> Library: books on nuclear power STRALING - ALGEMEEN
/01- Strahlenbiologie -A.Krebs - /68
/02- Molekulaire Strahlenbiologie -Dertinger/Jung - /69
/03- Cellulair Radiobiology -Chr.L.Lawrence - /71
/04- Sources & Effects ionizing radiation -UN Sc Comm. effects atomic radiation - /77
/05- Klinische Strahlenbiologie -Thomas Herman - /78
/06- Biological damage from ra nuclei incorporated....protection -L.Feinendegen - /79
/07- Strahlenrisiko!? Medizin, Kernenergie, Schutz -Ludwig Rausch - /79
/08- Radioaktivität und Umwelt -Weish/Gruber - /79
/09- Stralingshygiëne en maatschappij: een risico in perspectief -Ned.Ver.Stralingshyg. - /80
/10- Mensch und Strahlenwirkung: Strahlenschaden, Behandlung und schutz -Ludwig Rausch - /82
/11- Powerful facts about radiation -Ontario Hydro -
/12- Radiation is a part of your life -Johnson/Tutiah - 3/85
/13- Operational Radiation and Protection: A Guide to Optimization -IAEA Safety Guides 101 - /90
/14- Invloed van straling op levende wezens -Wkg. KE Noordoostpolder - /82
/15- Health guide for the Nuclear Age -Peter Bunyard - /88
/16- Radioisotope production -min.of cult.& sc./greek AEC -11/74
/17- Biologie en kernenergie- de effecten van kernenergie op milieu, leven en gezondheid -W.v.Raamsdonck ea - /80
/18- Potentials of ionizing radiation in reducing hazards to man and environment. Summary of the UTOX-report -W.Mullié,R.Kroes... -11/91
/19- Radiation Protection Manual -Lita Lee - /90
/20- Invisible violence. Proceedings of the National Citizen's Hearings for Radiation Victim 1980 -N.C. Radiation Victims - /80
/21- Strahlung und Strahlenschutz -Bundesambt für Stralenschutz - /91
/22- Straling. Opvattingen en toepassingen -Min. VROM - 5/87
/23- Straling, hoe zit dat nou? -ECN -12/92
/24- Radiation. Effects and control -UKAEA - 5/92
/25- Atomic Radiation and Life -Peter Alexander - /57
/26- Radioactiviteit -Jacques Visser - /84
/27- Recommendations ICRP 1990 (draft) -ICRP - 2/90
/28- Straling en radioactiviteit -TNO - 5/86
/29- Inleiding in de stralingshygiene -Fysica winkel Eindhoven -10/78
/30- Umwelt & Radioaktivitat -Kolthoff/Wernicke - /77
/31- Stralingshygiene en maatschappij: een risico in perspectief -Ned.Ver. Stralingshygiene - 5/80
/32- Radioactiviteit -Lorier/de Ruiter/e.a. - 4/75
/33- Radioaktivitat (uitleg over soorten en toepassingen) - - /82
/34- Radiation is Part of Your Life -AECL - 3/85
/35- Strahlenexposition und Strahlenwirkungen -Alfred Feldmann - /86
/36- Poisoned Power. The case against NPP's -Gofman, Tamplin - 6/71
/37- Die zivilisatorisch bedingte Strahlenbelastung -H.H. Henk, HEW - 2/84
/38- Die Strahlenbelastung des Menschen -W. Koelzer, KfK - 1/80
/39- Radioprotection -EdF - 5/81
/40- Atoms at work -UKAEA - 1/87
/41- Radioactivity - how it can be used -UKAEA - 8/85
/42- Radiation - a fact of life -IAEA - 5/85
/43- supplement a Survivre... et Vivre. La pollution radioactive -Y. le Henaff - /
/44- Die Strahlenbelastung des Menschen: Strahlenschutz ein icherheitsproblem -EIR - /78
/45- Radiation and you -UKAEA -10/86
/46- Voorlichting over straling 12 -VROM - /88
/47- Mens, plant, dier en radioactieve besmetting - - /61
/48- Le service central de protection contre rayonnements ion. -INSRM -
/49- Understanding radiation -US DOE - /86
/50- Radiation and Human Health -John W. Gofman - /81
/51- Frogs in hot water -ICRF - 4/81
/52- Radiation. Your health at risk -RHIS - 3/80
/53- Syllabus: Ioniserende straling -vakgroep gezondheidsleer Wageningen - 3/79
/54- Afscherming van stralingsbronnen -H.van Dam - 4/86
/55- Atomkatastrophen und ihre Folgen -T. Bastian - /86
/56- Strahlenschutz: Radioaktivität und Gesundheit -Bayerisches Staatsmin. f. Umwelt -12/91
/57- Een selectie artikelen over medische en biologische effecten van ioniserende straling en stralingsongevallen -NVMP - 9/86
/58- Radiation - Effects and control -UKAEA - 2/93
/59- Radiation and nuclear power -UKAEA - /94
/60- Irradiation, Les doses, les effects, les risques -UN pour environment -12/85
/61- Radiation. Doses, effects, risks -UN Environment Programe -12/85
/62- Diet for the Atomic Age -Sara Shannon - /87
/63- Radiation Alert. -David I. Poch, Energy Probe - /85
/64- Radiation Monitoring -P. Hayward, D. Arnott Greenpeace -
/65- Radiation and Health. Everything you always wanted to know -Martin Dace. - /87
/66- Public comments on The Work Group Report -Interageny task force - 6/79
/67- Methodologies for the Study of Low-Level Radiation in Midwest (US) -Huver, Dixon, Jacobson, Dixon - /79
/68- Strahlenbelastung durch inkorporierte Radionukliden -Fischer, Hettwig, Urbach -10/81
/69- Strahlen und Strahlenschutz. Vom Verantwortungsbewussten Umgang mit dem Unsichtbaren -Kiefer, Koelzer - /86
/70- Nuclear waste, breast cancers and the environment. Briefing before Texas State Officials -Found. for A Compassionate Soc. - 1/94
/71- Radiation safety -IAEA - 4/96
/72- Straling en gezondheid -TNO project -12/78
