> Library: books on USA VS - ALGEMEEN
         USA - GENERAL
/01- Atom's Eve: Ending the nuclear Age -Reader/e.a. - /80
/02- Albuquerque operations office: Information Digest -US DoE - 7/87
/03- The nuclear Fuel cycle -US DoE - /84
/04- NRC 1985 Annual Report -US NRC - 6/86
/05- Accidents will happen. The case against nuclear power -Environmental Action F. - /79
/06- Draft country report of the U.S. -OESO/IEA - 3/89
/07- National plan for energy research, development & demonstration: creating energy choices for future, Vol. 1 -E.R.D.A. - /76
/08- Conservation plants -IVEM -11/88
/09- NRC Telephone Directory -NRC - 1/91
/10- Federal Register: part V.: Nuclear Regulatory Commission -NRC -03/84
/11- Nuclear power in an age of uncertainty - -
/12- Energie für ein neues Jahrtausend -Edward Teller - /81
/13- Nuclear reactors. Built, being built, planned USA Dec. 31, 1978 -US DoE - 3/79
/14- The Plutonium Economy -Resolution adopted -National Council of Churches - 3/76
/15- Questions on future of nuclear power: implications and trade-offs -US General Acc. Office - 5/79
/16- The menace of atomic energy -R.Nader, J.Abbotts - /79
/17- The world almanac of US politics - - /93
/18- Preparation of environmental reports for NP stations -USNRC -07/76
/19- Prometheus Bound: nuclear power at the turning point -Cambr.Energy Res.Ass. -11/83
/20- Nuclear power quick reference IV -General Electric - /83
/21- Nuclear Power. Answers to your questions -Edison Electric Inst. - /85
/22- The Workbook -Southwest Research Center - 4/85
/23- The Price-Anderson Act and its pros and cons -N. Jacobson - 9/84
/24- Nuclear Power vs. Political Rights -Campaign for Political Rights - 4/79
/25- The Politics of Energy. Carter's Energy Plan -Barry Commoner - /79
/26- A Summary History; Department of Energy 1977 - 1994 -US DOE -11/94
/27- Nuclear Neighbors; The Central Interstate Reactors -Kemp Houck - /89
/28- The nuclear power debate. Moral, Economic, Technical and Political issues -Desaix Myers III - /77
/29- Countdown to a nuclear moratorium -Environmental Action Foundation - 4/76
/30- Deadly Radiation Hazards USA database (lijst met kaart) -Visual Information Project -12/95
/31- Containing the Atom. Nuclear Regulation in a Changing  Environment 1963 - 1971 -J.Samuel Walker - /92
/32- The untold story: Economic Benefits of Nuclear Technologies -Organisations United - /96
/33- Paying for pollution. How Taxpayers Subsidize Dangerous and Polluting Energy Programs -Green Scissors Report - /00
/34- The Last Energy War. The Battle Over Utility Regulation -Harvey Wasserman - /99
/35- Nuclear America  -G.H.Clarfield, W.M.Wiecek -  /84
/36- The Big Blackout and Amnesia in Congress  –Public Citizen  -    /03
/37- Interim Report: Causes of the August 14th Blackout in the US and Canada [+PDF] –US-Canada Task Force  –11/03
/38- Timeline: A Chronology of Public Opinion on Nuclear Power in the United States and United Kingdom[+PDF] -Stephanie Dalquist - 4/04
/39- US Department of Energy’s Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2006 [PDF] -R.Alvarez, Inst. For Policy Studies  - 2/05
/40- Information Digest, 2005-2006 Edition [PDF] -US NRC -  7/05
/41- US. Actions to address Energy Security, Clean Development and Climate Change -US Dep. Of State - 9/07
/42- The Code Killers. An Expose -Ace Hoffman -11/08
/43- Generating failure: How building nuclear power plants would set America back in the race against global warming [PDF] -Environment America/T. Madsen/T.Dutzik/Frontier Group -11/09
/44- The economics of a US civilian nuclear phase-out [PDF] -Amory B.Lovins / BAS - 3/13 VS - VEILIGHEID
         USA - SAFETY
/01- Killing or own: The disaster of America's experience with atomic radiation -Wasserman/Solomon - /82
/02- Uses of knowledge and values in technical controversies: the case of nuclear reactor safety -Steven L. del Sesto - /83
/03- Draft environmental standard review: plans for environmental review of construction permit applications for nuclear power plants -NRC -11/77
/04- Shut down; nuclear power on trial - - /79
/05- Reactor Risk Reference Document -NRC -
/06- 1983 Nuclear power safety report -Public Citizen - /83
/07- Placing resident inspectors at nuclear powerplant sites: Is it Working? -Us General Acc. Office -11/79
/08- Assessment of accident risks US commercial NPP -US NRC -10/75
/09- Aging nuclear power plants: managing plant life and decommissioning -OTA - 9/93
/10- Nuclear powerplant safety: Operations -US DOE -
/11- Nuclear powerplant safety: Design and planning -US DOE -
/12- The Nugget File. Excerpts from the governments special internal file on accidents and safety defects... -Union of Concerned Scientists - 1/79
/13- Safety Second: A Critical Evaluation of NRC's First Decade -Union of Concerned Scientists - 2/85
