/01- The domestic and international relationships which have affected the Canadian nuclear industry -Norman Aspin - 6/86
/02- The gifts of nature -Ontario Hydro - 4/86
/03- Canada's nuclear expertise -AECL - /87
/04- Seeking to generate a better understanding -Can. Nuclear Assoc. - /89
/05- Energy & Industrial Development in Canada -Can. Nat. Energy Forum -11/81
/06- Critical look at Nuclear power in Ontario -Birch Bark Alliance - 9/81
/07- Energy Probe Research Foundation -Energy probe - /91
/08- Control -AECB - 5/86
/09- The canadian nuclear program: safe... -J.A.L. Robertson/AECL - 8/76
/10- Nuclear Technology in Canada -AECL - /83
/11- The nuclear challange -Alan Wyatt - 1/78
/12- Uranium and Electricity -Eldorado Resources Ltd. - 8/85
/13- Prospects for Saskatchewan's nuclear industry... -AECL -10/91
/14- Nuclear power in Canada: the CANDU system -AECL - 7/90
/15- Nuclear Power Hazard Report; 1989 - 1990 -Irene Koch - 3/92
/16- Current politics of radiation protection in Canada -Greenpeace - 9/89
/17- Canadian Uranium and the French Nuclear Weapons Program -WISE Paris, M. Schneider - 8/95
/18- Nuclear Sunset. The Economic Costs of the Canadian Nuclear Industry -David H.Martin/David Argue - 2/96
/19- Nuclear Canada Yearbook 2000 Annual review and buyers guide -Canadian Nuclear Association - 9/00
/20- Canada's National Implementation Strategy on Climate Change -Nat. Climate Change Process -10/00
/21- Everything you wanted to know about nuclear power -Energy Probe - /78
/22- Years of Achievement 1946-1986 -AECL -10/86
/23- Nuclear Canada  -AECL -   /86
/24- Nuclear Power in Canada An Estimation of Risks, Impacts and Sustainability -Pembina Institute, Mark Winfield –12/06
/25- Canadian nuclear subsidies. 1952-2002 50 years of futile funding [PDF] -David Martin, Sierra Club - 1/03 CANADA - AFVAL
/01- Getting the shaft. Radioactive Waste Controversy Manitoba -Walter Robbins - /84
/02- Nuclear Fuel Waste Management And Disposal Concept -Federal EA & Review Process - 2/98
/03- Nuclear Fuel Waste Management And Disposal Concept, Public Hearings; Volume 2 -Federal EA & Review Process - 3/98
/04- Recommendations of the nuclear fuel waste management and disposal concept environmental assessment panel -Nat.Resources Canada -12/98
/05- Summary of the environmental impact statement on the concept for disposal of Canada's nuclear fuel waste -AECL - 9/94
/06- Nuclear fuel waste management concept - literature review and analysis - moral and ethical issues -H.Stevenson and ass. - 3/93
/07- Moral and Ethical Issues related to the Nuclear Fuel Waste Disposal Concept -H.Stevenson AECL -10/91
/08- The Disposal of Canada's Nuclear Fuel Waste: Public Involvement and Social Aspects -AECL Greber/Frech/Hillier - 7/94
/09- Social and Ethical Issues Surrounding the Disposal of Nuclear Fuel Waste - A Canadian Perspective -AECL Allan/Greber - 9/95
/10- Analysis of Ethical and Assumptions underlying positions of pro- and anti-nuclear intervenors to EARP review scoping hearings -EAP, Anne Wiles - 5/94
/11- Nuclear fuel waste management and disposal concept: Ethical Considerations. Public Hearings -EARA - 3/96 CANADA - URANIUMMIJNBOUW
/01- The untold story of uraniummining in Nothern Saskatchewan -Miles Goldstick - 1/87
/02- Proceedings of the first int.congress on uranium mining -Stop it at the source -06/88
/03- Draft Guidelines for environmental impact statements and Government information requirements Cigar Lake and McArthur River Projects -ReviewPanel -
