/01- Accidents in the nuclear industry -Ch. F. Zimmerman - 4/76
/02- Besondere Vorfälle in Kernkraftwerken in der BRD 1965-1977 -Bundesmin. des Innern - 7/77
/03- GE reactor pipecrack -Citizens.for better Environment -10/78
/04- Ubersicht über besondere Vorkomnisse in Kernkraftwerken in der BRD 1977/78 -Bundesmin. des Innern - 5/79
/05- Unfälle in deutschen Kernkraftwerken -BBU (reaktie op 04) - 9/79
/06- Werden storfälle geheim gehalten? -IRS (reaktie op 05) -12/79
/07- Quaterly statement on incidents at nuclear installations (8 kwartaaloverzichten: 4de '77/1ste '80) -Health & Safety -77/80
/08- Safety record nuclear power industry -Sen. R.Coleman, Austr. - 8/80
/09- Report to the Congres on abnormal occurences 1/3 '80 -NRC/Nureg - 9/80
/10- LER Monthly Report July 1980 -NRC - 9/80
/11- Ongelukken met kernenergie -Herman Damveld - /81
/12- Storingen Dodewaard & Borssele 1980 [PDF]-Min. Sociale Zaken - 5/81
/13- Nuclear power: Accidents, leaks, failures and other incidents:industrial & military -Sen. R.Coleman, Austr - 6/82
/14- Storingen Dodewaard & Borssele 1981 [+PDF] -Min. Sociale Zaken - 8/82
/15- Storingen Dodewaard & Borssele 1982 [+PDF] -Min. Sociale Zaken - 7/83
/16- Storingen Dodewaard & Borssele 1983 [+PDF] -Min. Sociale Zaken - 8/84
/17- Storingen Dodewaard & Borssele 1984 [+PDF] -Min. Sociale Zaken - 5/85
/18- Storingen Dodewaard & Borssele 1985 [+PDF] -Min. Sociale Zaken - 6/86
/19- Storingen Dodewaard & Borssele 1987 [+PDF] -Min. Sociale Zaken - 4/88
/20- Storingen Dodewaard & Borssele 1988 [+PDF] -Min. Sociale Zaken - 7/89
/21- 1945-1974 Repertoire accidents Nucleaires -Ecologie-serie - 9/78
/22- Ongelukken met Kernenergie na Harrisburg en Tsjernobyl -Herman Damveld - 3/88
/23- Storingen Dodewaard & Borssele 1989 [+PDF] -Min. Sociale Zaken - 6/90
/24- Storingen Dodewaard & Borssele 1986 [+PDF] -Min. Sociale Zaken - 8/87
/25- The Greenpeace book of nuclear age: hidden history, human cost -John May - /89
/26- Storingen Dodewaard & Borssele 1990 [+PDF] -Min. Sociale Zaken - 7/91
/27- Chroniques du Desastre nucleaire zie tijdschriften
/28- Let the Facts Speak. An indictment of the nuclear industry -Awareness Education - 1/92
/29- Storingen Dodewaard & Borssele 1991 [+PDF] -Min. Sociale Zaken - 7/92
/30- Storingen Dodewaard & Borssele 1992 [+PDF] -Min. Sociale Zaken - 7/93
/31- Bericht/Übersicht über besondere Vorkommnisse in KKW's der BRD 1980-89 -Bundesumweltminister - /8-
/32- Systems for Reporting Unusual Events in NPP's -IAEA - 4/89
/33- Handbook of reactor incidents -A.Wenisch - 9/94
/34- Storingen Dodewaard & Borssele 1993 [+PDF] -Min. Sociale Zaken -10/94
/35- Storingen Dodewaard & Borssele 1994 [+PDF] -Min. Sociale Zaken - 8/95
/36- Storingen Dodewaard & Borssele 1995 [+PDF] -Min. Sociale Zaken - 7/96
/37- Hoe beoordelen we de ernst van een nucleair ongeval? -Min.v.Tewerkstelling en Arbeid, Min.v.Volksgezondh. en Leefmilieu -   /
/38- Implementation of hydrogen mitigation techniques during severe accidents in nuclear power plants. OCDE/GD(96)195. NEA/CSNI/R(96)27 -NEA -12/96
/39- Gebeurtenissen in 1996 in de kerncentrales Borssele en Dodewaard en bij de vergunninghouders ECN en COVRA. RT97-101 [+PDF] -Min. Soc.Zaken -  5/97
/40- Gebeurtenissen in de kernenergiecentrales Borssele en Dodewaard, en bij de overige nucleaire installaties gedurende 1997. RT98-347.256 [+PDF] -Min. Sociale Zaken en Werkg. -  /98
/41- Gebeurtenissen in de kernenergiecentrales Borssele en Dodewaard, en bij de overige nucleaire installaties gedurende 1998. RT99-224.256 [+PDF] -Min. Sociale Zaken en Werkg. -  /99
/42- Gebeurtenissen in de kernenergiecentrales Borssele en Dodewaard en bij de overige nucleaire installaties gemeld gedurende 1999. RT00-240.256 [+PDF] -Min. VROM -  7/00
/43- Gebeurtenissen in de kernenergiecentrales Borssele en Dodewaard en bij de overige nucleaire installaties gemeld gedurende 2000. RT01-170.256 [+PDF] -Min. VROM -  6/01
/44- Gebeurtenissen in de Kernenergiecentrale Borssele en bij de overige Nederlandse nucleaire installaties gemeld gedurende 2001. RT02-415.256 [+PDF] -Min. VROM -  12/02
/45- Gebeurtenissen in de kernenergiecentrale Borssele en de overige Nederlandse nucleaire installaties gemeld gedurende 2002 [PDF] –VROM  –  9/03
/46- Rapportage van ongewone gebeurtenissen in de Nederlandse nucleaire installaties gedurende 2003 (Storingsrapportage 2003) [+PDF] -VROM -08/04
/47- Storingen in Nederlandse nucleaire installaties 2004 [PDF] -KFD / P.L.B.A. v Geel - 5/05
/48- Storingen in Nederlandse nucleaire installaties 2005 [PDF] -KFD / P.L.B.A. v.Geel - 5/06
/49- Storingen in Nederlandse nucleaire installaties 2006 [PDF] -KFD / P.L.B.A. v.Geel - 5/06>
/50- Storingen in Nederlandse nucleaire installaties 2007 [PDF] -KFD / P.L.B.A. v.Geel - /08
/51- Rapportage van ongewone gebeurtenissen in de Nederlandse nucleaire inrichtingen in 2008 [PDF] -KFD / VROM -08/09
/52- Radiation accidents over the last 60 years [PDF] -IOP/J. of Radiological Protection -08/09
/53- Das Greenpeace-Handbuch des Atomzeitalters -John May - /89
/54- Rapportage van ongewone gebeurtenissen in Nederlandse nucleaire inrichtingen in 2009 VROM [PDF] -inspectie/KFD -08/10
/55- Rapportage van ongewone gebeurtenissen in Nederlandse nucleaire inrichtingen in 2010 VROM [PDF] -inspectie/KFD -09/11 ONGELUKKEN - REST INSTALLATIES
/01- Let the facts speak: an indictment of the nuclear industry [PDF] -R. Coleman - /12 TECHNIES - ALGEMEEN
/01- Einfürung in der Kernphysik -W.Riezler - /42
/02- Tabellen und Tafeln zur Kernphysik -W.Riezler - /42
/03- Energy for man. From windmills to nuclear power -Hans Thirring - /58
/04- Kerncentrales -Kenmerk/GKN -
/05- Man and the atom. The uses of nuclear power -Frank Barnaby - /71
/06- Kernenergie & Milie. Literatuur info -RCN/KEMA -11/72
/07- Over kernenergie en Urenco - -
/08- Atomen -De Haan grote Thema's - /75
/09- Kraft, energie und Arbeid. Energie und Gesellschaft -Varchim/Radkau - /81
/10- Energy and environment -Scientific American - /80
