ape]"> Library Laka Foundation: books on nuclear power AFVAL - ALGEMEEN
                RADWASTE - GENERAL
/01- Wiederaufarbeitung und Lagerung von Atommull -BI Umweltschutz - /77
/02- Radwaste supercompaction. Maximum volume reduction of all dry wastes -General Electric -
/03- The management of radioactive waste -IAEA - /81
/04- Radioaktief afval gedumpt -Min. VROM - 4/81
/05- Radioactive waste storage & disposal -IAEA - /82
/06- Advies inzake toepassing verbrandingsoven bij de verwerking LAVA en MAVA -Gezondheidsraad - 2/82
/07- Radioaktief afval: Zout erover? -Utrechts Energie Werkverband - 8/82
/08- Atoomafval in Beweging -Boer/Wind/Damveld - 9/82
/09- Ethical aspects on nuclear waste -KASAM, SKN - 9/87
/10- At the nuclear crossroads -J. Sawyer - 1/77
/11- The disposal of high-level radioactive waste 1984. Vol.1 -F.L.Parker e.a. (Beijer Institute) -10/84
/12- Ist die Nukleare Entsorgung gesichert? -KWU - 5/88
/13- Het radio-actieve afval -vd Plas/Termaat KEMA - 1/74
/14- Kernenergie, de plutoniumekonomie en afvaldumping -J v Arkel/e.a. - /79
/15- Afval van kernreaktoren -Johan Maas - 6/79
/16- De verwijdering van radioaktief afval -Heinze/bakker/e.a. - /83
/17- Conditioning of radioactive waste for storage and disposal -IAEA - /83
/18- Wohin mit dem Atommüll? Endlager in Europa -Regenbogenfraktion - 9/88
/19- Nuclear waste: the problem that won't go away -N.Lenssen/Worldwatch -12/91
/20- The management of radioactive wastes -UKAEA - 3/83
/21- Myth busters # 8 'Low-level' waste -Safe E. Comm. Counsil - 6/92
/22- Spent fuel management -INFCE/IAEA - /80
/23- Waste management and disposal -INFCE/IAEA - /80
/24- Disposal of radioactive waste: Overvieuw of the principles -NEA/OECD - /82
/25- Afval van kernreaktoren -Johan Maas - 6/79
/26- International co-operation for safe radioactive waste management -NEA/OECD - /83
/27- Compilation of articles on nuclear waste from 01/85-03/86 -Wise - /86
/28- Die Behandlung radioaktiver Abfälle -Helmut Krause, DAtF -10/79
/29- Final report of expert group on international spent fuel management -IAEA - 7/82
/30- Preliminary report on the review of research and development on the disposal of high-level nuclear wastes -J.M. Harrison - /
/31- Opslag van radioactief afval -'Atoomenergie' - 5/74
/32- Full-scale tests of sulfur polymer cement and non-radioactive waste in heated and unheated prototypical containers -Idaho Nat. Engineering Lab INEL- 2/92
/33- Nuclear waste: The issue that won't stay buried -F.Marcus - 9/77
/34- The disposal of high-level radioactive waste 1984. Vol.2 -F.L. Parker e.a. (Beijer Institute) -10/84
/35- Kontroversen rond radioactief afval -TH Eindhoven -11/83
/36- Nukleare Entsorgung -BMFT - /79
/37- Radioactive waste storage and disposal -IAEA - /82
/38- Radioactive waste management: a status report -IAEA - 8/85
/39- Radioactive wastes -IAEA - 9/83
/40- The nuclear waste primer -League of Women Voters Educ. Fund -  /93
/41- Sicherheit und Umweltschutz bei der nuklearen Entsorgung -BMFT - /79
/42- Challenges to nuclear waste -A. Wieser - /87
/43- Management of low and intermediate level radioactive wastes 1988 -IAEA - 2/89
/44- De risiko's verbonden aan de container- en bunkeropslag van kernafval -Natuurkundewinkel Utrecht/D. de Jager -12/87
/45- Projekt Sicherheitsstudien Entsorgung PSE, Abschlussbericht: Kapitel 1: Einfürung und Ergebnisübersicht -Projektleitung PSE - 1/85
/46- Radioactive Waste Management in the European Union -European Commission - /98
/47- Equity Issues in Radioactive Waste Management -Roger E. Kasperson (edit) - /83
/48- Environmental and ethical aspects of long-lived radioactive waste disposal, proceedings of workshop NEA 9-94 -NEA/OECD - /95
/49- Investigation on the determination of disposal critical nuclides in waste from PWR power plants, final report -NIRAS/ONDRAF, SEC/SCK - /93
/50- Calculation of power generation and radiation levels in nuclear waste material -C.F.Højerup -11/79
/51- Radioactive waste management progr.in OECD/NEA member countr. -NEA/OECD - /98
/52- Community R & Programme on ra waste management and storage -CEE - 5/86
/53- Update on Waste Management Policies and Programmes -NEA/OECD - 6/97