/04- The Cluff Lake Board of Inquiry Final Report - - 5/78
/05- The Saskatchewan Government Reponse to Cluff Lake Board of Inquiry Report -Government Saskatchewan - 6/78
/06- 4 Good reasons to stop uranium mining -Greenpeace Canada - /90
/07- Resist, Organize, Survive - Wollaston Lake: a resource kit. Articles and statements - - /84
/08- Voices from Wollaston Lake. Resistance against uranium mining and genocide in Northern Saskatchewan -Miles Goldstick - /87
/09- Uranium mining Canada; Health and Environmental problems -Miles Goldstick - /80
/10- "Is it worth the Risk?" Uraniummining in Northern Saskatchewan -Camp. for Nuclear Phaseout -10/92
/11- Uranium: Correspondence with the Premier. Umining N-Saskatchewan -Bill Harding  - 4/79
/12- Cameco Corporation. Uranium Mining in Saskatchewan [PDF] -Harvard Business School - 2/99 CANADA - EXPORT
         CANADA - EXPORT
/01- Exporting Disaster. The Cost of Selling CANDU Reactors -D.H.Martin/Nucl Awareness Pro. -11/96 CANADA - REAKTOREN
/01- Darlington Nuclear generating Station -Ontario Hydro -
/02- CANDU nuclear generating station. Technical summary -AECL -
/03- "Wonder rather than doubt is the root of knowledge" -Can. Nuclear Assoc. -
/04- Nuclear energy: The CANDU system -J.A.L.Robertson - 7/84
/05- Beware AECL bearing Gifts. A Slowpoke Journal -Vandermeulen/CHUS - /89
/06- Risks, Nuclear safety, and the Ontario Nuclear Safety Review -Norman Rubin - 9/87
/07- CRNL. A flexible Resource -AECL - 9/83
/08- Tritium hazard report: pollution and radiation risk from Canadian nuclear facilities [PDF] -Dr.Ian Fairlie - 6/07 GROENLAND
/01- Groenland -Fourth Russell Tribunal -11/80
/02- Thule Ulykken 1968 -Greenpeace / OOA - 1/87
/03- The exploration history of the Kvanefjeld uranium deposit South Greenland –Bjarne Leth Nielsen -11/79
/04- Project Crested Ice  - - 1/70
/05- Project Crested Ice. Vol.1 -Strategic Air Command - 4/69
/06- Distribution of characteristic elements in the radioactive rocks of the northern part of Kvanefjeld … -H.Kunzendorf e.a. -   /82
/07- Plutoniumudskillelse hos tidligere Thule-arbejdere -Statens Institut for Strålehygiejne -   /88
/08- Kræftforekomst blandt Danish Construction Corporation (DCC)arbejdere ansat på Thule air-base, Grønland 1963-1971 -H.H.Storm e.a. -11/87
/09- Dødelighed og hospitalsindlæggelser blandt ansatte på Thulebasen 1963-71 -K.Juel -   /87 MEXICO
/01- No A Laguna Verde - - /90
/02- El Proyecto Nucleoelectrico Mexicano -WISE -
/03- Los movimientos antinucleares y las respuestas del aparato estatal: de la lucha....sobre desechos -M. Schoijet - /99? CUBA
/01- Les perspectives de l'energie nucleaire a Cuba et les realites du monde contemporain -Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart - SURINAME - ALGEMEEN
               SURINAM - GENERAL
3-26-0-00-01- Introduction of an integrated Alluminium Production Plant with high economical profit, minimal energy consumption and maximum environmental protection [doc] -R.R. Pahladsingh - 07/10 BRAZILIE - ALGEMEEN
               BRAZIL - GENERAL
/01- Das Atomgeschäft mit Brasilien: Ein Milliarden Fiasko -Kurt Rudolf Mirow - /81
/02- Brasil 10 -Brazilië Comité -12/77
/03- Brasil 9 -Brazilië Comité -10/77
/04- Das deutsch/brasilianische Bombengeschäft -Lateinamerika nachr. - /80
/05- Das Deutsch/Brasilianische Atomgeschaft -AGG/AI/BBU - 2/77
/06- Estado nuclear no Brasil -C.Girotti - /84