/14- US Nuclear Power Plants -Showing their Age. Case Study: Core Shroud Cracking -Robert Pollard, UCS - 9/95
/15- US Nuclear Power Plants -Showing their Age. Case Study: Steam Generator Corrosion -Robert Pollard, UCS -12/95
/16- US Nuclear Power Plants -Showing their Age. Case Study: Reactor Pressure Vessel Embrittlement -Robert Pollard, UCS -12/95
/17- 1979: 2,000 nuclear mishaps -Critical Mass Energy Project - 7/80
/18- Nuclear Power Safety Report: 1981 -Critical Mass Energy Project - 8/82
/19- Public Citizen 1984 Nuclear Power Safety Report -Critical Mass Energy Project - /84
/20- Public Citizen's Annual Nuclear Power Safety Report 1987 -Critical Mass Energy Project -12/88
/21- Nuclear Power Safety Report 1979-1985 -Critical Mass Energy Project - 5/86
/22- Nuclear Plant Risk Studies - Failing the Grade -D.Lochbaum, UCS - 8/00
/23- Licensed to kill. How the nuclear power industry destroys endangered marine wildlife and ocean habitat to save money -L.Gunter/P.Gunter/S.Cullen/N.Burton - /00
/24- Licensed to kill. idem /23 Executive summary -Gunter/Gunter/Cullen/Burton - /00
/25- Risk Assessment Review Group report to USNRC (NUREG/CR-0400) -Lewis/et Ad Hoc Review Group - 9/78
/26- Report of the Siting Policy Task Force (NUREG-0625) -US NRC - 8/79
/27- 1986 Nuclear power safety report -Public Citizen - 9/87
/28- Unusual occurrences - -  4/86
/29- Nuclear power plant security: Voices from inside the fences -POGO -10/02 VS - STRALINGSEXPERIMENTEN
/01- Experimental irradiation of air force personnel during operation  Redwing – 1956 -A.Makhijani -11/85
/02- Atomic soldiers. American victims of nuclear experiments -H.L. Rosenberg -   /80 VS - MOX
         USA - MOX
/01  US MOX ‘Lead Test Assembly’ Controversy: Fabrication at Cadarach, France –WISE Paris -  7/03 VS - KAREN SILKWOOD
/01- Karen Silkwood -ISIS - /81
/02- Karen Silkwood -Richard Rashke - /81
/03- Warum musste Karen Silkwood sterben? -D.Fatman - /82
/04- Who killed Karen Silkwood. Was she the first deliberate victim of the nuclear power industry? -Howard Kohn - /81
/05- Karen Silkwood vs. Kerr-McGee corporation. Supplemental trial brief of defendants – Kerr McGee - 2/79
/06- Karen Silkwood: union sister 1946 – 1974 -R.L. Rashke -  / VS - AKB / AKTIES / REPRESSIE
/01- Public opposition to nuclear energy -Kasperson/e.a. - 4/80
/02- Van protest naar verzet. Seabrook '77 -Sheryl Crown - 5/80
/03- Seabrook is overal -Johan/Lina/e.a. - 9/80
/04- Grassroots- How to fight Nuclear Power and Win! -Fr. Wilcox - /80
/05- Energy war. Reports from the front -Harvey Wasserman -10/79
/06- Get Up, Stand up. A manual for the anti-nuclear defendant -Abolene Alliance - /82
/07- No more Harrisburgs! There is a choice! -May 6 Coalition - 5/79
/08- The activists almanac -David Walls - /93
/09- Women resist the nuclear industry -Feminists for Compassionate Socialisme - 8/97
/10- Nuclear free Northeast -NIRS - 8/99
/11- The Plutonium Economy -Council of Churches of Christ - /75
/12- Our jobs, our health, our lives, our fight: report first nat.labor conference for safe energy and full employment -10-80
/13- Report of the National No nukes Strattgy Conference Louisville. August 16-20, 1978 -  /78
/14- The MUSE Concerts for a Non-Nuclear Future. Official Program -MUSE - 9/79
/15- Blockade the Bombmakers. June 14, 1982. Civil disobedience campaign handbook - 5/82
/16- Annual report 1987-1988 -NIRS - 7/89
/17- Strange Victories [PDF] -P.M. (published in Midnight Oil) - 4/79
/18- Strategic, tactical and organizational dilemmas of the protest movement against nuclear power [PDF] -Steven E. Barkan -10/79
/19- Origins, Goals, and Tactics of the U.S. Anti-Nuclear Protest Movement [PDF] -Rand for Sandia Nat.Lab - 3/85
/20- The Antinuclear Power Movement and the Crisis of the U.S. Nuclear Power Industry 1953-1989 (chapters 3 & 5) [PDF] -Margarita Perez Garza - /90 VS - PROLIFERATIEBELEID - ALGEMEEN
/01- The independent nuclear state: The United States, Britain and the military atom -John Simpson - /83
/02- Excuse me, Mr. President. The message of the broken eagle -Rick Paul Springer - /97
/03- Tools for anti-nuclear organizing in the age of terror -War Resisters League -  / VS - PROLIFERATIEBELEID - HEU/RERTR (+ opwerking buitenlandse brandstof)
         USA - PROLIFERATION POLICY - HEU / RERTR (reprocessing foreign fuel)
/01- Environmental assessment of urgent-relief acceptance of foreign research reactor spent nuclear fuel -DOE -10/93
/02- Highly Enriched Uranium: Striking a balance A historical report on US HEU Production, Acquisation and Urtilization activities 1945-1996 [PDF]  -US Department Of Energy -  1/01 VS - PROLIFERATIEBELEID - KERNWAPENS & PROEVEN
/01- Cannikin environmental statement -AEC - 4/71
