294. Bonn, 25/01/94 -J. Syrota, Cogéma - 1/94
/96- Power politics. Equity and environment in electricity reform -N.K.Dubash ed. -  /02
/97- The 10th No Nukes Asia Forum. Sept. 28 - Oct. 2, 2002. Proceedings -  -  /
/98- Key world energy statistics from the IEA; 2001 edition -IEA -  /01
/99- Interactive simulation of electricity demand and production. Diss.Groningen -R.M.J. Benders - 6/96
/100- Political electricity. What future for nuclear energy? -T. Price -  /95
/101- Infrastructure for nuclear energy deployment. Proceedings of a NEA workshop. Paris, France, 10-11 June 1996  -NEA -  /96
/102- For a brighter future. Symposium November 4-5, 2003, Linz - -11/03
/103- Key world energy statistics 2003 -IEA -  /03
/104- World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2001 [+PDF] -Antony Froggatt / GP International -    /02
/105- World Nuclear Industry Handbook 2004 -Nuclear Engineering -    /04
/106- World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2002 [PDF] -Greenpeace -   /03
/107- The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2004 [PDF] -Schneider, Froggatt, The Greens -  /05
/108- The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2007 [+PDF] -Schneider, Froggatt (Greens) -11/07
/109- Energy, electricity & nuclear power estimates for the period up to 2030 -IAEA - /07
/110- International Status and Prospects of Nuclear Power [PDF] -IAEA -12/08
/111- A World Beyond Recession. Utilities global survey 2009 [PDF] -PriceWaterhouseCoopers - 5/09
/112- Prospects for nuclear power in the 21st century: a world tour -Ference L. Toth / IAEA -04/08
/113- The future of nuclear energy to 2030 and its implications for safety, security and nonproliferation: Overview [PDF] -CIGI/T. Findlay - /10
/114- Energy, Electricity and Nuclear Power Estimates for the Period up to 2030 [PDF] -IAEA - /09
/115- EU energy and transport in figures: Statistical pocketbook 2010 [PDF] -EC - /10
/116- The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2009 with Particular Emphasis on Economic Issue [PDF] -M.Scheidner/S.Thomas -08/09
/117- Global Nuclear Power: Can nuclear power survive Fukushima? -UBS/P.Lekander -04/11
/118- The end of nuclear energy?: International perspectives after Fukushima -N. Netzer/J. Steinhilber/ Friedrich Ebert Stiftung -07/11
/119- Nuclear power in the OECD -OECD/IEA - /01
/120- World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2012 [PDF] -MSC/M. Schneider/A. Froggatt -07/12
/121- The world nuclear industry status report 2010-2011: Nuclear power in a post-Fukushima World [PDF] -M. Schneider/Worldwatch Institute - /11
/122- Nuclear Power Reactors in the World [PDF] -IAEA - /11
/123- The end of nuclear energy? International perspectives after Fukushima [PDF] -Friedrich Ebert Stiftung -07/11 AANSPRAKELIJKHEID/VERZEKERINGEN/WETGEVING
/01- Description of licensing systems and inspection of nuclear installations -OECD (NEA) - /80
/02- Unavailable at any price: Nuclear Insurance: -Environmental Policy Centre/K. Kehoe - /80
/03- Insurance for the nuclear industry -American Nuclear Insurers - /80
/04- Kl\E4ger, Technik, Recht -\D6ko Institut - /81
/05- Rechtsfragen der Atomaren Entsorgung: Scheidewege: Vierteljahresschrift f\FCr skeptisches Denken -Hasso Hofmann - /81
/06- Atomgesetz mit verordenungen -Deutsches Bundesrecht - /82
/07- Compensating the Victims of an Accident -Patrick Reyners NEA - /83
/08- The Price-Anderson Act and it's pros and cons -Naomi Jacobson (draft) -10/84
/09- Kern Themen: Genehmigung Kerntechnischer Anlagen -DAtF/T. Roser -12/84
/10- The International Law of Liability for Transboundary Nuclear Pollution: The Existing Regime, It's deficiencies and a framework for a New Regime -Greenpeace International - 8/89
/11- Proposed Alternative to the Draft Language prepared by the IAEA Secretariat for Consideration by the standing Committee on Nuclear Liability -Greenpeace International - 3/92
/12- The international law of nuclear energy Part 1 -IAEA/NEA/EURATOM et al. - /93
/13- The international law of nuclear energy Part 2 -IAEA/NEA/EURATOM et al. - /93
/14- Proposals to amend the 1963 Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage 21 May 1963 -SCNL/FIELD/Greenpeace Int. - 4/93
