/01- Le dossier electronucleaire -C.F.D.T. - /80
/02- Nuclear France. Power at any Price? Report on French Nuclear Industry -Friends of the Earth -10/86
/03- Résultats techniques d'exploitation -EdF - /83
/04- Nuclear power plants -EdF - 4/87
/05- Presentation d'ensemble, enrichissement de l'uranium et cycle du combustible -G.Vendryes -
/06- Energie et society, le retraitement des combustibles irradies en France -J.Megy -
/07- Le programme electronucleaire Francais: centrales PWR et surgenerateurs -R.Carle - 9/81
/08- Frankrijk als vierde Kernmacht: De nukleaire illusie -Louis Samson - 3/90
/09- Résultats techniques d'exploitation -EdF - /82
/10- Energie et développement -Y.Lenoir/JP Orfeuil - /90
/11- Commentaires ou la vie à tous risques -mouvement écolo. -12/74
/12- Crisis in the french nuclear industry -François Nectoux / Greenpeace - /91
/13- Thermos- le nucléaire dans les villes -APRE -06/78
/14- Rapport a son eminence le cardinal de mazarin sur L'Eata de la Atome -Les Amis de la Terre - 9/78
/15- Nucleaire le face a face -Que choisir -
/16- Nuclear and fossil generation 1986 -EdF - 1/87
/17- Energiepolitik, Position der CFDT -Kein Atommüll nach La Hague - /78
/18- La situation du programme nucléaire français: centrales et cycle de combustible -RGN - 9/86
/19- Dossier actualité -EdF - 1/87
/20- Nuclear and fossil generation: organizational structure -EdF - 5/86
/21- L'électronucléaire en France -CFDT - 6/74
/22- Les propositions de la CFDT pour une autre politique énergétique -CFDT - 6/81
/23- Nuclear and fossil generation 1985 -EdF - 1/86
/24- The French nuclear electricity programme -EdF - 1/82
/25- Le cycle du combustible nucléaire de la mine a l'usine de retraitement -EdF - 1/85
/26- Électronucléaire: danger -SEUIL - /77
/27- France: the nuclear renegade -Australian Democrats -12/87
/28- Energy databook: France in the world 1988 -CEA -
/29- Energy databook: France in the world 1989 -CEA -
/30- Energy databook: France in the world 1990 -CEA -
/31- Mémento sur l'énergie 1989 -CEA - 3/89
/32- Rapport sur le bilan et les perspectives du secteur nucléaire civil en France -Guillaume, Pellat, Rouvillois - 5/89
/33- TDC: le combustible nucléaire -TDC -12/86
/34- 1970-1990: 20 ans de politique énergétique Française -JP Orfeuil, Y Lenoir - 8/83
/35- La Force de Frappe Tranquille -Canard - 9/84
/36- Les Energies en france -Conseil Economique et Social -10/81
/37- Les eglises catholique et protestante jugent L'energie nucleaire -EdF - 4/78
/38- Prises de positions du syndicat C.F.D.T. sur les problems de L'energie -EdF - /79
/39- La C.F.T.C. et la politique de L'energie -EdF - 2/81
/40- Position du syndicat C.G.T. sur les problemes de l'energie -EdF - 4/80
/41- Rapport sur l'etat de l'atome -Alternative Ecologique - /78
/42- Ecrits d'un militant -Jean Pignero - /80
/43- Les centrales nucleaires -EdF -10/81
/44- Que choisir? Nucleaire la face a face - -
/45- Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Generated Electricity in France -WISE-Paris -
/46- Le complexe nucléaire militaire francais -Damocles - 1/92
/47- Possibilités et contraintes d'une économie du plutonium -Yves Lenoir - /76
/48- L'Energie Nucleaire- le pacte avec le diable -Les Amis de la terre - /75
/49- La France nucléaire; matières et sites 1997 -Mary Byrd Davis WISE Paris - 4/97
/50- Tout nucléaire: Une exception Française -Perline - /97
/51- Titel onbekend; Part I. From Liberation to the First Five Year Plan; Part II. France Enters the Nuclear Club - - 7/65
/52- Enmod, une arme juridique contre les essais nucleaires? -Greenpeace France - 8/95
/53- Electricity costs in France/EDF becomes a burden for France -WISE Damveld/Lenoir/Orfeuil - 5/84
/54- The French nuclear programme: Part 1 Political, institutional and logistical factors -Steve Thomas, SPRU Sussex - /89
/55- Par ici, La sortie du nucleaire... -Sortir du Nucleaire -10/00
/56- Sortir du nucléaire c'est possible. Avant la catastrophe -Bella & Roger Belbéoch - /98
/57- Electricity and warheads. A guide to the French Nuclear Industry -Mary D.Davis / WISE Paris - /86
/58- Revue technique des fournisseurs de l’énergie nucléaire 1992 –JANGIL - /92
/59- Vingt ans de nucléaire, le bilan –EdF -11/92
/60- Research and Development Expenditure on Nuclear Energy Issues in  France 1960-1997 [+PDF] -WISE Paris -  2/98
/61- Economic Forecast of the Nuclear Power Option. Results of the “Charpin-Dessus-Pellat” Mission [+PDF] -WISE Paris, Y.Marignac - 1/01
/62- Par isi la sortie … du nucleaire -Sortir du nucleaire -10/04
/63- The French Nuclear Policy -D.Maillard, French Ministry of Economy Finance and Industry -  1/05
/64- Nucleaire: comment en sortir? Etude sur des sorties du nucleaire en 5 ou 10 ans -Reseau " Sortir du nucleaire " - /07
/65- Nuclear Power in France. Beyond the Myth [PDF] -Mycle Schneider -12/08
/66- Nuclear power, the great illusion. Promises, setbacks and threats [PDF] -Global Change, Marignac -10/08
/67- France's nuclear failures. The great illusion of nuclear energy [PDF] -Greenpeace - /09
/68- Areva and EDF: business prospects and risks in nuclear energy [PDF] -Steve Thomas - 3/09 FRANKRIJK - MOX
         FRANCE - MOX
/01- The MELOX Plant -MELOX / Cogema - 6/96
/02- Plutonium Technology Facility at Cadarache [PDF] -WISE Paris - 6/00 FRANKRIJK - AKB
/01- De Antinukleare Prophetie -Alain Tourraine/e.a. - /82
/02- (Kern)energiepolitiek en oppositie in BRD en Frankrijk -J. Kortekaas -
/03- La prophétie anti-nucléaire -Alain Touraine/e.a. - /80
/04- Plate-forme du Comité "Irradiés de tous les pays, unissons-nous!" -"Irradiés..." -12/87
/05- Anti-nuclear protest. The opposition in France -Touraine/Hegedus/Dubet/Wieviorka - /80
/06- Nucleaire peur sur La Hague (fotoboek verzet algemeen) -OCEP/Michel Lambert - /77
/07- CRII-RAD Revue de Presse -CRII-RAD -
/08- Réactions nucléaires -Collectifs Nationale des opposé a l’enfouissemant - 1/02
/09  Energie pour tous faire mieux avec moins  –Les Verts  -   /03
/10- Assemblé Générale 2009 -Réseau Sortir - /09
/11- Chanegons d'ère: sortons du nucléaire Réseau Sortir du nucléaire 12/10
/12 Ecrits d'un militant -Jean Pignero - /80 FRANKRIJK - AFVAL
/01- ANDRA -ANDRA - 2/87
/02- L'observatoire national des déchets radioactifs -ANDRA - /94
/03- Rapport du groupe de travail sur les recherches et developpements en matière de gestion des ...radioactifs -Conseil superieur..nucléaire -10/84
/04- Rapport du groupe de travail sur la gestion des combustibles irradiés -Conseil superieur..nucléaire -11/82
/05- Evaluation de l'impact psychologique et economique de l'installation d'une decharge souterraine de dechets hautement radioactifs pour un departement -GRANIT - 8/89
/06- Les Dechets Nucleaires en Question -EdF - 2/80
/07- Evaluation des options techniques sur les dechets radio-actifs. Tome I: Rapport principal -Interministeriel gr. de travail -12/75
/08- Evaluation des options techniques sur les dechets radio-actifs. Tome II: Annexes -Interministeriel gr. de travail -12/75
/09- Rapport sur L'aval du cycle Nucléaire. Tome I: Etude générale -Christian Batalle/Robert Galley - 6/98
/10- La posture d'Attila -Assoc.des élus Meusiens -11/96
/11- State of knowledge and experimental program (East of France) -ANDRA - /96
/12- France poubelle nucléaire -Perline - 3/99
/13- Preparing for well-integrated laboratories -ANDRA - 2/98
/14- Managing radioactive waste from small generators -ANDRA - 1/98
/15- Centre de la Manche - disposal facility -ANDRA -12/97
/16- Research in radioactive waste management - law of december 30. 1991 -ANDRA -11/95
/17- Radioactive waste management - catalogue of publications -ANDRA -10/98
/18- Centre de l'Aube - disposal facility -ANDRA - 7/96
/19- Centre de l'Aube - status report 1997 -ANDRA -12/98