/02- The Nuclear Smokescreen. Warhead safety and Reliability and the Science Based Stockpile Stewardship Program -IEER. Zeriffi/Makhijani - 5/96
/03- Amerika's strategische grondstoffen... -J.G. Brouwer - 9/84
/04- U.S. Nuclear Forces and Capabilities -Cochran/Arkin/Hoenig - /84
/05- U.S. Nuclear Warhead Production -Cochran/Arkin/Norris/Hoenig - /87
/06- U.S. Nuclear Warhead Facility Profiles -Cochran/Arkin/Norris/Hoenig - /87
/07- Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board: Activities 1993 -DNFSB - 2/94
/08- The Counterforce Syndrome: A guide to US nuclear weapons and strategic doctrine -Robert C.Aldridge - /78
/09- A Faustian Bargain. Why 'Stockpile Stewardship' is fundamentally incompatible with the process of nuclear disarmament -A.Lichterman/J.Cabasso - 4/98 VS - AFVAL - ALGEMEEN
/01- Political construction of technology: Nuclear waste disposal in the United States, 1945-1972 -A.A.Albert de la Bruhèze - 5/92
/02- Managing the Nations Nuclear Waste, Factsheet series -US DOE -
/03- Nuclear Jeopardy. A guide to understanding HLW in Wyoming -Wyoming Outdoor Council - /98
/04- Nuclear waste paper: a handbook for citizens - /85
/05- Nuclear waste management: a manageable task -Westinghouse - /80
/06- Record of responses- vol.II -DOE - 6/85
/07- Public Comments- vol. III -DOE - 6/85
/08- Reducing the risks- policies for management of highly radioactive waste -A.Makhijani -05/89
/09- Cut-rate cleanup: how the DOE budget gambles with the environment -R.Alvarez, V.Smith - /89
/10- The Crystalline Rock project -William J. Madia - 4/84
/11- Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 -DOE -12/84
/12- High-Level Dollars, Low-Level Sense -A.Makhijani, S.Saleska - /92
/13- Deadly crop in the tank farm -A.Makhijani/Alvarez... -07/86
/14- Forevermore: nuclear waste in America -Philadelphia Inquirer -11/83
/15- Too hot to handle? Social and political issues in the management of radioactive wastes -Walker/Could/Woodhouse - /85
/16- Nations Nuclear Waste. Proposals for organizing and siting -US Comptroller General - 6/79
/17- Study on spent nuclear fuel storage -US DoE - 3/80
/18- Federal facilities on storing spent nuclear fuel. Are they needed? -US General Acc. Office - 6/79
/19- Status of nuclear fuel reprocessing, spent fuel storage and high-level waste disposal -NFCC, CERC, DC - 1/78
/20- Characteristics of potential repository wastes- volume 1 -DOE - 7/92
/21- ,, ,, ,, volume 2 -DOE - 7/92
/22- ,, ,, ,, volume 3 -DOE - 7/92
/23- ,, ,, ,, volume 4 -DOE - 7/92
/24- 1991 State-by-State Assessment of low level radioactive wastes received at commercial disposal sites -DOE - 9/92
/25- Partnership under pressure -OTA - /89
/26- Characteristics of spent fuel, high level waste and other radioactive wastes which may require longterm isolation -DOE -12/87
/27- The radioactive exchange -The radioactive Exch. - 9/93
/28- Burying uncertainty -K.S.Shrader-Frechette - /93
/29- Problems and Prospects for Nuclear Waste Disposal Policy -Herzik/Mushkatel - /93
/30- Mythbusters #8 -Safe energy comm. council - /92
/31- Spent fuel working group report -US DOE -11/83
/32- A Mountain Of Waste 50 Years High -NIRS - 4/92
/33- Certificate of compliance for the ventilated storage cask (VSC-24) for irradiated fuel -NRC - 4/92
/34- Certificate of compliance for dry spent fuel storage casks 10 CFR 72 -NRC -12/89
/35- Development of casks for transporting spent fuel needs modification -GAO - 3/92
/36- Results of studies on behavior of spent fuel in storage -E.Gilbert, W.Bailey, A.Johnson - 1/88
/37- Status of rod consolidation -PNL - 4/85
/38- Idaho Chemical Processing Plant spent fuel and waste management technology development plan -DOE Idaho - 4/92
/39- Handling and storage of spent light water power reactor fuel Volume I. Executive summary and text -NRC - 8/79
/40- Secrecy, money, and deception: the attempt to site West Valley -Don't Waste NY, Coalition West V. -11/91
/41- Sub-seabed disposal of high-level nuclear waste: an assessment of policy issues for the United States -Inst.for Marine Studies - 7/82
/42- Oceanography Miscellaneous-part 2: hearings -Committee on Merchant Marine... - /80
/43- Citizens' Nuclear Waste Manual -NIRS - 5/84
/44- Laying Waste: The poisoning of America by toxic chemicals -Michael Brown - /79
/45- Living Without Landfills -Radioactive Waste Campaign - /87
/46- Cutting Wasteful and Environmentally Harmful Spending -Green Scissors - /01
/47- Radioactive Waste: No End in Sight -Anne Byrd-Hill / Nukewatch - /94
/48- Does the technology exist to clean up the West Valley site? -Sierra Club -  /
/49- Performance of remedial response activities at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites -Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. - 4/89
