/01- Overview of NPP Krsko operation and it's impact to the environment -Adm. for nuclear safety Slovenia - 5/91
/02- Directory of Non-Governmental Organizations in Macedonia -Macedonia Center for Int. Coop. - /94 HONGARIJE - ALGEMEEN
/01- Energy options for Hungary -G.Kats -11/92
/02- Prospects for energy and environment policy integration in Hungary -Brown, Barner, EC - /92 HONGARIJE - REST INSTALLATIES
/01- Report to OAH-NBI. Investigation report on the fuel damage occurred on 10-11 April within the Cleaning Equipment of FANP -Paks NPP Ltd -  /03 ROEMENIE - ALGEMEEN
/01- Study on actual Romanian energy situation and alternative solution for the further strategy -Prietenii Pamantului - /94
/02- Crima nucleara -Prietenii Pamantului -12/93
/03- Nuclear Power Between YES and NO -Lavinia Andrei - 3/97 ROEMENIE - INSTALLATIES
/01- Modernisation project for Cernavoda-NPP 2. Assessment of the economic justification. Final report. Extract -PHARE - 8/01
/02- Comments by Non-Government Organizations on AECL’s Cernavoda Reactor 2 Environmental Assessment Summary [+PDF] -14 NGOs - 1/02
/03- Exporting Nuclear Risks. Canada, Italy and EU’s responsibilities in subsidizing nuclear export to Romania -Tricarico & Pasyuk, CEE Bankwatch - 2/02
/04- Cernavoda. Ce nu vi se spunedespre centrala nucleara n -Terra Mileniul III  - /03
/05- Task 4  from the Modernisation Project for NPP Cernavoda 2 Environmental Impact Assessment [PDF] -SNN - 5/01
/06- Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd Cernavoda Unit 2 NPP Environmental Assessment Summary [PDF] -AECL -11/01
/07- Cernavoda Unit 2 – Nuclear Safety Expert Project. Final Report [PDF] -NNC -  /02
/08- NPP Cernavoda 2. Comments to the documents provided for the EIA [PDF] -Wenisch, Ganglberger, Hoegelsberger -11/02 BULGARIJE - ALGEMEEN
/01- Country Strategy document for Bulgaria -Phare/Energoprojekt - 7/97 BULGARIJE - REST INSTALLATIES
/01- Kozloduy: A risk too far? -Greenpeace International -10/95 POLEN - ALGEMEEN
/01- V baltyckie forum ekologiczne - - /93
/02- V baltyckie forum ekologiczne - - /93 DDR - ALGEMEEN (t/m 1-1991)
         DDR - GENERAL (until 1-1991)
/01- Arche Nova. In Umwelt/Gesellschaft -Forum ökolog. Gestalt. - 4/89
/02- DDR-Handbuch Umweltschutz -Bundesmin. Innerd. Bez. - /85
/03- Morsche Meiler: Atomkraft in der DDR -Umw. Bibliothek Berlin -10/88
/04- Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven der Atom- und Energie-wirtschaft -Oko-institut -10-90
/05- (uit schoolboeken 10. en 12. klas) - -
/06- Atomkraft - Herausforderung an die Menschheit -ZIKf Rossendorf - /88
/07- Morsche Meiler. Atomkraft in der DDR. Reader zum 3. Berliner Okologieseminar 28-30 november  –Umwelt-Bibliotheek -11/86 DDR - URANIUMMIJNBOUW (WISMUT)
/01- Das Wismut Erbe  -R. Paul -10/91
/02  Uranbergbau Wismut 1946-1957  –Privatarchiv Atom - DDR - INSTALLATIES
/01- Beurteiling des Zustandes der Blocke 1 bis 4 des KKW "Bruno Leuschner" bei Greifswald -Helmut Hirsch - 5/90
/02- Standort und territoriale Einordnung des Kernkraftwerkes "Bruno Leutscher" Greifswald -Kernenergie (blad) - 7/74 TSJECHOSLOWAKIJE - ALGEMEEN (t/m 1992)
         CZECHO-SLOVAKIA - GENERAL (until 1992)
/01- Jaderna energie a Ceskoslovensko -Ekowatt - /91
/02- Die Kernenergetik und deren Einfluß auf die Umwelt -Slowakischer Verb.... -12/90
/03- Energie für die Slowakei:.....nr.1 -WWF - 3/92
/04- Energie für die Slowakei:.....nr.2 -WWF - 3/92
/05- Energie für die Slowakei:.....nr.3 -WWF - 3/92
/06- Energy and environment: the path of coexistence in Czecho-slovakia -Marousek, SEVEn - 6/92
/07- Ecological energy policy for Slovakia -FAE Bratislava - 5/92
/08- Spanning in Tsjechoslowakije -Frank Leek - 8/92
/09- Power in Czechoslovakia -Frank Leek - 8/92
/10- Atomindustrie und problematische Tätigkeit in Südböhmen -ROSA - 4/91
/11- Informacni Servis -Deti Zeme - /94
/12- De milieubeweging in Tsjechoslowakije -WISE -10/89
/13- Energiesituation in der CSFR mit schwerpunkt Kernenergie  –Dalibor Strasky  –  7/92 TSJECHOSLOWAKIJE - INSTALLATIES
/01- Jaderna vytopna v Plzni? - RUSLAND (t/m 1-9-1991: SOWJET UNIE) - ALGEMEEN
/01- Das sowjetische Atomprogramm -J.Scheer, W.Heuler - 9/82
/02- Nuclear power in the Soviet Union -IAEA, B.A.Semenov - 4/83