/11- Energie uit atoomkernen -J.D.Fast - /80
/12- Grondbegrippen van de nucleaire technologie -Euratom -10/66
/13- Kernenergie Basiswissen -M.Volkmer -12/84
/14- Uranium and electricity -Eldorado Recources - 8/85
/15- Energie für Morgen-Planung für Heute -Dietmar Görgmaier -
/16- Moderna Physica -A.J.Dijker - /46
/17- Plutoniumpolitik in Europa -Yves Lenoir - /79
/18- Schnelle Bruter und Wiederaufbereitungsanlage -H.Strohm -11/76
/19- BINAS, informatieboek voor onderwijs in natuurwetenschappen -NVON - /77
/20- Atoms at work -UKAEA - 6/88
/21- techno-magazine: Kernenergie, ja of nee? -TH Delft -12/75
/22- Versorgung, Betrieb und Entsorgung von Kernkraftwerken -KFA Jülich GmbH - 3/87
/23- Kleine Fibel der Kernphysik -Hans Giger, INFEL - /
/24- Woher das KKW seinen Brennstoff bekommt und was damit... -R. Hossner,IK - /85
/25- Das Abwärme-Konzept -RWE -
/26- De oerkracht van het atoom. Grondslagen Atoomfysica -P.Kogan (Wereld der Wetenschap) - /62
/27- Splijtstofbeheer -W.J. Oosterkamp - /87
/28- Experimental studies of neutron irradiated UO2.. -R.H.J. Tanke - 6/90
/29- INFCE summary volume -INFCE/IAEA - /80
/30- Nuclear Chemistry -Navratil/Hala/e.a. - /92
/31- Nuclear Geochemistry -Titayeva - /94
/32- Einführung in die Kernchemie. Band 1 -Karl Heinrich Lieser - /69
/33- Knowing the Atomic Nucleus -R.Hobart Elles, Jr -
/34- Moderne fysica I -Friedrich Kästner - /64
/35- Fuel cycles for electrical power generation -Teknetron Inc. - 1/73
/36- Radio-activiteit -J.L.Lewis / E.J.Wenham -
/37- Chemical processing in the atomic energy industry -A.R. Cooper -  /64
/38- The geochemistry of radionuclides with long half-lives. Their expected migration behaviour -B. Skytte Jensen - 4/80
/39- Uranium and the nuclear cycle -Kitty Tucker -  /79
/40- Fundamentele natuurkunde. Dl. 5. Kernfysica -M.Alonso, E.J.Finn -  /80
/41- Trends in the nuclear fuel cycle -NEA -  /01
/42- Mdecay V2.01 – 498 nuclides databse – computing module for complex nuclides spectrum  –L.Froment/NIRAS  -   /01
/43- Nuclear technology review. 2009 -IAEA - /09 KERNENERGIE & ZURE REGEN (BOSSTERFTE)
/01- Waldschäden durch Kerntechnische Anlagen -Helmut Metzner - 9/85
/02- Invloed van lozingen van radioactieve stoffen door nucleaire installaties op de bossterfte -Stoutjesdijk/VROM -11/86
/03- Luftchemie und Radioaktivitaet -Roland Kollert -11/87
/05- 1. Anmerkungen zur Literaturstudie "Waldschaden durch kerntechnische Anlagen?"  2. Betrachtungen zur Strahlenexposition von Baumen durch naturliche und kunstliche Strahlenquellen -GSF-bericht - /85 KRYPTON - KLIMAAT DISKUSSIE
/01- Klimatrisiken durch radioaktives Krypton-85 aus Kernspaltung -Kollert/BUND - 2/94
/02- Krypron-85. Proceedings of workshop in SCK/CEN Brussels -SCK/CEN Mol -12/99 KERNENERGIE & BROEIKAS - ALGEMEEN KLIMAAT & CO2 REDUCTIE
/01- De dreiging van het broeikaseffect -Jan Launspach - 9/80
/02- Vermijden of bestrijden? Emissies en kosten van emissie-beperkingen van SO2 NOx en stof tot 2010 -ESC; Bakema en Kroon - 5/88
/03- Getting out of the Greenhouse. Agenda for UK Energy Policy -T.Jackson/S.Roberts, FOE -12/89
/04- Het broeikaseffect -M.van Calmthout - /90
/05- Het broeikaseffect: broeikasgassen, klimaat bodem ... -LU Wageningen - /89
/06- Mit Energie ins Treibhaus -Social-ökol.Wirtschaf. - 6/92
/07- Energie en CO2 in Nederland op de lange termijn. Een Verkenning van opties. Discussienota -Min. E.Z. -11/92
/08- The Eastern Atmosphere -J. Salay - /93
/09- Drastische CO-2 reductie; hoe is het mogelijk -P. Okken, e.a. (ECN) - 1/93
/10- Economische Zaken (begroting + diskussie Pitstra-Andriessen) -Handelingen 1ste Kamer - 2/93
/11- Fossiele brandstoffen in een veranderend klimaat -Greenpeace -10/93
/12- Kosten-optimale CO2-reductie in Nederland na 2000 -Min. EZ -10/93
/13- Groeien met minder energie -WNF - 9/94
/14- Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Response Policies in Central and Eastern Europe -Proceedings Budapest, Hungary - 5/95
/15- Kameronderzoek Klimaatverandering -Commissie van Middelkoop - 9/96
/16- Energie en het broeikas. Een antwoord in 60 vragen -EPON/EPZ/EZH/Una/SEPq -11/97
/17- Review and Recommendations on Climate Change -CNIC -12/97
/18- Milieu; zin & onzin -H.J.Beens - /98
/19- Climate in Crisis. A Climate change primer for southeast asia -Greenpeace - 6/98
/20- Optiedocument voor emissiereductie van broeikasgassen -ECN/RIVM -10/98
/21- Meeting Our Clean Air Needs With Emission-Free Generation -Nuclear Energy Institute - 5/99
/22- Uitvoeringsnota Klimaatbeleid. I: Binnenlandse Maatregelen -VROM - 6/99
/23- Van gas en kolen, naar zon en molen. Klimaat en stroomproductie -Greenpeace - 6/99
/24- CO2-reductie in binnen- of buitenland? -van Dril ECN -10/99
/25- Licht op klimaatonderzoek -NOP; Nat.Ond. Prog.Mond Luchtver. - /00
/26- Cutting Carbon Emissions While Making Money. Climate Saving Energy Strategies for the European Union (Exec. summary) -Krause/Koomey/Olivier IPSEP - 2/00
/27- Klimaatprobleem oplossing in zicht -Bezinningsgroep Energiebeleid - 4/00
/28- Gathering Storm. The human cost of climate change -FOE - 9/00
/29- Greenhouse Gangsters v. Climate Justice -TRAC -11/99
/30- Energie-aanbod en CO2-reductie in 2010/2015 -ECN, van Hilten/Beeldman/Kroon - 6/94
/31- Transitie naar een koolstofarme energiehuishouding -Advies VROMraad -12/98
/32- Independent NGO Evaluation of Second National Communication under UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. C.& E. Europe -Climate Action Network CEE -10/00
/33- Het lot van Kyoto ligt in Den Haag -GroenLinks - 9/00
/34- Sustainable Development International. Strategies and Technologies for Agenda 21 Implementation -ICG - /00
/35- Perspectives on global change. The TARGETS approach -J. Rotmans, B. de Vries (RIVM) ed. -  /97
/36- De stap na Kyoto. Op zoek naar draagvlak voor verdergaand klimaatbeleid. Resultaten werkconferentie Milieudefensie -   -12/02
/37- Energía para sociedades sustentables -T. Roa Avendaño e.a. - 1/02