/50- Out of Control - On Purpose: DOE's dispersal of radioactive waste into landfills and consumer products D.D'Arrigo/M. Olson/NIRS 05/07 VS - AFVAL - WIPP
         USA - RADWASTE - WIPP
/01- Is WIPP the best future we can provide for our children? -Concerned Citizens for N. Safety - VS - AFVAL - YUCCA MOUNTAIN
/01- Yucca Mountain Project Public Hearings -DoE, 20-3-89 - 3/89
/02- Yucca Mountain Project Public Hearings -DoE, 21-3-89 - 3/89
/03- Yucca Mountain Project Public Hearings -DoE, 23-3-89 - 3/89
/04- Nuclear Waste. Yucca Mountain Project. Behind schedule and Facing Major Scientific Uncertainties -US-GAO - 5/93
/05- Underground exploration and testing at Yucca Mountain -NWTRB -10/93
/06- The Yucca Mountain Story -US DOE - 9/89
/07- Nuke views changing. Yucca Mountain, a question of credibility -Las Vegas Review-Journal -10/90 VS - URANIUMMIJNBOUW
/01- Indianen en uranium: Bijeenkomst Black Hills -Ellen Armstrong - 9/81
/02- Eerst het land, nu de rotsen -NANAI - /82
/03- Water quality impacts of uranium mining and milling in Grant Mineral Belt, New Mexico -Environmental Protection Agency - 9/75
/04- Noord Amerikaanse Indianen en de nucleaire brandstofcyclus -NANAI -
/05- Four Corners: National sacrifice area? -McLeod/Hayes/Switkes - 4/85
/06- Recommendations & Statements of reasons for changes in New Mexico Radiation Protection Regulations and their enabling Legislation -Comm. Governor Ayana - 4/85
/07- Puerco River Report - - 4/86
/08- Panel on Discountinuous Sedimentary Ore boddies in Bedding Rock -Commission on Surface Mining - /79
/09- The domestic uranium industry and imports of uranium -DOE - 2/81
/10- Mine Talk -Mine Talk - 8/82
/11- Navajo/Hopi european protest tour 1991 -Minewatch -
/12- A review of the activities of CERT -Winona La Duke - /81
/13- "Strahlende" Opfer. Amerikas Uranindustrie, Indianer und weltweiter Überlebungskampf -Gert Hensel - /87
/14- Radiation Doses from Tailings Spill May Have Been Underestimated -Health & Safety - /82
/15- Survey of United States Uranium Marketing Activity, May 1977 -Energy Research & Development Adm - /77
/16- Uranium & The nuclear cycle -Health and Energy Learning project - /79
/17- The Rights of the Indians of the Americas. -Report Fourth Russel Tribunal -11/80
/18- Geopolitics of the Navajo Hopi land dispute -J.Redhouse -  /
/19- United States uranium mining and milling industry -DOE - 5/84
/20- Popular epidemiology in three contaminated communities -R.W.Clapp -  /03
/21- An economic evaluation of a renewed uranium mining boom in New Mexico [PDF] -Thomas Michael Power -10/08
/22- Nuclear Power's other tragedy. Communities living with uranium mining [PDF] -Erika Kamptner / Earthworks - 6/11 VS - VERRIJKING - ALGEMEEN
/01- Program Summary (uranium enrichment)-DOE - 7/82
/02- Uranium enrichment program & Facilities -US DoE - 8/82
/03- Uranium enrichment Enterprices. Annual report 1986 -US DoE - 2/87 VS - OPWERKING - ALGEMEEBN
/10- Some important unexamined questions concerning the Barnwell nuclear fuel reprocessing plant -J.Gofman - 1/72
/02- Economics of Reprocessing - Analysis of Scenarios Operating Barnwell -Laughon/Goodman, DOE - 4/84
/03- Economics of Reprocessing, U.S. context -Sandberg/Braun - 4/84
/04- Studsvik, US nuclear bombs, and US nuclear waste -Miles Goldstick -09/89
/05- Risky relapse into Reprocessing. Environmental and Non-Proliferation Consequences of DOE's Spent Fuel Management Program -Noah Sachs, IEER - 1/96
/06- Barnwell Nuclear Fuel Plant -Allied-General Nuclear Services e.a. -   /
/07- The mythology and messy reality of nuclear fuel reprocessing [PDF] -Arjun Makhijani/IEER -04/10 VS - KWEEKREAKTOREN - CLINCH RIVER BREEDER
/01- The Clinch River Breeder Reactor. Should Congress continu to fund it? -US General Acc. Office - 5/79
/02- Comments on Administration's White Paper: The Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project -An end to the impasse -US General Acc. Office - 7/79
/03- Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant Project  -Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant Project Office -  /78
/04- The Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant and its impact on the environment -Breeder Reactor Corporation -   /77 VS - KERNWAPENFABRIEKEN EN SCHOONMAAK
/01- Rethinking Plutonium -ERF, NRDC - 4/92
/02- Deadly Defense. Military radioactive landfills -Radioactive Waste Campaign - 6/88
/03- Alternative Futures for DOE National Laboratories -Energy Advisory Board - 2/95
/04- Alternative Futures for DOE National Laboratories, Vol II -Department Of Energy - 9/94
/05- Plutonium Accounting Released -Department Of Energy - 2/96