/03- Atomic energy in the Soviet Union -A. Kramish -  /60
/04- Atom bes grifa sekretno: tochki crenija -IPPNW - /92
/05- Atom ohne Geheimnis (duitse versie /04) -IPPNW - /92
/06- Strengthening Radiation and Nuclear Safety Infrastructures in Countries of the Former USSR -IAEA - 9/93
/07- Mahdy informational issue -Antinuclear Society of Tatarstan - /91
/08- The state radiation -Antinuclear Campaign - 4/94
/09- Russian Minatom Nuclear Safety Research Strategic Plan -NEA - 3/99
/10- Western Europe and the environmental situation in the successor republics of the USSR -Kernforschung Zentrum Karlsruhe - 1/92
/11- Participation of the Soviet Union in the international cooperation on peaceful uses of nuclear power - - /87
/12- Environmental review -Central Asian Forum - 6/94
/13- The Nuclear legacy of the former Soviet Union -Vladimir Babak/Guy Degany - 4/94
/14- Pe3sohahc -A.H. Mehrtnha - /91
/15- rocbe3onachoctb n yumepamypa -Pocchh n Lepmahnn - /94
/16- Nhopmaijnohhbin bovvetehb 1989 -Uehtp Obwectbehhon Nhopmaunn - /90
/17- Nhopmaijnohhbin bovvetehb 1990 -Uehtp Obwectbehhon Nhopmaunn - /91
/18- Ekonorn-yeckar anbtephatnba -Nctokn benbi - /90
/19- From scientific search to atomic industry -A.M. Petrosyants -  /75
/20- Der Russische Nuklearkomplex gestern – heute – morgen. GSF-Bericht 8/95 -H.-J.Haury e.a. (red.) - 3/95
/21- Red atom  -P.R. Josephson -  /99
/22- Atom declassified: Second Collection: Half a century with the bomb -A. Yemelyanenkov; IPPNW -  /96
/23- The Russian nuclear industry.  The Need for Reform: Volume 4 - 2004 [PDF] -Bellona -    /04
/24- The Russian nuclear industry: Volume 4 – 2004 (Russian version on paper) -Bellona -    /04
/25- Nuclear power in Russia [PDF] -U I. Briefing Paper 62 -  9/05
/26- Status of Russia’s Decommissioning fund, Report 2006 -Decomatom - 5/06
/27- Floating nuclear power plants in Russia [PDF] -Kuznetsov,st.Robison,Rossi - /04
/27- Floating nuclear power plants in Russia [PDF] -Kuznetsov,st.Robison,Rossi - /04
/28- Russishe publicatie met als vertaalde titel: "How much nuclear electricity?" /Greenpeace /04 RUSLAND - MOX
              RUSSIA - MOX
/01- Mokc-nporpamma B Poccnn (MOX-program in Russia) -SEU/EcoDefense - /99
/02- The consequences of using Mixed Oxide Uranium-Plutonium fuel in Russian VVER-1000 power reactors -Kuznetsov/Slivyak - /01 RUSLAND - AKB & OPPOSITIE
/01- Informationbulletin Russian Green Party -Russian Green Party - 6/93
/02- Npobvemu Paauoaktubhute Otnaabuu B Bbarapur - - /98
/03- HehacN·bctBEhhbiE -3KO3ALLINTA - /00
/04- Ahtnruephar Khnta (NP for starters, actioncamp Voronoresh) -SEU/EcoDefense - 8/99
/05- Russische titel: onbekend -HBF/ Grassroots Foundation - /06 RUSLAND - REPRESSION - NIKITIN
/01- Der Fall Nikitin / The Nikitin Case -Deiseroth, Goettling -  /00 RUSLAND - PROLIFERATIEBELEID
/01- Die Sowjetische Atombombe -A. Heinemann-Grüder - /92
/02- DOEs Efforts to close Russia’s Plutonium Production Reactors Faces Challenges, and Final Shutdown is Uncertain [PDF] -US General Accounting Office - 6/04 RUSLAND - AFVAL/OPWERKING - ALGEMEEN
/01- Reprocessing plants in Siberia -N.Bohmer & T.Nilsen (Bellona)- 9/95
/02- Dumping of radioactive waste in the Barents- and Kara Seas -F.Hague/T.Nilsen/K.E.Nilsen -11/92
/03- Sources to radioactive contamination in Murmansk and Arkhangel'sk counties -Nilson & Bohmer (Bellona) - /94
/04- Nucleaire vervuiling door militaire activiteiten (symposium) -TU/eindhoven - 1/01
/05- Radioactive pollution in Northern Ocean Areas -M.B.Maerli/Norw. Pollution Control Agency -ca 95
/06- The Arctic Nuclear Challenge -Bellona Report Volume 3 - 6/01
/07 Russian plutonium program: Nuclear waste, accidents, and senseless huge costs [PDF] -Ecodefense!/V.Slivyak/ NIRS e.a. - /10 RUSLAND - AFVAL/OPWERKING - IMPORT SPENT FUEL
/01- Russian Import of Spent Nuclear Fuel in 2001-2003 -Ecodefense, Slivyak/Nikoulina -  6/04 RUSLAND - URANIUMMIJNBOUW
/01- Report on the Greenpeace visit to the Priarkunskiy Mountain Chemical Combine [PDF] -Dima Litvinov, Gp Sweden -11/94 RUSLAND - EXPORT
         RUSSIA - EXPORT
/01- The trade in nuclear weapon materials: the European Commission, Russia and highly enriched uranium -Greenpeace International -12/95 TSJERNOBYL - ONGELUK & OMGEVING - ALGEMEEN
/01- Te3ncbl. - - 3/91