/20- What is radioactive waste, what is ANDRA... -ANDRA - /95
/21- Mission de médiation sur l'implantation de laboratoires de recherche souterrains -Chr. Bataille - /94
/22- Le labo de Nucléo -L.Delemotte -
/23- Les Dechets Nucleaires en Question -EdF na /97
/24- "Les déchets radioactifs ne sont pas biodégradables on ne peut donc pas les enfouir" -Coordination nationale contre... - /97
/25- Òu sont les déchets radioactifs en France? -ANDRA - /00
/26- Rapport Mission Collegiale de Concertation Granite [PDF] -Boisson, Huet, Mingasson - 6/00
/27- Dechets nucleaires. Un casse-tete insoluble -Greenpeace - ± /05 FRANKRIJK - URANIUMMIJNBOUW
                FRANCE - URANIUM MINING
/01- Uraniummijnbouw in Frankrijk -Dave van Ooyen - 2/83
/02- Histoires d'U -Amis de la Terre FOE - /77
/03- Etude des consequences previsibles de l'exploitation de l'uranium sur les eaux de Combrailles et Limagnes -AEDELEC -12/80
/04- Uranium; Le dossier juridique -Com.Uranium- Nucl de l'Aveyron - 9/81
/05- No U-Turn. Report on Uranium mining in France -CAIMAN -ca /80 FRANKRIJK - EXPORT / IMPORT
                FRANCE - EXPORT / IMPORT
/01- L'industrie francaise de construction nucleaire: quelle adaption face au Institut economique et juridique retrecissement de ses debouches? de l'energie -10/84
/02- Nuclear France Abroad. History, Status and Prospects of French Nuclear Activities in Foreign Countries [+PDF] -Mycle Schneider - 5/09 FRANKRIJK - LA HAGUE - ALGEMEEN
                FRANCE - LA HAGUE - GENERAL
/01- La Hague: Mekka der Atomindustrie -Freunde der Erde - 1/83
/02- Nuclear et sante -Com. C. Pollution Atom. -11/78
/03- Wastes from reprocessing foreign spent fuel at La Hague -Mycle Schneider - 1/94
/04- Conseil superieur de la surete nucleaire -Min. Recherche & L'Industrie -12/82
/05- Wackersdorf ist tot-Es lebe La Hague? -Greenpeace - 4/90
/06- Irradiated fuel reprocessing at La Hague -Cogema -
/07- La Hague (infomap) -Cogema - /81
/08- Near miss. Report on what was nearly nuclear disaster -Agenor - /82
/09- Cogema - La Hague: Techniques de production de Déchets -Homberg/Pavageau/Schneider - 3/95
/10- Cogema - La Hague: The waste production techniques -Homberg/Pavageau/Schneider - 3/95
/11- The State of the Environment in La Hague -ACRO - 8/95
/12- La belle vacherie de La Hague -Comité contre la pollution atomique -12/75
/13- Management of environment at the La Hague reprocessing site -Decobert/Lebar/Boisson Cogema - 5/00
/14- La Hague. Impact ecologique de l'usine de retraitement -Comite contre (...) la hague - 1/78
/15- La Hague Particularly Exposed to Plane Crash Risk -WISE Paris - 9/01
/16- L’Accident a La Hague -CRILAN Flamanville -  /80
/17- Incident at the Cap de la Hague reprocessing plant on 6 January 1981 -European Parliament Committee on Energy and Research - 4/81
/18- La Hague center. Irradiated fuel reprocessing -CEA - 9/70
/19- French nuclear reprocessing-Failure at home, Coup d`etat in the USA -Shaun Burnie - 5/07
/20- Spent nuclear fuel reprocessing in France [PDF] -Mycle Schneider,Yves Marignac - 4/08 FRANKRIJK - LA HAGUE - KONTRAKTEN
                FRANCE - LA HAGUE - CONTRACTS
/01- Japanese Plutonium and French Nuclear Weapons Program -WISE Paris Pavageau/Schneider - 9/95
/02- Service agreement for the reprocessing of irradiated oxide fuel between Compagnie Generale des Matieres Nucleaires and Kernkraftwerk Unterweser GmbH - - 2/78
/03- Contract for the Reprocessing of Irradiated Oxide Fuel -Cogema - 1/90 FRANKRIJK - SUPERPHENIX  + KWEEKPROGRAMMA Alg.
/01- Creys Malville fast breeder power station -French Atomic Energy Commission - 1/78
/02- Status der Brüter Entwicklung -G.Vendryes -10/81
/03- La centrale de Creys-Malville -EDF -
/04- La centrale de Creys-Malville -NERSA -
/05- Ceux qui ne veulent pas de Super Phenix, la centrale la plus dénoncée de France -Comités locaux - 2/77
/06- La centrale de Creys-Malville -NERSA -
/07- Dossier surregenerateur - EdF -11/79
/08- Livre jaune sur la société du plutonium -Ass. pour l'Appel de Genève - /81
/09- Superphenix. Ashes to Ashes. Problems and prospects fast breeders -W.Patterson/Amici della Terra - 4/84
/10- Creys-Malville -EdF - 1/86
/11- Superphenix, une prototype industriel -EdF - 5/87
/12- Superphenix -CEA - 4/85
/13- The Creys-Malville power station -ENEA -12/85
/14- US agreement prohibits France from militarizing commercial breeder reactor Superphenix -D.Albright - 2/84
/15- Le Potentiel de risque de Superphenix -Benecke/Reimann - 1/89
/16- Superphenix le dossier -Les Europeens contre Superphenix - 3/84
/17- Les réacteurs a neutrons rapides -EdF - 6/81
/18- Les surgénérateurs vrai ou faux problème? -Institut national Genevois - /84
/19- Malville. Menace permanente - -  /77
/20- Centrale nucléaire de Creys-Malville –NERSA - /
/21- Plutonium sur Rhone. Le Super Phoenix -Pour l'Arret du Progr. Nucleaire - /76 FRANKRIJK - PHENIX & RAPSODIE SNELLE KWEEKREACTOREN
/01- La Centrale Phenix -CEA -
/02- Rapsodie. Reacteur rapide experimental -CEA - FRANKRIJK - SUPERPHENIX - ACTIONS
/01- Malville. "Weil ich das Leben Liebe..." - - /77
/02- Aujourd'hui Malville. Demain la France -Collectif d'Enquete - /78
/03- Kriminaliserung von AKW-Gegner. Am Beispiel: Malville -Gew. Erziehung und Wissenschaft -  /77 FRANKRIJK - PLOGOFF
                FRANCE - PLOGOFF
/01- Plogoff aujourd'hui, demain Beuzec? -Comité-déf.-Beuzec - 4/80
/02- Plogoff aujourd'hui, demain Beuzec? -Comité-déf.-Beuzec - 6/80
/03- Plogoff, la revolte (fotoboek) -Diouron/Gabon/ea. - /80
/04- Les Pierres de la Liberté; Plogoff 1975-1980 -René Pichavant - /80
/05- Plogoff. Informez vous! Demain il sera trop tard! -Coord. Anti Nuclear de Bretagne - 1/80 FRANKRIJK - CATTENOM
                FRANCE - CATTENOM
/01- Atomkraft. Risiko ohne Grenzen -Josef Kilimke - 1/81
/02- Analyse des geheimen anlagenspezifischen EdF-Berichtes über die Atomzentralen Cattenom -J. Weber, M. Sailer - 7/86
/03- Gutachten über Sicherheitsprobleme der 1300 MW Baureihe... Cattenom -Michael Sailer - 5/91
/04- 20 Jahre Cattenom - 30 Jahre Widerstand: Eine Dokumentation zum Jahrestag der Inbetriebnahme des Atomkraftwerks an der Mosel: Plädoyer für ein atomfreies Europa [PDF] -H. Breyer   -11/06 FRANKRIJK - FESSENHEIM
                FRANCE - FESSENHEIM
/01- Rissen in Fessenheim?! Dokumente zur Reaktorunsicherheit -AG Fessenheim - 4/80
/02- Stage en images, Fessenheim -EdF -12/85
/03- Besonderer Katastrophenschutzplan für die Deutsche Umgebung des Kernkraftwerkes Fessenheim/Elsass -Gewaltfreie Aktion Freiburg - /77
/04- Vers une fermeture de la centrale nucleaire de fessenheim? -Alsace nature info -10/01 FRANKRIJK - CHOOZ & VERVUILING MAAS
/01- Chooz: l'imposture -Front Commun Ardennais - 9/82
/02- Chooz: la centrale la plus polluante d'europe -Front Commun Ardennais - 3/82
/03- Chooz: dossier noir de la police -Front Commun Ardennais - /82
/04- Chooz -Front Commun Ardennais - /82
/05- Chooz: l'indispensable reconversion -Front Commun Ardennais - 5/83
/06- Chooz: n'en veut plus! -Groupement Calcéen -
/07- Aanklacht tegen lozingen van Tritium in de Maas door Chooz, Tihange en Julich -Kollektief Rampenplan - 8/83 FRANKRIJK - EURODIF / PIERRELATTE
/01- Eurodif -Eurodif - FRANKRIJK - NOGENT SUR SEINE
                FRANCE - NOGENT SUR SEINE
/01- Nogent sur Seine. Une central comme les Autres -EdF - 9/87
/02- Récapitulatif ds incidents sur réacteurs REP 900 et 1300 MWe en 1996 -Comité Stop-Nogent - /97 FRANKRIJK - MARCOULE (behalve Rapsodie &Melox)
                FRANCE - MARCOULE (except Rapsodie & Melox)
/01- Marcoule et son avenir -CFDT - 5/83
/02- L'Environment et Marcoule -Cogema - 8/92 FRANKRIJK - FLAMANVILLE (2 PWR's)
                FRANCE - FLAMANVILLE (2 PWRs)