/38- Terug via de achterdeur: Kernenergie als oplossing voor klimaatverandering? P. Ward, W. de Vries, Wise Amsterdam  -  /05
/39- A Back door comeback: Nuclear energy as a solution for climate change? -P. Ward, Wise Amsterdam/Nirs  -02/05
/40- Referentieramingen energie en emissies 2005-2020 [PDF] -van Dril, Elzenga, ECN / RIVM - 3/05
/41- Comparison of Greenhouse-gas Emissions and Abatement Cost of Nuclear and Aternative energy Options from a Life-Cycle Perspective (updated) -Öko-Institut, Uwe R.Fritsche - 1/06
/42- The role of nuclear power in a low carbon economy -SDC - 3/06
/43- Is nuclear the answer? : A commentary ... - Jonathon Porritt, SDC - 3/06
/44- Energy from Uranium [+PDF]   -JW.Storm van Leeuwen -  7/06
/45- Life cycle energy and greenhouse gas emissions of nuclear energy: A review [+PDF] -Manfred Lenzen, Elsevier - 4/08
/46- Valuing greenhouse gas emissions nuclear power; A critical survey -B.K.Sovacool -06/08
/47- Shell energy scenarios to 2050 -Shell International BV - /09
/48- Systems for change: nuclear power vs. Energy afficiency + renewables? Series on ecology A. Froggatt/M. Schneider/HBF 08/10
/49- Nuclear power: undermining action on climate change: case study & alternatives [+PDF] -Greenpeace International -12/07 KERNENERGIE & BROEIKAS - WEL/NIET OPLOSSING + SCENARIO'S
/01- The environmental Impact of Electrical Power generation: Nuclear and Fossil -Pennsylvania Dep. of Education - /75
/02- Greenhouse warning. A rationale for nuclear power? (draft) -Rocky Mountain Inst. Keeping/Kats - /88
/03- Die Reduktion des Co2/Klima-risikos: Kernenergie oder rationeller energienutzung? -Lesch/Bach - /89
/04- Kernenergie & 't kooldioxideprobleem -Bijlsma/Blok/e.a. - 5/89
/05- No place for nuclear power in the european Greenhouse -Damveld/Tellam - 6/89
/06- Uranium kerncentrales; energiepotentieel en CO2-produktie (concept) -G.C. van Uitert -10/89
/07- An Assesment of nuclear power as an energy technology for the prevention of climate change -Ian Tellam/WISE -11/89
/08- Strijd tegen het broeikas. Geen rol voor kernenergie -J.K.Legett & P.M.Kelly /WISE -
/09- Uranium en kerncentrales; hun energiepotentieel en CO2-produktie -G.C. van Uitert, EZ - 7/90
/10- Treibhauseffekt und Co2-emission. Kein Argument für Atomenergie! -W. Kühr, Grünen - 1/90
/11- La Energie Nuclear No Es Una Solucion -Greenpeace - /91
/12- The impact of nuclear energy on utility fuel use and utility atmospheric emissions 1973-1990 -Science Concepts Inc. - 2/92
/13- Broeikasproblemen en kernenergie. Een nucleaire illusie ontmanteld -Greenpeace -11/92
/14- Nuclear power and the Greenhouse Effect -UKAEA - 2/93
/15- Electriciteit uit uranium, kolen of aardgas. Milieu en veiligheid, economie en indirect energiegebruik -Lako, van Rij, Dwarshuis e.a. -12/93
/16- Nuclear power. The cost and potential of conventional and low-carbon electricity options in Western Europe -IPSEP - /94
/17- Environment and nuclear power -AEA - /94
/18- Assessment of Greenhouse gas emissions from the full energy chain for nuclear power and other energy sources -IAEA advisory group meeting - 9/95
/19- Assessment of Greenhouse gas emissions from the full energy chain for hydropower, nuclear power and other energy sources -IAEA Advisory group meeting - 3/96
/20- Vom Ende der Mär: Atomkraft und Klimaschutz -Fritsche/Lücking, Öko-institut - 4/96
/21- Comparison of energy sources in terms of their full-energy-chain emission factors of greenhouse gases -IAEA workshop 10-94 - 7/96
/22- Kernenergie geen remedie tegen broeikaseffect -Stichting LAKA -10/96
/23- Nuclear Energy - No solution to Climate Change -Greenpeace - 9/97
/24- L'Énergie nucléaire; n'est pas la réponse au changement climatique -Greenpeace -11/97
/25- Dilemma Study: Study of the contribution of nuclear power to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.... -ERM Energy - 7/99
/26- (onleesbaar - japans) -WWF -12/99
/27- Climate change and Nuclear Power (engels) -WWF, Mycle Schneider WISE Paris - 5/00
/28- Climate change and Nuclear Power (in Japans) -WWF, Mycle Schneider WISE Paris - 5/00
/29- Climate Change. Nuclear Energy: Part of the Solution -Foratom. European Atomic Forum - 6/00
/30- Changements Climatiques et Energie Nucleaire -WWF, Mycle Schneider - 4/00
/31- Coming Clean. How clean is nuclear energy? -JW Storm van Leeuwen / GroenLinks -10/00
/32- Climate Change and Nuclear Power [+PDF] -IAEA -11/00
/33- Nuclear Power and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation -IAEA -11/00
/34- List of Participants COP6 -UN FCCC -11/00
/35- Nuclear power for sustainable energy development -IAEA for CSD Group of Experts - 2/01
/36- Schone Schijn. Hoe clean is kernenergie? (zie /31) -JW Storm van Leeuwen / GroenLinks -10/00
/37- Energy and the challenge of sustainability -World Energy Assessment UNDP/WEC - /00
/38- Negotiating Text (...) Group of Experts Energy & Sustainable Energy -Second session 26-2 / 2-3 - 2/01
/39- Stepping towards sustainability in Energy. Practical proposals for Europe. -FOE Scotland - 8/97
/40- Sustainable energy development in the Baltic Sea Region -Danish energy Agency Baltic Series - 3/98
/41- A Comparison of CO2 Emissions: nuclear vs. non-nuclear European countries [+PDF] -Hnuti Duha - 6/01
/42- Pretenders and providers. Why nuclear power doesn’t make climate sense - Sherman/Worthington - 3/01
/43- The role of nuclear power in global warming abatement strategies -Tim Jackson FoE -  /88
/44- Nuclear energy and the Kyoto Protocol -NEA, OECD -  /02
/45- Ozonverdünnung, Treibhauseffekt und Atomenergie -K.H.Adzersen -  /
/46- Energietransitie: Klimaat voor nieuwe kansen: beknopte versie -VROM-Raad, Energieraad -12/04
/47- Mirage and oasis: Energy choices in an age of global warming -nef  -06/05
/48- Nuclear power no solution to climate change -J.Green, GPeace Austr. Pc. .. et al. -09/05
/49- The next 50 years: Four European energy futures -J.J.C. Bruggink, ECN - 5/05