/06- Plutonium: the First 50 Years. US' plutonium production, acquisition, and utilization from 1944 to 1994 -Department Of Energy - 2/96
/07- Vol I: Briefing Package -Plutonium Working Group US DoE -11/94
/08- Vol II, Part 1: Rocky Flats, Working Group Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/09- Vol II, Part 2: Hanford, Worlking Group Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/10- Vol II, Part 3: Los Alamos, Working Group Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/11- Vol II, Part 4: Savannah River, Working Group Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/12- Vol II, Part 5: Argonne - West, Working Group Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/13- Vol II, Part 6: Lawrence Livermore Working Gr. Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/14- Vol II, Part 7: Mound, Working Group Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/15- Vol II, Part 8: Argonnne - East, Working Group Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/16- Vol II, Part 9: Oak Ridge, Working Group Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/17- Vol II, Part 10: Sandia, Working Group Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/18- Vol II, Part 11: Lawrence Berkeley Working Gr. Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/19- Vol II, Part 12: Pantex, Working Group Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/20- Vol II, Part 13: Sites with small Pu Holdings WG Asses. -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/21- Vol II, Appendix A: Process and Protocol -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/22- Vol II, Appendix B, Part 1: Rocky Flats, Site Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/23- Vol II, Appendix B, Part 2: Hanford, Site Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/24- Vol II, Appendix B, Part 3: Los Alamos, Site Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/25- Vol II, Appendix B, Part 4: Savannah River Site Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/26- Vol II, Appendix B, Part 5: Argonne -West Site Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/27- Vol II, Appendix B, Part 6: L.Livermore, Site Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/28- Vol II, Appendix B, Part 7: Mound, Site Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/29- Vol II, Appendix B, Part 8: Argonne -East Site Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/30- Vol II, Appendix B, Part 9: Oak Ridge, Site Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/31- Vol II, Appendix B, Part 10: Sandia, Site Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/32- Vol II, Appendix B, Part 11: L.Berkeley, Site Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/33- Vol II, Appendix B, Part 12: Pantex, Site Assessment -Plutonium Working Group US DoE - 9/94
/34- De kernwapenfabrieken in de VS -IKV-geschrift nr 6 - 7/79
/35- Missing the Path to "Cleanup": Root causes of the failures in the US DOEs nuclear weapons environmental program -Alliance for Nuclear Accountability - 3/98
/36- Missing the Path to "Cleanup": False economic assumptions and failed contracting practices -Alliance for Nuclear Accountability - 5/98
/37- Missing the Path to "Cleanup": Smoke, mirrors, and contamination:  DOE's contractor Intergration Team Report -Alliance for Nuclear Accountability - 5/98
/38- Missing the Path to "Cleanup": The Path Forward -Alliance for Nuclear Accountability - 7/98
/39- The U.S. Military's Toxic legacy -National Toxic Campaign Fund - 1/91
/40- From Cleanup to Stewardship -DOE Environmental Management -10/99
/41- The Great American Bomb Machine.  -Roger Rapoport -  /72
/42- Dismantling the Bomb and managing the nuclear materials. -U.S. Offoce of Technology Assessm. - 9/93
/43- Half-lives, half-truths, and other radioactive legacies of the Cold-War [+PDF] -Barbara Rose Johnston -10/06
/44- Plutonium Wastes from the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex: 7 July [+PDF] -Robert Alvarez/ Institute for Policy Studies -07/10 VS - REAKTOREN - NOORD-OOST ALGEMEEN
/01- Patterns of Non-Compliance. The NRC and the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company -H.G.Brack - /98
/02- Monitoring Maine Yankee II. Report 1988-1998 -Citizen's Monitoring Network - 5/99
/03- A Handbook on Nuclear Sites in the Great Lakes Region -Nucl Free Great Lakes Action Camp - 8/99
/04- Nuclear free New England - a handbook and guide... -NIRS/CAN - 8/98
/05- Chronology of problems at the Susquehanna steam electric station - - 2/02
/06- Chronology of problems at Peach Bottom -TMI Alert - 2/02
/07- Indian Point Project. Information and Political Action Packet -NYPIRG -  /82
/08- Ready or not: Public prepardness for an accident at Indian Point -NYPIRG -  /82