/12- Nucleaire Justice et Repression. Flamanville -CRILAN Flamanville -  /80 FRANKRIJK - FLAMANVILLE - EPR
                FRANCE - FLAMANVILLE - EPR
/01- Un courant alternatief pour le grand quest Quelle alternatives au reacteur EPR -Reseau" Sortir du nucleair - 3/06 FRANKRIJK - REST INSTALLATIES
/01- Centre de production nucleaire Paluel -EdF -
/02- EL 4 power station (Chinon) -EdF - /63
/03- Thermos le nucléaire dans les villes -Ecologie - 6/78
/04- The French nuclear electricity program -EdF - 5/86
/05- Nuclear power plants: Effluent releases and the environment -EdF - 9/86
/06- Paluel 1976.1986 -EdF - /86
/07- CEN Saclay -CEA -10/55
/08- Centrale Nucleaires du Palier 1300MWe. Train P'4 -EdF - /86
/09- Genie civil centrales nucleaires -EdF -10/77
/10- French 900 MWe nuclear power plants -EdF -10/81
/11- Comurhex. Usine de Narbonne - - /82 BELGIE - ALGEMEEN
/01- Kernenergie in Belgie en Nederland -Ekologie Strohalm - 1/81
/02- Kernenergie? Da's geen werk! Demo 14-5 -Energiek. Zuid-Nederl. - 5/83
/03- Kernenergie? Nee bedankt! -JNM-Milieuwerkgroep - 4/87
/04- Tsjernobyl. Balans en lessen voor de toekomst -Ver. Electr. bedrijven - 5/87
/05- Doelstellingen, organisatie, ideeen, historisch overzicht 1980 -Aktiegroepen Kernstop - /80
/06- De technische rapporten van de Commissie van beraad inzake kernenergie kritisch bekeken -Bond Beter Leefmilieu - 9/78
/07- De bond beter leefmilieu tegenover Kernenergie -Bond beter leefmilieu - 1/77
/08- Stop kerncentrales -PvdA België -10/80
/09- Energiebeleid en kernenergie -Universitaire parochie - 7/73
/10- Persmededeling: Kommentaar van de VAKS en de Bond Beter Leefmilieu Vlaanderen nav de ramp in de kc Chernobyl - - 5/86
/11- Elementen voor een nieuw energiebeleid -Min. Economische Zaken -
/12- Antwoorden van de Kommissie van Beraad. Vragen en kommentaar van de Bond Beter Leefmilieu -Komm. van Beraad Kernenergie - 2/76
/13- Le Plutonium Belge et le Programme d'Armement Nucleaire Francais -WISE Paris Mycle Schneider - 8/95
/14- Special Report Belgium -Nukem Market Report - 7/79
/15- Stop Kerncentrales! -Alle Macht Aan De Arbeiders - 4/77
/16- Inter-environnement face au nucléaire -Inter-environnement a.s.b.l. - 1/77
/17- Conférence de presse -Les amis de la terre - 8/76
/18- De energiebronnen en kernenergie. Vergelijkende analyse en ethische reflecties -Hoenreat/Werkgr Ethiek en Kernenergie - /99
/19- Een scenario voor uittreding uit nucleaire electriciteitsproduktie België -A.Verbruggen/G.Van Lommel - 2/87
/20- Kernenergie. milieuconflict of godsdienstoorlog? -P.Leroy - 4/79
/21- De kernuitstap. het waarom en de gevolgen -Min. Energie & Duurzame Ontwikkeling - 4/01
/22- De verenigde aktiegroepen voro Kernstop. Doelstellingen, historie-VAKS -  /80
/23- Plutonium in België. Voorpublikatie -Med.Ver.ter Preventie v.e.Atoomoorlog - /
/24- Kernenergie langs de Maas -Limburgs Energie Komité - /
/25- Rapport van de Commissie voor de Productiemiddelen van Elektriciteit en de Reorientatie van de Energievectoren (AMPERE) [PDF] -Commissie AMPERE -10/00
/26- Kernenergie in de Wetstraat. Dissectie van de deals [PDF] -Luc Barbe (ecolo) -+/-04
/27- Internalisering externe kosten productie en verdeling elektriciteit Vlaanderen [+PDF] -MIRA, Torfs, Scroon ea - 4/05
/28- Bond beter leefmilieu als nieuwe Sociale beweging.(1971-90) [PDF] -Kristof Vets - 5/06
/29- Kerncentrales voorbij houdbaarheidsdatum. De gevaren van levensduur-verlenging van de Belgische reactoren -BBL/Greenpeace -10/06
/30- Het licht zal niet uitgaan door de kerncentrales te sluiten [PDF] -Greenpeace Belgie - 6/07
/31- Uraniumontginning Belgische kerncentrales/ Impact op mens /milieu [PDF] -For Mother Earth,.WISE - 4/07
/32 OIKOS: Themanummer "energie: het kernprobleem" 2011/2 OIKOS/D.Holemans /11
/33- Kernenergie en maatschappelijk debat [PDF] -viWTA - /04
/34- Belgie en de bom. De rol van Belgie in de proliferatie van kernwapens [PDF] -Luc Barbe - 6/12
/35- Flawed reactor Pressure Vessels in Belgian nuclear plants Doel-3 and Tihange-2 [PDF]] -Ilse Tweer / European Greens - 1/13 BELGIE - AFVAL
/01- Beleid inzake Nukleair Afval in België. Een kritische evaluatie Vol. I -VAKS - 4/86
/02- idem. Volume II -VAKS - 4/86
/03- Vergelijking van verschillende opties voor beheer op lange termijn van laagactief en kortlevend afval. Aspecten veiligheid en kostprijsverschillen -NIRAS - 6/97
/04- De oppervlakteberging van laag-radioaktief afval: afvalcategorieën, bergingsopties, etc -WISE Paris, Richardson, Weijns - 5/95
/05- Seismische opdeling van de Boomse Klei in omgeving van Mol (Vol 1) -Jooris Els - /97
/06- The Campine Basin. Stratigraphy, structural geology, coalification and hydrocarbon potential for the Devonian and Jurassic -Vital Langenaeker - /98
/07- Vertical Distribution of benthic foraminifera in de Boom Formation -Moorkens/Hooyberghs/De Coninck - 3/99
/08- Fundamentals  -Praclay -  /
/09- Zuchten helpt niet meer. Over de aktie tegen de Andrea Smits -J.Lenaerts -  /
/10  Inventaris van nucleaire passiva opgemaakt door NIRAS 1998-2002  –NIRAS  –12/02
/11- Het beheer van het radioaktief afval -NIRAS - /89
/12- Rapportage van onderzoek aan eigenschappen van de klei van Boom die relevant zijn bij de beschouwing van dit laagpakket voor opslag van kernafval J. Brugge/B. Vrouwe/Greenpeace-NL 01/11 BELGIE - MOL - ALGEMEEN
/01- Internationale Anti Atoommanifestatie Mol 25-10 -VAKS - 9/80
/02- Kernenergie naast de deur. Wat u verder over Mol moet weten -SSK Eindhoven - /81
/03- Pamela. Abschlussbericht zum projekt -DWK - /86
/04- info: kernenergie en mol -IGO zuid-oost brabant -12/80
/05- Kempenland en Kernenergie -WSAK -
/06- De nucleaire centra uit de Kempen -VAKS/PEK - BELGIE - MOL - OPWERKING/EUROCHEMIC
/01- Opwerking van kernsplijtstof. Eurochemic: een nucleaire vuilbak te dessel -VAKS -
/02- Eurochemic. Heropening in zicht -Socialistiese Partij - /83
/03- Eurochemic. Activity Report 1979 -Eurochemic - 7/80
/04- Eurochemic. Activity Report 1980 -Eurochemic - 7/81
/05- Eurochemic. Activity Report 1981 -Eurochemic - 7/82 BELGIE - DOEL
         BELGIUM - DOEL
/01- Informatie over de bestaande rampenplannen voor de kc Doel -VAKS - 5/86
/02- Doel, matig beleid -Benegora info - 2/92
/03- Kerncentrale Doel -Electrabel -10/95
/04- Kerncentrale Doel (KCD) - - BELGIE - TIHANGE
/01- De kerncentrale van Tihange -Intercom NV / Electrobel -
/02- L'impact des rejets de la centrale nucleaire de Tihange sur l'ecosysteme Meuse (1976-1980) -Clercq-Versele, Kirchmann - 7/82
/03- Tihange nuclear power plant -R.Rosseel e.a. - / LUXEMBURG - ALGEMEEN
/01- KKW Remerschen Weissbuch -Delvaux/ea. - 76
/02- 20 Jahre Kampf gegen die Atomenergie in Luxemburg: vom Widerstand zur umweltverträglichen Energiepolitik [PDF] -ASBL   - /94 GROOT-BRITTANNIE - ALGEMEEN
/01- The need for nuclear power/UK nuclear power industry -BNF -12/77
/02- UK Electricity. New players, new rules -Eur. study Confer. Ltd - /89
/03- Radioactivity in surface and coastal waters of the British Isles 1986 -Min. Agr.Fish, G.J.Hunt - /87
/04- Radioactive discharges monitoring of the Environment and Occupational safety: Highlights for 1985 -BNFL - /86
/05- idem: Highlights for 1986 -BNFL - /87
/06- The Fissile Society -Walter C.Patterson - /77
/07- Anti Nuclear Now...Or never -Students against NE -
/08- Nuclear power, what it means to you -P.Bunyard/G.Morgan... - /81
/09- Power corrupts -H.Bacon, J.Valentine - /81
/10- The politics of nuclear power -Dave Elliott - /78
/11- The economic failure of nuclear power in Britain. Summary -A.Henney - 4/90
/12- The economic failure of nuclear power in Britain -A.Henney - 4/90
/13- Nuclear power anyone interested? -SCRAM - /79
/14- Radioactive discharges in Britain- a self-help guide -FOE - 3/86
/15- Cloud over London -London nucl.inf.unit - 2/89