/73- Voorkeur van plantaardige of dierlijke voeding voor het doorgeven van radioactiviteit -P.G.O.werkgroep 19, Wageningen - 3/86
/74- Basic concepts in Ionising radiation. Background information brief -EC DG for Research - 2/98
/75- Voorspellingsmethoden m.e.r. deel: Straling -Jonker, Koster, RIVM - 2/86
/76- Milieu-EffectRapportage, effectvoorspelling IX straling -VROM - /88
/77- Potentials of ionizing radiation in reducing hazards to man and environment, summary of the UTOX-report -Mullie, v.Laerhoven, Kroes -11/91
/78- Handboek Radionucliden -A.S.Keverling Buisman - /96
/79- Radiation The Facts. A basis guide to the causes and effects -Stop Hinkley Expansion -
/80- Radiation, Health and Society -Bjorn Wahlstrom, IAEA -11/97
/81- Estimated Population Exposure -Edward E.Pochin MEA/OECD - 1/76
/82- Gevolgen van het gebruik van nucleaire en fossiele energiegrondstoffen voor gezondheid en milieu. verslag symposium -RCN - 9/75
/83- Low-Level radiation. Questions and answers -Patrick Green FOE -
/84- Multiple exposures. Chronicles of the Radiation Age -Catherine Caufield -  /89
/85- Sources, effects and risks of ionizing radiation -UNSCEAR -  /88
/86- Ioniserende straling: effecten, risico’s en bescherming -H.P.Leenhouts -   /84
/87- Half a century of social medicine. An annotated bibliography of  the work of Alice M. Stewart -C. Renate Barber -10/87
/88- Strahlenwirkung Strahlenrisiko -E.Lengfelder e.a. -  /88
/89- Developments in radiation health science and their impact on radiation protection -NEA -10/98
/90- Radiation in perspective -NEA -  /97
/91- A New Approach in the Field of Radiological Protection  –OECD/NEA  -   /03
/92- Stakeholders and Radiological Protection: Lessons from Chernobyl 20 Years After -NEA/OECD -  /06 STRALING - JODIUMTABLETTEN
/01- Jodiumprofylaxe bij nucleaire ongevallen -Geondheidsraad (advies) - 6/95
/02- Radioactief-jodiumprofylaxe. Voor- nadelen voor gezondheid van het toedienen van jodium na een kernreactorongeval -Gezondheidsraad - 8/90 STRALING - RADON/ACHTERGRONDSTRALING
/01- De natuurlijke radioactiviteit van Nederlandse gronden -Bannink/Keen/e.a. - 2/86
/02- Methodiek bepaling toegevoegde stralingsdoses als gevolg van toepassen in woningen van bouwmaterialen met verhoogd gehalte natuurlijke radioactiviteit -J.G.Ackers VROM - 9/89
/03- Straling vanuit bouwmaterialen normen voor beton -VROM - 1/89
/04- Radioactivity in building materials -Gezondheidsraad - 2/85
/05- Natural Sources of Ionizing Radiation in Europe -Commission of Europeaan Community - /93
/06- Positieve & negatieve effecten stralingsbelasting door gebruik secundaire grondstoffen in bouwprodukten -VROM Winder e.a. -12/90
/07- Normstelling ioniserende straling voor bouwprodukten -VROM Ackers e.a. -12/90
/08- Natuurlijke radioactiviteit in voedsel -VROM van Dijk e.a. - 9/90
/09- Der Radon-Report -Wolfgang Wirtz - /87
/10- Achtergrondstraling op de voorgrond -VROM e.a. -12/90
/11- Strahlung im Alltag -Mensch und Umwelt - /91
/12- Cancer effects of background radiation -A.Stewart -05/87
/13- Estimating Lung cancers -Canadian Coal.Nuclear Responsibility - 8/85
/14- Straling in het leefmilieu -PEO - /86
/15- Radiation around us -UKAEA - /89
/16- Possibility studie naar bepaling van natuurlijke radioactiviteit in voedsel -W.van Dijk/P.de Jong -
/17- Radon. Radon Research Program -US DoE - 3/90
/18- International workshop on residential Radon Epidemology -US DoE - 7/89
/19- Eindrapport van onderzoeksprogramma "Reguleerbare vormen van natuurlijke achtergrondstraling" (RENA) -NOVEM - 4/92
/20- Exposure to radiation from natural radioactivity in building materials -OECD-NEA - 5/79
/21- Ventilatie- en infiltratiemetingen in een woning i.v.m.radonproblematiek -De Gids/Phaff-VROM - 6/86
/22- Beleidsstanpunt Radon (Concept) -VROM - 8/93
/23- Die natürliche Strahlenbelastung -M. Volkmer - 2/84
/24- El radón en las viviendas -WISE -11/88
/25- Stralingsbelasting avn de bevolking t.g.v. natuurlijke gammabronnen -VROM -11/85
/26- Tin and Radiation -Minewatch - 8/90
/27- Onderzoekprogramma Reguleerbare vormen van natuurlijke achtergrondstraling (RENA) -PEO - 3/86
/28- Natuurlijke achtergrondstraling in Nederland deel 1: vrije-veldmetingen -PEO, VROM - 5/85
/29- Concentratie van radionucliden in bouwmaterialen en grondsoorten -VROM, EZ -11/85
/30- Gemeten exhalatiesnelheden van radon uit oppervlakken van gereed bouwmateriaal en grond -VROM, EZ -11/85
/31- Overzicht en monstername van bouwstoffen die bestemd zijn voor de bouw van woningen in Nederland -VROM -11/85
/32- Radonconcentraties in Nederland, verslag SAWORA-proj.A2 -PEO - 2/86
/33- Risicofactoren voor blootstelling van de long aan lage stralingsdosis -PEO - 2/86
/34- Activiteitsmetingen in twintig woningen in Bernisse en in proefkamer -PEO - 2/86
/35- Parameterstudie over natuurlijke stralingsbelasting in Nederland -PEO - 2/86
/36- Metingen van parameters ter bepaling van de radonbelasting in het kader van het nationaal onderzoekprogr. SAWORA -PEO - 6/86