/09- Final environmental statement related to the operation of Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, units 1  and 2 (NUREG-0564) -NRC -  6/81
/10- Maine Yankee facts - -   /
/11- Yankee ingenuity  -Electric Council of New England -  /
/12- The Indian Point book -Anne Witte (ed.) -   /82
/13- Occupational exposures of workers to chemicals and radiation during uranium processing at the Linde ceramics plant 1943-1949. ORAU 88/A-16 -J.L.S.Hickey, D.Crawford-Brown,W.G. Tankersley - 1/88
/14- Radioactive strontium in Long Island baby teeth -Jay M.Gould (RPHP) -
/15- Radioactive Strontium-90 in Baby Teeth near the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant [PDF] -J.Mangano, RPHP -10/02 VS - REAKTOREN - NOORD-OOST - HARRISBURG
/01- Het ongeluk in kerncentrale Harrisburg -Kemeny-rapport - /80
/02- Vrouwen van Harrisburg -VMD -
/03- Radiation and Health effects. A Report on the TMI-2 accident and related health studies -GPU Nuclear Corporation - 6/86
/04- A report on the TMI effluent & environmental monitoring -GPU Nuclear Corporation - /87
/05- Three Mile Island- the hour-by-hour account -Mark Stephens - /80
/06- TMI. Thirty minutes to meltdown -Daniel F. Ford - /82
/07- Remembering the accident at the Three Mile Island PWR Seven Years Later -Friends of the Earth - 3/86
/08- Petition for rehearing -US Supreme Court -10/85
/09- The TMI-2 Story -GPU - 5/79
/10- Nuclear safety after TMI. EPRI Journal -EPRI - 6/80
/11- Crisis: Three Mile Island -Washington Post - /79
/12- Harrisburg Bericht. Bewertung des Störfalles im KKW -Bundesminister de Innern - 6/79
/13- A Decade of Delay, Deceit and Danger. TMI 1979-1989 -Three Mile Island Alert - /89
/14- The People of Three Mile Island (fotoboek) -Robert Del Tredici - /80
/15- Three Mile Island. Friends of the Earth Research paper No. 2 -FOE US - /79
/16- Mortality Consequences of the TMI Nuclear Accident -Jay M. Gould - 5/87
/17- Harrisburg. Problems since Unit-1 start-up -TMI Alert - 2/02
/18- (no title) Harrisburg chronology since unit-2 accident 1979 -TMI Alert - 2/02
/19- Transcripts of verbatim records of meetings of the NRC.Vol.1 -NRC -  /79
/20- Transcripts of verbatim records of meetings of the NRC.Vol.2 -NRC -  /79
/21- Transcripts of verbatim records of meetings of the NRC.Vol.3 -NRC -  /79
/22- Transcripts of verbatim records of meetings of the NRC.Vol.4 -NRC -  /79
/23- Transcripts of verbatim records of meetings of the NRC.Vol.5 -NRC -  /79
/24- Transcripts of verbatim records of meetings of the NRC.Vol.6 -NRC -  /79
/25- Infant mortality changes following the Three Mile Island accident -E.J.Sternglass - 1/80
/26- Taste and smell implications of the hypothetical emission of nonradioactive chemicals at TMI. Project 14. Draft -R. Martyr - 5/88
/27- Cancer near the Three Mile Island nuclear plant -M.C.Hatch,J.Beyea,J.Nieves,M.Susser - 8/90
/28- Population dose and health impact of the accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear station -L. Battist e.a. - 5/79
/29- Understanding the Three Mile Island accident -Rosalie Bertell -
/30- TMI and the politics of public health -G.K. MacLeod -11/80
/31- Some long-term consequences of hypothetical major releases of radioactivity to the atmosphere from Three Mile Island. PU/CEES #109 -Jan Beyea -12/80
/32- Progress report on TMI Dosimetry Project -TMI Dosimetry Project - 5/88
/33- 25 years Three Mile Island. Clouds of Doubt Still Remain -TMI Alert -  3/04 VS - REAKTOREN - NOORD-OOST - SEABROOK
/01- Let's shut down Seabrook! Handbook for Oct. 6 1979 -Coal. for direct action Seabrook -10/79
/02- Hell no, we won't glow: Nonviolent occupation of a nuclear power site -S. Crown -04/79 VS - REAKTOREN - NOORD-OOST - SHOREHAM
/01- Blockade Shoreham. Citizens strike-people-to-people blockade -Shoreham Campaign Task Force -06/79
/02- Position Paper Shoreham Nuclear Power Station -Long Island Lightning Co - 5/84 VS - REACTOREN - ZUIDOOST- REST
/01- Surry Power station - 1999 Emergency planning information Calendar -several Counties - /99
/02- Lung cancer among workers at a uranium processing plant -D.L. Cookfair e.a. - /83
/03 The case against Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant: an unnecessary risk: Stop the relicensing of Oyster Creek Coalition to Stop The Re-licensing Of Oyster Creek/P.Gunter/J.Tauro - /07 VS - REAKTOREN - ZUIDOOST - BROWNS FERRY
/01- Browns Ferry; The regulatory failure? -Ford/Kendall/Tye - 6/76 VS - REAKTOREN - SAVANNAH RIVER
/01- Occupational exposures of workers to chemicals at the Savannah River plant 1952-1984 -J.L.S. Hickey, D. Cragle - 6/85 VS - REAKTOREN - ZUIDOOST - OAK RIDGE
/01- A citizen's guide to Oak Ridge -Oak R.Env.Peace All. - 8/89
/02- The graphite reactor -Oak Ridge National Laboratory -   /