/50- Potentieelverkenning klimaatdoelstellingen en energiebesparing tot 2020 -B. Daniëls, J. Farla, ECN, MNP - 2/06
/51- Paper 6: Safety and security -SDC - 3/06
/52- Energy Revolution. A Sustainable pathway to a clean energy future for The Netherlands [PDF]  -Greenpeace - 9/06
/53- False promises, Debunking nuclear industry propaganda [+PDF] -GRACE -10/06
/54- Limiting Global Climate Change to 2degrees Celcius. The way ahead for 2050 and beyond [PDF]  –EU Commisson -  1/07
/55- Kernenergie Onzekerheden en broeikasgassen. -Jan Willem Storm van Leeuwen. - 9/07
/56- Europe's energy position. Present and Future -EU, Market Observatory for Energy- /08
/57- Energy [r]evolution. A sustainable Global energy outlook [+PDF] -Greenpeace, EREC -10/08
/58- Energy [r]evolution. A sustainable EU 27 energy outlook -Greenpeace -12/08
/59- Energy [r]evolution. A sustainable China energy outlook -Greenpeace, EREC - 1/07
/60- Climate change and nuclear power. 2009 -IAEA -11/09
/61- Four nuclear myths. A commentary on Brand's 'Whole Earth Discipline' and on similar writings [+PDF] -Amory B. Lovins / RMI -10/09
/62- Why climate change is not an environmental issue -Climate Action Network/X-Y -09/09
/63- Nuclear power; undermining climate protection (briefing 2008) -Greenpeace -10/08
/64- Energy [r]evolution: Towards a fully renewable energy supply in the EU 27 -EREC/GP -06/10
/65- Roadmap 2050: A practical guide to a prosperous low-carbon Europe: Volume 1: Technical analysis including context -European Climate Foundation 04/10
/66- Roadmap 2050: A practical guide to a prosperous low-carbon Europe: Volume 2: Policy Recommendations -European Climate Foundation -04/10
/67- Roadmap 2050: A practical guide to a prosperous low-carbon Europe: Volume 1: Technical analysis (context not included) -European Climate Foundation -04/10
/68- Battle of the grids: Report 2011: How Europe can go 100% renewable and phase out dirty energy -GP Int./J. vd Putte/R. Short/Energynautics [+PDF] -GP Int./J. vd Putte/R. Short - /11
/69- Valuing the greenhouse gas emissions from nuclear power: A critical survey [+PDF] -B.K.Sovacool/Centre on Asia and Globalisation//NUS - /08
/70- Eindeloos of eindig: Wanneer valt kernenergie van de energieklif? Kernenergie: broeikasgassen en voorzieningszekerheid [+PDF] -J.W. Storm van Leeuwen/Ceedata Consultancy -04/07
/71- Europe's share of the climate challenge: Domestic actions and international obligations to protect the planet [+PDF] -SEI/FOE Europe/C. Heaps/P.Erickson -11/09
/72- Energieblilanz der Nuklearindustrie: Analyse von Energiebilanz und CO2-Emissionen der Nuklearindustie über den Lebenszyklus [+PDF] -AEA/A. Wallner/A. Wenisch - /11 KERNENERGIE & BROEIKAS - FLEXIBELE MECHANISMEN: CDM / JI / EMISSIEHAMDEL
/01- The CDM Maze. Issues and options -TERI, INFRAS - /00
/02- Potential and Cost of Clean Development Mechanism Options in the Energy Sector. Inventory of options -DGIS, AED,SEI -12/99
/03- Evaluation of (non-sink) AIJ-Projects in Developing Contries -Beuermann, Langrock, Ott - 1/00
/04- Kyoto-onderhandelingen: 'race to the bottom?' -S.Schöne, WWF - 2/00
/05- Emissiehandel in Klimaatbeleid, Ontwerpadvies Uitvoeringsnota Klimaatbeleid, deel 1, Binnenlandse maatregelen -SER, Commissie Duurzame Ontwikkeling - 4/00
/06- Samenwerking met het buitenland, Uitvoeringsnota Klimaatbeleid, deel 2 -kabinet - /00
/07- The Clean Development Mechanism: An instrument for Sustainable Development or a New Nuclear Subsidy? -Greenpeace Int. - 8/00
/08- Using Tradeable Emission Permits To help achieve domestic greenhouse gas objectives. Options Report (Canada) -TPWG - 4/00
/09- Guidelines for JI projects: Based on AIJ projects developed in Czech Republic, Poland and Romania -Climate Action Network -10/99
/10- Maatregelen in eigen land. Heet hangijzer van Klimaatconferentie 2000 -NCDO Duurzame wereld -10/00
/11- Haalbaarheid van een nationaal systeem voor verhandelbare CO2-emissies-C. CO2-handel- 9/01
/12- Nuclear Power for greenhouse gas migitation under the Kyoto Protocol: the CDM [PDF] –Hans Holger Rogner, IAEA – 9/00
/13- Nuclear power and climate change - Shaun Burnie/GP Germany - 05/09 KERNENERGIE & BROEIKAS - INVLOED VAN KLIMAATVERANDERING OP KERNENERGIE
/01- The impacts of climate change on nuclear power stations sites. Review of four proposed new-build sites on the UK coastline. -Oxford research group - 5/06 URANIUM - WINNING/VOORRAAD/PRIJS
/01- Natural Uranium -Cogema -
/02- SIMO -SIMO -
/03- Jacht naar uranium -C.J.J.Wiedhaup -11/53
/04- Toereikendheid van uraniumreserves -EEG Hearings -12/77
/05- Bodenschätze contra Menschenrechte -Maderspacher/e.a. -10/84
/06- Studiemap strategische grondstoffen -WISE/Raad van Kerken - 9/86
/07- Uran -Gesellschaft.für Bedrohte Völker - 5/87
/08- The International Uranium Market -Thomas Neff - /84
/09- Uranium floor prices. Background Paper -FoE Australia -11/89
/10- The nuclear industry/uranium marketing -FoE Australia -11/88
/11- Strahlende Geschäfte. Der Tanz auf dem Welturanmarkt -Umweltschutz/Akafrik - /88
/12- Die versorgung mit Uran -Urangesellschaft - 3/78
/13- Plunder! -Roger Moody - 3/91
/14- Tagung der Bürgerinitiativen gegen Uranabbau in Europa -Bürgerinitiativen... - 8/91
/15- Uranium marketing report -I.Dunn/J.Hallam - /87
/16- Dutch nuclear power and the environmental implications of uranium mining and milling -S.J. Thornton - 4/86
/17- The African uranium producing countries. A rough politic-conomic analysis -Hermes, R.Huisman -09/90
/18- The World Uranium Hearing A Global Survey -WUH - 9/92
/19- The Gulliver File -Roger Moody - /92
/20- Das Uran und die Hüter der Erde -Holger Scuhmann e.a. - /90
/21- Uranium mining & milling Environmental studies -NTIS Data Base - /79
/22- Uranium Mining & Milling Environmental studies -Engineering Index DBase - /79
/23- Uranium Resources, production & demand 12-1977 -OECD/IAEA -12/77
/24- Uranium Resources, production & demand 12-1979 -OECD/IAEA -12/79
/25- Den stora jakten pa Uran -Kommentars Ravarugrupp - /80