/37- Eindrapportage en evaluatie van het SAWORA-onderzoekprogamma naar het niveau van de natuurlijke straling in Nederland -PEO - 9/86
/38- Dosisconversiefactoren, reductiefactoren en letselcriteria voor radioactieve stoffen -VROM, BiZa - 4/87
/39- Beleidsimplicaties met betrekking tot reguleerbare vormen van natuurlijke achtergrondstraling, milieuhygiene, economische en bestuurlijke aspecten -PEO - 4/88
/40- Milieukwaliteitseisen -VROM,dir Stralenbescherming -12/88
/41- Verantwoordingssysteem ALARA/optimalisatie -VROM, dir Stralenbescherming -12/88
/42- Stralingsrisico's, evaluatie van wetenschappelijke gegevens over risico's van ioniserende straling t.b.v. normstelling -Comm. straling Gezondheidsraad -12/91
/43- Some aspects of radon contamination following ingestion -W.von Döbeln, B.Lindell -   /65
/44- Heritable anomalies in the high background radiation region in Kerala, India -V.T. Padmanabhan e.a. (Low level radiation project)- 3/98
/45- Radon in het binnenhuismilieu -J.J.M. Engels (MD) -10/89
/46- Variations in outdoor radiation levels in the Netherlands -R.O.Blaauboer, R.C.G.M.Smetsers - 4/96 STRALING - NORMEN
/01- Verzwakking van intensiteit van elektronenstraling door materie - -
/02- Das Millirem-Konzept -RWE -
/03- Stralende wolken -L.J.L.Deij -11/56
/04- Kernenergie -J.D.Fast -11/77
/05- Stralingsbescherming -Weber/Rasmussen - /79
/06- Strahlen -Bodo Manstein - /79
/07- Radiation. A fact of life (zie ook 08) -IAEA - 9/79
/08- Straling, een natuurlijk gegeven -IAEA/Neratoom -11/82
/09- Das Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz -BfS -10/91
/10- Straling in de samenleving. Bronnen, effecten en toepassingen van ioniserende straling -Aten/v Buul/e.a. - /81
/11- Facts about low level radiation -IAEA/WHO - 2/81
/12- Stralenbundel -Jaques Visser -10/81
/13- Die natürliche Strahlenbelastung -Martin Volkmer - /82
/14- Stralingsdeskundigen over risico-afweging in het onderwijs -Vakgroep Nat.kunde/did -11/87
/15- Omgaan met risico's- Normstelling ioniserende straling voor arbeid en milieu -Min. VROM/Sociale Zaken - 3/90
/16- Umgang mit Strahlenrisiken -VROM -
/17- Het Spinazie-effect (in Revoluon) -Marc van Lieshout - 8/86
/18- Radiation & Health conference 21/25-5 -WISE/VMD - 5/87
/19- Straling. Mag het ietsje meer zijn? -Els Groen - /87
/20- Radiation on the job -Lowlevel Radiation Project - 9/80
/21- Omgaan met risico's van straling. Normstelling ioniserende straling voor arbeid en milieu (concept) -Natuur en Milieu - 3/90
/22- Das Umwelt Konzept -RWE - 8/86
/23- Radiation and you -UKAEA -10/86
/24- Stralend water. Effecten van kernenergie op drinkwatervoorziening -Bakker/Harle/Heijkers - 4/87
/25- Straling, verkeer en regels -Johan Bakker - /87
/26- Radiation and you -European Community -
/27- In the face of uncertainty. A report on radiation safety standards -Glenn Foard - 7/87
/28- Verordening (Euratom) nr.3954/87 van raad -EEG -12/87
/29- Zittingsdocumenten Europees Parlement -EEG - /87
/30- Nota. Omgaan met risico's van straling -Centr.Raad Milieuhyg. - 8/90
/31- Toelaatbare doses ioniserende straling -'Atoomenergie' RCN - 8/73
/32- Beleidsnotitie normstelling straling - - 5/89
/33- Das 30-millirem-Konzept -Roland Scholz - /89
/34- Klasse-indeling van lozingsnormen voor radionuclidenlab's -Gezondheidsraad advies - 1/85
/35- Normen bij reaktorongevallen -Gezondheidsraad -12/85
/36- Advies inzake Normen bij Reaktorongevallen -Gezondheidsraad -12/75
/37- 2e Interimadvies inzake ICRP-26 -Gezondheidsraad -12/79
/38- Straling IMP 1985-1989 -VROM - 9/84
/39- Ionising radiations regulations 1985 -BNFL - /86
/40- Radiation Protection -OECD/NEA - /84
/41- IRPA regional congres on radiological protection -Portsmouth -IRPA - /94
/42- Umrechnungsfaktoren zur Berechnung der Schilddrüsendosis bei Ausbreitung von Iodisotopen über den Luftpfad -Papadopoulos/Wicke/Winter KfK - 7/93
/43- A preliminary survey of radiation protection standards and principles. Volume I: an international comparison -VROM - /88
/44- Radiation Exposure. Hidden story of health hazards behind official 'safety' standards -Les Dalton - /91
/45- Radiation standards and Public Health -US Congress - 2/78
/46- ICRP Risk Estimates. An Alternative View -Karl Z. Morgan -11/86
/47- Considerations on the Concept of Dose Constraint -OECD/NEA en EC - /96
/48- Richtlijn 96/29/EURATOM tot vaststelling van de basisnormen voor de bescherming van de bevolking en de werkers tegen de aan ioniserende straling verbonden gevaren -Europees Parlament - 5/96
/49- idem /48-, maar dan in engels (english) -Europees Parlament - 5/96
/50- Voorlichting van het publiek over Europese stralings-beschermingsnormen -Europese Commissie -11/96
/51- Voorstel voor een RICHTLIJN VOOR DE RAAD betreffende de bescherning van personen tegen de gevaren van ioniserende straling ivm blootstelling om medische redenen, .. -Europese Commissie - 9/96
/52- Voorstel voor een RICHTLIJN VAN DE RAAD betreffende de bescherming van personen tegen de gevaren van ioniserende straling ivm blootstelling om medische redenen, .. -Europese Commissie -11/95