/03- Contract between Union Carbide Corp.and Oil, Chem.and Atomic Workers Int.Union -Un.Carbide; Oil, Chem.and At.Workers Int.Union -11/75
/04- The health and mortality study of DOE workers: The Oak Ridge studies -S.A. Fry e.a. - 1/86
/05- Cancer Mortality near Oak Ridge, Tennessee -J.J. Mangano - 1/93
/06- Mortality among workers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory -S. Wing e.a. - 4/90 VS - REAKTOREN - PADUCAH
/01- Independent Investigation Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant. Environment, safety and Health Issues. Phase 1 -Office Oversight, Safety Health -10/99 VS - REAKTOREN - MIDDEN-WEST - REST REAKTOREN
/01- The bountiful atom -Phoenix At. Res.Program (Michigan) -
/02- Nuclear Issues in Missouri. A report to the Governor -James W.Benton - 4/79
/03- Anatomy of a flawed decision: NRC has a brain, but no spine -P.Gunter (NIRS), D.Lochbaum (UCS) -  / VS - REAKTOREN - MIDDEN WEST - FERNALD
/01- Fernald -Government Accountability Project - 8/86
/02- Concerns arising from results of the biological and ecological site characterization of the Feed Materials Production Center. E75-969 -D.R. Osborne e.a. - 6/87
/03- Feed Materials Production Center Fernald, Ohio. Environmental Survey. Preliminary report -DOE - 3/87
/04- Estimating risks and doses from the nuclear weapons complex -B. Franke, A. Makhijani, S. Stubbs -12/91
/05- Assessment of radiation dose and cancer risk for emissions from 1951 through 1984. Draft. Project No. 303063 -IT - 3/89 VS - REAKTOREN - MIDDEN WEST - FERMI
/01- Health effects of low dose exposure to fission products from Chernobyl and the Fermi nuclear reactor in the population of the Detroit Metropolitan Area -E.J.Sternglass,J.J.Mangano,J.M.Gould - 3/98 VS - REAKTOREN - NOORD-WEST - REST REAKTOREN
/01- Nuclear California. Investigative report -David E. Kaplan - 4/82
/02- Analysis of estimated cost for 3 Pacific Northwest NPP -US General Acc. Office - 7/79
/03- Portland general electric Trojan nuclear plant -PGEC - /94
/04- Protest SONGS (San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station)  CEAN -  /78
/05- Petition … for scientic health studies at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory -C. Broscious (EDI) - 6/90
/06- Cancer incidence near the Santa Susanna Field Lab. 1978-1989 -M.J. Coye, L.R. Goldman - 3/92
/07- Epidemiologic study to determine possible adverse effects to Rocketdyne/Atomics Int. workers from exposure to toxic substances and radiation. Pt.1: Radiation exposures. Final rep. Draft -H. Morgenstern, J.Froines, B.Ritz, B.Young- 6/96
/08- Epidemiologic study to determine possible adverse effects to Rocketdyne/Atomics Int. workers from  exposure to selected chemicals. Addendum rep.-H. Morgenstern, J. Froines, B. Ritz, B.Young - 1/99
/09  Powering Nuclear Energy Through the Generations   -INEEL  – VS - REAKTOREN - NOORD-WEST - DIABLO CANYON
/01- Diablo Canyon blockade/encampment Handbook -Abalone Alliance - 2/78
/02- Supplement to the Diablo Handbook -Abalone Alliance - 2/78 VS - REAKTOREN - NOORD-WEST - RANCHO SECO
/01- Emergency preparedness around the Rancho Seco NPP. A Case study -US General Acc. Office -10/79 VS - REAKTOREN - NOORD-WEST - HANFORD
/01- Hot Water - Hanford -Tim Connor -
/02- Technical Basis of the Channel Theory prepared for Hanford Site Groundwater Monitoring Meeting -Norm Buske - 7/86
/03- Unresolved Issues concerning Hanford's waste management practices -US Gen Accounting Off. -11/86
/04- Identification of occupational mortality, risks for Hanford workers -Kneale,Stewart,Mancuso - 8/82
/05- Job related mortality risks of Hanford workers and their relation to cancer effects of measured doses... -Kneale,Stewart,Mancuso - 8/82
/06- The Hanford data- a reply to recent criticism -Kneale,Stewart,Mancuso - /80
/07- Hanford radiation study III: a cohort study of the cancer risks from radiation to workers..... -Kneale,Stewart,Mancuso - /80
/08- Health risks of low level radiation - -
/09- The Hanford study – a review … -Ethel S.Gilbert -10/84
/10- Atomic Harvest -M. d'Antonio - /93
/11- Tri-city Herald - - 2/84
/12- Hanford Radioactive Fallout; Iodine release 1944-1956 -Allen B.Benson - /89
/13- The Hanford report -T. Connor, L. Shook -12/85
/14- An analysis of the mortality of workers in a nuclear facility -E.S. Gilbert, S. Marks -   /79
/15- Reliability of measurements of dose from exposure of Hanford workers to ionizing radiation during the period 1943 through 1969 -Karl Z. Morgan - 4/81
/16- Input data to the AEC Health and Mortality study. Radiation exposure experience of employees 1944 through 1974 -K.R. Heid, H.W. Allen -12/74
/17- A history of the redox ruthenium problem; Status of ground contamination problem -D.P. Ebright; H.M. Parker - 7/54; 9/?