/16- Nuclear energy: today's power for tommorrow's generation -UKAEA - 7/78
/17- Nuclear power in the UK -IEE -12/86
/18- The facts about nuclear energy -UKAEA - 7/83
/19- The CEGB and nuclear power -CEGB - 9/85
/20- The CEGB and nuclear power. Supplement. -CEGB - 3/87
/21- Workers' power, not nuclear power -M. Simons - 7/80
/22- Magnox, the reckoning -Ph.Davies - 8/88
/23- Improving prospects for jobs in West Cumbria -Earth Resources Research Ltd. -12/85
/24- Radioactivity in surface and coastal waters of the British Isles, 1983 -Min. Agr.Fish, G.J. Hunt - /85
/25- Radioactivity in surface and coastal waters of the British Isles, 1987 -Min. Agr.Fish, G.J. Hunt - /88
/26- Radioactivity in surface and coastal waters of the British Isles, 1988 -Min. Agr.Fish, G.J. Hunt - /89
/27- The CEGB and nuclear power. Questions and answers. -CEGB - 2/81
/28- Draft report on the contravention by the UK government of the Euratom Treaty -EP - 6/86
/29- Public information about nuclear emergencies: background -National Steering Council -11/91
/30- Missiles, reactors and civil liberties -SCCL -
/31- Nuclear cover-up - -
/32- Nuclear power reactors -UKAEA - 2/93
/33- The New British Electricity System -A.Holmes/L. Plaskett, Fin. Times - 6/91
/34- The nuclear controversy -Stott/Taylor -10/79
/35- The Campus Connection, Military research on Campus -Evans, Butler & Concalves - /91
/36- The Safe Energy Campaign -FoE - /86
/37- Energy for a Future -Simon Roberts FoE -11/92
/38- Britain's Atomic Factories. The story of Atomic Energy Production in Britain (Springfields, Windscale, Capenhurst) -K.E.B. Jay, Divison Atomic Energy - 1/54
/39- The Nuclear Energy Industry of the United Kingdom -UKAEA - 9/58
/40- The Nuclear Energy Industry of the United Kingdom (2nd edition) -UKAEA - 1/61
/41- Nuclear energy in Britain -Her Majesty's Stationery Office - /69
/42- Nuclear Politics. The history of Nuclear Power In Britain -Tony Hall -
/43- Non Nuclear energy Options for the UK -SERA - 7/80
/44- Managing UK Nuclear liabilities -Sadnicki/MacKerron SPRU -10/97
/45- Annual Report 1997/98 -Nat.Steering Committee for NFLA - /98
/46- Britains Hidden Agenda. 60 Years of Nuclear History -Fred Roberts - /99
/47- Nuclear Power ? No thanks! -Cambridge FOE -ca 77
/48- The nuclear power decisions -R. Williams - /80
/49- UK energy supply. Report 32 -J. Penman -10/86
/50- Examination of BNFL Reports and Accounts [PDF] -M.Sadnicki - 3/02
/51- CERRY Minority Report 2004 -R.Bramhall, C.Busby, P.Dorfman -08/04
/52- Voodoo economics and the doomed nuclear renaissance: Research-paper -Paul Brown - /08
/53- Nukenomics; The commercialisation of Britain`s nuclear industry. -Ian Jackson - /08
/54- Secure Energy? Civil nuclear power, security and global warming -Oxford Research Group - 3/07
/55 New nuclear - The economics say no: UK Green Lights New Nuclear - Or does it? [PDF] -Citigroup -11/09
/56 The sale of the government's interest in British Energy [PDF] -NAO -01/10
/57- The hidden costs of nuclear power: UK's route to its 2050 low carbon target [PDF] -K. Ente   -06/11
/58- The new UK nuclear power programme - A fit for nuclear and a blueprint for illegal state aid? [PDF] -Thomas / Fouquet, European Greens -12/12 GROOT-BRITTANNIE - MOX / SMP (Sellafield Mox Plant)
/01- Further Public Consultation on the Justification to the Proposed Uranium Commissioning and Operation of the Sellafield MOX Plant. Submission to the Second Round of Consultation -Mike Sadnicki - 4/98
/02- Analysis of the Economic case for the Sellafield MOX Plant -Barker, Sadnicki and MacKerron - 7/99
/03- An Investigation into the Falsification of Pellet Diameter Data in the MOX Demonstration Facility at the BNFL Sellafield Site and the Effect of this on the Safety of MOX Fuel in Use -Nuclear Installations Inspectorate - 2/00
/04- BNFL's MOX Plant at its Site in Sellafield, Cumbria. Justification for the Manufacture of MOX Fuel -DEFRA Department of Health -10/01
/05- Assessment of BNFL’s Business Case for the Sellafield MOX Plant [PDF] -A.D.Little, DEFRA/DH - 7/01 GROOT-BRITTANNIE - OPINIE
/01- Campaigning for public safety and environmental protection -Nuclear Free Local Authorities - 9/91
/02- Shut them down –Greenpeace -12/86
/04- From Energy Dreams to Nuclear Nightmares. Lessons from the anti-nuclear power-movement in the 1970s -Horace Herring -  /05 GROOT-BRITTANNIE - AFVAL
/01- Facts on NIREX. The disposal of radioactive waste -NIREX -
/02- Annual Report 1985/1986 -NIREX - /87
/03- Nirex site investigation; Elstow site -NIREX -
/04- Priliminary assessment of the geology, for the proposed site investigation at Bradwell, Essex -NIREX - 9/85
/05- Disposal of low level radioactive waste: The Fulbeck Site -NIREX -10/86
/06- Poison in our hills- the first inquiry on atomic waste burial -SCRAM - /80
/07- The Billingham Anhydrite Mine -NIREX -10/83
/08- The Elstow storage Depot -NIREX -10/83
/09- Disposal facilities on land for low & intermediate-level radioactive wastes. Draft principles for the protection of the human environment -Dep. of Environment -10/83
/10- Radiological protection Objectives for disposal of Solid radioactive Wastes -NRPB -10/83
/11- Nuclear Power and Radioactive Waste -UKAEA - 2/93
/12- Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Comm. 4th Annual Report -RWMAC - 6/83
/13- idem. Fifth Annual Report -RWMAC - 6/84
/14- NIREX. Second report -NIREX - 9/84
/15- NIREX. Third report -NIREX - 9/85
/16- Vitrification of highly-active liquid waste -BNFL - 9/84
/17- Nuclear waste management -UKAEA -12/82
/18- The management of radioactive wastes -Saunders/UKAEA - 7/85
/19- Radioactive Waste -Environment Committee - 1/86
/20- Radioactive waste - proposals to construct long term stores -Greenpeace - 7/85
/21- First report from the Environment Committee - Radioactive waste volume 1 -House of Commons - 1/86
/22- Radioactive Substances Act 1993: Disposal facilities on land for low and intermediate level radiactive wastes: Guidance on requirements for authorisation -Environment Agency/SEPA/DOE - /93
/23- On Site ... Out of Sight? -Nuclear Free Zones Scotland -
/24- The case against nuclear waste dumping -Scotland Against Nuclear Dumping -11/90
/25- Taking the lid off the nuclear dustbin; A geological critique of Nirex's attempts to find a deep disposal site for nuclear waste at Sellafield and Dounreay. -P.J.Richardson/Greenpeace - 7/91
/26- A Nuclear Waste, how ending reprocessing can benefit public health, protect the environment- and save up to BP 6 billion -SERA, Labour Environment Camp. - 6/97
/27- Annual Report & Accounts 1997-1998 -NIREX - 6/98
/28- Konferenzunterlagen Distec 98 -BNFL - 9/98
/29- NIREX: World leading expertise in Radwaste Disposal -NIREX - 7/98
/30- High Activity Waste: Pandora's Alternative -PANDORA - 4/80
/31- Management of nuclear waste -House of Lords -97/98
/32- Time to face the inevitable -FoE -10/94
/33- Fourteenth Annual Report of Radioactive Waste Managament Adv.Com -RWMAC - 6/94
/34- NIREX. Annual reports & accounts 1993-1994 -NIREX - 2/95
/35- Fifteenth Annual Report of Radioactive Waste Managament Adv.Com -RWMAC - 5/95
/36- NIREX. Annual reports & accounts 1995-1996 -NIREX - 6/96
/37- Radioactive waste arisings in the UK. A summary -NIREX - 6/96
/38- Sixeenth Annual Report of Radioactive Waste Managament Adv.Com -RWMAC - 7/96
/39- NIREX. Annual reports & accounts 1996-1997 -NIREX - 6/97
/40- Assessment UK radioactive waste management strategies using Darwin 3 -M.C.Rolls/WS Atkins Science & Tech. - 6/97
/41- Seventeenth Annual Report of Radioactive Waste Managament Ad.Com -RWMAC - 7/97
/42- NIREX. Annual reports & accounts 1997-1998 -NIREX - 6/98