/53- Synergisme (beleidsnotitie Normstelling Straling) -Van Bekkum, Stralenbescherming -12/88
/54- Survey and Evaluation of Critism of Basic Safety Standards for the Protection of workers and Public against Ionising Radiation -STOA Programm. EP - 2/98
/55- Normen voor interventie bij reactorongevallen -Gezondheidsraad - 9/86
/56- Standing conference on health and safety in the nuclear age -verslag Luxemburg conferentie EC -11/96
/57- Legislation Council Directive 96/29/Euratom of 13 May 1996 laying down basis safety standards for the protection of the health of workers and the general public against the dangers arising from ionizing radiation -European Communities - 6/96
/58- Rechtsvorschriften Richtlinie 96/29/Euratom (German translation /22) -EC - 6/96
/59- Legislazione Direttiva 96/29/Euratom (Italian translation /22) -EC - 6/96
/60- Legislaçao Directiva 96/29/Euratom (Portuguese translation /22) -EC - 6/96
/61- Legislación Directiva 96/29/Euratom (Spanish translation /22) -EC - 6/96
/62- NouoOeaia Odyyia 96/29/Evgatou (Greek translation /22) -EC - 6/96
/63- Themengruppe "Rechtsfragen im Zusammenhang mit der Konkretisierung der Strahlenschutzgrundsatze" -D.Teufel - 9/79
/64- New European law deregulates nuclear waste. -Low Level radiation Campaign - /99
/65- Surface and volume radioactivity - Standards for Clearance -Health Physics Society - 8/99
/66- A Critical Critique (revisited) -Miljöcentrum/Tamplin/Gillberg - 9/75
/67- 2001 Recommendations of European Committee on Radiation Risk – EC - 1/01
/68- Maximum permissible levels of exposure to ionizing radiation -Karl Z.Morgan - 9/70
/69- Standards for protection against radiation -NRC - 1/86
/70- Grijsboek inzake normen voor radioactieve stoffen en straling -G. Nooteboom - 9/86
/71- Hoe veilig is veilig genoeg -G. Nooteboom -11/85
/72- The ICRP recommendations for the 90s -NVS -10/90
/73- Principles of radiation protection. Principes van stralingsbescherming -Gezondheidsraad - 1/95
/74- The way forward in radiological protection -NEA -  /02 STRALING - GEVOLGEN - KERNPROEVEN
/01- Medische gevolgen van kernwapens -Artsen tegen Kernwapens -
/02- Nieuwe kijk op stralenrisico -H.Hage/TNO Magazine - 4/88
/03- Radiation exposures of Bone Marrow Cells to Strontium 90 during early development as a possible co-factor in etiology of AIDS -Sternglass/Scheer - 5/86
/04- Nuclear case book. An illustrated guide -Medical Camp. against Nucl.Weap. - 5/83
/05- De Medische gevolgen vcan een kernoorlog -KNMBG - 4/86
/06- Twee-weekse standaardcursus voor officieren -ABCD-school/Marine -12/65
/07- Rapport (...) betreffende gevaren die kunnen ontstaan tengevolge van verspreiding van radioactieve produkten door experimentele kern-explosies -K.N. Akademie Wetensch. - /57
/08- Radioaktive Verseuchung von Himmel & Erde -IPPNW - 2/92
/09- Estimated production of human lung cancers by plutonium from worldwide fallout -John W. Gofman - 7/75
/10- Give me water. Testimonies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - - 8/73
/11- Actual conditions of atomic bomb damages in Hiroshima and Nagasaki -GENSUIKIN -11/76
/12- GI Guinea Pigs -Michael Uhl/Tod Ensign - /80
/13- Kernexplosionen und ihre Auswirkungen -Harmsen/Bormann/Hertz/Saur/e.a. - 5/61
/14- Nuclear arms: threat to our world -UN department of public inform. -
/15- Hirosjima -J.Hersey - /85
/16- Hiroshima -Georg Fuchs - /78
/17- Nuclear nightmares have no end -Japan Congres against A H-bombs -
/18- Plutonium. Medizinische Folgen eines Atomwaffen-Unfalles -Hauber e.a. IPPNW - 3/87
/19- Medizin und Atomkrieg. -Hilflos? -Berliner Artze gegen Atomenergie - /83
/20- Kernongevallen en de huisarts -NVMP -12/94
/21- Als die erste Atombombe fiel. Kinder aus Hiroshima berichten -Hermann Vinke - /80
/22- Essais Nucléaires. Le droit de savoir. -CRII-Rad -10/95
/23- Medische consequenties van kernbewapening -Reader, Uni. van Amsterdam - /85
/24- Kernproeven, het milieu en Europa -Reader TU Eindhoven - 1/96
/25- Over straling bij kernwapengebruik -SIPRI - /83
/26- Radioactive heaven and earth, effects of nuclear weapons testing in, on, and above the earth -IPPNW, IEER - /91
/27- Testimonies. Witness of French nuclear testing in the South Pacific -Greenpeace - 8/90
/28- Hiroshima. Witness for Peace -Chikahiro Hiroiwa - /98
/29- The medical costs of nuclear arms -IPPNW -
/30- The outline of Atomic Bomb damage in Hiroshima -Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum - 2/98
/31- The witness of those two days (Hiroshima & Nagasaki) Vol. 1 -Nihon Hiankyo -10/89
/32- Medische gevolgen van een kernoorlog -Vredesberaad Venray -
/33- A feasibility study of the health consequences to the American population of nuclear weapons tests conducted by the United States and other nations - Dep. Health & Human Sedrvice a.o.- 8/01
/34- Under the cloud. The decades of nuclear testing -R.L. Miller -  /86