/26- Use of gases in Uranium exploration -OECD - 9/84
/27- Management, stabilisation and environmental impact of uranium mill tailings -OECD-NEA - 7/78
/28- Uranium mill tailings management -OECD-NEA - /82
/29- Uranium exploration methods -OECD-NEA - /82
/30- Radiation protection in mining and milling of uranium and thorium -VN: World Health Org. - /76
/31- Uranium extraction technology -OECD-NEA/IAEA - /83
/32- Uraniummining; What it means to you - and your family -Regering Australie -11/80
/33- Uranium Resources 12-1967 -OECD-NEA, IAEA -12/67
/34- Uranium, bron van nieuwe afhankelijkheid -Bart Verest - 6/79
/35- Uranium: The Real Facts -Eve Bargmann -10/82
/36- Uran-Exploration, -Bergbau und Technik der Uranerzaufber. -DAtF (Kernthemen) -10/78
/37- Uranium and electricity -Eldorado Resources Ltd - /85
/38- Market report - Buyers' Banquet? -NUKEM - 8/94
/39- Sanierung von Altlasten des Uranabbaus -BI gegen Uranabbau... - 2/92
/40- An evaluation for Oxfam -Minewatch - 9/91
/41- Yellowcake. The international Uranium Cartel -June H.Taylor/Michael D.Yokell - /79
/42- Resources, Production and Demand 2-1982 -OECD/NEA - IAEA - 2/82
/43- Resources, Production and Demand 12-1983 -OECD/NEA - IAEA -12/83
/44- Mineral Resources. A World Review -John A. Wolfe - /84
/45- Raw Materials. EC Supply 1975 - 1983 -Eurostat -11/85
/46- International Politics of Africa's Strategic Minerals -Oye Ogunbadejo - /85
/47- World Resources 1986 -World Resource Institute - /86
/48- Mines, Stormwater, Pollution and You. A Citizens Handbook to stop Water Pollution from Mines -Mineral Policy Center - 4/95
/49- Uranabbau in Europa. Die Folgen für Mensch und Umwelt -Peter Diehl, BBU - 6/95
/50- Uraniummining in Europe. Impacts on Man and Environment -Peter Diehl, WISE - 9/95
/51- Sanierung von Altlasten des Uranabbaus -Materialsammlung, Peter Diehl - 2/92
/52- Uranium demand, supply and prices: 1991-2000 -Greenpeace - 1/90
/53- Uranium 1993 Resources, production and Demand -OECD/IAEA - /94
/54- The Global Uranium Market. Supply and Demand 1992-2010 -Uranium Institute - 6/94
/55- Uranium 1995 Resources, Production and Demand -IAEA /OECD - /96
/56- Uranium Mining. The Hidden Holocaust Against Future Generations -Hans-Peter Schnelbögl - 5/97
/57- Long-term Consequences of Uranium Mining (update /56) -Peter Schnellbögl - 6/98
/58- Environmental Activities in Uranium Mining and Milling -NEA/IAEA - 9/99
/59- The Balance of Supply and Demand 1978-1990 -Uranium Institute - 1/79
/60- Production of Yellow Cake and Uranium Fluorides -IAEA Proceedings Advisory Group - 6/79
/61- The Balance of Supply and Demand 1980-1995 The Uranium Equation -Uranium Institute - 4/81
/62- Energy, Minerals & Western Security -Hanns W.Maull - /84
/63- Uranium 1990. Resources, Production and Demand -OECD/NEA - /90
/64- Guidebook on Design, Construction and Operation of Pilot Plants for Uranium Ore Processing -IAEA Technical Reports 314 - /90
/65- Uranium 12-1975. Resources, Production and Demand -OECD/NEA - IAEA - /76
/66- Uranium 1989. Resources, Production and Demand -OECD/NEA - IAEA - /90
/67- Bodenschätze contra Menschenrechte -Gesellschaft für Bedrohte Völker -10/79
/68- 1.European Uranium mining conference Bessiness, France July 1980 -CLAN, FLEPNA, OOA - 7/80
/69- Premier Rassemblement.Europeen sur l’Uranium, Bessiness, France July -CLAN, FLEPNA, OOA - 7/80
/70- Uranium 1988. Resources, production and demand -OECD, IAEA - 3/88
/71- Uranium 1986. Resources, production and demand -OECD, IAEA -   /86
/72- World uranium potential -NEA, IAEA -12/78
/73- …strahlend wird die zukunft sein -D. Hofmeister e.a.(aloa.le) - 6/01
/74- Uranium resources and requirements -E. Müller-Kahle (IAEA) -10/92
/75- Environmental remediation of uranium production facilities -NEA, IAEA -  /02
/76- Uranium 1991. Resources, production and demand -OECD, IAEA -  /92
/77- Uran – oder das Recht auf Leben?: ein SchülerInnen-Studierenden Projekt zu den Auswirkungen des Uranabbaus -Gruppe AGURMINE  -06/04
/78- Uranium market issues 1989-2005 -Uranium Institute - 07/89
/79- Radiation monitoring in the mining and milling of radioactive ores: Safety series no. 95: IAEA safety guides -IAEA -  /89
/80- The application of the principles for limiting releases of radioactive effluents in the case of the mining and milling of radioactive ores: Safety series no. 90: Procedures and data -IAEA -  /89
/81- Uranium extraction technology: Current practice and new developments in ore processing  -OECD -  /83
/82- Can uranium supplies sustain the global nuclear renaissance? -WNA -09/05
/83- Uran – oder das Recht auf Leben? Reader anlaesslich der Wander-Ausstellung [PDF] –Gruppe AGURMINE -    /05
/84- Reichweite der Uran-Vorräte der Welt [PDF] -Greenpeace, Peter Diehl -  1/06
/85- Uraniumwinning, voorzieningszekerheid, milieu-effecten en mogelijke consequenties voor Nederland [+PDF] -CE (en Clingendael)  (afgekeurd concept  Randvoorwaarden VROM) - 7/06
/86- Uraniumwinning, voorzieningszekerheid, milieu en gezondheidseffecten en de relevantie voor Nederland [PDF] -Clingendael International Energy Programm (Bijlage Randvoorwaarden VROM) -10/06
/87- Vi har regn men inte vatten -Gudrun Utas - /94
/88- Indigene Volker und die nukleare Kette; Infoemagazin.Nr.17 -Aron, Diederich, Rohr. - /05
/89- Uranium and Radioactivity Information Booklet India -HRLN and JOAR - /07
/90- Mined U. Financing of New Uranium Mines -WISE / Profundo - 3/08
/91- Uranium Resources and nuclear energy [PDF] -Energy WatchGroup -12/06
/92- Uranium Development Review. Exploration and Development Companies[PDF] -Resource Capital Research - 3/07
/93- Sustainability of Uranium Mining and Milling. Toward Quantifying Resources and Eco-efficiency [PDF] -Gavin Mudd, Mark Diesendorf - /08
/94- Uranium 2007: Resources, Production and Demand (Redbook)2007) [PDF] -OECD NEA, IAEA - /08
/95- Der schmutzige Atom-brennstoff -A. Simon/.ausgestraht -05/09