/43- Initial Recommendations on the Long Term Management of Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Following Rejection of the UK Nirex Rock Characterisation Facility Planning Application -RWMAC - 1/98
/44- Enquiry into the management of Nuclear Waste. Written Evidence by -RWMAC - 1/98
/45- Enquiry into the management of Nuclear Waste. A Note on the future process of developing an underground radioactive waste disposal facility. Supplementary written evidence -RWMAC - 7/98
/46- Management of nuclear waste. Report -House of Lords - 3/99
/47- The Establishment of Scientific Consensus on the Interpretation and Significance of the Results of Science Programmes into Radioactive Waste Disposal. Advice to Ministers -RWMAC - 4/99
/48- Reality Check. Management of Nuclear Waste. Respons on HoL Report -FOE R.Western/P.Green - 5/99
/49- Radioactive waste management. UK National Concensus Conference -Citizen's Panel Report - 5/99
/50- Radioactive waste - Where next? -Parl. Office of Science and Tech. -11/97
/51- Advice on The Interim Report of the High Level Waste and Spent Fuel Disposal Research Project -RWMAC -11/98
/52- Eighteenth Annual Report of Radioactive Waste Managament Ad.Com -RWMAC - 7/98
/53- Management of Radioactive Wastes. Issues for local authorities -F.Barker, Proceedings conf.10-97 - /98
/54- An R&D Strategy for the Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel -ETR (energy Transport Regions) - 6/99
/55- Memorandum on nuclear waste to the House of Commons Select Committee on the Environment -FOE Nuclear Waste Campaign - /85
/56- Radioactive waste management: The environmental approach -CORE/Greenpeace/FOE -11/87
/57- Report on the NIREX internal inquiry. January-December 2000 -Murray/Wild/Millard/etc. - 7/01
/58- The 2004 Radioactive Waste Inventory: Main Report - Nirex, Defra -10/05
/59- The 2004 Radioactive Waste Inventory: A collation of Information on  Low Level Waste  - Nirex, Defra -10/05
/60- The 2004 Radioactive Waste Inventory: A Summary of the 2004 inventory - Nirex, Defra -10/05
/61- The 2004 Radioactive Waste Inventory: A Review of the Processes  Contributing to Radioactive Wastes in the UK - Nirex, Defra -10/05
/62- Managing our radioactive waste safely [PDF] -CoRWM - 7/06
/63- Deep repositories for spent fuel - Burrying the truth [PDF]-Hugh Richards -11/07
/64- The UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority [PDF] -S. Thomas (PSIRU) -12/04
/65- Strategy. Nuclear Decommissioning Authority . -NDA - 3/06
/66- Annual Plan 2007/08.Nuclear Decommissioning Authority -NDA - 4/07
/67- The nuclear decommissioning authority Taking forward decommissioning [PDF] -NDA, D.Howes,T.Bryant, D.Hodgson - 1/08 GR-BRITTANNIE - SPRINGFIELDS
/01- Fuel manufacturing technology at BNFL Springfields -BNFL - 9/86
/02- Springfields 40th Aniversary. Open Day. -UKAEA - /86 GR-BRITTANNIE - SIZEWELL
/01- Sizewell Report. What happenend at the Inquiry? -Martin Ice - /84
/02- Plutonium connection Sizewell B and the bomb -Rob Edwards, CND -03/83
/03- CEGB proof of evidence. On: the need for Sizewell B -F.P.Jenkin -11/82
/04- CEGB Proof of evidence. On: the nuclear fuel cycle -J.K.Wright -11/82
/05- BNFL 2 Proof of evidence -D.G.Avery -11/82
/06- Sizewell B: Under pressure -Martin Ince - /87
/07- Sizewell B public inquiry -Frank Layfield - 1/87
/08- The consequences of a nuclear accident at Sizewell B -FOE -
/09- Atomic Crossroads. Before and after Sizewell -John Valentine - /85
/10- The Case against Sizewell 'B' -Hugh Wybb Richards WANA -11/83
/11- Should Britain buy the Pressurised Water Reactor. -FOE; Patterson/Boyle/Majot - 9/86
/12- Accidents will happen.. An inquiry of the social and economic consequences af a nuclear accident at Sizewell B -F. Nectoux/W.Cannell - /84
/13- The effects of a severe reactor accident at the proposed Sizewell B station upon agriculture and fisheries in the UK and neighbouring countries -Political Ecology Research Group - 5/84
/14- Leukaemia in East Suffolk -M.F.H. Bush -  9/83
/15- The PWR decision. How not to buy a nuclear reactor -William Cannell/Renee Chudleigh - /83 GR-BRITTANNIE - SELLAFIELD - ALGEMEEN
/01- Windscale: Wiederaufarbeitung -Resist Windscale - /79
/02- Sellafield, reprocessing and the nuclear waste trade -Greenpeace - 7/90
/03- Chemical studies relating to recovery of neptunium from the Windscale plant -E.Hesford/H.McKay - /58
/04- Mother Country -Marilynne Robinson - /89
/05- Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Technology -BNFL - /85
/06- The Windscale File -Greenpeace - /82
/07- BNFL: Sellafield operations -Isle of Man Local Government -11/84
/08- BNFL: Sellafield operations -Isle of Man Local Government - 1/86
/09- The case against reprocessing -FOE - /92
/10- The case for the cessation of Magnox reprocessing with respect to BNFL, Sellafield -Greenpeace - 6/87
/11- Windscale Fallout -Ian Breach - /78
/12- Fact Pack -CORE -
/13- Airlines Crash on Nuclear Facilities. The Sellafield Case -WISE Paris -10/01
/14- Proof of Evidence  - Dr. Peter F. Chapman/FOE -  7/77
/15- The Windscale Inquiry and safety assessment. Oxford rep. no. 4 –PERG - 8/78
/16- The Legacy of Reprocessing in the United Kingdom [PDF] -Martin Forwoord, IPFM - 7/08 GR-BRITTANNIE - SELLAFIELD - ONGELUKKEN
/01- Some facts & figures on latest incidents -Friends of the Earth - 2/86
/02- Leakage of radioactive liquor into the ground 15-3-79 -Health & Safety Executive - /80 GR-BRITTANNIE - SELLAFIELD - LOZINGEN IERSE ZEE
/01- SIXEP: Site ion exchange effluent plant -BNFL - 6/85
/02- Radioactive roguery -Sydney Quance - 9/93
/03- A report on the Sellafield aerial discharges -CORE - 3/88 GR-BRITTANNIE - SELLAFIELD - ONDERZOEKEN
/01- Safety Assessment of nuclear fuel reprocessing, storage and ancillary activities -Gordon R. Thompson - 9/77
/02- HSE Investigation of Leukaemia and other cancers in the children of male workers at Sellafield -Health & Safety Executive - /93
/03- The Sellafield Study; A Study of the Gaseous Tritium & Carbon 14 Emissions from Sellafield and Their Impact on Perinatal Mortality -Hugh Richards - 3/98
/04- An investigation into the incidence of cancer ... at Windscale, Cumbria. PERG RR.6 -PERG -12/80
/05- Investigation of the possible increased incidence of cancer in West Cumbria -Independent Advisory Group (chairman D. Black) -   /84
/06- The implications of the new data on the releases from Sellafield in the 1950s…First report -COMARE (chairman M. Bobrow) -   /86
/07- A comparison of the observerved and the expected cancers of the haematopoietic and lymphatic systems  among workers at Windscale: a first report NRPB-R54 -G.W. Dolphin -12/76 GR-BRITTANNIE - SELLAFIELD - KONTRAKTEN
/01- Import/export of irradiated fuel and radioactive waste to and from the United Kingdom -Greenpeace UK - 8/90 GR-BRITTANNIE - SELLAFIELD - THORP
/01- That choice Windscale. The issues of reprocessing -Czech Conroy - 1/78
/02- Planning and Plutonium -Town & County Pla. Ass. - /78
/03- Reprocessing the thruth -Goldsmith/e.a. -
/04- THORP -C.O.R.E./P.J. Taylor -
/05- Analysis of catastrophic failure highly active liquid waste tanks at THORP and MAGNOX reprocessing plants at Sellafield -P. Taylor -
/06- THORP. An in depth investigation -C.O.R.E. -
/07- THORP. The Whitehall Nightmare -Crispin Aubrey - /93
/08- THORP and the economics of reprocessing -F.Berkhout & W.Walker -11/90
/09- Windscale; A summary of the evidence and the argument -The Guardian - 1/78
/10- Future THORP Avoidable Costs -Mike Sadnicki - 4/98
/11- THORP: The case for contract renegotations -Sadnicki/Barker/MacKerron - 6/99
/12- BNFL & Reprocessing. The deception of Customers Continues -CORE - 6/01 GR-BRITTANNIE - KC WINDSCALE & CALDER HALL
/01- Report on the Silo leak at Windscale -Health & Safety Exec. - /80
