/01- Atomenergie und Umweltsituation -Weish/Gruber - /73
/02- Kernenergie und Sicherheit -DAtF (Kernthemen) - 7/84
/03- Responsibilities of international organisations in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection -IEA/OECD -10/87
/04- Energy or extinction? The case of nuclear power -Fr. Hoyle - /77
/05- An irreverent illustrated vieuw for nuclear power -John W.Gofman - /79
/06- Shut down. Nuclear energy on trial. Experts testify in federal Courts - - /79
/07- Rede-Gegenrede 1 -Deutsches Atomforum - /79
/08- 3 Stellungnahmen der Deutschen Kritiker - - 4/79
/09- 4 Stellungnahmen der Ausländische Kritiker I - - 4/79
/10- 5 Stellungnahmen der Ausländische Kritiker II - - 4/79
/11- 6 Schriftlicher darlegungen der Gegenkritiker I - - 4/79
/12- 7 Schriftlicher darlegungen der Gegenkritiker II - - 4/79
/13- DWK-Stellungnahmen zu Thesen der Kritiker - - 4/79
/14- Der Gorleben Report: Ungewissheit und Verfahren der Nuklearen Entsorgung -Hatzfeld/Hirsch/e.a. - 7/79
/15- Argumenten genoeg -Maurits/Groen/e.a. - /82
/16- Kernenergie ontmanteld -LEK/IMGO/e.a. - 9/82
/17- Mechanical Testing irradiated materials -ECN -
/18- Gefährdung der Bevölkerung durch Atomkraftwerke -Holger Strohm - 3/73
/19- Zur Risikofrage Kernenergie und andere Stromerzeugende Systemen -Schw.Ges.Kernfachleute - 3/83
/20- Crepuscule des Atoms -Louis Puiseux - /86
/21- Les accidents de criticité dans l'industrie nucléaire -IPSN, Conference ICNC 1999 - 9/99
/22- Fission Stories. Nuclear Power's Secrets -David Lachbaum - 2/00
/23- Zusammenfassung der Veröffentlichungen des Infozentrums zum Gorleben-Hearing -IZ kritische Wissenschaft - /79
/24- Nuclear Safety Review for 1986 -IAEA - 8/87
/25- Les nouvelles nucléaires -CEA, Alsthom, Cogema.. -10/85
/26- Risiken der Kernenergie -Atomwirtschaft & Technik -
/27- Environmental impacts of expanded utilization of nuclear energy -D.Medford -
/28- Health dangers of the nuclear fuel chain & ionizing radiation -Medical Association - 5/79
/29- Honicker vs. Hendrie. A Lawsuit to end Atomic Power - - /78
/30- The Physical Protection of Nuclear Material INFCIRC/225/Rev.1 -IAEA - 6/77
/31- Guidelines for Mutual Emergency Assistance Arrangements in Connection with a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency. INFCIRC/310 -IAEA - 1/84
/32- The Environmental Impacts Of Production And Use Of Energy. Part II. Nuclear Energy -UN - 9/79
/33- Kernenergie in discussie -TH Twente/Boerderijcahier -12/75
/34- Sizewell B Public Inquiry: Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations - Fr. Layfield, Dep of energy -12/86
/35- Volume One Part I
/36- Volume Two Part II, Sections 1-5
/37- Volume Three Part II, Sections 6-10
/38- Volume Four Part III
/39- Volume Five Part IV, Sections 1-5
/40- Volume Six Part IV, Sections 6-11
/41- Volume Seven Parts V, VI and VII
/42- Volume Eight Glossary, index and appendices
/43- The Convention on Nuclear Safety -Simon Carroll, Greenpeace - 6/97
/44- The nuclear fuel cycle. A survey of the Public Health, Environmental, and National Security Effects of Nuclear Power -Union of Concerned Scientists - /77
/45- Safety of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle -OECD/NEA - 5/81
/46- Collective statement on the role of research in a nuclear regulatory context -NEA -  /01
/47- Collective statement on major nuclear safety research facilities and programmes at risk. Joint OECD projects and centres of excellence -NEA -  /01
/48- Assuring future nuclear safety competencies. Specific actions -NEA -  /01
/49- Nuclear regulatory challenges arising from competition in electricity markets -NEA -  /01
/50- Improving nuclear regulatory effectiveness -NEA -  /01
/51- The nuclear regulatory challenge of judging safety backfits -NEA -  /02
/52- Nuclear Reactor Hazards. Ongoing dangers of Operating Nuclear Technology in the 21ste Century  [+PDF] – Greenpeace - 4/05
/53- Waard om te weten: Hoe veilig is kernenergie? -Nigel Hawkes, Rika Vliek -  /89
/54- Safety Assessment Principles for Nuclear Facilities. -HSE - /06
/55- Nuclear energy; Rebirth or resuscitation ? -Carnegie/Sharon Squassoni -00/09
/56- Netherlands' National Report for the 2nd Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) Extraordinary Meeting to be held in August 2011 [PDF] -Min. van EL&I   -05/12 VEILIGHEID - REACTOREN - ALGEMEEN
/01- Some legal implications of some nuclear accidents - -
/02- Nuclear lessons -Curtis/Hogan/Horowitz - /80
/03- De Kernsmeltingsongevallen Tsjernobyl en Harrisburg: lessen voor de reactor veiligheid -KEMA - /87
/04- Tritium en volksgezondheid -Wetenschapswinkel Groningen - 3/86
/05- Stralend water. Effecten van KE op de drinkwatervoorziening -Milieudefensie - 4/87
/06- Tritium: toxiciteit & dosisberekeningen -N.Harle -11/86
/07- Thermische en radioactieve verontreiniging van oppervlaktewater -R.J.Goosens - 6/82
/08- Tritium in de biosfeer (lit.onderzoek) -Dr. G. van Ginkel - 8/76
/09- Environmental & Human Risks of Tritium -KfK Karlsruhe - 2/86
/10- International nuclear reactor hazard study; volume II technical reports -Gruppe Ökologie Hannover - 9/86
/11- Safety Research Abstracts 1. Water cooled reactor technology -IAEA -12/90
/12- Environmental impact of nuclear power plants -Karam and Morgan - /75
/13- Harrisburg war nur der Anfang -AKW-nein kommission - /79
/14- Ontwerp-verslag over veiligheid van kerninstallaties in lidstaten van de EG -G.Adam - 9/91
/15- Tritium drinkwater uit de Maas -W.Halfwerk,R.Ketelaar.. - /87
/16- Tritium in de Maas -C.Heinze -07/85
/17- Bewertung der Ergebnisse d.Phase B d.Dt. Riskostudie KKW -Min.Soziales, Energie -10/89
/18- Die Störfall-Leitlinien fur Kernkraftwerke -Beispiel fur den Abbau von Sicherheitsstandards in Kernkraftwerken -Ökoinstitut Freiburg - 8/84
/19- Mythbusters # 7: Nuclear Reactor Safety -Safe Energy Comm. Council -10/92
/20- Kerncentrales en volksgezondheid -Min. Volksgezondheid.& Milieu - /75