/02- Vier Jahre nach Tschernobyl -R. Scholz - /90
/03- Eén jaar na Tsjernobyl -Wetenschap & Samenl. - 4/87
/04- Verslag fact finding missie i.v.m. Nederlands hulpaanbod bij bestrijding van de gevolgen van de Tsjernobyl-ramp, Sovjet-Unie, 21 oktober - 31 oktober 1990 -G.Wagemaker e.a. - /91
/05- Accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant and its concequences. Part I. general material -USSR State Committee - 8/86
/06- idem 05 Part II. Annexes 2,7 -USSR State Committee - 8/86
/07- idem 05 Part II. Annexes 1,3,4,5,6 -USSR State Committee - 8/86
/08- Tsjernobyl. Het einde van de nucleaire droom -Nigel Hawkes e.a. - 6/86
/09- Legacy of Chernobyl -Zhores A. Medvedev - /90
/10- The lessons of Chernobyl are important for all -Valeri Legasov - /87
/11- Preliminary conclusions -Zeleny Svit - /92
/12- Fünf Jahre nach Tschernobyl -Roland Scholz - /91
/13- Chernobyl - A Canadian Technical Perspective -AECL - 1/87
/14- Tschernobyl und seine Folgen -R. Ettemeyer - 6/86
/15- Chernobyl - A Canadian Perspective -AECL - 8/91
/16- The sarcophagus shadow (script van film) -V.Kolinko -
/17- The worst accident in the world. Chernobyl: end of the nuclear dream -Observer - /86
/18- Yephobbinb: coóbitnr n ypokn -Bohpocli H otbethbi - /89
/19- Penoptakx N3 Yephobbinb -A.B.Nnnem/A.E.IIpanbhnkob - /88
/20- Bpikxhtb nocye Yephobbinb -A.M.Noliko/N.B.Porebnh/Tephob - /90
/21- Yephobbinb ahn ncmbitahnñ -M.C.O2uhey - /88
/22- Chernobyl 90 Yephobbinb -Akamemnr Hayk CCCP - /90
/23- Chernobyl Reactor Accident. Report Consultation 6 may 1986 -World Health Organization - 5/86
/24- Chernobyl Trace (dedicated to the heroes who fought the nuclear monster) in Russies -Andrei Konechenkov - /93
/25- International Chernobyl Project. Radiological Consequences in the USSR of the Chernobyl accident. Volume I -IAEA - 5/91
/26- International Chernobyl Project. Radiological Consequences in the USSR of the Chernobyl accident. Volume II -IAEA - 5/91
/27- International Chernobyl Project. Radiological Consequences in the USSR of the Chernobyl accident. Volume III -IAEA - 5/91
/28- Strengthening of international cooperation and coordination of efforts to study, mitigate and minimize the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. -Secretary General UN - 9/95
/29- Versterking van internationale samenwerking en coordinatie van pogingen tot bestudering, verzachting en minimalisering van gevolgen van de Tsjernobyl-ramp -UN (on-geautoriseerde vertaling) -10/95
/30- Tsjernobyl, Mururoa...? -Vredesgroepen NH - 4/96
/31- Tschernobyl; der Reaktorunfall -Informationskreis Kernenergie - /96
/32- Vragen over Tsjernobyl -ECN, Bart Stam - 4/96
/33- Chernobyl; ten years after -BNIF - 4/96
/34- Tsjernobyl kan overal -Greenpeace - 3/96
/35- Testimonies -Greenpeace - 3/96
/36- Chernobyl; 10 years after (the consequences) -Greenpeace - 3/96
/37- Tsjernobyl; 10 jaar later (de gevolgen) -Greenpeace - 3/96
/38- Chernobyl 1986. Memoirs of an Estonian cleanup worker -Tiit Tarlap - /95
/39- Chernobyl: Environmental, Health and Human Rights Implications -Permament Peoples Tribunal - 4/96
/40- Chernobyl. Unique safety valve for a reactor nuclear explosion -Dg Arnott / RD Green - 3/92
/41- Tsjernobyl. Balans en lessen voor de toekomst -Electrabel -
/42- One Decade After Chernobyl. Summing up the consequences -IAEA Conferentie 8-12 April - 4/96
/43- Chernobyl Research: Radiological Aftermath -EU/Belarus/Ukraine/Russia - /96
/44- Alarm! Het verhaal van Tsjernobyl -Piers Paul Read - /94
/45- The social impact of teh Chernobyl disaster -David R.Marples - /88
/46- ABapbir Cymnehhr (Disaster of Conscience) foto's/gedichten -AhatoMb 33kay -
/47- The world after Chernobyl, Third International Congress -Republic Belarus, Minsk - 3/96
/48- Ausmass und Folger der Tschernobyl-katastrophe in Belarus, Russland under der Ukraine -W.B. Nesterenko - /96
/49- Ten years after Chernobyl: What do we really know? -IAEA - 2/97
/50- De kosten van 'Tsjernobyl' (3 artikelen) -Oost Europa Verkenningen - 6/86
/51- Getuigenissen, Tsjernobylrapport No 1 (zie 35) -Greenpeace - 4/96
/52- The trace of the black wind (kinderen vertellen) -Socio-ecological Union Chernobyl - /96
/53- International Chernobyl Project: Assessment of Radiological Consequences and Evaluation of Protective Measures. Conclusions and Recommendations (zie 25/26/27) -IAEA Adv. Committee - 5/91