/15- The nuclear threat to the marine environment and to fishing and coastal communities: Liability and Compensation for Damage Caused by Nuclear Activities -Greenpeace International - 6/94
/16- Outlook on International Liability -Nucleonics Week/Nuclear Fuel - 9/94
/17- State Responsibility in Environmental Law. "Chernobyl - A Case Study in Nuclear Law" -Kristin L. Peterson -12/94
/18- The Discrepancy between operator and Third Party Liability Insurance cover for Nuclear Damage -SCNL -10/94
/19- Report of the Standing Committee on Liability for Nuclear Damage. Tenth Session Vienna: 10 Oct. - 4 Nov. 1994 -IAEA SCNL/10/INF.4 -11/94
/20- Atomrechtliche Genehmigung und Aufsicht in Deutschland -GRS mbH - 9/95
/21- Radiation Protection. Community Radiation Protection Legislation -European Commission - 8/96
/22- Future financial liabilities of nuclear activities -NEA - /96
/23- Atomare Risken. Wirtschaftliche und rechtliche Aspekte -Umweltbundesamt Austria - /97
/24- Developments in Liability and Compensation for Nuclear Damage -Simon Caroll, Greenpeace Int - 9/97
/25- Overview Nuclear Legislation in Central and Eastern Europe and NIS -OECD/NEA - /98
/26- Nuclear legislation in Central and Eastern Europe and the NIS -NEA/OECD - /00
/27- Reform of civil nuclear liability. International symposium Budapest, Hungary 31 May - 3 June 1999 -NEA - /00
/28- Nuclear Legislation in Central and Eastern Europe and NIS 2003 overview -OECD/NEA - /03
/29- Government and Nuclear Energy -OECD/NEA - /04
/30- Direct Indicators of Nuclear Regulatory Efficiency and Effectiveness -OECD/NEA - /04
/31- Conference on the human right to a safe and healthful environment and the responsibilities under international law of operators of nuclear facilities -Duncan E.J. Currie -10/05
/32- Updating international nuclear law -Stockinger,Dyke.Geistlinger -10/05
/33- Nuclear Industry: Face your demons. Towards full liability for npp owners[PDF] -Friends of the Earth Europe -10/07
/34- Study Calculating a risk-appropriate insurance premium to cover third-party liability risks that result from operation of nuclear power plants[PDF] -Versicherungsforen Leipzig/B. G\FCnther -04/11 GESCHIEDENIS ONTWIKKELING KERNENERGIE
/01- The history of nuclear power -US DoE - 8/85
/02- International marketing of Nuclear Power Plants -Lee C. Nehrt - /66
/03- Atoomkrachten. Hun ontdekking en beteekenis -J.J. Moerkerk -10/45
/04- Nuclear Chain Reaction. 50th Anniversary -Science Museum UK -12/92
/05- Why smash atoms? -A.K. Solomon - /40
/06- Wat weten wij van atomen en atoomsplitsing? -J.A.Taverne - /46
/07- Atoomenergie en zijn gevolgen -P.M.S.Blackett - /49
/08- Atomic Energy -J.L.Crammers/Peierls - /50
/09- Kernenergie -M.Bogaardt & B.de Boer - /55
/10- De wereld van het atoom -Fritz Kahn - /50
/11- Kernenergie. Ellende of welvaart? -Feuilletau de Bruyn - /55
/12- Kernenergie en haar toepassingen in vredestijd -Gerald Wendt - /57
/13- Atoomkracht in dienst van de vrede -VS Information Service -
/14- Het tijdperk der atoomenergie -Carl Fr.v Weizsäcker - /57
/15- Atomen! -S. Schmidt - /57
/16- Peacetime uses of atomic energy -Martin Mann - /57
/17- Het atoom -Jerry Korn - /59
/18- Atomic Energy -Donald Barr - /64
/19- Nukespeak. The selling of nuclear technology in America -Hilgartner/e.a. - /82
/20- Het nooit rustend atoom -Alfred Romer - /51
/21- Nieuwe atomen -Otto Hahn - /50
/22- Onze vriend het atoom -Heinz Haber - /59
/23- Ausblick auf die Zukunft -M.Born, O.Hahn e.a. - "67
/24- Vernietigingsoorlog en Kernenergie -C. van den Berg - /59
/25- A Short History of Nuclear Regulation -J. Samuel Walker, NRC - 1/93
/26- Impulse und Wirkungen -Max Steenbeck - /78
/27- Wissenschaft im Interview -G. Lange, J. Mörke - 7/78
/28- Atomium 58 -V.Z.W. Atomium - /58
/29- Mensen en atomen -J.W.A. Schouten - /60
/30- Kernsplijting en Diplomatie -J. van Splunter - 6/93
/31- Schade door röntgen- en radiumstraling - een hoofdstuk uit de vroege geschiedenis van de radiologie, 1896 -1939 -R.Fokkema
/32- De atoombom -J.L. de Roos - 9/45
/33- Atomic Energy in the coming era -D. Dietz - /45
/34- Atomic Energy in war and peace -G.G. Hawley, S.W. Leifson - /45
/35- Mr Tompkins explores the atom -G. Gamow - /45