/35- The atomic bomb  -B.J. Bernstein -  /76
/36- Hiroshima in memoriam and today -Hitoshi Takayama -  /00
/37- Evidence of late effects of A-bomb radiation other than cancer -A.M. Stewart, G.W. Kneale - 6/89
/38- De bom moet barsten -L. Giovannitti, F. Freed -  /66
/39- Journal of radiation research: Supplement 1975: A review of thirty years study Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb survivors -Auxier, J.A. et al.; JRRS -  /75
/40 -Risks and consequences of nuclear weapons accidents in South Asia:  PU/CEES Report No.326 -Zia Mian/Ramana/Rajaraman -  /00 STRALING - GEVOLGEN - WERKNEMERS/STERS
/01- Risk estimates for the health effects of Alpha radiation -Thomas/McNeill/AECB - 9/82
/02- Code of practice for the protection of persons exposed to ionising radiation in research & teaching -Ministry of Labor - /64
/03- Basiskennis voor iedere radiologische werker -GKN - 3/79
/04- Health Studies of nuclear workers -Energy Probe -10/90
/05- Current politics of radiation protection in Canada -Greenpeace - 9/89
/06- Occupational radiation health risks: folklore and fact -Environmental Policy Institute - 6/85
/07- Medical supervision of Radiation Workers -IAEA - /68
/08- Uranium Mining and Milling. Radiation checklist on workers' and Public Health -Ruurd Huisman, Hermes -10/91
/09- Radiation risks of Nuclear Workers and Other Low Doses Situations -Alice Stewart - 9/92
/10- The protection of persons against ionising radiation arising from any work activity -Ionising Rad. Regulations UK HSC - /85
/11- Occupational Radiation Exposure European LWR 1981-1991 -European Commission - 5/94
/12- Individuele dosiscontrole van werkers. -Ned. Ver Stralingshygiene - 1/90
/13- Meeting on cancer risk among nuclear industry workers. IARC, Lyon, June 9-10, 1988. Report -E. Cardis - 6/88
/14- Present state of the DOE Health and Mortality studies, 1984 -C.C. Lushbough, C. Shy -  /84
/15- Epidemiological studies of some populations exposed to ionizing radiation  -J.L. Weeks - 8/85
/16- Occupational exposures at nuclear power plants. ISOE. Tenth annual report -NEA  -  /00
/17- ISOE – Information System on Occupational Exposure. Ten years of experience -NEA -  /02
/18- Occupational Exposures at Nuclear Power Plant. 14th Annual report ISOE -NEA/OECD ISOE Programma -  /06
/19- Risk society and contested illness: The case of nuclear weapons workers -S.Cable/T.Shriver/T.Mix/Amer. Soc. Review vol. 73 -06/08 STRALING - GEVOLGEN - ROND INSTALLATIES
/01- Health implications of nuclear power production -WHO - /77
/02- Atomkraftwerksgefahren aus ärztlicher Sicht -H.Kater -12/79
/03- Impacts des rejets radioactifs provenant d'une centrale nucleaire de type PWR sur les poissons de la Meuse -Genin-Meurisse/Micha -
/04- Des Fissures dans le Consensus -Com. Irradies de le... - 4/89
/05- Risiko analyse van Radon-222 uit uraniumerts afval -Peter Okken -10/79
/06- Radioaktivität: Risiko-Sicherheit -KfK Karlsruhe - 9/82
/07- Annual summary & assessment environmental radiological data or '87 Canada -Ontario Hydro - 4/88
/08- Strahlung & Risiko/Abgabe radioaktiver Stoffe kerntechnischen Anlagen BRD -Atomwirtschaft - /83
/09- Gevolgen lozingen bij normaal bedrijf nederlandse kerninstallaties -VROM, Hienen e.a. - 8/90
/10- Radiation pollution: a case study of the threat to English Channel and solent areas -SERA Portsmouth -04/85
/11- In Situ monitoring with tradescantia around NPP's -S.Ichikawa - /81
/12- Radioactieve emissies van kerncentrales en conventionele centrales -Gerrit van Dijk - 6/80
/13- Nuclear waste; time bomb in our bones -LEAF (VS) - 3/80
/14- Radioaktivitat als krankheitsfaktor -Weish/Gruber -11/74
/15- Umweltrisiken der Energieerzeugung -Schikarski, Trott (atw) - /78
/16- Kernenergie und Umwelt (Kernthemen) -D.Meyer, Dt. Atomforum - 3/84
/17- Biologische Gevolgen van Straling door Nucleaire Energieproductie -Utrechtse biologen Vereniging - 4/75
/18- Electricité de France et l'environnement -EdF - 1/84
/19- Schatting van de radiologische consequenties van lozingen veroorzaakt door niet nucleaire industriele processen -VROM - /89
/20- Das Minimal-Prinzip -RWE -
/21- The radiological exposure of the population of the EC from radioactivity in the NE Atlantic - summary report -EC, project Marina -
/22- The radiological exposure.....NE Atlantic - survey of the quantities and utilization of associated marine produce -EC, project Marina -
/23- The radiological exposure.....NE Atlantic - civil nuclear discharges into North European waters -EC, project Marina -
/24- The radiological exposure.....NE Atlantic - radioactivity in North European waters -EC, project Marina - /89
/25- The radiological impact on EC Member States of routine discharges to North European waters. -Project Marina - 4/89
/26- Dairy Farming. Downwind from Nuclear Power -Chris Nord - /83
/27- Nuclear Wastelands. A Global guide to Nuclear Weapons Production and its Health and Environmental Effects -Makhijani, Hu, Yih - /95