/21- A critical Critique of "Basic principles for the limitation of releases of radioactive substances from NP stations -A.R. Tamplin, Gillberg - 9/75
/22- Basic Safety Principles for NPP's -IAEA - 6/80
/23- Nuclear Power and Safety -UKAEA -11/92
/24- Tritium in de biosfeer -G. van Ginkel - 8/76
/25- Tritium in de biosfeer. Enkele microdosimetrische aspecten -G. van Ginkel -11/76
/26- Nuclear data and benchmarks for reactor shielding -OECD-NEA/IAEA -10/80
/27- Assessment of Emergency Core Cooling Systems -Ford/Kendall - /74
/28- Die Auswirkungen schwerer Unfälle in Wiederaufarbeitungs-anlagen und AKW's -BBU - 1/77
/29- Kernkraftnutzung nach Tschernobyl? -Bernhard Plettner -
/30- The game of hazard -Greenpeace - /93/31- Neue Ergebnisse zur Reaktorsicherheit -Atomwirtschaft & Technik - /82
/32- Wie sicher sind Kernkraftwerke? -Atomwirtschaft & Technik -
/33- The accident hazards of nuclear power plants -R.Webb - /76
/34- Kernsmelting -AO-reeks -10/86
/35- Veiligheid van reactoren -RCN - /68
/36- Tritium -A.Moghissi, M.Carter - 5/73
/37- Auslegung und Bau einer Typ- und Serienprüfanlage für Filterelemente der Klasse S für den Einsatz in Lüftungs-anlagen deutscher Kernkraftwerke -KfK Karlsruhe - 5/93
/38- Documents dealing with nuclear safety - - /78
/39- The Chernobyl nuclear accident: a summary analysis of its cause and consequences; with a comparative analysis of the accident hazards of the western reactors -R.Webb - 8/86
/40- Sicherheitsaspekte bei der Nutzung der Kernenergie -Ehrenstein, Uni Bremen -12/74
/41- Nuclear Safety Review for 1984 -IAEA - /85
/42- Nucleaire veiligheidsregels. Safety code nuclear power plant design. (Adaptation of IAEA Codes SS 50-C-D) -Min. SZW & VROM - /89
/43- Nucleaire veiligheidsregels. Safety code nuclear power plant design. Adaption of IAEA Codes 50-C-D (Rev. 1) -Min. SZW & VROM - /89
/44- Nucleaire veiligheidsregels. Safety code nuclear power plant operation. Adaption of IAEA Codes Safety 50-C-O (Rev. 1) -Min. SZW & VROM - /89
/45- Nucleaire veiligheidsregels. Hoofdregel Kwaliteitsborging voor de veiligheid van kerncentrales. Bewerking van IAEA Codes Safety Series 50-c-QA (Rev. 1) -Min. SZW & VROM - /89
/46- Nuclear power performance and safety. Vol 2: Achievements in construction and operation -IAEA - /88
/47- OSART. Operational Safety Review Teams -IAEA - 8/95
/48- Het debat over reactorveiligheid -IVEM - 6/86
/49- Samenvatting project herbezinning kernenergie -stuurgroep herbezinning kernenergie - 5/88
/50- International nuclear reactor hazard study. Volume I: summary and conclusions -Gruppe Ökologie Hannover - 9/86
/51- 1984 Nuclear Power Safety Report -Public Citizen - /84
/52- Severe accidents in nuclear power plants -NEA/OECD - 5/86
/53- Project herbezinning kernenergie. Tsjernobyl, reacties en ontwikkelingen -Stuurgroep project herbezinning - 3/88
/54- Alt, älter Super GAU? Je länger Atomkraftwerke in Betrieb sind, desto grösser wird das Risiko (samenvatting) -Greenpeace - 4/96
/55- Die Risiken der Atomkraftwerke; Der Anti-Rasmussen-Report der Union of Concerned Scientists -öko Institut - 1/80
/56- International nuclear reactor hazard study. Design and operational features, and hazards of commercial nuclear power reactors in the world -Gruppe ökologie Hannover - 9/86
/57- Vessel head penetration cracking in nuclear reactors (part I&II) -Greenpeace - 3/93
/58- Tritium fact sheet -Nigel Harle -12/86
/59- Glossary of Nuclear Power Plant Ageing -NEA/OECD - /99
/60- The Millenium Bug Y2K. It's potential threat to nuclear facilities -Large & Associates, Greenpeace - 8/99
/61- The aging of nuclear power plants: a citizen's guide.... -NIRS - /88
/62- Construction Time, Cost and Operating Performance of PWR, AGR, and Coal-fires Generating Plant. Volume 1 -CEGB Proof; Sizewell Public Inquiry -11/82
/63- idem; Volume 2 -CEGB Proof; Sizewell Public Inquiry -11/82
/64- idem: Appendix 5: NNC Target Construction Programme -CEGB Proof; Sizewell Public Inquiry -11/82
/65- Assuring Nuclear Safety Competence into the 21ste Century -NEA/OECD - /00
/66- Nuclear safety research. The response to the TMI acident -OECD/NEA - 9/80
/67- Basic safety principles for nuclear power plants  -IAEA -  /88
/68- Katastrophe auf Raten -S. Novick -  /71
/69- Reactor safety: different types, new types.  -W. Biesiot - 6/91
/70- Regulatory and Industry Co-operation on Nuclear Safety Research  –OECD/NEA  -  /03
/72- Nuclear safety research in OECD countries. Summary report of major facilities and programmes at risk -NEA -  /01
/73- The zircaloy – uranium dioxide reaction -B.D.Johnston - 9/84
/74- The zirconium connection -D.M.Pisello - 4/79
/75- Nuclear safety research in OECD countries. Capabilities and facilities -NEA -  /97
/76- Nuclear power plant life management in a changing business world. Workshop proceedings Washington … 26-27 June 2000. Hosted by the US DOE -NEA -  /00
/77- Nuclear Power Plant Ageing and Plant Life Extension (PLEX)[+PDF] –H.Hirsch, Global 2000 - 2/01
/78- Licensed to Kill. How the nuclear industry destroys endangered marine wildlife and ocean habitat to save money [PDF] -Gunter, Gunter, Cullen, Borton -  2/01
/79- Mythos Atomkraft : Über die Laufzeitverlängerung von Atomkraftwerken -F.Matthes, B.Kallenbach, H.Böll St.- 3/06
/80- Nuclear Power Plant Operational Experience. 2002-2005 Incident Reporting System -NEA/OECD + IAEA -  /06
/81- Residual Risk. An account on events in nuclear power plants since the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Summary and Conclusions [PDF] -Schneider, Sailer, Lochbaum e.a. - 5/07
/82- Communication on the comprehensive risk and safety assessments ("stress tests") of nuclear power plants in the European Union and related activities [PDF] -EC -10/12
/83- Technical summary on the implementation of comprehensive risk and safety assessments of nuclear power plants in the European Union accompanying the EU nuclear stress tests document [PDF] -EC -10/12