/54- Development of Retrievability Plans -GDE - 3/99
/55- Kernafval en Kernethiek. Maatschappelijke en ethische aspecten van terughaalbare opslag kernafval - Hoofdrapport -Laka Damveld/vd Berg - 1/00
/56- Nuclear Waste and Nuclear Ethics. Social and ethical aspects of retrievable storage of nuclear waste -Laka Damveld/Vd Berg - 1/00
/57- Kernafval en Kernethiek. Rapport in hoofdlijnen -Laka Damveld/vd Berg - 1/00
/58- DISTEC 2000 - int. conference on radioactive waste 09/2000 - - /00
/59- The present situation and prospects for Radioactive Waste Management in the European Union -European Commission - 1/99
/60- Radioactive waste management in the central and east European countries -European Commission - 7/99
/61- Nuclear production and Economic Theory. A Thesis on Waste -Peter Custers - /00
/62- Interim Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel. A safe, flexible, and cost-effective near-term approach to spent fuel management -Harvard Uni/Uni of Tokyo - 6/01
/63- Waste management, Reprocessing and Proliferation. Draft -Royal Institute Intern. Affairs UK - 9/01
/64- Ethical aspects on nuclear waste. Some salient points discussed at a seminar… in Stockholm, Sweden, September 8-9, 1987. SKN  Report 29 -KASAM, SKN - 4/88
/65- Radioactive waste management. Overview of waste management in Central and Eastern European countries -V. Balek - 8/94
/66- Real lives, half lives  -J. Hall -  /96
/67- Entsorgung. Band 2. Bericht von einer Informationsveranstaltung am 25.10.1982 in Hitzacker im Rahmen des Energiedialogs der Bundesregierung. Zwischenergebnisse zum Projekt Sicherheitsstudien Entsorgung (PSE) -Bundesmin.f.Forschung u.Technologie - 4/83
/68- Atom-Müll  -ÖKO-Institut Freiburg -  /80
/69- Topseal ’69. Vol.1. Invited plenary session papers -ENS, Swedish Nuclear Society - 6/96
/70- Topseal ’69. Vol.2. Poster papers -ENS, Swedish Nuclear Society - 6/96
/71- The management of radioactive waste -Uranium Institute - 8/91
/72- Radiological impacts of spent nuclear fuel management options -NEA -  /00
/73- Euradwaste 1999. ‘Radioactive waste management strategies and issues.’ Fifth European Commission conference on radioactive waste management and disposal and decommissioning. Luxembourg, 15 to 18 November 1999 -C.Davies (ed.) -  /00
/74- Het beheer van radioaktief afval in de Europese Unie (CD-Rom)  –Europese Commissie  – 6/99
/75- Nuclear Waste. Time to face the facts  –New Statesman/ BNFL  – 9/03
/76- Normen, waarden en radioactief afval. Een ethisch ‘Nee bedankt’ tegen kernenergie –Herman Damveld/SP  – 9/03
/77- Norms, values and radioactive waste. An ethical ‘No thanks’ to nuclear energy (revised & translated version /77)  –Herman Damveld/SP  –11/03
/78- Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Managament (summary)  –Contracting Parties Vienna –11/03
/79- Warnungen an die ferne Zukunft. Atommüll als Kommunikationsproblem -R. Posner (Hg.) -  /90
/80- Third international radioecological conference: The fate of spent nuclear fuel: problems and reality: abstracts collection -KREM 06/96
/81- Estimation of Global Inventories of Radioactive Waste and other Radioactive Materials [PDF] -IAEA - 6/08
/82- Nuclear power a dangerous waste of time. -Greenpeace - 01/09
/83- Geological disposal of radioactive waste: Moving towards implementation [PDF] -JRC EU/ie/ W.W. Falck/K.F.Nilsson - /09
/84- No solution to dangerous nuclear waste [PDF] -Greenpeace International - /10
/85- The deadly legacy of radioactive waste: Wasting our time with nuclear power: Catalysing an energy revolution [PDF] -Greenpeace International -07/10
/86- Management of spent fuel and radioactive waste: State of affairs: a worldwide overview -H. Damveld/D. Bannink -05/12
/87- Managing spent fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors: Experience and Lessons from Around the World[PDF] -International Panel on Fissile Materials (IPFM) -09/11 AFVAL - OPSLAG OP LAND/ZOUT
/01- Geologisch onderzoek naar 2 zoutstructuren onder Noordzee -RGD -
/02- Grensoverschrijdende radioaktieve besmetting -Milieuwerkgr.Kempenland - 8/80
/03- DGU's vurdering: Af elfkraft og elsama Salthorstundersogelser -Danmark Geol. Unders. - /82