/02- Calder Hall. A technical survey -UKAEA - 3/58
/03- Calder Hall -UKAEA -10/61
/04- Calder hall. The Story of Britain's first Atomic Power Station -Kenneth Jay, Harwell - /56
/05- An assessment of the radiological impact of the Windscale reactor fire, October 1957. NRPB-R135 -M.J. Crick, G.S.Linsley -11/82 GR-BRITTANNIE - DOUNREAY
/01- Status Breeder development in Britain -Int. Breeder Report -10/81
/02- D.E.R.E. information booklet -UKAEA - 5/61
/03- Dounreay. Intermediate level solid waste retrievable store -UKAEA -
/04- Dounreay nuclear power development est. -DNPDE - 8/78
/05- Reprocessing Dounreay -Mike Townsley - 9/92
/06- Prototype Fast Reactor: A pictorial perspective -AEA Technology - /94
/07- Dounreay’s missing uranium. How the public was misled -NENIG - 7/92
/08- Dounreay -Dounr.Nucl.Power Dev.Establishment -  /82
/09- Report of Dounreay EDRP public local inquiry. Draft -A.G. Bell - 6/87
/10- Investigation of the possible incidence of leukaemia in young people near the Dounreay Nuclear Establishment. Caithness, Scotland Second report -COMARE (chairman M. Bobrow) - /88 GR-BRITTANNIE - TORNESS
/01- Torness, keep it green -Michael Flood - /79
/02- Transmission from Torness -SSEB - 2/81
/03- Torness Alliance occupiers' handbook -Torness Alliance - 5/79
/04- Torness Nuclear power station. From folly to fiasco -SCRAM - /83 GR-BRITTANNIE - HINKLEY POINT
/01- Hinkley C Public Inquiry: Local and Environmental issues -COLA nr 53 - 5/89
/02- Hinkley C Public Inquiry: Local and Environmental Issues -COLA nr 55 - 5/89
/03- Proposed nuclear power station Hinkley Point 'C' Somerset-proof of evidence -COLA nr 52 - 5/89
/04- Hinkley Inquirer, issue 6-23 -Stop Hinkley - /89
/05- Documents submitted by the participants in the inquiry and documents received up to 15 november 1988- -
/06- Hinkley Point C public inquiry -F.P. Jenkin -12/88
/07- Operating performance of PWRs -FoE/S.D. Thomas -12/88
/08- Capital costs of the PWR -CPRE/R.Grove-White -12/88 GR-BRITTANNIE - TRAWSFYNYDD
/01- Trawsfynnyd - Power at a price -Foe -10/87
/02- A Survey of cancer in the vicinity of Trawnsfynydd NPP in North Wales -Busby, Green Audit - 6/06 GR-BRITTANNIE - CAPENHURST
/01- Capenhurst Uranium Enrichment Services -BNFL -   /85 GR-BRITTANNIE - ALDERMASTON
/01- Aldermaston - Inside the citadel -Greenpeace - /93 GR-BRITTANNIE - REST INSTALLATIES
/01- Nuclear Energy in the North West -AKAEA-Northern Division - /86
/02- Annual report on radioactive discharges from Winfrith and Monitoring the Environment 1986 -UKAEA - 4/87
/03- Idem, 1987 -UKAEA - 4/88
/04- Britain's SGHWR (Heavy water) -UK AEA - 4/75
/05- Generating station at Hunterston -Secretary of State - 7/57
/06- Scotland and nuclear power -UKAEA - 6/79
/07- Here be no dragons -SSEB - 1/87
/08- Hartlepool -Nuclear Electric - 7/91
/09- Bradwell -Nuclear Electric - 7/91
/10- Provision of irradiated fuel dry storage facilities -Scottish Nuclear - /89
/11- Heysham 2/Torness. A review of AGR development. -NNC - 3/81
/12- A Promise to move Mountains. The search for uranium at Deeside -FoE Aberdeen - 6/77
/13- Harwell. The British AE Research Establishment 1946-1951 -Her Majesty's stationery office - /52
/14- Dungeness ‘A’ –CEGB - / IERLAND - ALGEMEEN
/01- Nuclear Ireland? -M.Hussey/C.Craig - /78
/02- Uranium mining in Donegal -Just books - /79
/03- The uranium grabbers -Cork city Anti-nucl. -11/79
/04- The power that corrupts. The threat of nuclear power promotion in Ireland -Irish Conservation Society - /76
/05- A Nuclear Ireland? (verslag van symposium georganiseerd door Irish Transport and General Workers Union) -compiled by John F.Carroll/e.a. - 5/78
/06- Nonviolence against nuclear power -Dawn magazine & Cork FOE - 7/80
/07- The nuclear syndrome  [[+PDF] -S.Dalby -  /84 ZWEDEN - ALGEMEEN
/01- National referendum on nuclear power -Kerstin Niblaeus - 2/80
/02- Public discussion on nuclear power -Torsten Kälvermark - 2/80
/03- Zweden referendum -Revoluon - 5/80
/04- Before & After: The Swedish referendum -Per Ragnarson - 7/80
/05- Nuclear Sweden VI -Swedish Atomic Forum -
/06- Swedish nuclear energy experience -Asea-Atom - 2/85
/07- Olof Palme, Helmut Schmidt und die Schwedische atombombe -M.Küntzel - 5/88
/08- Lernen ohne Atomkraft zu Leben -Svenska Institutet - 4/90
/09- konsekvenser av en kärnkraftavvecklig -Elkraft '79/CDL -12/79
/10- Nuclear Sweden -Swedish Atomic Forum -
/11- Elkraftförädlande industri och kärnkraftstopp -Näringslivets Energiin. -10/79
/12- Zweeds uranium -Hagman/Holmstrand/ea. - 6/82
/13- L'énergie nucléaire en Suède - - /90
/14- After chernobyl -swedish government -10/86
/15- SKI. Swedish nuclear power inspectorate -SKI -
/16- Nuclear Sweden V -Swedish Atomic Forum -
/17- Kommer vi att ha handlingsfrihet på energiområdet? -H.Albinsson - /79
/18- Energi och naturresurser -Centem -
/19- Tema Uran -Politisk Tidskrift - 3/81
/20- Bort fran Kärnkraften - Folke- -Magnus Nilsson - /85
/21- Sol eller Uran. -att välja energifrantid -Slutrapport: Energi och samhälle - /79
/22- Svensk reaktorsäkerhet -Elkraft - /79
/23- History of the Swedish Atom Bomb -Christer Larsson/ Ny Technik - 4/85
/24- Annual Report 1992/93 -SKI - 93
/25- Annual Report 1993/94 -SKI - 94
/26- Annual Report 1994/95 -SKI - 95
/27- Annual Report 1995/96 -SKI - 5/97
/28- Annual Report 1997 -SKI - 98
/29- The Swedish Nuclear Phase-out -FOE Sweden -  /97
/30- Socialdemokrater mot Kaernkraft -SAFE -  /80
/31- Summary of the Swedish nuclear power referendum -D. Abrahamson, T.B. Johansson -  7/80
/32- the Swedish Case (Tjernobyl + 20) [PDF] -Mans Loenroth -  4/06
/33- Uranbrytning i Sverige?Miljöeffecter av uranbrytning -O.Holmstrand/J.Lindholm - /09 ZWEDEN - AFVAL
/01- Nuclear waste. The problem is not solved -Goldstick/e.a. - 8/86
/02- Final Repository for Reactor Waste-SFR -SBK - /86
/03- Central Interim Storage for Spent Nuclear Waste-CLAB -SBK - /86
/04- STRIPA deep underground research facility for nuclear waste disposal -SKB -
/05- CLAB central storage facility for spent fuel -SKBF - /82
/06- Final Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel KBS-3 -SKBF/KBS - 5/83
/07- Safe Handling and Storage of High Level Radioactive Waste -KBS - /79
/08- Radioactive Waste From Nuclear Power Plants: Facing the Ringhals-3 Decision -Johansson/Steen - 9/78
/09- Handling and final disposal of nuclear waste -SKB - 9/86
/10- Säkert slutförvar för använt kärnbränsle -SKBF - /83
/11- Uran- och avfallsläger -Rädda Kynnefjäll - 8/83
/12- Disposal of High Active Nuclear Fuel Waste -Industridepartement Energikomm. - /78
/13- Public Involvement in the Siting of Contentious Facilities; Lessons from the radioactive waste repository siting programmes in Canada and the United States, with special reference to the Swedish Repository Siting Process -Statens Stralskyddsinstitut SKI - 8/97
/14- Financing; Covering the expenses for nuclear waste -SKI -11/98
/15- RD&D programme 98; Treatment and final disposal of nuclear waste -SKI - 9/98
/16- Acceptans Tolerans Delaktighet -KASAM - 3/92
/17- Kärnavfall och Beslut -KASAM - 4/97
/18- Kärnavfall och Säkerhet -KASAM -11/97
/19- Kunskapsläget på kärnavfallsområdet 1998 -KASAM - /98
/20- General siting study 95 - siting of a deep repository for spent fuel -SKB -10/95
/21- This is how we manage Sweden's radioactive waste -SKB - /98
/22- Treatment and final disposal of nuclear waste -SKB - 9/95
/23- Summaries of technical reports - issued during 1997 -SKB - 5/98
/24- Disposal Technology and Site Selection -KASAM - /96
/25- Review of the KBS-3 plan for handling and final storage of unreporcessed spent nuclear fuel -Ministry of Industry - /84
/26- M/S Sigyn –SKB - /