/84- Comments On the "stress tests" specifications - Proposal by the WENRA Task Force [PDF] -Greenpeace/J. Haverkamp   -05/11 VEILIGHEID - REACTOREN - DRUK- EN KOKENDWATER
/01- Können wir auf Kernenergie verzichten? -KWU -11/86
/02- Heroverweging Kernenergie -CRMH -10/89
/03- Kerncentrales en volksgezondheid I -Gezondheidsraad - 9/75
/04- Kerncentrales en volksgezondheid. Deel II Bijlagen -Gezondheidsraad - 9/75
/05- Kleine kansen-grote gevolgen. Of: gevolgen van een groot ongeluk met een kerncentrale -Van Dijk/Smit - 2/77
/06- 3500Mwe kerncentrales in Nederland: Hoe werken ze en wat zijn de risico's? -Min. EZ - 5/77
/07- Gevolgen groot ongeluk kerncentrale -Klarisse Nienhuys - 1/78
/08- How safe is the nuclear reactor in your backyard? -Union of Concerned Scientists - /80
/09- Onderzoek gevolgen van middelgroot ongeluk AKW Grohnde -Bussian/Franke/e.a. - /80
/10- Economische schade van een ongeval met een kerncentrale: Gevolgen van radioaktieve besmetting oppervlakte water -Waterloopkundig Lab. - 2/88
/11- Economische schade van een ongeval met een kerncentrale: Beschrijving Economische analyse -vd Vlist/vd Vlies/Beumer - /88
/12- Ernstige reactorongevallen opnieuw bezien: Gevolgen voor de omgeving -ECN Hienen/Roelofsen/ea - /88
/13- Advies vd Commissie Reactorveiligheid over aanbevelingen die presidentiële Commissie voor ongeval TMI heeft opgesteld -Comm. Reaktorveiligheid - 1/81
/14- Is kernenergie veilig? -Natuur en Milieu - 7/87
/15- Recent Developments in reactivity initiated accidents assessments -ECN (literature survey) - 5/90
/16- Verbeter de wereld... -SSKalkar - /75
/17- The Phebus FP Project -CEA/EEG - 3/91
/18- Le Programme Phebus PF -ISPN - 8/92
/19- Safety aspects of fuel behaviour in off-normal and accident conditions -OECD-NEA/IAEA - /81
/20- Kerncentrales en Volksgezondheid (aanvullend advies van de Gezondheidsraad) -VROM - 9/78
/21- Analyse des "Gemeinsamen zusammenfassenden Berichtes der DFK über die Sicherheit des Cattenom und Phillippsburg 2" -Küppers/Sailer, Öko-insitut - 7/86
/22- Der Reaktorunfall in der Sowjetunion. Wie sicher sind unsere Kernkraftwerke? -PreussenElektra - 6/86
/23- Nuclear Reactor Study -General Electric - 7/75
/24- NRC Staff Evaluation of the General Electric Company Nuclear Reactor Study -NRC - 7/87
/25- Veiligheid en ongevalsmanagement kerncentrales -J.Hart -12/92
/26- Sicherheitsorientierte LWR-Forschung. Jahresbericht 1991 -KfK Karlsruhe - 8/92
/27- Beratungsstudie zu Accident Management. Massnahmen für die KKW Borssele und Dodewaard -GRS/Stuurgroep project herbezinning - 3/88
/28- Actieplan "Veiligheid van Kerncentrales". Veiligheidsstudies Borssele en Dodewaard -KFD - 1/88
/29- NRC Staff Evaluation of the General Electric Company Nuclear Reactor Study ("Reed Report") -US NRC - 7/87
/30- Studie 'Menselijk handelen' van het Actieplan 'Veiligheid van kerncentrales' -Stuurgroep project herbezinning - 3/88
/31- Studie 'Brandveiligheid' van het Actieplan 'Veiligheid van Kerncentrales' -Stuurgroep project herbezinning - 3/88
/32- The Pressurised Water Reactor PWR -UKAEA - 4/89
/33- Tube Leaks. A consumer's and worker's guide to steam generator problems at nuclear power plants -Public Citizen - /82
/34- Atomkraftwerke. Unsicher und grundrechtswidrig -BIU Hannover - 8/98
/35- Danger to German nuclear power plants from crashes by passenger aircraft -Helmut Hirsch, Greenpeace -11/01
/36- Gefährdung deutscher Atomkraftwerke durch den Absturz von Verkehrsflugzeugen -Hirsch Greenpeace -11/01
/37- Kerncentrales en hun effecten op het milieu. Onderzoek naar effecten van normaal in bedrijf zijnde PWR -John Geurts - 2/86
/38- Safety of General Electric boiling water reactors in doubt - -   /
/39- Containment integrity and leak testing. Final report -Commission of the European Communities -11/86
/40- Nuclear fuel safety criteria technical review -NEA -  /01
/41- Nuclear Plant Risk Studies: Failing the Grade -D. Lochbaum, UCS 08/00
/42- EdF 900 MWe Nuclear Power Plants -Electricite de France - 5/83
/43- Walking a Nuclear Tightrope. Unlearned lessons of Year-Plus Outages -Union of Concerned Scientists - 9/06 VEILIGHEID - REACTOREN - CANDU
/01- Safety of CANDU nuclear power stations -V.G.Snell - 1/85
/02- Resultaat van studie naar veiligheid van Canadese zwaarwater reactor CANDU -Kernf.Dienst/ECN/KEMA - 8/81
/03- Reactor Safety -Energy Probe - /90
/04- Aging and Performance Decline File -Energy Probe - 7/91
/05- TMI. A review of the accident and its implications for CANDU -Pannell/Campbell. AECL - 3/80
/06- Loss-of-coolant accidents with impaired emergency coolant injection -J.T.Rogers, AECL - 2/81
/07- Safety risks from damaged Pressure Tubes -Stan Gray, Greenpeace - 2/93
/08- Nuclear Reactor Safety -ontario hydro - 5/86
/09- Candu 3 - the right product for the times -AECL - /92 Thorium-based fuels preliminary lattice cell studies for Candu reactors [PDF] -C. Margeanu/ A. Rizoiu/ Institute for nuclear Research Pitesti -11/09 VEILIGHEID - REACTOREN - OOSTEUROPEES VVER/ RBMK
/01- 3 brochures: The Green East/West Dialogue- on ecology, economy and energy -European Greens -05/92
/02- Kernkraftwerke in Osteuropa -soz. Osteuropakomitee -05/78
/03- The WWER-440: Eastern Europe's most important reactor -Ecology Group Hannover - 4/87
/04- Russian Roulette: Nuclear power reactors in Eastern-Europe and the former Soviet Union -Friends of the Earth - 6/92
/05- Source book. Soviet-designed nuclear power plants in Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, the Slowak republic, Hungary and Bulgaria. Third ed. -NEI -  /95
/06- Sicherheit der Kernkraftwerke und Umweltfragen der Energie-versorgung in den Staaten Mittel- und Osteuropas -Bundesumweltministers (Dui.) -11/91
/07- Nuclear power and Safety in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union -World Bank/I.E.A. - 3/93
/08- Energy Efficiency Potential in Eastern European and Former Soviet Nations -Friends of the Earth - 4/93