/54- Preliminary Conclusions based on the independent public investigation into the circumstances of the global accident at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant and its catastrophic onsequences -Zeleny Svit - /92
/55- The Chernobyl Disaster and Byelorussia's Tragedy - - /90
/56- Malurt, I Tjernobyls skygge -OOA (foto's) - 3/94
/57- (onleesbaar, thaise brochure) - -
/58- SOS -Allicht, Cultural Express en WISE -
/59- Chernobyl. The Forbidden Truth -Alla Yaroshinskaya - /94
/60- Chernobyl - a continuing catastrophe -OCHA - /00
/61- Een jaar Tsjernobyl deel 1 -Kon.Luchtmacht - /87
/62- Een jaar Tsjernobyl deel 2 -Kon.Luchtmacht - /87
/63- Een jaar Tsjernobyl deel 3 -Kon.Luchtmacht - /87
/64- Een jaar Tsjernobyl deel 4 -Kon.Luchtmacht - /87
/65- Een jaar Tsjernobyl deel 5 -Kon.Luchtmacht - /87
/66- Chernobyl. Accident, Tragedy, Disaster - -
/67- Chernobyl and nuclear power in the USSR -D.R. Marples - /87
/68- Tsjernobylskij reportazj -A.B. Ejsymont -12/89
/69- Tsjernobylskij sljed -A.Konetsjenkov - /93
/70- Tsjernobyl - - /
/71- 10 Jahre Tschernobyl -Kerntechnische Gesellschaft -  /96
/72- The Chernobyl nuclear accident; a summary analysis of its causes and consequences -R.E.Webb - 7/86
/73- Current evaluation of the Chernobyl reactor accident release -NEA - 2/96
/74- Die Auswirkungen der Reaktorkatastrophe von Tschernobyl’ in der Republik Belarus’, der Russischen Foederation und der Ukraine -Astrid Sahm -10/95
/75- Summary report on the post-accident review meeting on the Chernobyl accident-INSAG - 9/86
/76- The Chernobyl accident: updating of INSAG-1. INSAG-7 -INSAG -11/92
/77- Tschernobyl – sechs Jahre nach dem Unfall -Greenpeace - 4/92
/78- Report of fact-finding mission in connection with Dutch offer of aid to combat the effects of the Chernobyl disaster, Soviet Union, 21 – 31 October 1990 -G. Wagemaker e.a. -  /91
/79- Chernobyl: five years of disaster -Herman Damveld - 4/91
/80- Contamination of surfaces by resuspended material. EUR 16527 EN -EC e.a. -  /96
/81- Behaviour of radionuclides in natural and semi-natural environments. EUR 16531 EN -EC e.a. -  /96
/82- International conference “Ten years after the Chernobyl catastrophe” -UNESCO e.a. -10/96
/83- The radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident. Proceedings of the first international conference Minsk, Belarus 18 to 22 March 1996 -A. Karaoglou e.a. (eds.) -  /96
/84- The Chernobyl reactor accident source term -L.Devell e.a. (NEA, CSNI) -11/95
/85- Gomel Project 1991-1995 -M.A.J. Nijenhuis e.a. (RIVM) -  /
/86- Strategies of decontamination. Final report. EUR 16530 EN -P. Hubert e.a. (EC e.a.) -  /96
/87- Protokolle einer Katastrophe -J. Stscherbak - 4/88
/88- The truth about Chernobyl -Grigori Medvedev -  /91
/89- The ecology of the Chernobyl catastrophe -V.K. Savchenko -  /95
/90- Die Folgen von Tschernobyl -B.Moltmann e.a (ed.) -  /94
/91- Nach dem Super-GAU. Tschernobyl und die Konsequenzen -K. Traube e.a. - 6/86
/92- Vier Jahre Zehn Jahre nach Tschernobyl -R. Scholz - 4/96
/93- International Chernobyl Project. Annexes -IAEA - 5/91
/94- Tschernobyl: 15 Jahre danach -W.Bauer, A.Lobe -  /01
/95- Die Auswirkungen der Reaktorkatastrophe von Tschernobyl in der Republik Belarus der Russischen Foederation und der Ukraine  -Astrid Sahm - 5/93
/96- Environmental Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident and Their Remediation [+PDF] -UN Chernobyl Forum EGE -08/05
/97- Chernobyl Fact File. Guide for media and professional communicators [PDF] -NucNet -  2/06
/98- Hard duty: A woman’s experience at Chernobyl -Natalia Manzurova, C. Sullivan -  /06
/99- Chernobyl: Twenty Years – Twenty Lives -Mads Eskesen, Wise -  /06
/100- Chernobyl.info: 55 questions and Answers to the Chernobyl Disaster -S.Barraud, SDC -  /06
/101- 20 ev sugarzas. In memoriam Csernobil -Energia Klub Hungary -   /06
/102- (Russian) Conference map Heinrich Boell Conference, Moscow 20 Years of Chernobyl - 4/06
/103 Strahlendes Erbe - Tschernobyl und seine Folgen -WDR, Quarks & Co - /06
/103- Strahlendes Erbe - Tschernobyl und seine Folgen -WDR, Quarks & Co - /06
/104- Reflexion Tschernobyl -Edda Akkermann, Insa Winkler - /98