/28- Occupational radiation exposure in nuclear fuel cycle facil. -IAEA - /80
/29- Leukaemia and nuclear power in Britain. The Evidence so far -John Urquhart, FOE -
/30- Wings of Death. Nuclear Pollution and Human Health -Chris Busby - /95
/31- Save our Seas. Pu Reprocessing and the Contamination of the Seas -Greenpeace - 6/97
/32- Uranium Mining. The Hidden Holocaust Against Future Generations -Hans-Peter Schnelbogl - 5/97
/33- Epidemiologische Studien zum Auftreten von Laukämie erkrankungen bei Kindern in Deutschland -IMSD, Universität Mainz - 7/97
/34- Why cancer rates are highest near New York Metropolitan reactors -Jay M. Gould RPHP -
/35- Radioactivity levels and cancer in Long Island -Jay M. Gould RPHP -
/36- Radioaktive Kontaminationen in der Umgebung kerntechnischer Anlagen.. -D.Teufel - 9/76
/37- Occupational and Population radiation exposure fr. LWR operat. -A. Martin -11/75
/38- Liquid discharges from European Reprocessing Facilities -Greenpeace Int. - 5/96
/39- Nuclear power, Human health and the environment- the breast cancer warning in the Great Lakes Basin -Greenpeace - /95
/40- Possible toxic effects from the nuclear reprocessing plants at Sellafield (UK) and Cap de la Hague (Fr). First contribution to scientific debate -STOA / WISE-Paris 11/01
/41- Bijlage Ministeriële Regeling Analyse Gevolgen van Ioniserende Straling - MR AGIS -
/42- MARINA II. Update of the MARINA Project on the radiological exposure of the European Community from radioactivity in North European marine waters. Executive summary -L.M.C. Dutton e.a. - 8/02
/43- Cancer incidence and mortality in the vicinity of nuclear installations England and Wales 1959-80 -P.J. Cook-Mozaffari e.a. -  /87
/44- Breast cancer hospitalization clusters near reactors -J.M. Gould, J.J. Mangano RPHP - 7/99
/45- Breast cancer and radioactive strontium in baby teeth -Jay M. Gould RPHP - 7/97
/46- Int. Workshop on Radiation Exposures by Nuclear Facilities. Evidence of the impact on health -Ges.f.Strahlenschutz,Univ.of Portsmouth - 7/96
/47- A radiation monitoring system for nuclear power plants -J. Berger (TMI Public Health Fund) -12/87
/48- Radiation exposure to the public from radioactive emissions of nuclear power stations. Critical analysis of the official regulatory guides -B. Franke e.a. (IFEU) -   /
/49- Radioactive effluents from nuclear power stations and nuclear fuel reprocessing plants in the European Union, 1995-1999 [PDF] -Vd Stricht, Janssens, European Commission -   /01
/50- Handbook for estimating heath effects from exposure to ionizing radiation: 2nd Edition Revised October 1986 -Rosalie Bertell -08/84
/51- Ermittlung der moeglichen Strahlenexpositionen der Bevoelkerung aufgrund der Emissionen der Wiederaufarbeitungsanlagen in Sellafield und La Hague [PDF] -Benischke, Kuppers, Oekoinst.  - 6/01
/52- Leukamie-Erkrankungen bei Kindern von Kernkraftwerken in 5 Ländern -E.Greiser /Die Grünen -09/09
/53- Atomkraftwerke machen Kinder krank: Fragen und Antworten zum Krebsrisiko rund um Atomanlagen - IPPNW/.ausgestrahlt/Eisenberg -09/09
/54- COMARE 14th Annual Report on low-level radiation and response to the KIKK report: a critical analysis[PDF] -I. Fairlly/Nuclear Free Local Authorities (NFLA) -05/11 STRALING - GEVOLGEN - REST
/01- Gevaren der radioactiviteit (AO-reeks 697) -A.T.van Duinen - 2/58
/02- Malignant neglect -Robert M.Boyle - /80
/03- Developmental effects of prenatal irradiation -A.Stewart, G.Kneale - /82
/04- Radiation -Ecker/Bramesco - 6/81
/05- Wildlife and the atom -Lowana Veal -10/83
/06- The effects and control of radiation -UKAEA -10/86
/07- Atlas van de kankersterfte 1969-1978 -CBS - /80
/08- Comparison of biological risks -French Acad.of Science -
/09- Atomopfer berichten. -Eltern für Unbelastete Nahrung -11/88
/10- Uberwachung der radioaktivität für 1984. Zwitserland -Eidg. Kommission - /85
/11- De biologische aspekten van de toepassing van kernenergie -VU Amsterdam -11/79
/12- Synergisme -VROM, Van Bekkum -12/88
/13- Umweltradioaktivität und Strahlenbelastung Jahr 1985 BRD -Bundesmin. f Umwelt & Reaktors. - /86
/14- Physiological Plant Ecology 1 -S.Ichikawa - /81
/15- Algemene radioactieve besmetting van de biosfeer. In Nederland verrichte metingen in 1979 -Min. VROM - /80
/16- Metingen van xenobiotische stoffen in het biologische milieu 78/79 -Min. VROM - /82
/17- Metingen van radioactiviteit en xenobiotische stoffen in biosfeer 1984 -Min. VROM - /85
/18- Metingen van radioactiviteit en xenobiotische stoffen in biosfeer 1985 -Min. VROM - 9/86
/19- Metingen van radioactiviteit en xenobiotische stoffen in het biologisch milieu in Nederland 1986 -Min. VROM - 1/88
/20- Radioactive discharges monitoring of the environment and occupational safety. Highlights 1985 -BNFL - /86
/21- idem 20. Highlights 1986 -BNFL - /87
/22- Annual Report Radioactive Discharges & Monitoring of the Environment 1986 -BNFL - /87
/23- Health & Safety Annual Report 1987 -BNFL - /88