/96- The future of nuclear energy: Facts and fiction Chapter II: What is known about secundary uranium resources? [PDF] -M. Dittmar/IPP -08/09
/97- Uranium 2009: Resources, production and demand [PDF] -OECD NEA/IAEA AEN - /10
/98- Uranium from Africa: Mitigation of uranium mining impacts on society and environment by industry and governmnets [+PDF] -Fleur Scheele/WISE/SOMO 06/11
/99- Establishment of uranium mining and processing oparations in the context of sustainable development -IAEA -07/09
/100- Dossier de presse: Sherpa et Areva créent un dispositif d'observation de la santé sur les sites minier -Sherpa/ J. Breham/ J. Getti -06/09
/101- Nuclear power's other tragedy: Communities living with uranium minng -Earthworks/ E. Kamptner -06/11
/102- Africa Mining Vision: "Transparant, equitable and optimal exploitation of mineral resources to underpin broad-based sustainable growth and socio-economic development" -African Union -02/09
/103- L'Úranium d'Áfrique: Comment l'industrie et les gouvernements gèrent les impacts de l'exploitation minière d'uranium sur la sociéte et l'environnement -SOMO/WISE -06/11
/104- Rückkehr des Uranabbaus nach Europa ? [PDF] -Österreichisches Ökologie-Institut -12/08
/105- Radioactive revenues: Financial flows between uranium mining companies and African governments [+PDF] -SOMO/Wise/A. Ten Kate -03/11
/106- Uranium 2009: Resources, production and demand [PDF] -IAEA/NEA/OECD AEN - /10 URANIUM - VERRIJKING
/01- "Was ist eigentlich ein Urananreicherungsanlage?" Hier die Antwort! -Uranit -
/02- Uraniumverrijking: historie, technologieëen, markt -Boskma/Smit/de Vries - 6/75
/03- Uranisotopentrennung in Zentrifugen -Krämer/v Erichsen - 7/85
/04- The enrichment of radioactive isotopes by thermal diffusion -A.E.De Vries - 9/56
/05- Enrichment availability -INFCE - 3/80
/06- Urananreicherung: Geschichte, Technologien, Markt -Boskma, Smit, de Vries - 2/77
/07- Advanced Enrichment Technology of the US -DOE, LLNL - /85
/08- La conversion des concentrés et l'enrichissement de l'uranium -GIDE - 7/85
/09- Uraniumverrijking in Nederland -Kelling/Lindhout e.a. / ECN - /73
/10- Uranium Enrichment by Gas Centrifuge -Urenco Centec -
/11- Uranium enrichment: Just Plain Facts to Fuel an Informed Debate on Nuclear Proliferation and Nuclear Power -A. Makhijani, L. Chalmers, B. Smith -10/04
/12- Re-enrichment of West European Depleted Uranium Tails in Russia [+PDF]  -Peter Diehl, Ecodefense, WISE U -  /04
/13- Europe’s radioactive secret. How EDF and European nuclear utilities are dumping nuclear waste in the Russian Federation [PDF] -Greenpeace -11/05 URANIUM - SPLIJTSTOFSTAVENPRODUCTIE
/01- The CEZUS Affair. A flaw in quality control of nuclear fuel tubes [PDF] -WISE-Paris -12/00
/02- KWU-Brennelemente fuer Drukwasser- und Siedewasserreaktoren -KWU - 9/78
/03- Making BWR fuel  -ASEA Atom -   /84 STRATEGISCHE GRONDSTOFFEN
/01- Zirconium -Gezus -
/02- Zirconium, Titane, Magnesium, Tantale -Gezus - /83
/03- Fuel and heavy water availability -INFCE - 3/80
/04- Afhankelijkheid van EG, De VS en Japan van de aanvoer van minerale grondstoffen. Analyse van invoeraandelen -RU Groningen. Ontwik. & Veiligheid - 6/82
/05- Global Resources and international conflict -Arthur H. Westing, SIPRI - /86
/08- Contributions for the Seventeenth Biennial Conference on Carbon -W. Delle e.a. - 6/85 TECHNIES - KERNCENTRALES
/01- Kühltürme -RWE -
/02- A direct approach to Light Water Reactor technology -General Electric -
/03- Experimental & Research reactors -W.C.Patterson - /76
/04- Nuclear Power Vol I- Nuclear Plant Design -Erik S.Pederson - /78
/05- Nuclear Power Vol II-Nuclear Power Project Managements -Erik S.Pederson - /78
/06- Studie reactortypen voor Nederland -Min. EZ/SEP - 6/89
/07- Druckwasser reaktor -KWU - 8/81
/08- Reaktoren für Kernkraftwerke -DAtF - 7/84
/09- Regulatory approval processes during construction of nuclear power plants -Brooks/Morisson/EACL - /86
/10- Capitalizing on BWR simplicity at lower power ratings -Duncan/Sawyer/Hucik - /86
/11- Nuclear power plant safety: Design & Planning -US DoE -
/12- Nuclear power plant safety: Operations -US DoE -
/13- Wie funktioniert ein Kernkraftwerk -INFEL -
/14- Nuclear reactor safety -Ontario Hydro - 5/86
/15- KWU-Kernkraftwerk Druckwasserreaktor -KWU -10/86
/16- The Pressurised Water Reactor -UKAEA -11/85
/17- General description of a Boiling Water Reactor -General Electric - 9/80
/18- Energie-analyse van de totale kernenergiecyclus gebaseerd op lichtwaterreactoren -J.Kistemaker - /75
/19- Nuclear Power Reactors -UKAEA - 2/93
/20- De kerncentrale -VEEN - 8/80
/21- A guidebook to nuclear reactors -A.V.Nero jr. - /79
/22- Jaderné reaktory -CEZ -
/23- Nuclear power from fission reactors -US DOE - 3/82
/24- The pressurised water reactor -NNC -
/25- Kernreactorkunde. Een beknopte inleiding -Caspers en Hoek -
/26- The Physical Theory of Neutron Chain Reactors -Weinberg / Wigner - /58
/27- Les conséquences de la construction d'une centrale nucleaire sur l'économie régionale et l'emploi -EdF - 9/81
/28- Nuclear Power Stations -Margulova, Troitsky - /78
/29- Metallurgy in nuclear power technology -J.C. Wright -  /62
/30- Nuclear reactor engineering -S. Glasstone - 1/56
/31- Leidraad bij het college kernreactoren. Dl.1 -D.G.H.Latzko - 9/75
/32- Leidraad bij het college kernreactoren. Dl.2 -D.G.H.Latzko - 1/73
/33- Leidraad bij het college kernreactoren B.O. -D.G.H.Latzko - 1/73
/34- Reactor Handbook. Vol.4. Engineering -S.McLain, J.H.Martens  -  /64
/35- Reactortheorie  -K.L.A. Weimar (RCN) - 2/65 ONTMANTELING
/01- The decommissioning of nuclear plants -IAEA -12/79
/02- Dismantling- the myths about nuclear decommissioning -Public Cit.Env.Action -04/85
/03- Decommissioning: Nuclear Power's Missing Link -Cynthia Pollock - 4/86
/04- WGAR Decommissioning newsletter -AEA Technology - 9/89
/05- Cleaning up remains of nuclear facilities. A multi-billion dollar problem -GAO - 6/77
/06- Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement on decommissioning of nuclear facilities -NRC - 1/81