/105- ??????? ????????? 20 ??? (Google translation: Echoes of Chernobyl: 20 years) -????????/???? - /06
/106 De generator generatie: Leven na Tsjernobyl F. Hummels - /11
/107 Hard duty: A woman's experience at Chernobyl N. Manzurobe/C. Sullivan - /06
/108- Chernobyl 25 years later: Crime without punishment -A. Yaroshinskaya/ R. Bertell - /06
/109- Chernobyl; chronology of a disaster (special Nuclear Monitor nr. 724) -Laka/D. Bannink/ H. vd Keur -03/11 TSJERNOBYL - ONGELUK & OMGEVING - MEDIES/MUTATIES
/01- About fallout from Chernobyl -J. Goffman (Pacific Sun) - 5/91
/02- The international Chernobyl project -IAEA - 8/91
/03- Niets te zien? Tsjernobyl, de medische gevolgen -NVMP, KNMG - 4/91
/04- Chernobyl: environmental, health and human rights implications. Expert Witness Papers -Permanent Peoples Tribunal - 4/96
/05- Chernobyl: environmental, health and human rights implications. (verkorte uitgave in engels en russies) -Permanent Peoples Tribunal - 4/96
/06- Tschernobyl, Auswirkungen auf Umwelt, Gesundheit und Menschenrechte -Permanentes Völkertribunal - 4/96
/07- YOPHObNJIb, HacHikn etc. (russiese versie 4 en 6) -Permament Peoples Tribunal - /99
/08- The accident at the Chernobyl' nuclear power plant and its -USSR state committee on the consequences utilization of atomic energy - 8/86
/09- Research activities about the Radiological Consequences of the Chernobyl NPS Accident and Social Activities to Assist the Sufferers by the Accident -T. Imanaka, Kyoto University - 3/98
/10- The Human Consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident.  -UNDP, UNICEF, UN-OCHA. WHO - 1/02
/11- Tschernobyl-Hilfe  -Otto Hug Strahleninstitut - /
/12- Summary report. Working Group on Psychological Effects of Nuclear Accidents -WHO - 6/90
/13- Zur Situation der vom Reaktorunfall betroffenen Gebiete der Sowjetunion -A.M. Kellerer -  /90
/14- Psychosocial dimensions of the Chernobyl accident -WHO e.a. - /
/15- Report on assessment mission to the areas affected by the Chernobyl disaster -Red Cross e.a. - 2/90
/16- The International Chernobyl Project. Broadsheet summary -IAEA - /92
/17- Diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute radiation syndromes. EUR 16535 EN -EC e.a. -  /96
/18- Development of optimal treatment and preventive measures for radiation-induced childhood thyroid cancer. EUR 16536 EN -EC e.a. - /96
/19- Epidemiological investigations including dose assessment and dose reconstruction. EUR 16537 EN -EC e.a. - /96
/20- Molecular, cellular, biological characterization of childhood thyroid cancer. EUR 16538 EN -EC e.a. - /96
/21- Retrospective dosimetry and dose reconstruction. EUR 16540 EN -EC e.a. - /96
/22- Children of Chernobyl -Adi Roche -  /96
/23- Biological dosimetry for persons irradiated by the Chernobyl accident -D.C.Lloyd e.a. (EC e.a.) -  /96
/24- Meßprogramm der BDR. Ergebnisse der Ganzkörpermessungen in Rußland, Weißrußland und der Ukraine in der Zeit vom 13. Mai bis 6. Oktober 1992 -P.Hill, R.Hille (Forschungszentrum Jülich) - 3/95
/25- Meßprogramm der BDR. Ergebnisse der Ganzkörpermessungen in Rußland, Weißrußland und der Ukraine in der Zeit vom 17. Mai bis 15. September 1993 und vom 8. Oktober bis zum 1. November 1993 -P.Hill, R.Hille (Forschungszentrum Jülich) -3/95
/26- Chernobyl ten years on. Radiological and health impact -NEA -11/95
/27- Health consequences of the Chernobyl accident -WHO -  /95
/28- The Human Consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident . A Strategy for Recovery (see also /10) [PDF] -Gray, Baverstock. a.o.  -10/01
/29- Health of Liquidators (Clean-up Workers), 20 Years after the Chernobyl Explosion - Abstracts -PSR, IPPNW, M.Fernex, et al. -11/05
/30- The other report on Chernobyl (TORCH) -I. Fairly, et al., EP-Greens/EFA - 4/06
/31- The other report on Chernobyl (TORCH): Ukrainian translation -I. Fairly, et al., EP-Greens/EFA - 4/06
/32- The Chernobyl Catastrophe. Consequences on Human Health [PDF] -Greenpeace Int. -  4/06
/33- Chernobyl: 20 years on. Health Effects of the Chernobyl accident [PDF] -ECRR -Busby /Yablokov - /06
/33- Chernobyl: 20 years on. Health Effects of the Chernobyl accident [PDF] -ECRR -Busby /Yablokov - /06