/09- Chernobyl and the safety of nuclear reactors -NEA/OECD - /87
/10- RBMK Report 1996. A Critical discussion of Chernobyl-type reactor -Kollert & Donderer, Greenpeace - 3/96
/11- Most Dangerous Reactors -DoE, Office Of Energy Intelligence - 4/95
/12- Chernobyl: 10 years later. Fingerbook (DRAFT!) - - /95
/13- Russian Roulette (DRAFT) (zie 04) -FOE - 8/92
/14- Verdrängt, Verstrahlt Verdammt. -Global 2000 - /97
/15- Safety Research Needs for Russian-Designed Reactors -NEA/OECD - 3/98
/16- The importance of energy issues in East-West cooperation - nuclear energy in central and eastern Europe -EP - 6/96
/17- Nukleare Sicherheit in Osteuropa. Programme und Massnahmen zur Verbesserung der nuklearen Sicherheit sowie damit zusammenhangende Finanzierungsfragen -Bundesministerium Umwelt (BMU) - 6/99
/18- Improving the Safety of Soviet-Designed Nuclear Power Plants -DOE. Nuclear Energy, Science Techn. -12/97
/19- How safe is safe enough - Chernobyl reactions in the EU -FOE Patricia Lorenz -10/00
/20- (Un-)Sicherheit von Atomanlagen- in Ost und West -Gruppe Ökologie -11/88
/21- Vulnerability of VVER-1000 NPP to Passenger Aircraft Crash -H.Hirsch, Greenpeace -11/01
/22- Development of the MAAP code for analysis of VVER PWRs -R.P.Prior, M.G.Plys -  1/93
/23- Der WWER-440. Osteuropas wichtigster Reaktor -Gruppe Ökologie Hannover - 4/87
/24- La mort s’exporte bien -Amis de la Terre -  /02
/25- Die Erdbebengefärdung: grenznaher Atomkraftwerke -H. Högelsberger, AAI -  /00 VEILIGHEID - REACTOREN - 'HULP' AAN OOSTEUROPA
/01- Risk finance: Backfit vs. Shutdown of VVER nuclear reactors -Greenpeace -11/91
/02- Rehabilitation of the electric industry in Eastern Europe -K.Kasper -08/92
/03- Shutdown! Realising the low cost option to phase out Nuclear Power in Eastern Europe -Greenpeace - 6/93
/04- International Assistance to Upgrade the Safety of Soviet-designed NPP's -IAEA -12/93
/05- Dangerous Liaisons. Western involvement in the Nuclear Power Industry of central an deastern Europe -Friends of the Earth -12/92
/06- Energy in Central and Eastern Europe; Nuclear Power and Energy Efficiency; Two Options -Reader Celakovice Conference - /92
/07- Stop Tinker Campaign. Stop western nuclear lobby going east - - 4/93
/08- Dutch support programm for Central and Eastern Europe on Rationale Use of Energy and the Environment -NOVEM - 9/95
/09- Cassiopee (afvalopslag samenwerking) First Report -Cassiopee - 7/94
/10- Kernkraftwerke in Osteuropa -Foratom - 6/92
/11- Nuclear safety - the need for an insurance policy -World Bank, A. Churchill - 9/92
/12- Nuclear safety: the policy of the European Union -EU, L. Brinkhorst - /93
/13- Environmental Assesment Sourcebook. Vol. III. Guidelines for Environmental Assesment of Energy and Industry Projects -World Bank -
/14- The nuclear dilemma in Eastern Europe -Greenpeace International -11/94
/15- Nederlands Ondersteuningsbeleid Midden- en Oost-Europa 94 -Ministerie Buitenlandse Zaken -10/95
/16- The Nuclear Safety Account -EBRD/NSA -12/94
/17- Procurement Policies and Rules -EBRD - 1/92
/18- Report on NSA Procurement Activities -EBRD/NSA - 4/95
/19- What is PHARE? -European Commission EC -
/20- How to work with PHARE -European Commission EC -
/21- The PHARE 1992 Indicative Programmes -European Commission EC - /92
/22- PHARE jaarverslag 1994 -European Commission EC - /95
/23- PHARE programmes in the Czech Republic -European Commission EC -
/24- PHARE in Poland -European Commission EC -
/25- PHARE, Indicative Programmes. No 1 1995 -European Commission EC -
/26- PHARE, Programme and contract information 1995. Multi-country and cross-border programmes No 1 -European Commission EC -
/27- PHARE, Programme and contract information 1995. Estonia -European Commission EC -
/28- PHARE, Programme and contract information 1995. Latvia -European Commission EC -
/29- PHARE, Programme and contract information 1995. Lithuania -European Commission EC -
/30- PHARE, Programme and contract information 1995. Slovenia -European Commission EC -
/31- TACIS jaarverslag 1994 -European Commission EC - /95
/32- TACIS, Contract information. Update No. 5, 1995 -European Commission EC -11/95
/33- TACIS/PHARE, Contract Information Nuclear Safety programmes. Budget 1994 -European Commission EC -12/94
/34- TACIS/PHARE, Contract Information Nuclear Safety programmes. Budget 1995 -European Commission EC - /95
/35- PHARE, Environment to year 2000. Progress/strategy paper -European Commission EC
/36- Statements on Nuclear Power and Public Participation -Green East-West Dialogue -10/95
/37- TACIS. Summary of Indicative Programmes 1993 - 1995 -European Commission EC - 7/95
/38- TACIS. Contract Information. Budget 1995 - Part 1 -European Commission EC - 7/95
/39- TACIS. Contract Information Update no 5. November 1995 -European Commission EC -10/95
/40- (zonder titel) ongepubliceerd rapport over westerse hulp -Stichting LAKA - 3/96
/41- PHARE. Programme and Contract Information 1996: Lithuania -European Commission EC - /96
/42- PHARE. Programme and Contract Information 1996: Estonia -European Commission EC - /96
/43- PHARE. Programme and Contract Information 1996: Latvia -European Commission EC - /96
/44- TACIS/PHARE, Contract Information. Nuclear Safety Programmes. Budget 1996 -European Commission EC -10/96
/45- Tacis-Programma Jaarverslag 1995 -Europese Commissie - 7/96
/46- Nuclear safeguards and nuclear safety in the East;Final report -Europees Parlement -11/96
/47- TACIS Annual Report 1994 -Europese Commissie - 7/95
/48- TACIS. Contract Information. Budget 1996 and 1996-1997 -Europese Commissie -12/96
/49- PHARE and TACIS Nuclear Safety Programme (Draft) -Europese Commissie - 1/96
/50- TACIS. Contract Information. Update No 6 - February 1996 -Europese Commissie - 2/96
/51- TACIS Contract information budget 1996-1997, february 1997 -Europese Commissie - 2/97
/52- New Directions. Ten Years After Chernobyl. Report and recommendations to the leaders of Russia and the G-7 Nations -CREP/NRDC/Bellona - 4/96