/07- "Should Investors Be Concerned About Rising Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Costs?" -Shearson Leahman Brothers US - 1/93
/08- Decommisioning of nuclear installations -CEC - /90
/09- Buitenbedrijfstelling en Ontmanteling van de Kernenergie-centrales te Borssele en Dodewaard -EPZ/GKN/Sep - 7/95
/10- Comments on the NRCs Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of nuclear facilities -TMIA Alert/EMFR -12/01
/11- Legislation covering the Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations. An overview of policies and recent developments -Dodd/Seebregts/Jansma ECN - 5/97
/12- Nuclear Decommissioning. The complete solution from a single source -BNFL Engineering Ltd -
/13- Conditioning of Radioactive Operational and Decommissioning wastes -Kontec'99 (uitnodiging +programma) - /98
/14- Decommissioning policies for nuclear facilities. Proceedings of an int. seminar Paris, 2-4 Oct. 1991 -NEA -  /92
/15- The decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear facilities -NEA -  /02
/16- Status of Decommissioning Program 2004 Annual Report  [PDF] -US NRC - 1/05
/17- Comparison different decommissioning funds methodologies for nuclear installations. Final results -Wuppertal Inst. Froggatt, Irrek - 1/07
/18- Financiële veiligheidstelling kernenergiewet/rapport [+PDF] -KMPG & NRG - 4/07
/19- Concept of a Decommissioning Plan for Old Nuclear Power Reactors -Guiding Principles from NGOs - /08
/20 Reactor decommissioning: Draft: paper_300606 [+PDF] -DTI/Ernst & Young - /06 EU financial assistance for the decommissioning of nuclear plants in Bulgaria, Lithuania and Slovakia: Acheviements and future challenges [+PDF] -European Court of Auditors - /11 OPWERKING
/01- Materialsammlung; Wiederaufarbeitungs-anlagen für Kernbrennstoffen -D.Teufel - 5/76
/02- Leven (?) met plutonium -Werkgroep Eemsmond - 6/76
/03- So ist das mit der Entsorgung -Robert Gerwin - /78
/04- Wiederaufarbeitung Pro & Contra -H.Hirsch/DWK - /82
/05- Ist die nukleare Entsorgung gesichert? -KWU/Siemens - 4/82
/06- Fakten und Schlussfolgerungen aus der bisherigen Kommerziellen Wiederaufarbeitung von Kernbrennstoffen -Arjun Makhijan - 7/82
/07- Kernenergie en opwerking -K.G.Paulus - /84
/08- Fuel reprocessing services -BNFL - /86
/09- Wiederaufarbeitung -Chemie Uni Hamburg - 1/79
/10- Atommüll oder Der Abschied van einem Teuren Traum -Arbeitsgr.WAA Uni - 2/77
/11- Sicherheitsanforderungen bei der Wiederaufarbeitung im Ausland -Min.Schleswig-Holstein - 9/90
/12- Brüterwiederaufarbeitung in Europa und die "Entsorgung" des SNR-300 Kalkar -Mycle Schneider - 1/86
/13- Safeguarding a reprocessing plant -v.d.Meijden,K.Nienhuys - 3/79
/14- Opwerking van kernafval -Klarisse Nienhuys e.a. - 4/77
/15- WiederaufbereitungsgeTÜVtel! -BBU, BUU, BI Lüchow-Dannenberg - /77
/16- Uran, Plutonium, Aufarbeitung -atw - /75
/17- Wie sicher ist die Entsorgung -KfK - /82
/18- Aktuelle Themen zur Wiederaufarbeitung unter die Lupe genommen -DWK - 3/83
/19- Wiederaufarbeitung von Kernbrennstoffen Probleme, Risiken und räumliche Auswirkungen -Eckhard Grimmel - /
/20- World wide views on the economics of reprocessing -Duda/Frank,Westinghouse - 4/84
/21- Die Wiederaufarbeitung bestrahlter Kernbrennstoffe -DAtf (Kernthemen) -11/78
/22- Fuel reprocessing -Cogema - /87
/23- Le retraitement des combustibles -GIDE - 7/85
/24- The U236 Penalty for Recycled Uranium -Golglazier/Weatherwax, Princeton - 9/76
/25- Bubble, Bubble, Toil, and Trouble: Reprocessing nuclear fuel -Arjun Makhijani - 7/82
/26- Bericht Wiederaufarbeitung 1 -Gruppe Ökologie - 5/82
/27- Bericht Wiederaufarbeitung 2 -Gruppe Ökologie - 6/83
/28- Het einde van de plutoniumdroom: Afrekenen met opwerken -Greenpeace Nl - /96
/29- Lecture on reprocessing to IMGO -P.Bunyard - 10/82
/30- A critical examination of the economic and waste management merits of the reprocessing....other management options -FOE - 6/85
/31- Sicherheitsprobleme der Wiederaufarbeitung (geplante WAA) -Grunen, Toikat/Burdorf/Fink, etc - /85
/32- International arrangements for nuclear fuel reprocessing -A. Chayes, W. Bennett Lewis -  /77
/33- Wiederaufarbeitung – eine technologische Sackgasse? -B.Fischer, H.Hirsch, L.Ellerbroek -12/81
/34- Splijtstofopwerking en behandeling van radioactieve afval -H.J.Wervers (RCN) - 1/75
/35- Zwartboek opwerking -Greenpeace/Deiman - /00 PLUTONIUM - ALGEMEEN
/01- Plutonium- Reichtum und Tod -Gärtner/Von Rabenhorst - 8/89
/02- World inventories of plutonium -D.Albright -06/85
/03- Plutonium als Umweltproblem -Ronald Kollert - 4/78
/04- Plutonium -deadly gold of nuclear age -IPPNW/IEER - /92
/05- Plutonium 85 -J.Harding,W.Patterson - /86
/06- Plutonium das tödliche Gold des Atomzeitalters -IPPNW -05/93
/07- Plutonium. Über die Beratungspraktiken der offiziellen Strahlenschutzkommission -BBU - 9/77
/08- Reprocessing, Plutonium Handling, Recycle -INFCE - 3/80
/09- World inventory of plutonium and highly enriched uranium 1992 -SIPRI (Albright, Berkhout, Walker)- /93
/10- Het plutonium-probleem: civiele en militaire aspekten -TU Eindhoven - 1/94
/11- Meinungen und Tatsachen über Plutonium -Wolfgang Stoll/KWU - 2/78
/12- Plutonium -GRS: Wollesen e.a. - 4/79
/13- Het plutonium-probleem: civiele en miltaire aspekten-verslag -TU Eindhoven - 1/94
/14- The plutonium trade: a troubling new era of proliferation -Greenpeace International
/15- Plutonium recycle: an unnecessary threat to international security -D.Albright, H.Feiveson - /86
/16- Plutonium voor iedereen -J. Gevers Leuven, A. Botzen -12/94
/17- Plutonium connection -Greens in EP - 3/91
/18- Plutonium Chemistry -W.T.Carnall/G.R.Chaoppin - /82
/19- Plutonium and highly enriched uranium 1996 -Albright, Berkhout, Walker SIPRI- /97
/20- Plutonium for everybody -Gevers Leuven/Botzen-Gramsma -
/21- The Nuclear legacy. Democracy in a Plutonium Economy -F.Barnaby / Corner House -11/97
/22- Plutonium, Aktuellt om Kärnkraft -CDL - /74