/34- Reduced Abundance of insects and spiders linked to radiation at Chernobyl 20 years after the accident [PDF] -Moeller, Mousseau - 3/09
/35- Non cancer illnesses and conditions in areas of Belarus contaminated by radioactivity from the Chernobyl accident [PDF] -Yuri Bandazhevski - 3/09
/36- After Chernobyl: Psychological factors Affecting health after a nuclear disaster -J.M. Havenaar - 4/96
/37- Health effects due to radiation from the Chernobyl accident (Annex D, Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation) [PDF] -UN, UNSCAER - /08
/38- Chernobyl. Consequences of the Catastrophe for the People and the Environment [PDF] -Yablokov, Nesterenko - /09
/39- Health effects of Chernobyl. 25 years after the reactor catastrophe [PDF] -IPPNW / GFS - 4/11
/40- Selected Health Effects of the Chernobyl disaster. A further systematic literature review, Focus groups Findings and Future Directions [PDF]] -Samet / Patel, Univ. of S-California - 4/13 TSJERNOBYL - ONGELUK& OMGEVING - BESMET VOEDSEL
/01- Gamma-spectrometry analyses on Ukrainian Mushrooms -CRII-Rad - 4/99
/02- Strahlung im Alltag II. Die Qualität der Nahrungsmittel nach ‘Tschernobyl’ -Katalyse -12/86
/03- The transfer of radionuclides through the terrestrial environment to agricultural products. EUR 16528 EN -EC e.a. -  /96
/04- The transfer of radionuclides to animals …EUR 16539 EN -EC e.a. -  /96 TSJERNOBYL - ONGELUK & OMGEVING - VAKANTIES/KINDEREN
/01- Die Kindern von Tschernobyl -Jens Siegert/H. Böll Stiftung - 3/93
/02- Jaarverslag 1998 Cultural Express -Cultural Express - /98
/03- Jaarverslagen 1999 en 2000 -Cultural Express - 6/01 TSJERNOBYL - ONGELUK & OMGEVING - SARKOFAAG (VANAF 1-1-95)
/01- Safety aspects of the object shelter of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant unit 4 -IAEA -  /95
/02 Chernobyl Shelter Fund. Shelter Implementation Plan [PDF] -EBRD -    /06
/03 Chernobyl 25 years on: New safe confinement and spent fuel storage facility [PDF] -EBRD -01/11 TSJERNOBYL - GEVOLGEN NEDERLAND - ALGEMEEN
/01- Tsjernobyl: Een ramp voor Nederland? -R.U.Groningen - 8/86
/02- De radioactive besmetting in Nederland ten gevolge van het kernreactorongeval in Tsjernobyl -Coörd.Com.Radioact. st. -10/86
/03- Informatiefolder ongeval Tsjernobyl -Greenpeace - 5/86
/04- Werkplan afwikkeling Tsjernobyl -BCG - /86
/05- Radioactive contamination in the Netherlands as a result of the nuclear reactor accident at Chernobyl -CCRX -10/86
/06- Stralingsmetingen bij ECN na Tsjernobyl -ECN - 7/86
/07- Samenvattend voortgangsrapport radioactiviteitsmetingen in verband met het nucleaire ongeval te tsjernobyl... -RIVM - 5/86
/08- Evaluatieonderzoek "Tsjernobyl" -Berenschot - 9/86
/09- "De grootste kernramp in de geschiedenis van de mensheid" -V.vd Belt - /88
/10- Voortgangsrapport radioactiviteitsmetingen naar aanleiding van ongeval kerncentrale Tsjernobyl -RIVM - 5/86
/11- Een jaar na Tsjernobyl. Lezingcyclus TU Eindhoven -Vd Sijde, Groenewoud, e.a. -10/87
/12- Radionucliden in het duinmilieu -de Meijer, Put, de Groot, Veen - 3/88
/13- Rapportage Aanvullend Meetprogramma Tsjernobyl -CCRX - 6/88
/14- Tsjernobyl. Handelingen Tweede Kamer -Tweede Kamer - 5/86
/15- Samenvattend voortgangsrapport radioactiviteitsmetingen i.v.m. het nucleaire ongeval te Tsjernobyl over de periode 1-12 mei 1986. -RIVM - 5/86
/16- Tweede samenvattend voortgangsrapport radioactiviteitsmetinen i.v.m. het nucleaire ongeval te Tsjernobyl. -RIVM - 6/86
/17- Wat leert Tsjernobyl ons? (verslag symposium sept. 86) -NVMP - 9/86 TSJERNOBYL - GEVOLGEN NEDERLAND - BESMET VOEDSEL
/01- Tsjernobyl. Hoe is het nu met ons eten? -St. Eerst meten... - 2/88
/02- The Tsjernobyl Brief. “De impact van de kernramp op de Nederlandse en Europese voedingssector anno 2004” - - 8/04 TSJERNOBYL - GEVOLGEN REST WERELD - ALGEMEEN
/01- Nuclear safety after Chernobyl -UNDRO - 8/86
/02- The implications of Chernobyl for human health -E.Sternglass - /86
/03- Updated background information on the nuclear accident, USSR (stralingsmetingen in versch. landen) -WHO - 5/86
/04- The impact of the Chernobyl nuclear accident on Canada -Health Protection Branch -12/86
/05- Ten years after Chernobyl: The Rise in Strontium-90 in baby teeth -Roland Schulz, Jay Gould - /97
/06- Beyond Chernobyl. Women respond -C.Fairburn Bass / J.Kenny - /93 TSJERNOBYL - GEVOLGEN REST EUROPA - ALGEMEEN