/04- International symposium on the conditioning of radioactive waste for storage and disposal -IAEA/CEC/NEA - 7/82
/05- Voorstel voor programma van onderzoek inzake geologische opberging van radioaktief afval in Nederland -OPLA - 6/84
/06- Onderzoek inzake geologische opberging van radioaktief afval -OPLA - 3/87
/07- Basisnotitie tbv de ontwikkeling van toetsingscriterium voor ondergrondse opberging van radioactief afval -Dir.Gen. Milieuhygiëne - 9/87
/08- Opslag in zout, een dubbele bodem -Waddenzee ver./e.a. - 4/88
/09- Storage of used nuclear fuel -Ontario Hydro -
/10- Nuclear fuel waste management: Protecting the future -Lyon/Tutiah - 1/84
/11- Von der Natur lernen: Wie können radioaktive Abfälle sicher eingeschlossen werden? -NAGRA - 9/85
/12- Practical developments on modular dry storage -C.J. Ealing IAEA - /83
/13- Engineering and safety features of modular vault dry store -D.Deacon/D.J.Wheeler - /84
/14- Bouwen aan een zekere toekomst. Beheer in West-Europa van radioaktief afval -KEMA/Unipede - 5/88
/15- Radioactive waste management in Western Europe -Unipede CEGB - 6/88
/16- Straling en zout -Van Opbroek/Den Hartog -10/83
/17- De opslag van hoogradioactief afval in kleiformaties -Peter Grootjans -12/84
/18- Figuren bij de scriptie -Peter Grootjans -12/84
/19- Adviesburo Bongaerts, Kuyper, Huiswaard - -12/82
/20- Appendices bij de scriptie: opslag van hoogradioactief afval in kleiformaties -Peter Grootjans -12/84
/21- The disposal of long-lived and highly radioactive wastes -Royal Society - /86
/22- Spent fuel Heatup following Loss of water during Storage -US NRC - 5/78
/23- Disposal of radioactive waste in Sweden, BRD and France -Environmental Resources Ltd. - 1/87
/24- De risiko`s verbonden aan de containeren bunkeropslag -David de Jager -12/87
/25- PAGIS: Performance Assessment of Geological Isolation Systems for Radioactive Waste. Summary -Europese Commissie - /88
/26- Geology and nuclear waste disposal -Inst. voor Aardwetenschappen - 8/80
/27- Geological disposal of r-a waste: research in the OECD area -OECD/NEA - 5/82
/28- Siting of Radioactive waste repositories in geological formations -NEA/OECD - 5/81
/29- Geological disposal of Radioactive waste: Chemical processes -NEA-OECD - /82
/30- On-Site management of power reactor waste -OECD/NEA/IAEA - /79
/31- Dry storage of spent fuel elements -OECD/NEA - /82
/32- Copper containers for nuclear waste... -D.T. Peters, K. Kundig - 2/91
/33- Long-term management of high-level radioactive waste -NEA/OECD - /83
/34- Design and Instrumentation of In Situ Experiments in Underground Laboratories for Radioactive Waste Disposal -OECD/NEA/CEC - /85
/35- Sichere Entsorgung? -atw: Schüller/Venzlaff - 4/78
/36- Spent fuel cladding integrity during dry storage -M.Schwartz, M.Witte - 9/87
/37- General Corrosion and Stress Corrosion Cracking studies on Carbon Steels for Application in Nuclear Waste Disposal Containers -Smailos/Fiehn/Gago/Azkarate Kfk - 3/93
/38- Vergleichende Untersuchung zur Zentralen und dezentralen Kontitionierung abgebrannter Brennelemente für die Direkte Endlagerung -Scheffler/Tepel KfK -12/92
/39- Simulation of the build-up of radiation damage in NaCl -ECN, Soppe, Prij - 7/94
/40- Safety consequences of the release of radiation induced stored energy -ECN, Prij - 8/94
/42- Use of agrillaceous materials for the isolation of radioactive waste -NEA - 9/79
/43- The safety of repositories for highly radioactive wastes -C.Koplik, M.Kaplan, B.Ross - 1/82
/44- High Level Waste -Friends of Earth Energy Campaign - 8/85
/45- Verworvenheden bij opwerking en opslag van Kernsplijtingsafval -KIVI, afd. Kernenergie - 9/81
/46- Disposal of High Level Radioactive Waste 1984. Comparative analysis of the state-of-the-art in selected countries I -Parker/Broshears/Pasztor -10/84
/47- Disposal of High Level Radioactive Waste 1984. Comparative analysis of the state-of-the-art in selected countries II -Parker/Broshears/Pasztor -10/84
/48- Retrievability of radioactive waste from a deep underground disposal facility -Heijdra/Bekkering e.a ECN -10/94
/49- Fissile Materials in Glass, Darkly: Technical and Policy Aspects of Disposition of Pu and HEUranium -Arjun & Annie Makhijani/IEER -11/94
/50- Underground Storage of Natural Gas. -M.R. Tek - /87