/53- TACIS-Programma Jaarverslag 1996 -Europese Commissie - 7/97
/54- TACIS Nuclear safety programmes Contract Information Budget 1997 -Europese Commissie - 7/97
/55- Nuclear Safety Technical Assistance. Summit Industrialised Countries -G-7 summit, Commission EC - 6/92
/56- The European Commission's Proposals for Funding of Soviet Designed VVER 1000 Reactors -A.Froggatt/Greenpeace Int. - 6/97
/57- Communications from Commission to Council and European Parliament on nuclear related activities for the applicant countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States -Commission of European Comunities - 3/98
/58- Agenda 2000 and the Implications for Nuclear Safety -Antony Froggatt/Michael Weltin - 3/98
/59- Agenda 2000: Will it increase nuclear safety in Eastern Europe? -WISE Amsterdam - 6/98
/60- International Environmental Collaboration. Russia: A Case Study -London Initiative on Russian Env. - 6/98
/61- TACIS-Programma. Jaarverslag 1997 -Europese Commissie - /98
/62- PHARE Address book -Europese Commissie -12/97
/63- Real Ways to Reduce Nuclear Risk in Eastern Europe -EU Enlargement Watch -10/98
/64- Panel of High-Level Advisors on Nuclear safety in central and eastern Europe and in the New Independent States - - 9/98
/65- Contract Information Budget 1999, January 1999 Kyrgyz Republic 1999, 1st tranche; Ukraine 1999, 1st tr. -TACIS EC - 2/99
/66- Het dilemma rondom het K2R4-project: economische belangen of nucleaire veiligheid in Europa? -Y.Khripko UvA - 3/99
/67- TACIS Jaarverslag 1998 -Europese Commissie - 7/99
/68- Atomausstieg in Osteuropa? Länder, Daten, Widerstand -Grünes Jugendbündnis Sachsen - /99
/69- International Decommissioning Support Funds -EBRD - 5/00
/70- The PHARE Partnership Programme. The Phare and Tacis LIEN pro. -Phare & Tacis - 1/98
/71- Limited Safety/Unlimited Risk. Dangerous reactors in CEE/CIS countries and the G8 -FOE Europe/ Amici della Terra Italia - 2/01
/72- The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development: An introductory Guide for environmental NGO's -Andrew Dilworth, FOE -12/95
/73- Why Euratom does not make old nuclear power plants safer. A FOE paper -Patricia Lorenz -10/02
/74- Die westliche Unterstütsung zur Verbesserung der Sicherheid von Kernkraftwerken sowjetischer Bauart -BMU -06/94
/75- EU financial assistance for the decommissioning of nuclear plants in Bulgaria, Lithuania and Slovakia: Acheviements and future challenges [+PDF] -European Court of Auditors - /11 VEILIGHEID - NIEUWE GENERATIES - ALGEMEEN
/01- Prospects for Inherently Safe Reactors -Jack N. Barkenbus - 4/87
/02- PIUS The Nuclear reactor of tomorrow -ABB Atom - 2/90
/03- Nuclear power in 1990's -D.R.Williams/GE - 3/90
/04- Nuclear power looking for the future -Karl Stahlkopf - 3/90
/05- inherente veiligheid van kerncentrales: redder in nood of fopspeen? -J.S. Hoogschagen, ECN -10/93
/06- Safety and economics of new generations of nuclear reactors -P.Lako, ECN - 5/91
/07- Adavanced Water-Cooled Reactor Technology -OECD-NEA - /89
/08- PRISM (Power Reactor Inherently Safe Module) concept -General Electric - /86
/09- Topnux '93 - towards the next generation of light water reactors. deel 1 -ENS - /93
/10- Topnux '93. deel 2 -ENS - /93
/11- Results of a comparison study of advanced reactors -Nucon/ECN/KEMA - 6/91
/12- 'Inherente veiligheid' in perspectief -G.Kelfkens - /93
/13- Inherent veilige kenmerken van innovatieve kernreactoren -J.A.Heil(samensteller), ECN -11/95
/14- 'Inherente veiligheid' in perspectief -VROM - 4/94
/15- Advanced fuel cycle and reactor concepts -INFCE/IAEA - 3/80
/16- Small and medium reactors. I: status and prospects -NEA/OECD - /91
/17- Small and medium reactors. II: technical supplement -NEA/OECD - /91
/18- Nuclear in a changing world -EC DG XII, Seminar -10/98
/19- Developments in the inherent safety of nuclear reactors -NUCON - 5/88
/20- Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems ICENES 2000 -report Petten 24-28 Sept - 9/00
/21- Fortgeschrittene Reaktorkonzepte -O.Schumacher e.a.(Beirat für Fragen des Kernenergieausstiegs) - 3/93
/22- Jahrestagung Kerntechnik ’98. Fachsitzung. SWR 1000 -Deutsches Atomforum - 7/98
/23- Assessment of evolutionary and revolutionary reactor concepts in the Dutch situation -R. Skjoeldebrand - 6/91
/24- Workshop on advanced nuclear reactor safety issues and research needs. Paris, France 18-20 February 2002 -NEA -  /02
/25- A Technology Roadmap for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems  –Generation VI  – 3/03
/26- Overzicht van nieuwe kerncentrales [+PDF]  (bijlage Criteria, VROM) -J.L.Kloosterman, TUDelft - 9/00
/27- Generation IV; roadmap, description candidate gas-cooled reactorsystems [PDF] -NER.commission & Gen.IV -12/02
/28- Strategie de participation francaise : Prototype 2020, GNEP, Génération IV -CEA, Frank Carre - 4/06 VEILIGHEID - NIEUWE GENERATIES - HTR/PBMR
/01- Beurteiling der in- und ausländischen Konzepte für kleine Hochtemperaturreaktoren -Öko-Institut; Hahn/Nockenberg - 3/90
/02- High-Temperature Reactor Technology -HTR-GmbH -
/03- Hochtemperaturreaktortechnik -K. Kugeler, R. Schulten - /89
/04- Maatschappelijke kernenergieproblemen: De HTGR als mogelijk antwoord -Ned. Inst. Vredesvr. -10/78
/05- Economics and Market potential of the Modular High Temperature Reactor in the Netherlands -ECN; Lako/Stoffer/Beeldman - 4/95
/06- Technology Assessment HTR; samenvatting en conclusies -ECN; Andriesse - 6/96
/07- Technology Assessment HTR; 1 - Thermodynamische potentieel van de Hoge Temperatuur Reactor -ECN; van Rij - 6/96
/08- Technology Assessment HTR; 2 - Inpasbaarheid Hoge Temperatuur Reactor in industriële processen -ECN; Smit, de Beer en Kok - 6/96
/09- Technology Assessment HTR; 3 - Economie van nieuwe concepten van de modulaire Hoge Temperatuur Reactor -ECN; Lako - 6/96
/10- Technology Assessment HTR; 4 - Power Upscaling of High Temperature Reactors -ECN; van Heek - 6/96