/01- Reasessing nuclear power. The fall-out from Chernobyl -Ch. Flavin - 3/87
/02- Tchernobyl. Ein Unfall der uns alle betrifft -F.J.Spalthof - 5/86
/03- Auswirkungen Reaktorunfalles Tsjernobyl auf die BRD für das Jahr 1986 -Bundes min. Umwelt Naturschutz - 6/87
/04- Tschernobyl und die Folgen -Ekkehard Sieker - 6/86
/05- Radioactivity in the federal republic of Germany and in Switzerland after the reactor accident at Chernobyl -M.Winter/H.Völkle ea -10/86
/06- Die Folgen von Tschernobyl -umweltmagazin natur /86
/07- Fragen und Antworten zur Kernenergie -Bundesregierung - /86
/08- Tschernobyl. Ein Jahr danach -Bundesumweltministerium - 4/87
/09- Tchernobyl, ce qui est resté radioactif -Que Choisir - 4/87
/10- Dossier Chernobyl -ENEA - 6/86
/11- Fallout over Chernobyl -FOE -
/12- Radioactive contamination in the European part of the USSR as a result of the Chernobyl accident -U.Fink/A.Wenisch - 6/91
/13- The Chernobyl challenge -Grael working conference - /86
/14- Chernobyl and European television -ECEC -
/15- Tsjernobyl und die Folgen für Österreich -Bundesm.Gesundheit/Umweltschutz -11/86
/16- Antes durante e depois de Chernobyl. O Nuclear no mundo e em Portugal -Amigos de Terra - 3/87
/17- Der Supergau von Tschernobyl. Konsequenzen für Natur, Mensch und Energiepolitiek (in BRD) -BUND - /86
/18- Baltyckie Forum Ekologiczne XI Gdansk -idem - /91
/19- Tchernobyl: Information et mesures en France et en RFA -WISE-Paris - 5/86
/20- Chernobyl; The Aftermath -BEUC - /86
/21- Chernobyl - it's impact on Sweden -Statens Strälskyddsinstitut - 8/86
/22- Consequences in Sweden of the Chernobyl accident -Statens Strälskyddsinstitut - 9/86
/23- Chernobyl - fallout, measurements and consequences -Statens Strälskyddsinstitut - 7/86
/24- Fallout situation in Finland from April 26 to May 4 1986 -Strälsäkerhetscentralen - /86
/25- Byelorussia and Chernobyl. A Delegation of Byelorussian SSR at the 45th Session of the UN General Assembly -Delegation of Byelorussian SSR - /91
/26- Byelorussia and Chernobyl. To the 46th Session of the UN Gen Ass. -Delegation of Byelorussian SSR - /91
/27- The Chernobyl Accident: Model calculations of Concentrations and Deposition of Radioactive Releases -RIVM - 6/86
/28- Verspreiding van Radioactiviteit over Europa in de tijd van de ramp in Tsjernobyl -Peter Reijnders - 2/88
/29- The (UK) Government's Response to the Chernobyl Accident -FOE's Memorandum to the Agricultural Committee -Friends of the Earth -
/30- Tschernobyl, Konsequenzen f.d. BRD -VDI -11/86
/31- Contamination des sols de L'Arc Alpin -Crii Rad - 5/98
/32- Nach Tschernobyl; Die Antworten de BUND-Strahlenkommission auf die 21 Fragen der Bundesgesundheitsministerin -BUND - 7/86
/33- titelloos -EP - 5/86
/34- Csernobil - - 6/86
/35- Die Folgen von Tschernobyl -IFEU - 5/86
/36- Prädikat Strahlenarm -K.D. Lischka/J.Wernicke - 7/86
/37- Die Auswirkungen des Reaktorunfalls von Tschernobyl in der Region Bremen. Messwerte Mai/September 1986 und Dosisabschätzungen -Messstelle Radioaktivität Uni Bremen -12/86
/38- Bequerel poker. über die Bewältigung Tschernobyl-Katastrophe im EP -Die Grünen im EP - 6/89
/39- Tschernobyl. Die Informationslüge. Anleitung zum Volkszorn -Kafka/König/Limmer - /86
/40- Ce fameux nuage...Tchernobyl. La France contaminee -Jean-Michel Jacquemin - /99
/41- External irradiation from the Chernobyl fallout over Sweden (SSI P 442.87) SSI-rapport 89-17 - K.Edvarsson - 9/89
/42- Analysis of particles collected in Sweden after the Chernobyl accident. SSI-rapport 91-02 - A.Kerekes, R.Falk, J.Suomela - 1/91
/43- Katastrofa w Czarnobylu a Polska -Gdanskie Towarzystwo Naukowe - /92
/44- Katastrofa w Czarnobylu a Polska. Bijlage -Gdanskie Towarzystwo Naukowe - /92
/45- Die Folgen von Tschernobyl in und um Bamberg -Kreisgruppe Bamberg - 3/87
/46- Overzicht van de door de gemeenschap na het ongeval te Tsjernobyl genomen maatregelen -EC - 4/89 TSJERNOBYL - GEVOLGEN REST EUROPA - MEDISCH
/01- Der Supergau von Tschernobyl -R.Engel/H.Gaber/G.Löser - /86
/02- Die gesundheitlichen Folgen der Reaktorkatastrophe -BBA - 5/86
/03- Chernobyl - fallout, measurements and consequences -SSI - 7/86