/18- Overview of historical documents -A.W. Conklin - 9/86
/19- Hanford thyroid disease study. Protocol. Draft.CDC 200-89-0716 -S. Davis e.a. - 4/90
/20- Preliminary dose assessment of Hanford historical releases 1945-1956 -R.R. Mooney - 9/86
/21- A history of major Hanford operations involving radioactive material. PNL-6964 HEDR, UC-603 -M.Y. Ballinger, R.B. Hall - 6/89
/22- Phase I of the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project. Draft summary report. PNL-7410 HEDR, UC-707 -Pacific Northwest Laboratory - 7/90
/23- Draft Columbia River pathway report. Phase I of the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project. PNL-7411 HEDR, UC-707 -Pacific Northwest Laboratory - 7/90
/24- Draft air pathway report. Phase I of the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project. PNL-7412 HEDR, UC-707 -Pacific Northwest Laboratory - 7/90
/25- Initial Hanford radiation dose estimates -Technical Steering Panel of the HEDR -  /90
/26- Summary of recorded external radiation doses for Hanford workers 1944-1989. PNL-8909, AD-902 -R.L. Buschbom, E.S.Gilbert -10/93
/27- Industrial hygiene review of Hanford operations, processes and facilities 1943-1990. NIOSH 200-93-2628(P) -G.J. Mihlan - 3/97
/28- Radioactive Bioaccumulation in Clams along the Hanford Reach [PDF]-Norm Buske; The Radioactivist Campaign -03/05
/29- Nuclear waste: uncertainties and questions about costs and risks persist with DOE's Tank Waste Cleanup Strategy at Hanford: GAO-09-913[PDF] -US GAO -09/09 VS - REAKTOREN - NOORD-WEST - ROCKY FLATS
/01- Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant. Local Hazards, Global Threat -Rocky Flats Action group - 8/79
/02- Peacekeeper Manual-Convert Rocky Flats -Rocky Flats Action group - 3/79
/03- Local Hazard Global Threat (First edition 01) -Rocky Flats Action Group -  /77
/04- Rates of congenital malformations in an area contaminated with  plutonium -C.J.Johnson, K.Van Deusen -10/78
/05- A citizen’s guide to Rocky Flats -Marcia Klotz - 6/88
/06- Cancer incidence in an area contaminated with radionuclides near a nuclear installation. Abstract -C.J. Johnson -11/79
/07- Carl J. Johnson papers -H.N. Gardiner - 5/91
/08- Comments on the 1957 fire at the Rocky Flats plant, in Jefferson County, Colorado -C.J. Johnson -  /
/09- Comments on medical monitoring of people exposed to hazards from Rocky Flats nuclear facility in Colorado -E.P. Radford -  /
/10- Statistical analyses of cancer incidence patterns in the Denver metropolitan area in relation to the Rocky Flats plant -K.S.Cramp, T. Ng, R.G.Cuddihy - 8/84 VS - REAKTOREN - LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LAB (LLNL)
/01- The Lies of the Lab. Countering the Claims of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory -Western States Lagal Foundation - 3/94
/02- Livermore weapons lab blockade/demonstration Handbook -Livermoore Action Group - 6/82
/03- Nuclear Con-Fusion: The National Ignition Facility -Tri-Valley CAREs /Paul Carroll - 9/98
/04- A study of cancer incidence in Lawrence Livermore Laboratory employees. Report #1 Malignant Melanoma -D.F. Austin - 4/80
/05- A case-control study of malignant melanoma among Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory employees. Report #3 Malignant Melanoma -D.F. Austin, P. Reynolds - 7/84 VS - REAKTOREN - ZUID-WESTEN - REST REAKTOREN
/01- Plutonium and the Workplace. Assessment of Health and Safety Procedures for Workers at the Kerr-McGee Plutonium Fuel Fabrication Facility Crescent, Oklahoma -Kitty Tucker/Eleanor Walters - 3/79
/02- Environmental issues at Sequoyah Fuels Corporation's Uranium conversion plant near Gore, Oklahoma -Saleska & Makhijani - 7/92
/03- Cost and Risks of Management and Disposal of Depleted Uranium from the National Enrichment Facility Proposed to be built in Lea County New Mexico by LES: Version for Public Release Febr. 1, 2005 [PDF] -Arjun Makhijani; Brice Smith; IEER -11/04 VS - REAKTOREN - ZUID-WESTEN - LOS ALAMOS
/01- The History of Los Alamos and the Bomb -Robert Seidel - /90