/51- Geochemical Behavior of Disposed Radioactive Waste -Scott Barney/Navratil/Schulz - /84
/52- Terughaalbare opslag van kernafval; een eerste conceptuele verkenning -H. Damveld / S. van Duin - 8/95
/53- Concept ontwerp terughaalbare berging in steenzout -Heijdra/Prij ECN - 3/97
/54- A repository design for the retrievable disposal of radioactive waste in rocksalt -Dodd/Heijdra/Prij ECN - 9/97
/55- The Environmental and Ethical Basis of Geological Disposal -NEA/OECD - /95
/56- <<Hüte>> Konzept versus Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfälle: Argumente, Diskurse und Ausblick. Expertenbericht -M.Buser/HSK - 1/98
/57- Final disposal of Spent nuclear fuel. Why? Where? How? When? -Posiva Oy -
/58- Conditioning of Radioactive Operational & Decommissioning Wastes -Proceedings KONTEC'95 Hamburg - 3/95
/59- A review of benefits offered to volunteer communitees for siting nuclear waste facilities -P.J.Richardson - 3/98
/60- Disposal Technologies and Concepts 1998 conference -Kontec mbH - 9/98
/61- Nuclear waste and the environment -KASAM -10/94
/62- Concerted action on the retrievability of long-lived radioactive waste in deep underground repositories -EC DG Science, Research Developemt - 7/99
/63- Low-Level Radioactive Waste Repositories: An Analysis of Costs -NEA/OECE - /99
/64- Progress Towards Geologic Disposal od Radioactive Waste: Where do we stand? -NEA/OECD - /99
/65- Update on Waste Management Policies and Programmes, Dec 1998 -NEA/OECD Nuclear Waste Bull. 13 - /99
/66- Discussions on Nuclear Waste. A Survey on Public Participation, Decision-Making and Discussions in Eight Countries -Laka Damveld/vd Berg - 1/00
/67- Deep Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste - Concensus or Confusion? -Philip J. Richardson - 9/94
/68- Confidence in the Long-term Safety of Deep Geological Repositories. Its Development and Communication -NEA/OECD - /99
/69- Sedimentology of the Boom clay (rupelian) in Belgium -Noel Vandenberghe - /78
/70- Geological disposal of radioctive waste: Review of developments in the last decade -AEN/NEA - /99
/71- Updates on Waste Management Policies and Programmes -NEA Nuclear Waste Bull. 14 - /01
/72- Disposal Technologies and Concepts 2000. International Conference on Radioactive Waste Disposal -KONTEC - 9/00
/73- Corrosion aspects of high-level waste disposal in salt domes -K.Rørbo -12/79
/74- Stralingsschade in NaCl -OPLA - 8/88
/75- The response of salt migration to dissolution in salt domes and how it affects a radioactive waste isolation facility design (ECN-76-126) -J.Hamstra -10/76
/76- Natural radiation and waste disposal. NRPB-R156 -G.A.M. Webb e.a. -11/83
/77- Geological problems in radioactive waste isolation. LBNL-38915, UC-814 -P.A.Witherspoon (ed.) - 9/96
/78- KONTEC ’97. Proceedings. 3rd  symposium “Conditioning of radioactive operational & decommissioning wastes” -KONTEC - 3/97
/79- Sicherheitsprobleme der Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfälle im Salz -J.Kreusch, H.Hirsch - 2/84
/80- Endlager-Hearing Braunschweig -Niedersächsisches Umweltmin. -  /94
/81- Concerted action on the retrievability of long-lived radioactive waste in deep underground repositories. Final report -J.B. Grupa e.a. (EC)-  /00
/82- Radiation damage in NaCl -J.R.W.Weerkamp, J.C.Groote -10/90
/83- Vergleichende Bewertung von Entsorgungsoptionen für radioaktive Abfälle -Gruppe Ökologie - 5/01
/84- Confidence in models of radionuclide transport for site-specific assessment. Workshop proceedings Carlsbad … 14-17 June 1999. Hosted by the US DOE -NEA -  /01
/85- Establishing and communicating confidence in the safety of deep geological disposal -NEA -  /02
/86- Radionuclide retention in geologic media. Workshop proceedings Oskarshamn, Sweden 7-9 May 2001 -NEA -  /02
/87- Public involvement in the siting of contentious facilities; lessons from the radioactive waste repository siting programmes in Canada and the United States, with special reference to the Swedish repository siting process -P.J. Richardson  - 8/97
/88- Geological Challenges in Radioactive Waste Isolation. Third Worldwide Review –Witherspon/Bodvarson. –12/01