/27- This is how nuclear waste management is financed in Sweden. Disposal of spent nuclear fuel 5 -Nat.Board f.Spent Nucl. Fuel (SKN) -11/90
/28- Financing: Covering the expenses for nuclear waste -SKI -11/98
/29- Kernkraftavfall. Avfallskedjans syn pa den svenska hanteringen -Per Olov Holmstrand - /01
/30- Final Deposition of High-Level Nuclear Waste in Very Deep Boreholes -MKG. Karl-Inge Ahall -12/06 ZWEDEN - REST INSTALLATIES
/01- Forsmark 1, 2, 3 -Vattenfall - /84
/02- I skuggan av Barsebäck -Per Kageson - /80
/03- Ringhalsverket. Teknisk information -Vattenfall - 1/87
/04- Summary of operating experience at Swedish plants 1986 -RKS - 4/87
/05- Summary of operating experience at Swedish plants 1987 -Kärnkraftsäkerhet - 2/88
/06- A Study of Some of the Consequences of Hypothetical Reactor Accidents at Barsebäck -Jan Beyea - 1/78
/07- Swedish Reactor Safety Study: Barsebäck Risk Assessment -MHB Technical Associat. - 1/78
/08- Forsmark nuclear power plant unit 3 -ABB -
/09- Nuclear Power (Barsbebäck) -Sydkraft -
/10- Facts about waste and emissions at OKG -OKG Sydkraft   -
/11- Kärnkraftskolan -AB Kärnkraftutbildning - /
/12- Dansk beredskabsplan for Barsebäckværket –Miljøstyrelsen -12/81
/13- Barsebeck. Technical information –Sydkraft - /
/14- Kärnkraftens problem och fallet Ringhals -T.Maunsbach, B.Mårtensson - 8/74 NOORWEGEN - ALGEMEEN
/01- Love at first sight. Co-operation between the Netherlands and Norway on the peaceful use of atomic energy, 1950-1960 -J.van Splunter - /94
/02- Geschiedenis van Noors-Nederlandse samenwerking op het gebied van de kernenergie -J.A.Goedkoop - /68
/03- The Norwegian plan of action for nuclear safety issues -Ministry of Foreign Affairs - 7/97
/04- Half a century of Nordic Nuclear Co-operation -Franz R.Marcus -11/97
/05 - NVE informer om kjernekraftwerk -NVE - 1/73
/06- Lokalisering av kjernekraftwerk I Oslofordomradet -NVE - 3/73 NOORWEGEN - REST INSTALLATIES
/01- OECD Halden Reactor Project 1958-1978 -OECD - /78
/01- OECD Halden Reactor Project 1978 -OECD - /79
/03- OECD Halden Reactor Project 1979 -OECD - /80
/04- OECD Halden Reactor Project 1980 -OECD - /82
/05- OECD Halden Reactor Project 1981 -OECD - /82 FINLAND - ALGEMEEN
           FINLAND - GENERAL
/01- Electricity in Finland 1981 -Finnish Ass. of Electricity Supply U. -
/02- Efter Tjernobyl -Kjell Lindblad - /86
/03- Policy on renewable Energy Resources. Two scenarios -Finn. Ministry Trade & industry - /99
/04- Finland’s Natural Resources and the Environment 2003 -Official Statistics of Finland - 9/03
/05- The economics of new nuclear power plants [PDF] -K.Kosonen, Greenpeace -
/06- Not excluding nuclear. The dynamics and stability of nuclear power arrangements in Finland [PDF] -Litmanen & Kojo - 7/11 FINLAND - AFVAL
/01- Site selection studies for final disposal of spent fuel in Finland -IAEA - 2/84
/02- Nuclear Waste Management in Finland -Posiva Oy - /98
/03- The final disposal facility of spent nuclear fuel - Environmental Impact Assessment Programme -Posiva Oy - 1/98
/04- Final disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Why? Where? How? When -Posiva -
/05- Stepwise decision making in Finland for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Workshop proceedings Turku, Finland 15-16 November 2001 -NEA - /02
/06- Carl Country report Finland [PDF] -Matti Kojo/DPSIR/UTa -05/06 FINLAND - REST INSTALLATIES
/01- Loviisa Power Station -IVO (Imatran Voima Oy) - /82
/02- Olkiluoto 3: De bouw van een nieuwe EPR-centrale in Finland: Financiële en technische aspecten  -Claeys, Fauconnier, BBL,GP,WWF -  /06
/03- Pressurized Water Reactor 1600MW (EPR) Olkiluoto-3 Finland -Areva -   /05
/04- EPR reactor project in Finland. What you won’t hear from the industry [PDF] -Kaisa Kosonen, Greenpeace -10/06 DENEMARKEN - ALGEMEEN
/03- Public Involvement in Denmark (in Decision making) -Poul Erik Mouritsen -10/77
/04- Annual Report of Riso National Laboratory. 1.4.'76 - 31.3.'77 -RISO - /77
/05- "aldrig gi'r vi op" (fotoboek verzet algemeen) -OOA - /78
/06- Energy Planning in Denmark. Rev. July -Danish Energy Agency - 7/83
/07- En alternative energiplan for Danmark -OOA -10/83
/08- Skal vi satse pa atomkraft? -Ingeniorens Ugeblad - /74
/09- Research Establishment Riso 1975/76 -RISO -11/76
/10- Den lille OOA’er  -OOA - 1/91
/11- Denmark without nuclear power –OOA -11/79
/12- Foreløbige pladsundersøgelser for nukleare kraftværker –ELSAM - /73
/13- Foreløbige pladsundersøgelser for nukleare kraftværker.Kortbilag –ELSAM - /73
/14- Energiplan 81  -Energiministeriet -11/81
/15- Energy Planning in Denmark -Danish Energy Agency - 1/83
/16- Hydrogeological investigations: Mors Erslev 1S: Geotechnical report no 7 -Danish geotechnical Institute -03/80
/17- Proposal for basic safety requirements regarding the disposal of high-level radioactive waste -Danish Nat.Agency Envir.Prot. -04/80
/18- Geological remarks about the North Jutland salt Domes in respect on their Suitability for Radioactive Waste Disposal -G. Richter-Bernburg -02/81
/19- Report on the geoelectrical soundings at Elsø, Mors : An attempt to map faultzones -N.Bull/Geological Survey of Denmark -03/81
/20- The Geological Survey of Denmark: Chemical analysis of Erslev no. 2 Salt -T. Laier -03/81
/21- Disposal of High-Level Waste from Nuclear Power Plants in Denmark: Salt Dome Investigations Volume I: Summary" -Elsam/Elkraft -06/81
/22- DGU's vurdering: Af elfkraft og elsama Salthorstundersogelser: Bind I -Danmark Geol. Unders. - /82
/23- DGU's vurdering: Af elfkraft og elsama Salthorstundersogelser: Bind III -Danmark Geol. Unders. - /82
/24- Disposal of high-level waste for nuclear power plants in Denmark (brief summary) -Elkraft/Elsam -11/82 OOSTENRIJK - ALGEMEEN
/01- Kernenergie, gevaar of noodzaak. Anatomie van een conflict -Helga Nowotny - 1/83
/02- Die Atomgegner haben recht behalten -AG Nein Zwentendorf - /80
/03- Atomstaat zweiter Anlauf? -AAI -
/04- Sauberer Stromkauf leicht gemacht -Global 2000 -  /01
/05- Die Atomenergie und (Nieder)Oesterreich [PDF] -Peter Weish -+/-02
/06 Austria's no to nuclear power [PDF] -Peter Weishl -04/88 OOSTENRIJK - OPINIE
/01- Atomendlösung, Nein -öster.-Tsje. Anti Atom Komitee - /98
/02- Wege aus dem Atomzeitalter. Das Grune Anti-Atom-Buch -Die Gruenen -
/03- Atomendlösung Nein -OTAAK -  /99
/04- Wie ist das mit den Atomkraftwerken wirklich? -Initiative Oest. AKW Gegner - 9/78 OOSTENRIJK - INSTALLATIES
/01- Der Seibersdorfer Atommüll. Woher es kommt. Wohin es geht -Plattform gg WAA Wack. - /90
/02- Desaster Zwentendorf -Alexander Tollmann - /83
/03- A laboratory for technology transfer –IAEA - 9/83
/04- Zwischentone. Zwentendorf 20 Jahre danach -PLAGE -  /98
/05- Widerstand auf Plateausohlen. Volksabstimmung Zwentendorf 1978. Broschure zur Ausstellung -   /98
/06- Das Atomkraftwerk Zwentendorf - Berichterstattungen in O-1 Journalsendungen [PDF] -Anton Hubauer / Mediathek - >00 ZWITSERLAND - ALGEMEEN
/01- Bericht 1988 über die Mitwirkung der Schweiz in der internationalen Umweltschutz-Tätigkeit -Bundesamt für Umwelt - /89
/02- Schweizer Atomindustrie im Dienste der atomaren Aufrüstung -Peter Hug - /83
/03- Zur Diskussion um die Atomenergie -Ernst Wahli -12/78
/04- Strom aus unseren Kraftwerken -INFEL -
/05- Strom-Tatsachen -VSE - 6/87
/06- Kernkraftwerke in der Schweiz -SVA -
/07- Schweizer AKW-Plutonium, Atomforschung, und Atomare Aufrüstung -Schweizerischen Friedensrat - 8/85
/08- Kernenergie Kraftwerke -A.Meichle Elektrowirtschaft - /78
/09- The Swiss nuclear industry -SVA -10/98
/10- Les centrales nucléaires, c’est délirant! -Sortir du nucléaire (Genève) -   /03
/11- Mythos Stromluecke. Die Stromzukunft der Schweiz. Fachtagung 31-8-07 -Schweicherische Energie-Stiftung - 8/07
/12- Neue atomkraftwerke in der Schweiz. Fachtagung 12/09/08 - SES -09/08 ZWITSERLAND - OPINIE