/11- Technology Assessment HTR; 5 - Thorium Fueled High Temperature gas cooled Reactors -ECN; Bultman - 6/96
/12- Technology Assessment HTR; 6 - The radiological risks associated with the thorium-fuelled HTR... -ECN; Dodd, van Hienen - 6/96
/13- Technology Assessment HTR; 7 - Maatschappelijk draagvlak voor de introductie van de Hoge Temperatuur Reactor -ECN; de Ruiter - 6/96
/14- Technology Assessment HTR; 8 - Kernenergie en duurzame ontwikkeling -ECN; Turkenburg - 6/96
/15- Technology Assessment HTR; 9 - Het duurzame van de Hoge Temperatuur Reactor -ECN; Andriesse - 6/96
/16- HTR-Incogen Symposium, 16 Januari 1997 -ECN - 1/97
/17- Development status of modular HTGRs and their future role (deels)-H.Th.Klippel (editor) - 9/95
/18- Incogen Pre-feasibility study, Nuclear Cogeneration -ECN/IRI/KEMA/NUCON/ROMAWA - 9/97
/19- Incogen Pre-feasibility study, Nuclear Cogeneration Summary Report -ECN/IRI/KEMA/NUCON/ROMAWA - 9/97
/20- Back-End of the HTR fuel Cycle -Schram/Prij ECN - 7/97
/21- The GT-MHR. A new generation of power station -Framatome -
/22- Der kleine Hochtemperaturreaktor – Letzter Strohhalm der  Atomindustrie? -L.Hahn - 3/88
/23- Abstracts IAEA Technical Committee meeting on development status of modular HTRs and their future role. 28-30 November 1994. Hosted by … ECN -IAEA, ECN -11/94
/24- Statusrapport hoge temperatuurreactoren -A.I. van Heek (ECN) - 9/94
/25- WHITE reactor integraal programma -ECN, PINK - 6/94
/26- Feasibility of a High Temperature Nuclear Reactor as back up system for Wind power [PDF] -B.Boer, TU Delft - 5/04
/27- Nuclear energy rethink?: The rise and demise of South Africa's Pebble Bed Modular Reactor [PDF] -David Fig/ISS -04/10 VEILIGHEID - REACTOREN - NIEUWE GENERATIES - EPR
/01-  Sicherheitstechnische Defizite des Europaischen Druckwasser Reaktors (EPR)–Henrik Paulitz IPPNW  –12/03
/02- Assessment of Operational Risks and Hazards of the EPR when subject to Aircraft Crash [PDF]  -Large Associates, Greenpeace Int -  5/06
/03- EPR  -Areva - 3/05
/04- The EPR in crisis [+PDF] -Steve Thomas/PSIRU/UG -11/10
/05- Selected Aspects of the EPR Design in the Light of the Fukushima Accident[+PDF] -H. Hirsch/Greenpeace Int. -06/11
/06- The EPR nuclear reactor: A dangerous waste of time and money: Catalysing an energy revolution [PDF] -Greenpeace International -01/2012 VEILIGHEID - REACTOREN - NIEUWE GENERATIES - WATERSTOF-PRODUCTIE
/01- Nuclear production of hydrogen. First information exchange meeting Paris, France, 2-3 October 2000 -NEA - /01 VEILIGHEID - REACTOREN - REST TYPES
/01- Safe operation of critical assemblies and research reactors -IAEA - /61
/02- Nuclear desalination -IAEA - /68
/03- Use of gas-cooled HTR-reactors for food preservation [PDF] -Remond R.Pahladsingh - 3/04
/04- Introduction integrated aluminium production plant; high economical profit, minimal energy consumption and maximal environmental protection [PDF] -R.R.Pahladsingh - 7/04
/05- Small Nuclear Power Reactors [PDF] -WNA -11/06
/06- Small modular reactors: No solution for the cost, safety, and waste problems of nuclear power [PDF] -Arjun Makhijani/MicheleBoyd/IEER/PSR -09/10 VEILIGHEID - RISICO-ANALYSES & -BELEVING
/01- Risico-analyse van de splijtstofcyclus in Nederland. Samenvatting -EZ/SEP/UCN/Interfuel - 6/75
/02- Energie: Veiligheid en gezondheid -De Jong/Goedkoop/e.a. - 5/80
/03- De belevenis van energie-risico's -Midden/Daamen/e.a. - 9/83
/04- Risico-analyse en risico beleving -BMD -10/82
/05- Kleine kansen- grote gevolgen -G.v Dijk/W.Smit -
/06- Uitbreiding nukleair vermogen elektriciteitsopwekking met 3000MWe tot 1985 -ICK -10/75
/07- Aanvullende criteria ter beperking van maatschappelijke ontwrichting -Turkenburg/e.a. - 1/92
/08- Kernenergie: beoordeling van risico's van nieuw te bouwen en bestaande installaties -W. Biessiot - 3/92
/09- "Rasmussen Report" is demolished by Union Concerned Scts. -Friends of the Earth -
/10- De Beleving van Energierisico's -Midden/Daamen/e.a. - 9/83
/11- The risks of nuclear power reactors. Review of the NRC WASH-1400 study -Union Conc. Scientist - /77
/12- Het Nederlandse risicobeleid rond kernenergie. De discussie onder de loep genomen -NW+S uni. Utrecht - 8/93
/13- A history of federal nuclear safety assessments -Daniel F. Ford -
/14- Gegenüberstellung der Risiken von SNR's, LWR's und HTR's -Minister für Arbeit... - 1/79
/15- Radioaktivität, Risiko - Sicherheit -KfK - 9/82
/16- Zur Risikofrage in der Kernenergie und in anderen stromerzeugenden Systemen -SGK - 3/83
/17- Die Risikobewertung von Kernkraftwerken -DAtF (Kernthemen) -12/78
/18- Deutsche Risikostudie Kernkraftwerke B -GRS - 6/89
/19- Reactor Risk Reference Document. NUREG-1150 Main Report -NRC - 2/87
/20- How versus how often -L.Hendrickx - /91
/21- Wahrscheinlichkeit und Folgen schwerer Reaktorunfälle -Rasmussen - /76
/22- Risico's van de splijtstofcyclus - bijlagen -ECN - /93
/23- Risico's van de splijtstofcyclus -ECN - /93
/24- Studies comparing the greatest possible failure sequence in a processing installation and in a nuclear power plant -NRC - 8/76
/25- Richtlijn niveau-3 PSA -ECN - 9/93
/26- Richtlijnen PSA-3; onderzoek naar methoden en modellen voor uitvoeren van een probabilistische consequentie-analyse -P.Roelofsen, A.Poley - 6/92
/27- De beleving van energie-risico's -VROM - 7/83
/28- IAEA Safety Targets and Probability Risk Assessment -Ökologische Forschung; Hirsch e.a. - 8/89
/29- IAEA Safety Targets and Probability Risk Assessment Executice Summary -Ökologische Forschung; Hirsch e.a. - 8/89
/30- Risikovergleich Kernenergie, Kohle und Natürliche Radioaktivität -Dieter Teufel - 5/83
/31- Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Reference Document -US NRC - 9/84
/32- Findings of the Peer Review. Panel on the Draft Reactor Risk -US NRC - 5/88
/33- Methodology for uncertainty estimations in Nureg-1150 -Brookhaven/US NRC -12/87
/34- Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Risk Management PSA 87 -ENS -