/89- Engineered Barier Systems and the Safety of Deep Geological Repositories  –OECD/NEA  -    /03
/90- The Long Term Storage of Radioactive Waste: Safety and Responsibility  –IAEA  -    /03
/91- Safety and security of commercial spent nuclear fuel storage: Draft Public Report [+PDF] -National Research Council of The National Academies -  /05
/92- Get the Facts on High Level Atomic Waste Storage Casks [PDF] -Kevin Kamps, NIRS - 6/01
/93- Nano-sized precipitated formations in Irridiated Na Cl -Anton V.Sugonyako - 3/07
/94- Lernen von der natur fuer die tieflagerung von radioaktiven abfaellen -Nagra - 4/07 AFVAL - DUMPEN IN ZEE (incl. OSPAR)
                RADWASTE - SEADUMPING (incl. OSPAR)
/01- Recommended operational procedures for sea dumping of radioactive waste -Nuclear Energy Agency - 4/79
/02- Guidelines for sea dumping packages of radioactive waste -NEA - 4/79
/03- Review of the continued suitability of the dumping site for radioactive waste in the North East Atlantic -Nuclear Energy Agency - 4/80
/04- Research and environmental surveillance programm related to sea disposal of radioactive waste -Nuclear Energy Agency - /81
/05- Geen atoomafval in zee -Els/Geert/e.a. - 5/82
/06- Geen kernafval in zee -Greenpeace - /89
/07- Critical analysis of the NEA Oceanic radioactive waste disposal Program -Rapport Davis -
/08- Impact of nuclear waste disposals to the marine environment -P.J.Taylor - 3/82
/09- Evaluation of oceanic radioactive dumping programs -W.Jackson Davis - 7/82
/10- Radioaktief afval gedumpt... -VROM - 4/81
/11- Bibliography for a data base for a review of the scientific and technical considerations related to.. -IAEA - /84
/12- Herkomst, Transport & Dumping van radioaktief afval -Vakgroep Milieukunde - 3/80
/13- Sediments, fauna and the dispersal of radionuclides at the N.E. Atlantic dumpsite for low-level radioactive waste -vd Loeff, M. Lavaleye - /86
/14- Definition and recommendations for the convention on the prevention of marine pollution by dumping of wastes...matter -IAEA - /86
/15- Poisoners of the seas -K.A. Gourlay - /88
/16- Report of intersessional activities relating to the disposal of radioactive waste at sea... -IMO - 6/85
/17- Briefing on radioactive waste dumping at sea -Greenpeace - 1/89
/18- Nuclear waste management; the ocean alternative -T.C. Jackson - /81
/19- Review of the continued suitability of the dumping site for radioactive waste in the North-East Atlantic -OECD-NEA - /85
/20- Programme Suisse de Recherches et de Surveillance du site d'Immersion de Dechets Radioactifs en Atlantique Nord-est -NAGRA/CEDRA/CISRA - 6/87
/21- Inventory of radioactive waste disposals at sea -IAEA - 8/99
/22- A History of Ocean Disposal of Packaged Low-Level Radioactive Waste -W.F. Holcomb -02/82
/23- Annual Report 2000 – 2001 [PDF] -OSPAR Commission -   /01
/24- OSPAR Strategy with regard to Radioactive Substances [PDF]  -OSPAR - 7/98
/25- Sellafield - Breaching international treaty targets on radioactive marine pollution [doc] [doc] -CORE -02/11 AFVAL - DIEPZEE ONDERZOEK
/01- The sendimentology of 2 North East Atlantic study areas -Kuijpers/RGD - /81
/02- Feasibility of disposal of high-level radioactive waste into the seabed volume 1. - Overview of research and conclusions -OECD, NEA - /88
/03- Feasibility.....seabed. Volume 2. - Radiological assessment -OECD, NEA - /88
/04- Feasibility.....seabed. Volume 3. - Geoscience characterization studies -OECD, NEA - /88
/05- Feasibility.....seabed. Volume 4. - Engineering -OECD, NEA - /88
/06- Feasibility.....seabed. Volume 5. - Dispersal of radionuclides in the oceans: models, data sets and regional description -OECD, NEA - /88
/07- Feasibility.....seabed. Volume 6. - Deep-sea biology, biological processes and radiobioligy -OECD, NEA - /88
/08- Feasibility.....seabed. Volume 7. - Review of laboratory investigations of radionuclide migration through deep-sea sediments -OECD, NEA - /88
/09- Feasibility.....seabed. Volume 8. - Review of processes near a buried waste canister -OECD, NEA - /88
/10- Tenth international meeting of the NEA coordinating program to assess the subseabed disposal of nuclear waste. vol.1 -R.Anderson - 2/87
/11- Geological studies in the Eastern North Atlantic -RGD - /84