/01- "Strom und Gesellschaft", 16-18 Mai 1998 Publiforum -Bürgerpanels - 5/98
/02- Energiewende …  -Strohm ohne Atom, MoratoriumPlus - 4/98
/03- Die Auseinandersetzungen ium die zivile Nutzung der Atomenergie [+PDF] -Patrick Kupper -
/04- Umweltbewegung und Anti-AKW Beweging in der Schweiz [+PDF] -Renato Steck, David Kieffer -+/-04 ZWITSERLAND - AFVAL
/01- NAGRA-Angebohrt: Analyse der Behauptungen -IG Pro Fricktal - 4/82
/02- Nukleare entsorgung Schweiz: Konzept & Ubersicht über das projekt 1985 -NAGRA - 1/85
/03- Wir lassen uns den Atommull nicht aufzwingen -Atomkraft gegner - 5/78
/04- Behandlung und Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle, eine internationale Bestandsaufnahme -SVA - 6/89
/05- Von der Natur lernen -NAGRA - 9/85
/06- Nagra Felslabor Grimsel -NAGRA -
/07- Radioaktive Abfälle unter Kontrolle -INFEL -
/08- FEBEX: Full-Scale experiment for a high level waste repository -ENRESA/NAGRA/ANDRA/GRS/EU -
/09- Energie-Dialog Entsorgung. Schlussbericht des Vorsitzende.. -Bundesamt für Energie -11/98
/10- Verantwortung für eine ferne Zukunft. Vom Umgang mit radioaktiven Abfallen am Beispiel Wellenberg, Hearing Zürich, 14-12-94 -Coalition anti-Nucleaire -12/94
/11- NAGRA. Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle -NAGRA - 6/99
/12- Kosten der Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle. Ausübung der Oberaufsicht -NWA/SES, proces stuk - 3/99
/13- The FEBEX project. General overview -ENRESA -
/14- Fragen und Antworten zur Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle -NAGRA - 6/95
/15- Der Wellenberg: ein Stück Heimat! -Abstimmungskomitee Stop Wellenberg -  /95
/16- Zentrales Zwischenlager Würenlingen -ZWILAG - 6/97
/17- Endlager für kurzlebige Abfälle. Vorbericht zur Standortwahl. Technischer Bericht 93-15 -NAGRA - 6/93
/18- Annual report 1997  -NAGRA -  /98
/19- Geschäftsbericht 1997 -NAGRA -  /98
/20- Nagra. 1996  -NAGRA -  /97
/21- Das Endlager im Wellenberg: Antworten auf Ihre Fragen -GNW -  /95
/22- Chronik Wellenberg 1934 bis Juni 1996 -Arbeitsgruppe kritisches Wolfenschiessen - 6/96
/23- Mythos ‘Gewähr’. Geschichte der Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfälle in der Schweiz -M. Buser (SES) - 4/88
/24- Entsorgungskonzept fuer Radioaktive Abfaelle. Schlussbericht [PDF] -EKRA ExpertenGruppe. - 1/00
/25- Radioaktiver Abfaelle in der Schweiz. Hauplttext [PDF] -Thomas Flueler -  /02
/26- Erdbeben. Keine gefahr fur tiefenlager. (Themenheft Nr.4) - Nagra/A.Rieser -03/10
/27- Standortareale für die oberflächenanlage von tiefenlagern: Vorschläge zur diskussion (including DVD) -Nagra -01/12 ZWITSERLAND - REST INSTALLATIES
/01- Darum werden wir Kaisersaugst verhindern -Stefan Füglister - /84
/02- Das Kernkraftwerk Gösgen -KKG -
/03- Kernkraftwerk in Betrieb: Leibstadt -KKW Leibstadt -
/04- Atombetrug: Hintergründe und Informationen zu Leibstadt und andere schweizerische Atomkraftwerke -Züricher Atomkraftgegn. - 2/78
/05- KKG Geschäftsbericht 1985 -KKW Gösgen-Däniken AG - 3/86
/06- Geschäftsbericht 1986 -KKW Gösgen-Däniken AG - 3/87
/07- Das Kernkraftwerk Gösgen in Bildern -KKW Gösgen-Däniken AG -
/08- Kernkraftwerk Gösgen -KKW Gösgen-Däniken AG -
/09- Atomkraftwerk Beznau-Döttingen der NOK -NOK/Westinghouse/BBC - 2/86
/10- Kernkraftwerk Leibstadt, technischen Beschreibung -Hugo Schumacher - 1/87
/11- Kernkraftwerk Gösgen - - / SPANJE - ALGEMEEN
         SPAIN - GENERAL
/01- Dossier contre la repression - - 7/88
/02- La problemàtica de les centrals nuclears -comite antin.Catalunya - /77
/03- Sin Nucleares. Cerrada. Un projecto para sustituir la energia electronuclear en espana -Greenpeace - 4/87
/04- Energia. 45 dibujos contra la energia nuclear -Aedenat -
/05- L'Urani a Catalunya -Comitè antiurani de vic - 2/80
/06- El síndrome nuclear -Santiago Vilanova - 9/80
/07- La Crisis Nuclear. Una alternativa socialista para Espana -Fed. de Energia UGT-ICEF - /81
/08- Energía Política Informacíon - -12/79
/09- Jornades de debat 'Energia, Recursos i Moviments Socials' -Comite antinuclear Catalunya - 5/82
/10- Planificar sin energia nuclear -AEDENAT -
/11- Il conferènce Catalana per un futur sense nuclears -Fundació caixa de Barcelona - 4/88
/12- 1992 sin nucleares -Greenpeace - 4/87
/13- L'urani a Catalunya -Comitè Antinuclear de Catalunya -10/82
/14- Stranded costs in the Spanish electricity industry -M. Lasheras -10/98
/15- La problematica de les centrals nuclears -Com. Antinuclear de Catalunya -  /78
/16- Zona no nuclear -Acció Ecologista - /
/17- Plans d’evacuació nuclear? No, gràcies -Acció Ecologista - / SPANJE - AFVAL
/01- Les Raons d'un No. Magatzem radiactiu -Coord. vecinal anti-almacen -
/02- Objectives achieved, Future projects -ENRESA -12/97
/03- El Cabril Disposal facility Low and Intermediate level -ENRESA - 2/98
/04- Catálogo de Publicationes 1998 -ENRESA - 2/99
/05- International Cooperation -ENRESA -  /98 SPANJE - ASCO
         SPAIN - ASCO
/01- Ascó a peu coix -WISE Tarragona - 7/85
/02- Analisi critic dels estudis de seguretat realitzats per a F.E.C.S.A. sobre les dades sismiques necessaries pel disseny antisismic de -Grup d'Estudis de la problemàtica les centrales nuclears d'Ascó Energètica - 5/80 SPANJE - VANDELLOS
/01- El reactor nuclear de Vandellos-1.... -WISE - 2/87
/02- Aciddente en la central nuclear de Vandellos II -WISE - 7/88 SPANJE - LEMONIZ
         SPAIN - LEMONIZ
/01- Euskadi O Lemoniz! -Costa Vasta No Nuclear - 4/79
/02- Dossier PSOE Lemoiz -Euskadiko Antinuklear Komiteak - 2/83 SPANJE - COFRENTES
/01- Dosier sobre nuevas anomalias en la construccion de la central nuclear de Cofrentes -Grupo ecologista libertario -12/83
/02- Exposicia anti-nuclear, 20 anys contra la C.N. de Cofrentes -Coordinadora Antinuclear de Co. - /94 SPANJE - VALDECABALLEROS
/01- La Central Nuclear de Valdecaballeros el Futuro de Extremadura -ADENEX - 4/85 SPANJE - REST INSTALLATIES
/01- El accidente nuclear de Palomares 1966 - 1986 -CAPS - 9/86
/02- Informe sobre la central nuclear de Zorita -Aedenat - 3/94
/03- An environmental action decommissioning Andujar Uranium Mill -ENRESA - PORTUGAL - ALGEMEEN
/01- Centrais Mucleares em Portugal -Projecto de Livro Branco - 4/78
/02- 10 anos de luta ecológica -Amigos da Terra - 4/89
/03- L'aventura nuclear -Col.lectiu ecologista de Griona -10/79 ITALIE - ALGEMEEN
         ITALY - GENERAL
/01- Energy isues and policies in Italy -Umberto Colombo/ENEA - /84
/02- Conferenza nazionale sull'energia -ENEA - 3/87
/03- Dossier Chernobyl - Allegati -ENEA - 6/86
/04- Centrali Nucleari Rischi e Danni alla salute -E. Tiezzi, WISE -
/05- Tra Chernobyl E i referendum: Le alternative energetiche -Lega per l'ambiente -10/86
/06- Nucleare? No! Grazie. Aspetti politici, economici, ecologici della critica antinucleare -Mario Signorino -12/77
/07- (o.a.) L’opposition alla scelta nucleare -Lega per L’energia alternativa e per… -
/01  Italy, nuclear and ECA’s. An Eye on SACE Campaign, Italy  -Antonio Tricarco  – ITALIE - REST INSTALLATIES
/01- Il velena nella coda -Melania Cavelli - /87
/02- International Centre for Theoratical Physics (ICTP) -IAEA -10/89
/03- Italian Reactor Safety Study Caorso Risk Assessment -MHB Technical Associat. - 6/80
/04- Site-specific accident analysis for the Latina nuclear power reactor in Borgo Sabotino, Italy: Environmental, medical and economic consequences -W.Jackson Davis - 1/87
/05- Centrali Nucleari Rischi e Danni alla salute -Enzo Tiezzi WISE / SPIE - /79

2.20    ALBANIE
2.20/01- Electrification in the People’s Republic of Albania - -  /68 TURKIJE - ALGEMEEN
/01- Nuclear Threat in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Case Against Turkey's Akkuyu Nuclear Plant -David H.Martin. Nucl. Awareness Pro. - 6/00