/35- Risk of energy production -AECB, H. Inhaber - 5/78
/36- Splijtstofcyclus in Nederland -Com. Reactor Veilgheid - 9/75
/37- Risico-analyse van de splijtstofcyclus in Nederland. II: splijtstofverrijking. -EZ/SEP/UCN - 6/75
/38- Risico-analyse van de splijtstofcyclus in Nederland. III: splijtstoffabricage -EZ/SEP/Interfuel - 6/75
/39- Risico-analyse van de splijtstofcyclus in nederland. IVA: kernenergiecentrales -EZ/SEP - 6/75
/40- Risico-analyse van de splijtstofcyclus in Nederland. IVB: kernenergiecentrales -EZ/SEP - 6/75
/41- Herbezinning kernenergie; Risico-analyse, menselijk handelen, interventiewerkwaarden. -Gezondheidsraad - 6/89
/42- Technological Risk, Policy Theories and Public Perception -Hisschemöller/Midden ECN - 1/87
/43- Die Auswirkungen schwerer Unfalle in Wiederaufarbeitungs-Anlagen und Atomkraftwerken -BBU - 1/77
/44- Veiligheid: wetenschap en techniek in maatschappelijke problemen -W.Smit - 5/82
/45- Achtergronden van wetenschappelijke kontroverses -Willem de Ruiter -
/46- Nuclear Power and Public Policy -K.S.Shrader-Frechette - /80
/47- Individu en grootschalige technologie. Een vergelijkend attitude-onderzoek naar opwekking van elektriciteit met kolen en uraan -C.J.H.Midden - /86
/48- Risky Business. The probability and Consequences of a nuclear accident -Jim Riccio Greenpeace - /01
/49- Public perception and decision-making in nuclear energy (draft) -UK Royal Institut Int. Affairs- 9/01
/50- Probabilistic accident consequence uncertainty analysis.  Late health effects unc.assessment.  Vol.1. Main report (NUREG/CR-6555) -NRC,  CEC -12/97
/51- Probabilistic accident consequence uncertainty analysis.  Late health effects unc.assessment.  Vol.2. Appendices (NUREG/CR-6555) -NRC, CEC -12/97
/52- Probabilistic accident consequence uncertainty analysis.  Unc.assessment for deposited material...Vol.1. Main rep. (NUREG/CR-6526)-NRC, CEC -12/97
/53- Probabilistic accident consequence uncertainty analysis.  Unc.assessment for deposited material...Vol.2. Appendices (NUREG/CR-6526) -NRC, CEC -12/97
/54- Probabilistic accident consequence uncertainty analysis.  Dispersion and depos. unc.assessment. Vol.1. Main rep.(NUREG/CR-6244) -NRC, CEC - 1/95
/55- Probabilistic accident consequence uncertainty analysis.  Dispersion and depos. unc.assessment. Vol.2. App.A and B (NUREG/CR-6244) -NRC, CEC - 1/95
/56- Probabilistic accident consequence uncertainty analysis.  Dispersion and depos. unc.ass. Vol.3. App.C-G (NUREG/CR-6244) -NRC, CEC - 1/95
/57- Probabilistic accident consequence uncertainty analysis.  Food chain unc. assessment.  Vol.1. Main report (NUREG/CR-6523) -NRC, CEC - 6/97
/58- Probabilistic accident consequence uncertainty analysis.  Food chain unc.assessment  Vol.2. Appendices (NUREG/CR-6523) -NRC, CEC - 6/97
/59- Probabilistic accident consequ.uncertainty analysis. Early health effects unc.assessment.Vol.1. Main rep.(NUREG/CR-6545) -NRC, CEC -12/97
/60- Probabilistic accident consequ.uncertainty analysis. Early health effects unc.assessment.Vol.2. Appendices (NUREG/CR-6545) -NRC, CEC -12/97
/61- Severe accident risks: an assessment for five U.S. nuclear power plants. Vol.1.Final summary report (NUREG-1150) -NRC -12/90
/62- Severe accident risks: an assessment for five U.S. nuclear power plants. Vol.2. Appendices A, B, and C (NUREG-1150) -NRC -12/90
/63- Severe accident risks: an assessment for five U.S. nuclear power plants. Vol.3. Appendices D and E (NUREG-1150) -NRC - 1/91
/64- Reactor safety study. Summary report. Draft (WASH-1400. Zie ook -USAEC -  8/74
/65- Review of the Reactor Safety Study (WASH-1400) draft of August 1974 -USAEC -11/74
/66- Risk perception of nuclear waste: experts and the public. Rhizikon Risk Research Report 16 -L. Sjöberg, B.M.Drottz-Sjöberg -12/94
/67- Radiation risk perception and risk communication in Sweden. Rhizikon Risk Research Report 25 -Marie-Louise Bernström - 2/96
/68- Risiko und Wagnis. Die Herausforderung der industriellen Welt -M. Schüz (Hrsg.) -  /90
/69- Improving risk communication -National Research Council e.a. -  /89
/70- Assessment of national systems for obtaining local acceptance of nuclear waste management siting and routing activities. IEAL-158 -Int. Energy Associates Limited - 7/80
/71- Social decision methodology for technological projects -C. Vlek, G. Cvetkovich -  /89
/72- Late stochastische effecten na een kernongeval -TNO -  /
/73- Ahaus, Lingen en Kalkar. Westduitse nucleaire installaties en de gevolgen voor Nederland -W.A. Smit e.a. (WRR) -   /83
/74- Risk Assessment Review Group report to the U.S. NRC. NUREG/CR-0400 -H.W.Lewis e.a. - 9/78
/75- Beslissen over risico-acceptatie -Gezondheidsraad -12/90
/76- Policy issues in radiological protection decision making. Summary of the 2nd Villigen workshop -NEA -  /01
/77- Spatial effects of willingness-to-pay: The case of nuclear risks -P.Zweifel; Y.Schneider C.Wyss -01/05 VEILIGHEID - CENTRALES - LOKATIEKEUZE/RAMPENPLANNEN
/01- Population distribution around nuclear power plants sites -AEC - 4/73
/02- Regulatory Guide 4.7: General Site Suitability Criteria for Nuclear Power Stations -NRC -11/75
/03- Besonderer Katastrophenschutzplan für die Deutsche Umgebung des Kernkraftwerkes Fessenheim/Elsass -AKU - /77
/04- Report of the Siting Policy Task Force -NRC - 8/79
/05- Stichwort Kernenergie: Versorgung - Sicherheit -Katastrophenschutz -Innenministerium BW - /80
/06- Fessenheim Katastrophenplan -AG Katastrophenplan - /81
/07- Civil Defence: The Cruellest Confidence Trick -Phil Bolsover/CND - ± /82
/08- De noodplanning rond nukleaire installaties: rapport opgesteld ten behoeve van de Verenigde Raadskommissies van de stad Antwerpen -VAKS -11/84
/09- De noodplanning rond nukleaire installaties - tabellen en figuren -VAKS -11/84
/10- Rulemaking on earthquakes and emergency planning -Harmon Weiss & Jordan /NRC - 2/85