/12- Seabed disposal of high-level radioactive waste -OECD, NEA - /84
/13- Subseabed nuclear waste disposal ship conceptual design and accident analysis: 1986 Status Report -Sandia Laboratories - 2/88
/14- Proceedings of the sixth annual NEA-seabed working group meeting, Paris, France february 2-5, 1981 -Sandia Laboratories - 7/81
/15- The subseabed disposal program: 1983 Status Report -Sandia Laboratories -10/83
/16- Seventh international NEA/Seabed working group meeting -NEA - 3/82
/17- Deep abyssal plains, do they offer a viable option for disposal of large bulk low-toxicity wastes? -M.Angel -
/18- Opslag van KSA in de oceaanbodem; geologische implicaties -M. Melkert - 4/86 AFVAL - ACTINIDEN (-TRANSMUTATIE/VERBRANDEN)
/01- Lanthanide/Actinide Chemistry -American Chemical Society (ACS) - /67
/02- Actinide Separations -ACS/ Navratil/Schulz - /80
/03- Lanthanide and Actinide Chemistry and Spectroscopy -ACS/ Edelstein - /80
/04- Transplutonium Elements- Production and Recovery -ACS/ Navratil/Schulz - /81
/05- The Chemistry of Actinide Elements -Katz/Seaborg/Morss - /86
/06- Minimizing the integrated collective radiation dose and the transmutation of long-lived nuclear waste -K.Abrahams - 5/92
/07- Transmutation of long-lived nuclear waste -K.Abrahams -10/92
/08- Transmutatie van kernafval - statusrapport programma RAS -ECN - 7/93
/09- (zonder titel) Transmutation of Actinites - - /94
/10- Transmutation of long-lived fission products -ECN, Abrahams - 1/94
/11- Present status of intermediate ENRGY data evaluation for accelerator-based transmutation of radioactive waste -ECN, Koning - 5/94
/12- Actinide transmutation in nuclear reactors -JH Bultman - 1/95
/13- Assessing the radiological risks associated with technologies studied in the dutch research programme for recycling actinides and fission products -D.H. Dodd / ECN -11/95
/14- Transmutation of fission products in reactors and accelerator-driven systems; critical remarks -A.J. Janssen / ECN - 1/94
/15- Recycling van actinited en splijtingsprodukten Jaarverslag onderzoeksprogramma 1996 -R.J.M.Konings (Ed.) - 7/97
/16- Rapport van de Werkgroep Transmutatie Actiniden -ICK -10/77
/17- Advanced Technologies for the reduction of nuclear waste -ECN - /98
/18- Levensduurverkorting radioactief afval - optie voor de aanpak van het kernafvalprobleem [+PDF]-ECN -   /98
/19- Actinide and Fission Products Partitioning and Transmutation. Proceedings 5th International Information Exchange Meeting -NEA/OECD - /99
/20- Actinide and Fission Products Partitioning and Transmutation. Status and Assessment report -NEA/OECD - /99
/21- Actinide separation chemistry in nuclear waste streams and materials -NEA -12/97
/22- The Nuclear Alchemy Gamble. An Assessment of Transmutation as a Nuclear Waste Management Strategy, May 12, 2005 modified version [PDF] –IEER, Zerriffi, Makhijani - 8/00
/23- The Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee’s Advice on the Application of Partitioning and Transmutation in the UK [+PDF] -RWMAC  -12/03
/24- Accelerator-Driven Systems (ADS) and Fast Reactors (FR) in Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles. A Comparative Study [PDF] -NEA - /02
/25- Nuclear Alchemy Gamble. Executive summary [PDF] -IEER - 8/02 AFVAL - REST 'OPLOSSINGEN'
                RADWASTE - 'OTHER SOLUTIONS'
/01- Studie kenmerken van bovengrondse constructie van een opbergmijn voor radioaktief afval in de Noordzee -ECN - 5/82
/02- Advies inzake toepassing van verbrandingsoven bij verwerking LAVA en MAVA -Gezondheidsraad -02/82
/03- Verbrandingsoven voor laag- en middelradioactief afval -VROM - /85
/04- Disposal in Space: Cost [PDF] -NNC Ltd, UK-CoRWM - 8/04
/05- Nuclear Waste in Space? [PDF] -Jon. Coopersmith, Space Review - 8/05
/06- Nuclear Waste Disposal in Space: A Long Term Solution [PDF] -Iranzo-Greus, Gogdet, etc - 4/07 AFVAL - EXPORT - AZIE
                RADWASTE - EXPORT - ASIA
/01- Preventing Transboundary Movement of Nuclear Waste in Northeast Asia -International Seminar - 4/97 AFVAL - EXPORT - REST/ALGEMEEN
/01- Toxic Wastes dumped into the Third World -Third World Network - 5/88