/36- De greep naar het atoom -O.W.Gail - /60
/37- Im- en export van Elektriciteit -A. van Ganswijk, AO-reeks - 3/60
/38- Niels Bohr -J. Weenen, AO-reeks -11/62
/39- Max Planck -D. Burger, AO-reeks - 4/58
/40- The Manhattan Project: Making the Atomic Bomb -US DOE - 9/94
/41- Atomchronik, von 1938 bis heute -lange / Lucas - /82
/42- Atoombom -W. Vogt, voorzitter AVRO - /46
/43- De atoombom als politiek wapen. Hiroshima en Nagasaki: het begin van de wapenwedloop -Miklos Racz - /86
/44- Kernenergie: een bron van macht. 1974-1978: een breuk in de consensus over de internationale nucleaire orde -Evelien Fox - 7/95
/45- The end of the nuclear dream. UKAEA and its role in Nuclear Research and Development -M. Flood, FOE UK - 8/88
/46- Wahnwitz Atomkraft. Vom Anfang in Berlin bis Heute -Till Bastian IPPNW - 8/95
/47- The nuclear barons -Pringle, Spigelman - /81
/48- Radioactiviteit en Atoomtheorie -G.J.Sizoo -10/30
/49- Stralende wolken. Radio-activiteit -AO-Reeks nr. 636/ L.Deij -11/56
/50- Materie (voor bovenbouw HAVO) -PLON / RU Utrecht - /84
/51- Kernenergie. Die weibliche Technik -Jonathan Tennenbaum - /94
/52- Deze tijd van Atomen (The New Atomic Age) -Verenigde Naties - /57
/53- De schatgravers van onze tijd -H. Steinert - /60
/54- Atomen worden verbrijzeld -Dr. H.J. Flechtner - /43
/55- Van Spierkracht tot Atoomkracht -Prof. Dr. D.H.Wester - /50
/56- Kernsplijting, energieproduktie en chemie -RCN/Chemies Weekblad - /57
/57- All in our time. The Reminiscences of twelve nuclear pioneers -Bulletin of Atomic Scientists - /75
/58- Chemistry in Wartime in the Netherlands -Netherlands Chemistry Society - /47
/59- Madame Curie. Haar leven en haar werk -Eve Curie - /38
/60- Het Atoom (catalogus bij tentoonstelling op Schiphol) -St. Internationale tentoonstelling - /57
/61- Onze toekomst en de kernenergie. Mogelijkheden en gevaren -Edward Teller/Albert L.Latter - /58
/62- The Political Economy of Nuclear Energy -Duncan Burn / IEA - /67
/63- Wereld (populair wetenschappelijk maandblad) - -11/46
/64- Atoomsplitsing -Dr. H. Groot - /46
/65- Atoms for industry. World survey -Atomic Industrial Forum - /61
/66- Die Prinzipien der Atomdynamiek -J. Stark - /22
/67- Von der Uranspaltung bis Calder Hall -Bagge/Diebner/Jay - 5/57
/68- Tussen atomen en elementen -J.D.de Greef -
/69- The atomic age opens -Pocketbooks inc. - 8/45
/70- Geschiedenis van de Noors-Nederlandse samenwerking op het gebied van de kernenergie -J.A.Goedkoop RCN - /68
/71- Leven met atomen. De atoomkracht in dienst van welvaart en vrede -H.C.M.Edelman - /57
/72- Science News. Atomic Energy Number -R.E.Peierls, J.Enogat - /47
/73- The first 50 years of nuclear power: the legacy and lessons. Part 1. -Energy policy - 7/92
/74- Brighter than a Thousand Suns. A personal history of the Atomic Scientists -Robert Jungk -  /56
/75- Morgen holt dich der Teufel. Neues, Verschwiegenes  und Verbotenes von der \93friedlichen\94 Atomkernspaltung -Günther Schwab -  /68
/76- The Atomic Complex. A Worldwide Political History of Nuclear Energy - Bertrand Goldschmidt -  /80
/77- Nuclear energy. The first 50 years -U.S.Council for Energy Awreness -12/92
/78- Het atoom  -L. de Vries -  /57
/79- Licht van duizend zonnen. Het noodlot der atoomvorsers -Robert Jungk -  /57
/80- The Nuclear Age \96 A Curse and a Challenge. The role of Scientists  \96 Joseph Rotblat -
/81- The Atomic Nucleus  -M.Korsunsky -    /58
/82- Erfgoed van industie en techniek: Nucleair erfgoed in Frankrijk, Nederland , Groot-Brittani\EB en Belgi\EB -Erfgoed -10/10
/83- Cultural legitimacy and innovation journeys: A new perspective applied to Dutch and British nuclear power -B. Verhees -11/11 (UITZEND) WERK IN KERNINSTALLATIES
/01- Leiharbeit in Atomkraftwerke -Atomplenum Hannover -10/86
/02- Mord auf Raten. Arbeitsbedingungen in AKW's -Arbeitskreis Wesermacht - /80
/03- Verslag vooronderzoek projektgroep arbeidsomstandigheden in kerncentrales -Krozer, Lugt, Staal e/a -12/79
/04- Qualified manpower and equipment for the nuclear industry -OECD -12/92
/05- Sichern atomkraftwerke arbeidsplätze? -BURN - /78
/06- Nuclear Servitude: Subcontracting and Health in the French Civil Nuclear Industry -A. Th\E9baud-Mony/ INSERM /00