/04- A preliminary assessment of radiological impact of the Chernobyl reactor accident on the population of the European Community -NRPB, UK - 1/87
/05- Pregnancy Outcome in Norway after Chernobyl -Irgems. Lie, Uklstein, e.a. -   /91
/06- Chernobyl's Subclinical Legacy: Prenatal exposure to radioactive fallout and school outcomes in Sweden [PDF] -Columbian University / Almond -08/07 TSJERNOBYL - GEVOLGEN REST EUROPA - BESMET VOEDSEL
/01- Heft mit radoiaktivitätsmesswerten -Agöf Bremen - 5/87
/02- Tsjernobyl. Hoe is het nu met ons eten -Eerst meten, dan eten - 2/88
/03- Datensammlung radioaktivität -Agöf Bremen - 1/89
/04- De Cesiumsluier van Tsjernobyl. Cesium neerslag en stralingsbelasting Europa -Wetenschapsw. Groningen - 7/87
/05- Zugelernt seit Tschernobyl -Eltern f.unbel. Nahrung - 7/87
/06- Leben mit den Becquerel -Peter Dammann - 2/89
/07- Stralenlijst nr.2 -St.Eerst meten, dan eten - /88
/08- Strahlenliste -Eltern messen selber... - 3/88
/09- Strahlung im Alltag -Gruppe ökologie Hann. -12/86
/10- Session Documents -EP, EC - 3/87
/11- Aftermath of Chernobyl in Sweden: Levels of 137Cs in Foodstuffs -D.Mascanzoni - /87
/12- Tschernobyl folgen; Gartenbau, Land- und Forstwirtschaft -Kl. Bätjer - 4/87
/13- Der Reaktorunfall von Tschernobyl. Ein Ausblick nach Zehn Jahren -Stadt Hamburg - 4/96
/14- Die Caesium-Boden- und Gras-kontamination in Süddeutschland und die Winterfütterung 1986/87 -IFEU - 9/86
/15- Strontium-90 content in the reindeer meat, 1965-1975, 1979-1980 -I. Gudowska, I. Östergren (SSI) -10/86 RUSSIA - SOSNOVY BOR
/02- Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant - -
/03- Radioactive Release from Sosnovy Bor, St. Petersburg, in March 1992 -Finnish Centre for Radiation - 3/92 RUSSIA - TOMSK
/01- CXK. rna3amn 3enehoro mbnkehnr - - 6/94
/02- The Siberian Chemical Combine from the point of view of the ecological movement (english translation /01) - - /95
/03- Mutagenic consequences of long-term radiation on the person: the study of the population near nuclear factories Tomsk-7 and Semipalatinsk nuclear range -Ilyinskikh et al. -  /96 RUSSIA - CHELYABINSK
/01- Mayak: the most radioactive polluted place on earth -Bellona - 5/92
/02- The compelling realities of Chelyabinsk -John M. Whiteley - 2/95
/03- Muslumova-village in the nuclear garbage can -Alexander Tihonov - /95
/04- (russies) Development of Energy Efficiency as an Alternative of New Nuclear Power Plant in Chelyabinsk Region -Movement for Nuclear Safety/Batell - 7/96
/05- Contamination map of Southern Ural -Ural Res.Centre for Irradiation Medicine - /96
/06- KomujiekcHbin nokjaji o coctorHnn... (etc) - - /96
/07- Complex problems and no clear solutions: The difficulties of defining and assigning culpability for radiation victimization in the Chelyabinsk region of Russia -Paula Carb, Uni. of California - /97
/08- Charity Project 'Water antinuclear educational action' -Movement nuclear safety Chelyabinsk -10/97
/09- 3nopaBbe N paijnaiinr (health and radiation) - - /92
/10- Yenrouhckar obnacmb (Chelyabinsk: liquidation of consequences of nuclear accidents -State Comm. on Emergency Situations - /96
/11- Half life. Living with the effects of nuclear waste  -R. Knoth (phot.), A. de Jong (text) - 5/02
/12- Subject maps. Ecosystem of Chelyabinsk Region territory. Instalment 2. Radiation situation on the territory subjected to Mayak PA influence -Administration of Chelyabinsk Region -  /95
/13- The Techa River Cohort: Study Design and Follow-up Methods -M. M. Kossenko, RRS... et al. -  /05
/14- Protracted Radiation Exposure and Cancer Mortality in the Techa River Cohort     L.Yu. Krestinina, RRS, ...et al. -  /05 RUSLAND - RAMP OERAL 57/58
         RUSSIA - URAL DISASTER 57/58
/01- The Kyshtym disaster and what we can learn from it -Klarisse Nienhuys -
/02- Kernramp in de Oeral -Zhores A. Medvedev - /79
/03- Nuclear Disaster in the Urals -Zhores A. Medvedev - /79
/04- Het verslag van een kernramp -DNA -
/05- Analysis of the 1957-58 Soviet nuclear accident (ORNL-5613) -J.R.Trabalka e.a. -12/79
/06- The science of the Total Environment: vol 142 (1-2) -A.V. Akleyev et al. -03/94
/07- Mayak: A50-year tragedy. Summary report [PDF] -Greenpeace Internationaal - 9/07 SOWJET UNIE - REST INSTALLATIES
/01- Koctpomckar atomhar ctahunr (About plan to build NPP in Kostroma) - /96