/02- The International Trade in Wastes -Jim Vallette/Greenpeace -11/88 AFVAL - EXPORT - INTERNATIONALE OPSLAG
/01- The Single European Dump. Free Trade in Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes in the New Europe -Simon Carroll/Greenpeace -12/91
/02- Technical, institutional and economical factors important for developing a multinational ra waste repository -IAEA - 6/98
/03- A concept for an International High Level Waste Magagement System -International Working Group - 9/96
/04- Europe’s radioactive secret -Greenpeace International -11/05 TRANSPORTEN - ALGEMEEN
/01- Transporting radioactive material -Ontario Hydro -
/02- Hazardous materials transportations 2:RA materials, wastes -NTIS Data Base - /79
/03- Transport of radioactive material -IAEA -12/92
/01- De risiko's van het transport van radioaktieve materialen over de weg -Ingenieurs buro SAVE Apeldoorn - 4/87
/02- Radioactive materials shipping regulations -US DoE -
/03- Federal actions are needed to improve safety and security of nuclear materials transportations -Comptroller General US - 5/79
/04- Transport radioaktiver Stoffe auf öffentlichen Strassen -H.U. Berger; KfKarlsruhe -10/92
/05- Atomtransporte -J.Kremmler, J.Stellpflug - /83
/06- Transporte radioaktiver Stoffe -Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz -
/07- Se upp för Sigyn! -Sven Anér - /82
/08- Emballages pour combustibles irradiés -M.Labrousse, Soc. Transnucléaire - 5/81
/09- GNS (over 'hun' containers) -Gesellschaft fuer Nuklear-Service - 8/95
/10- Transport- und Lagerbehalter TN 300 -DWK - 3/85
/11- Castor. Der Transport- und Lagerbehalter -DWK - 3/85
/12- Castor Transport- und Lagerbehälter -BZ Ahaus -
/13- Wie sicher ist der Castor? -BI Ahaus -
/14- M/S Sygin -SBK - 4/86
/15- History of nuclear materials transportation and packaging research and development sponsored by US Federal Govt. -Pelletieri/Welles - 7/85
/16- Safety evaluation report related to the topical safety analysis report for Castor V/21 dry spent fuel storage cask submitted by General Nuclear Systems inc. -NRC - 9/85
/17- Castor MTRZ -Gruppe Okologie Hannover - /98
/18- Transport van bestraalde splijtstoffen -Gezondheidsraad -12/99
/19- Risiko Castor. Argumente gegen die Atommüll-lagerung -BI Lüchow-Dannenberg - 4/96
/20- Qualität: Undurchsichtig. Fehlende Produktkontrollen bei hochradioaktiven Glaskokillen -Greenpeace / Susanne Ochse - 3/01
/21- Gefahren durch Brennelement-Transporte? -IZE/StromDiskussion - 7/98
/22- Sicherheitsanalyse von Transporten von radioaktiven Material fur die Verkehrstrager "Schiene" und "Strasse" -Projektleitung PSE - 5/83
/23- Verwundbarkeit von Castor-behältern bei Transport und Lagerung gegenüber terroristischen und kriegerischen Einwirkungen sowie zivilisatorischen Katastrophen -Hirsch/Neumann -11/01
/24- Gutachten, über die Gefährdung durch den Transport radioaktiver Güter auf dem Gebiet der Hansestadt Lübeck -Gruppe Ökologie - 6/88
/25- Maritime transportation of radioactive materials: site-specific analysis of a ship fire in port …-W. Jackson Davis -  9/86
/26- Int. Maritime Dangerous Goods Code. Class 7. Radioactive substances -Int. Maritime Organization -  /80
/27- Radioactive materials transported by plane. The FedEx package incident -C. Christesen e.a. (WISE – Paris) -10/02
/28- Radioaktive Frachten unterwegs. Atomtransporte und Sicherheit -BfS -  /00
/29- Joint Assessment: Plutonium Transports in France : Safety and Security Concerns over the FS47 Transportation Cask -Y. Marignac, X. Coeytaux, WISE Paris, Large & Associates -09/04 TRANSPORTEN - ALGEMEEN - WETGEVING
/01- Rule to achieve compatibillity with transport regulations of IAEA -US NRC - 8/83
/02- Regulations Governing the Transport of Radioactive Materials -OECD (NEA) - /80
/03- Verslag over tenuitvoerlegging in lid-staten van richtlijn 92/3/Euratom van 3 Febr. 1992 betreffende toezicht en controle op overbrenging van radioactieve afvalstoffen tussen lid-staten en naar en vanuit de gemeenschap -Com. Europese Gemeenschappen - 5/95
/04- Stralingsbescherming voor vervoer van radioactieve stoffen -Europese Commissie - /94 TRANSPORTEN - NEDERLAND - ALGEMEEN
/01- De rol van de gemeente bij het vervoer van gevaarlijke stoffen -M.M.Kaag-vd Poel - 6/81