/11- Safety series no.72: Principles for establishing intervention levels for the protection of the public in the event of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency -IAEA - /85
/12- Implications of the Chernobyl-4 Accident for Nuclear Emergency Planning for the state of New York -MHB Technical Associates - /86
/13- Im Ernstfall hilflos. Katastrophenschutz bei Atomunfällen: Tschernobyl und die Folgen für die Bundesrepublik -Koch, Vahrenholt e.a. - /86
/14- Gewijzigd voorstel Richtlijn aan raad betreffende informatie bevolking over stralingsgevaar toepasselijke maatregelen ter bescherming van de gezondheid en over het alsdan te vertonen gedrag -EC -11/88
/15- Leeds under a cloud. Leeds and effects of a nuclear power accident -Leed City Council - ± /88
/16- Sensitivity analysis in discrete multiple criteria decision problems: on the siting of nuclear power plants -P.Rietveld/R.Janssen/VU -10/89
/17- Safety series no.94: Response to a radioactive materials release having a transboundary impact -IAEA - /89
/18- Second international nuclear emergency exercise INEX 2. Final report of Finnish regional exercise -NEA/OECD - /00
/19- Monitoring and data management strategies for nuclear emergencies -NEA/OECD - /00
/20- Experience from international nuclear emergency exercises. The INEX 2 series -NEA/OECD - /01
/21- Second international nuclear emergency exercise INEX 2. Final report of the Hungarian regional exercise -NEA/OECD - /01
/22- In geval van....(rampenplan België) -Min. Bin.Zaken België - 9/87 VEILIGHEID - CENTRALES - BRONTERM
/01- Radionuclide release from severe accidents at nuclear power plants -APS studygroup -
/02- Realistic estimates of the consequences of nuclear accidents? Een kritische evaluatie -W.A.Dijkhuizen - 5/83
/03- Landbouw en kernenergie -Gubbels/Enserink - 1/82
/04- Transfer of radionuclides through soilplant pathway -Watabe/Uckida/Kamada -10/84
/05- Transfer of 137Cs & 60Co in waste retention pond with emphasis on aquatic insects -Voshell/e.a. -11/85
/06- Accumulation of Fallout 137Cs in some plants and berries of the family Ericaceae -Bunzl/Krache - 4/86
/07- Radionuclide uptake by trees at a radwaste pond in Washington State -Landeen/Mitchell - 6/86
/08- Radiocesium concentrations in two populations of Fed. Hogs -Stribling/e.a. - 6/86
/09- Ernstige reactorongevallen: lozingen en storingen -Heijn/Boer/ECN - 9/88
/10- Technical bases for estimating fission product behaviour during LWR accidents -NRC - 6/81
/11- The source term debate- a report -Union concerned scient. - 1/86
/12- Ernstige reactorongevallen opnieuw bezien: Gevolgen voor omgeving -Project Herbezinning - 5/88
/13- Economische schade van een Ongeval met een Kerncentrale: Mobiliteit van Radionucliden in de Bodem -Project Herbezinning - 5/88
/14- De Bronterm van kerncentrales en de volksgezondheid -Gezondheidsraad - 2/84
/15- Het Debat over Reactorveiligheid -Biesiot, Nienhuys, e.a. - 6/86
/16- Effecten van radionucliden in atmosfeer op weer, klimaat en milieu -David de Jager -10/92
/17- Transfer von Radionukliden vom Boden in Pflanzen (Cesium & Strontium in Blattgemuse, Kartoffeln und Klee) -Teufel/e.a. - 2/79
/18- Mobiliteit van radionucliden in de bodem -TC. Bodembescherming -11/88
/19- Heilmittel und Abfallprodukt: Wie stark belastet Radio-Jod unsere Umwelt? -Cornelius Keller - 8/82
/20- Computer aided Accountancy for Tritium Handling Systems -Spannagel/Schmid KfKarlsruhe - 3/93
/21- Realistic estimates of the consequences of nuclear accidents -EPRI/Levenson/Rahn -11/80
/22- SNR-Quelltermexperimente mit Berstscheibenentladungen unter Natrium -KfK Karlsruhe - 5/93
/23- Zum Verhalten von Iod im System Boden-Pflanze-Luft -KfK Karlsruhe - 2/93
/24- Die Auswirkungen schwerer Unfälle in Wiederaufarbeitungsanlagen und Atomkraftwerken[+PDF] -BBU -01/77
/26- Advies over de gewijzigde inzichten inzake de consequenties van ernstige reactorongevallen. -CRV -12/82
/27- Model voor concentratie- en belastingberekening t.b.v. ongevallen met gevaarlijke stoffen -VROM - 4/87
/28- Advies inzake normen bij reactorongevallen -gezondheidsraad -12/75
/29- Realistic estimates of the consequences of nuclear accidents -Nucleartechnology - 5/81
/30- De bronterm bij ernstige reactorongevallen, een kritische evaluatie van nieuwere inzichten. -ECN - 4/82
/31- idem, deel 2: bijlagen -ECN - 4/82
/32- International comparison study on Reactor accident consequence modeling -NEA - /84
/33- Nuclear reactor accident Source Terms -NEA - 3/86
/34- Kerncentrale ongevallen, de Bronterm Discussie -Boerderijcahier-8501 T.H.Twente - /85
/35- Milieu-effecten na een ongeval met een kernenergiecentrale -KEMA -10/85
/36- Lozing van radioactieve stoffen bij ernstige reactorongev. -Arnhem, PNEM en EPON - 4/86
/37- Reassessment of the technical bases for estimating source terms (NUREG-0956) -NRC,Washington - 7/86
/38- Uncertainty papers on severe accident source terms (NUREG-1265) -NRC,Washington - 5/87
/39- Ernstige reactorongevallen opnieuw bezien; de bronterm -ECN -12/87
/40- idem, bijlagen -ECN -12/87
/41- De bronterm in een ander perspektief reaktie op het ECN-rapport Ernstige reactorongevallen--,de bronterm (zie/39) - - /
/42- Economische schade van een ongeval met een kerncentrale Gevolgen van radioaktieve besmetting v. oppervlaktewater -Comm. herbezinning kernenergie, - /88
/43- Economische schade van een ongeval met een kerncentrale Landbouw-economische gevolgen -Comm. herbezinning kernenergie - /88
/44- Ernstige reactorongevallen opnieuw bezien Gevolgen voor de omgeving -Cxomm. herbezinning kernenergie - /88
/45- Economische schade van een ongeval met een kerncentrale Beschrijving economische analyse -Comm. herbezinning kernenergie - /88
/46- Radionuclides in the Environment -American Chemistry Society - /70
/47- Reassessment of the technical bases for estimating source terms (NUREG-0956) -NRC,Washington - 7/86
/48- A comparison of world-wide uses of severe reactor accident source terms [PDF] -M.L.Ang/A.Meyer-Heine e.a. -09/94