/07- A polítoca nuclear no Brasil -Greenpeace - /91
/08- Brasiliens geheime Bombe. Das Brasilianische Atomprogramm -Tania Malheiros - /93
/09- Relatório Anual 1991 -Ministério da infra-estrutura - /92
/10- Brasil a bomba oculta -Tania Malheiros - /93
/11- Terra sim barragens nao - -10/89
/12- Brazilian energy balance 1996 -Min. of mines & energy - /96
/13- Der deutsch-brasilianische Atomvertrag (text radiosendung) -Umweltred. Lumbricus, Tübingen - 4/96
/14- Histórias secretas do Brasil nuclear -Tania Malheiros - /96
/15- Brasil: Estado nuclear y democracia -Carlos A. Girotti - 5/83
/16- Brasil. Informe preliminar -C.Girotti - 3/83
/17- Fontes alternativas de energia e eficiência energética. Opção para uma política energética sustentável no Brasil -Lúcia Schild Ortiz (org.) -  /02
/18- Dossier sobre os riscos socioambientais dos projetos de energia e infra-estrutura no Brasil apresentados como oportunidades de negócio a investidores internacionais. Programa Energia -Lúcia Schild Ortiz (coord.) -  /03
/19- Past, Present and Future (?) of Nuclear Power in Brazil [PDF]-Luiz Pinguelli Rosa -  4/06 BRAZILIE - LEVERANCIERS
                BRAZIL - SUPPLIERS
/01- Shareholders Agreement Nuclebras/KWU (Confidential) - - /74
/02- A aventura nuclear Brasileira -G. Dilger (SAPÊ) - 7/01 ARGENTINIE - ALGEMEEN
             ARGENTINA - GENERAL
/01- Basurero nuclear Argentino: La amenaza nuclear llega a nuestras fronteras -Manuel Baquedano Munoz - 5/87
/02- Modelo Energetico, Consecuencias y Perspectivas -Pablo Bertinat WISE Rosario -
/03- Estructura Energética -Pablo Bertinat WISE Rosario - /96
/04  No a la Basura Nuclear de Australia. Si a la Constitucion Argentina  –Funam/Greenpeace  –11/01
/05  Acuerdo Nuclear con Australia: Preguntas frecuentes y Respuestas completas –WISE-Rosario/FOE/Greenpeace  -   8/02
/06- No a la basura nuclear de Australia. Campana internacional -70 ONGs - 4/02
/07- El informe de Greenpeace sobre Invap -Greenpeace - 3/02
/08- Serie Pensar la energía: La energía nuclear en sociedad del riesgo: apuntes para un análisis de sus implicaciones en el ámbito, politico y ambiental [PDF] -Wise/Inercia/HBF -12/09 ARGENTINIE - AFVAL
            ARGENTINA - WASTE
/01- No a la basura nuclear de Australia -FUNAM/R.A. Montenegro - /02 ARGENTINIE - LEVERANCIERS
/01- Der Griff nach der Bombe. Das Deutsch Argentinische Atomgeschäft -F.D.C.I. - 5/81
/02- Continuität der nuklearen Beziehungen zwischen Argentinien und Deutschland seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg -Ralf Seidler - /84
/03- Acuerdo nuclear con Australia: preguntas frecuentes y respuestas completas -WISE-Rosario, Amigos de la Tierra – Arg., Greenpeace Arg. -  / ARGENTINIE - ATUCHA-l
             ARGENTINA - ATUCHA-l
/01- Un peligro inminente; Atucha-I -Greenpeace - 9/91
/02- Atucha-I: Una grave amenaza -Greenpeace -ca.91 ARGENTINIE - ATUCHA-lI
/01- No Atucha II – Si A Energias Limpias -Taller Ecologistas, WISE/NIRS -   /04
/02- No to Atucha II. Yes to clean energies -Taller Ecologista/WISE/NIRS - /05 ARGENTINIE - REST INSTALLATIES
/01- Contaminacion Nuclear -Fund.para la defensa del Ambiente - 5/88
/02- Contaminacion en la republica Argentina parte II -Fund.para la defensa del Ambiente - 8/88
/03- Problemas ambientales producidos por las actividades del complejo uranifero Los Gigantes. Criterios de resguardo ambiental -Gobierno de Cordoba - 9/85 CHILI
/01- General Overview 1988 Chili -CCHEN - 5/88