/02- Overzicht van nukleaire transporten door Nederland -Transportengroep - /83
/03- Agenda vergadering Commissie Milieuzaken -Gem. Rotterdam - 8/85
/04- Wegwijzer door de regio Rotterdam -Wgr. Solidariteit/e.a. - /87
/05- Opslag en vervoer. Handhaving Kernenergiewet bij opslag tijdens vervoer van radioactieve stoffen in de periode 2000-2001 -A.C. Koolwijk (VROM-Inspectie) -  / TRANSPORTEN - NEDERLAND - URANIUMMIJNBOUW T/M KERNCENTRALES
/01- Uraniumhexafluoride. Snel weg van de snelweg -Transportengroep - 5/84
/02- Rotterdam steunt Apartheid -Werkgroep Solidariteit/e.a. - 7/88 TRANSPORTEN - NEDERLAND - VAN/NAAR OPWERKINGSFABRIEKEN/OPSLAG
/01- Risico berekening transport HFR elementen (naar COVRA) -Jansma, van Hienen, NRG - 4/99
/02- Kernenergiewet-vergunning verleend aan Railion Nederland NV voor binnen Nederlands grondgebied (doen) brengen en vervoer over spoor van splijtstof in de vorm van gecompacteerd metallisch radioactief afval, van AREVA NC naar COVRA [PDF] -VROM, EZ, SZW, VW - 2/09 TRANSPORTEN - BUITENLAND - ALGEMEEN
/01- Grensoverschrijdend vervoer van radioactive materialen -Bakker/e.a. -11/84
/02- Atomtransporte -BI Nürnberg - 7/88
/03- Nuclear waste transports through London -L.Nuclear Inf. Unit - /88
/04- Stop Atomtransporte -LIGA Lübeck - 3/88
/05- A Guide to Radioactive materials -Nat. conf of State
/06- Transport des dechets radioactifs vers les centres de stockage -ANDRA -
/07- Shipment radioactive materials by DoE -US DoE - /86
/08- Die große Verlade - Atommüll auf Geisterfahrt -Hamburger AK gegen Atomanlagen -12/90
/09- Nuclear juggernaut - the transport of radioactive materials -Martin Bond - /92
/10- Atomtransporte in Niedersachsen -Nieders. Umwelt Min. - /92
/11- The Plutonium Trail -George Pritchard Greenpeace -
/12- Don't take the A-train -SCRAM - /81
/13- Transporting 'low-level' radioactive waste -Radioactive Waste Campaign - /89
/14- Proceedings of the 35th ITF Congress -ITF - /86
/15- Report on activities 1986/87/88/89 -ITF - /90
/16- Atom -Strom -Anlagen -Transporte & Hamburg -Atomtransporte Gruppe Hamburg - 2/90 TRANSPORTEN - BUITENLAND - MIJNBOUW T/M BRANDSTOF-FABRICAGE
/01- Transporting uraniumhexafluoride -US DoE -
/02- The Hex connection. Some problems and hazards associated with transportation of Uranium Hexafluoride -Miles Goldstick - 4/91 TRANSPORTEN - BUITENLAND - VAN/NAAR OPWERKINGSFABRIEKEN
/01- Transport of spent fuel -BNFL - /86
/02- Transport of Plutonium by air and sea -Helliwell/Spink/e.a. - 1/89
/03- Onderzoek naar gevaren verbonden aan het vervoer over zee van bestraalde reactorbrandstof naar Groot-Brittannië -Greenpeace - 1/80
/04- Spent fuel transports -US DoE -
/05- Der Streckenatlas -Anti Atomtransporte Plenum - 4/90
/06- Transportation spent nuclear fuel -US DoE - 3/86
/07- Transportation spent fuel -US DoE - 3/87
/08- Air transport of plutonium obtained by the Japanese from nuclear fuel controlled by the USA -NCI - 3/87
/09- Plutonium issues- airborne shipments to Japan -Nuclear weapons Freeze - 4/88
/10- The plutonium trail -George Pritchard - /84
/11- The transport of plutonium in the form of nitrate solution between Dounreay and Windscale- a safety assessment -Nucl.Install.Inspect. -12/78
/12- A critical review of safety assessments for the transport of plutonium between Dounreay and Windscale -PERG -12/80
/13- Gutachten zu den Gefahren für Nürnberger Bevölkerung durch Transport radioaktiver Stoffe von/zu WAA Wackersdorf -Gruppe Ökologie - 8/85
/14- Investigation into the hazards associated with the maritime transport of spent fuel to the British Isles -Greenpeace UK - 1/80
/15- Transport of Irradiated Fuel -CEGB -11/80
/16- Historical overview of domestic spent fuel shipments -update -Oak Ridge National Laboratory - 7/91
/17- The Transport of Civil Plutonium by air -ACTRAM UK - 5/88
/18- Nuclear Transport Limited NTL. -NTL -
/19- Complaint for declaratory judgment and injunctive relief -US District Court D.C. -12/89
/21- Carrying the can. Transportation of spent fuel through London -Ecology party - /80
/22- Return of Vitrified Residues from France to Japan -Cogema - 8/95 TRANSPORTEN - BUITENLAND - REST
/01- Transportation of Tritiated Heavy Water -Ontario Hydro - 9/87