/24- Umwelt-radioaktivität und Strahlenbelastung. Jahr 1983 - - /83
/25- De geschatte stralingsbelasting in Nederland in 1987 -VROM - 9/89
/26- Metingen van radioactiviteit en xenobiotische stoffen in het biologisch milieu in Nederland 1985 -VROM - 9/86
/27- Poison Fire, Sacred Earth. Testimonies, Lectures, Conclusions -World Uranium Hearinhg 1992 - 2/95
/28- Results of environmental radioactivity measurements in the Member States of the EC 1975-1976 -Comm. European Communities - /78
/29- Leukemie en lage dosis straling -Steven C.J.van Schaardenburg -12/79
/30- Stralingshygiene en maatschappij -NVvS - 5/80
/31- Radioactieve besmetting van de biosfeer in Nederland -Joh. Blok - 7/57
/32- Radiation, Genes & Man -B.Wallace/Th.Dobhansky - /59
/33- Der Atomzeitalter und unsere Biologische Zukunft -Holger W. Bröndsted - /56
/34- Handbook for estimating health effects from exposure to ionizing radiation -R.Bertell -10/86
/35- Metingen radioactiviteit en xenobiotische stoffen in het biologisch milieu 1983 -Min. VROM - /84
/36- Voorspellingsmethoden Milieu-effect Rapportage. Deel:Straling -Jonker/Koster RIVM - 2/86
/37- The cancer hazard from inhaled Pu -John W. Gofman - 5/75
/38- Algemene radioactieve besmetting van de biosfeer in Nederland errichte metingen -VROM - /74
/39- Radioactiviteit van vliegas in het milieu en de daaruit voortvloeiende stralingsbelasting -VROM - /86
/40- Jahresbericht 1990 (BRD) -Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz - 9/91
/41- Water, Bodem, Lucht - - /57
/42- Handbook for estimating health effects from exposure to ionizing radiation -R.Bertell - 8/84
/43- Report of the UNSCEAR -UNSCEAR - 8/82
/44- Effects of ionizing radiation on aquatic organisms and ecosystems -IAEA - /76
/45- Radioactivity in surface and coastal waters of the British Isles -G.Hunt - /87
/46- Radioactivity in surface and coastal waters of the British Isles -G.Hunt - /85
/47- Radioactivity in surface and coastal waters of the British Isles -G.Hunt - /89
/48- Stralingsbronnen, toepassingen en stralingsdoses -Chr.Huyskens - /83
/49- Jahresbericht 1992 (BRD) -Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz - 8/93
/50- Bericht der Bundesregierung über Umweltradioaktivität und Strahlenbelastung im Jahr 1990 -Bundesumweltministeriums - 5/92
/51- Algemene radioactieve besmetting van de biosfeer. In Nederland verrichte metingen 1981 -VROM - 6/82
/52- The predicted radiation exposure of the population of the Eur.C. from Kr85,H3,C14,I-129 from nuclear power 2000 -Comm. of the European C. - 9/75
/53- Straling: van effect tot bescherming -Gezondheidsraad - 8/88
/54- Radioecologie van en stralingsbelasting door Nederlands afvalgips in het buitenland -VROM, EZ -11/85
/55- Netherlands contribution to the EC project: Benchmark exercise on dose estimation in a regulatory context -VROM - 4/87
/56- Gezondheidsschade mens -VROM, dir.stralenbescherming -12/88
/57- Gezondheid planten, dieren en ecosystemen -VROM, dir.stralenbescherming -12/88
/58- Mogelijke aantasting van de geestelijke gezondheid i.v.m. blootstelling aan ioniserende straling -VROM, dir.stralenbescherming -12/88
/59- Het radiologische risico bij elektriciteitsopwekking met fossiele brandstoffen -VROM -10/92
/60- Kernenergie in Europa und ihre radiologische Folgen -Albrecht M. Kellerer - /93
/61- Tsjernobyl, Mururoa...?? -Steunpunt Vredesgr. N-Holland - /96
/62- Radiological Exposure of the Population of the EC from Radioactivity in North European Marine Waters -European Communities - 6/89
/63- Wildlife and the Atom (dierproeven) -Greenpeace London - /83
/64- Jahresbericht 1995 (BRD) -Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz - 7/96
/65- Jahresbericht 1996 (BRD) -Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz - 6/97
/66- Betrachtungen zur Strahlenexposition von Baumen durch naturliche und kunstliche Strahlenquelle -GSF - 5/86
/67- Forum. Einfluss ra Stoffe auf das Schadstoffpotential der Atmosphare und auf ....pflanzen -BULBW -11/86
/68- Die Okologischen Auswirkungen energiereicher Einstrahlungen in die verunreinigte Atmosphare -Horst Hauswald - 3/87
/69- Seminario-taller sobre la contaminacion radioactiva en el Pacifico Sudeste - suplemento al informe del seminario 1 -CPPS - 8/87
/70- Seminario-taller sobre la contaminacion radioactiva en el Pacifico Sudeste, Santiago (Chile) -CPPS - 6/87
/71- Gezondheidsrisisco's bij blootstelling aan uranium -Sector Stralingshygiene/DMGB -10/94
/72- Kernenergie en landschap. bronnen en ecologische gevolgen (mutaties) -Werkgem. Landschapsecologisch Ond. - /79
/73- Cleanup of large radioactive-contaminated areas and disposal of generated waste. Fin.rep.of the KAN2 Proj. -J.Lehto (ed.) - 2/94
/74- Is there a large risk of radiation? A critical review of pessimistic claims. ANL-92/23 -A.Shihab-Eldin,A.Shlyakhter,R.Wilson - 7/92
/75- Dead reckoning. A critical review of the Department of Energy’s epidemiologic research -H.J. Geiger, D. Rush, D. Michaels e.a. -  /92