/23- Plutonium. Het element van de onderwereld -Herman Henderickx - /95
/24- Plutonium 2000. Int. Conference on the Future of Plutonium -Belgian Nuclear Society - /01
/25- Plutonium. Health implications for Man -Healy -  /76
/26- List of documents circulated to the Expert Group on International Plutonium Storage and its sub-groups 1 Nov. 1978 – 13 Dec. 1982 -Expert Group on Int. Pu Storage -12/82
/27- Global fissile material report 2007 [PDF] -IPFM (Int. Panel Fissile Material) - 7/07 PLUTONIUM - MOX & HERGEBRUIK KERNWAPEN-PU/HEU
/01- The Long-term nuclear explosives Predicament -Johan Swahn - /92
/02- Le MOX ou L'Aberration Au Plutonium. Réflexions sur un projet de l'industrie nucléaire belge -Mycle Schneider WISE-Paris - 6/93
/03- Plutonium Das tödliche Erbe der Atomindustrie -Undine van Blottnitz/im Grünen EP - /95
/04- Facts and Figures on Plutonium Separation and MOX Use -Matthieu Pavageau WISE-Paris - 1/96
/05- Plutonium, een waardevolle of waardeloze energiegrondstof? Ekonomische aspekten verbonden aan het gebruik van plutonium als splijtstof in kerncentrales -Verenigde Aktiegroepen voor Kernstop - 2/85
/06- The MOX myth. Risks and dangers of the use of Mixed Oxide Fuel [+PDF] -WISE - 4/97
/07- Comprehensive Social Impact Assessment of MOX Use in Light Water Reactors (Final Report IMA) -Tagaki/Schneider/Barnaby/etc -11/97
/08- "Plutonium and Peace, the point of view of an European" -UI Goldschmidt -11/94
/09- Plutonium Fuel. An Assessment -OECD/NEA - /89
/10- Regaining security -A guide to the costs of disposing of plutonium and Highly Enriched Uranium -William J.Weida - /97
/11- How Not to Reduce Plutonium Stocks. The dangers of MOX-fuelled Nuclear Reactors -Corner House / F.Barnaby -12/99
/12- USEC Privatization and the Russian HEU Agreement -Yggdrasil Institute - 6/99
/13- RaepHbie Matepnaabl (Pu/HEU disposition) -A. Makhijani, IEER - /95
/14- Opwerking en Hergebruik van plutonium -D. Pantsers / TU Eindhoven - 8/96
/15- Agreement between the governments of the USA and Russian Federation concerning management and disposition of Pu designated as no longer required for defense purposes and related cooperation -USA / Russian Federation - 9/00
/16- Ontmantelen en opruimen van kernwapens. Waarheen met splijtstoffen? -Symposium TU Eindhoven - 9/00
/17- Stop Plutonium. International Meeting to Prevent MOX Utilization -Workshop at HAP - 5/99
/18- Management of separated plutonium. The technical options -NEA -  /97
/19- Recyclage des matieres nucleaires, Mythes et realites [PDF]  -WISE Paris, Schneider, Coeytaux - 5/00
/20- Dispositioning military plutonium to promote nuclear non-proliferation -R. Sancton/Pax Christi - /05
/21- The ultimate disposal of fissile materials from nuclear weapons -SANA/ R.D. Haaridon - /91 KWEEKREAKTOREN - ALGEMEEN
/01- Fast Breeder technology -TNO - 5/73
/02- Inspectie-technieken voor pijp-pijp-laatgasverbindingen van natriumcomponenten -RCN - 6/73
/03- Nuclear crises: A question of Breeding -Montefiore/Gosling - /77
/04- The economics of nuclear power: the unanswered question of breeding -J.Chesshire -10/77
/05- Adress (toespraak) -Thomas A.Dillion -10/81
/06- Kweekreactoren, wat zijn dat -Neratoom - /82
/07- To breed or not to breed -Rottblat/Barnaby/e.a. - /77
/08- Wie sicher ist der schnelle Brüter -KfK Karlsruhe - /84
/09- PEC Experimental capacities -ENEA -12/85
/10- La surete des surgenerateurs et impact sur l'environnement -G.Lucenet -11/79
/11- Livre jaune sur la société du plutonium -APAG/GAA - 2/81
/12- Plutonium sur Rhône. Super-Phenix, insécurité et incertitudes -GSIEN-Grenoble - 2/81
/13- Commercial fast breeders: towards an integrated european nuclear force? -GIPRI - /84
/14- Plutoniumpolitik in Europa -Yves Lenoir - /79
/15- Plutoniumwirtschaft? -Klaus Traube -10/84
/16- Die Brutreaktorlinie -Interatom - 4/85
/17- Kernvragen over de snelle kweekreactor. Symposium. -TH Delft -11/75
/18- Civilian inventories of plutonium and highly enriched uranium -D.Albright - 3/86
/19- Status and Prospects of Thermal Breeders and their Effects on Fuel Utilization -IAEA - /79
/20- Schnelle Brüter und Wiederaufarbeitungsanlagen -Holger Strohm - 1/77
/21- Schnelle Brüter Pro und Contra -Hans Matthöfer - /77
/22- Les Surgénérateurs vrai ou faux problème? -Institut National Genevois - /84
/23- Kernvragen over de snelle kweekreactor. Eindverslag. -TH Delft -11/75
/24- Die Rohstoffprobleme des Schnellen Bruters -H.Hirsch/J.Kreusch - 5/81
/25- Fast Breeders -INFCE Working Group 5 - 3/80
/26- Energie et Societe - Les Surgenerateurs, Vrai ou faux probleme? -APAG - 1/83
/27- The liquid metal fast breeder reactor -T.B. Cochran -  /74
/28- Physics of liquid metal fast breeder reactor safety -R.Wilson -10/77
/29- Technical options for the Advanced Liquid Metal Reactor [PDF] -US Office Technology Assessm. -  5/94
/30- The Changing need for a Breeder Reactor [PDF] -Richard Wilson, UI London -  9/99
/31- Ontwikkelingsprogramma’s snelle kweekreactoren in VS, VK en Frankrijk -Neratoom - 2/65
/32- Role of breeder reactor system in the European Community -UNIPEDE/CEC -  /77
/33- The future of nuclear energy: Facts and Fiction: Chapter IV: Energy from breeder reactors and from fusion? [PDF] -M. Dittmar/IPP -11/09 KWEEKREACTOREN - EFR;  EUROPEAN FASTBREEDER REACTOR
/01- Review and analysis study for a possible participation in the European Fast Breeder Development cooperation -Motor Columbus - 6/86
/02- "The future has arrived" - but have we noticed? -Ian Leveson (SCRAM) - 6/86
/03- The story of the European Fast Reactor Cooperation -Marth, EFR, Karlsruhe -12/93 THORIUM CYCLUS
/01- Thorium for use in plutonium disposition, proliferation-resistant fuels for developing Countries and future reactor designs [PDF] -Brian Johnson - 4/06
/02- Thorium-based fuels preliminary lattice cell studies for Candu reactors [PDF] -C. Margeanu/ A. Rizoiu/ Institute for nuclear Research Pitesti -11/09 THORIUM CYCLUS - REACTORTYPEN
/01- The Rubbia TABS, Solutions or Illusions ? WISE-Paris -