/76- US newborn deterioration in the nuclear age, 1945-1996 -J.M.Gould, E.J.Sternglass, J.J.Mangano -  /
/77- Radiation risks: an evaluation -D. Sumner, T. Wheldon, W. Watson - 3/91
/78- Report to the secretary    -SPEERA    - 3/90
/79- Strahlung im Alltag. Bd I -Katalyse -12/86
/80- Straling en stralingsgevaar -J.Schubert, R.E.Lapp -  /60
/81- Radiation, people and the environment -IAEA - 2/04 LAGE STRALINGDOSES DISKUSSIE
/01- Secret Fallout: low-level radiation from Hiroshima to Three Miles Island -E.Sternglass - 7/80
/02- No immediate danger. Prognose for a radioactive earth -Rosalie Bertell - /85
/03- Health effects of exposing to lowlevels ionizing radiation -Alice M.Stewart - 9/82
/04- Low dose rate exposure to ionizing radiation & potential risk -G.B.Gerber - 3/90
/05- Risicofactoren voor blootstelling van de long aan straling -RBI/TNO Hogeweg - 2/86
/06- Hoe gevaarlijk zijn lage doses radio-aktieve straling? -Nienhuis e.a. in W.S. - 5/85
/07- Health effects exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation -Alice Stewart - 6/81
/08- Radiation-induced cancer from Low-Dose Exposure: an independent analysis -J.Gofman - /90
/09- Health effects of airborne effluents released from the nuclear cycle - - /83
/10- Gefahren durch Strahlen mit geringer Intensität -Rotblatt/e.a. - /79
/11- Radiation and Health. Biological effects Low-level Exposure -Jones & Southwood - /87
/12- Low dose radiation cancers in man -Alice Stewart - /71
/13- Der Petkau-Effekt. Katastrophale Folgen niedriger Radioaktivität -Ralph Graeub - /90
/14- Thema: Radioaktivität -T.Bastian/K.Bonhoeffer - /91
/15- Kernenergie en Stralingsrisico's -J.vd Sluijs - 4/88
/16- Ionisierende Strahlen im Bereich niedriger Dosis & der Erzeugung von Krebs -Karl Morgan Uni.Bremen -11/79
/17- Biologische Auswirkungen von kleinen Strahlendosen -Rosalyn S. Yalow, FWE - 9/85
/18- Facts about low-level radiation -IAEA - 1/86
/19- Facts about low-level radiation -IAEA - 2/89
/20- Volksgezondheid en normen voor toelaatbare lage doses ioniserende straling -H. Nussbaum - /
/21- Lange termijn effekten van radio-aktieve straling -Jan Bijlsma - 4/79
/22- Enhancement of biological response to internal sequential beta emitters from 2nd event effects -C.Busby, I.House, Mallwyd.... -
/23- Low level radiation from the nuclear industry -C.Busby - /92
/24- Risico's van lage stralingsdoses - effecten van lage doses ioniserende straling op: de volksgezondheid, de gezondheid van de betrokken werknemers, het milieu -IMGO regionale ontwikkeling - /80
/25- Appreciation of risks of Low Level Radiation -Karl Morgan - 1/80
/26- Long term effects of Low Level Radiation Exposure -V.P. Bond Brookhaven Nat. Lab. - 5/78
/27- Radioactivity (in: Environmental Chemistry) -E.J. Sternglass -
/28- L'Effect Petkau. -Ralph Graeub - /88
/29- The Petkau Effect. Nuclear Radiation, people and trees -Ralph Graeub - /92
/30- The Petkau Effect. (revised edition, zie /29) -Ralph Graeub - /94
/31- Health dangers of the Fuel Chain and Low-Level Ionizing Radiation -Woollard/Young - 5/79
/32- Risico's van blootstelling aan lage doses ioniserende straling (interim-rapportage) -Nienhuys, Biesiot; R.U. Groningen -11/89
/33- Wirkung niedriger Strahlendosen -Deutsches Atomforum -11/94
/34- Mogelijke aantasting van de geestelijke gezondheid in verband met blootstelling aan ioniserende straling -W. Otten / C.A.J. Vlek - 1/89
/35- The Health Effects of Low Level Radiation (proceedings Symposium) -Bramhall/Bertell/Sternglass/etc - 4/96
/36- Health Effects of Exposure to Low-levels of ionizing radiation -A. Stewart - 6/81
/37- The primacy of public and environmental health -Report LL-Radiation and Health Con. - 7/00
/38- Health effects of exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation. BEIR V -BEIR e.a. -  /90
/39- A review of the carcinogenic effects of low doses of ionizing radiation -D.A.Hoffman, E.P.Radford -  /
/40- The feasibility of epidemiologic investigations of the health effects of low-level ionizing radiation. Final report.NUREG/CR-1728, NRC-01-79-010 -N.A. Dreyer e.a. - 9/80
/41- The effects on populations of exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation. BEIR III -BEIR e.a. -  /80
/42- Review of DOE reports -Bob Alvarez -10/88
/43- Radiation impact. Atoms to zygotes. Low level radiation in the nuclear age. Pre-publication draft 2 -D.W. Boardman -  /92
/44- Die Wirkung niedriger Strahlendosen -W. Köhnlein e.a. (ed.) -  /89
/45- 2003 Recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk. Health effects of ionising radiation exposure at low doses for radiation protection purposes -ECRR - 1/03
/46- Fatal Fallout: The Dangers of Ionizing Radiation [PDF] -Gary Null, PhD -   /02
/47- Epidemiological surveys of the effects of low-level radiation dose: A comparative assessment group collation tables VolumeE (DraftB) -K.S.B. Rose -  /87
/48- The controversy over low dose exposure to ionising radiations -P.A. Green; Univ. of Aston -11/84