NEW: Laka's online poster collection
Online: 5000 posters from the international anti-nuclear movement

In December 2021 Laka launched a database with more than 5000 posters from the worldwide anti-nuclear movement. The database is part of Laka's 'special collections' - the fighting culture of the international anti-nuclear movement - which also includes music and graphic novels. Apart from campaigning against the pro-nuclear revival in the Netherlands, Laka has an important function as treasurer of the cultural heritage of the anti-nuclear movement: in the Netherlands but also internationally.

Anti-nuclear posters from 28 different countries

An online exhibition

Exhibition at the Rietveld Art Academy, Amsterdam, March 2013 Exhibition at the Uranium Filmfestival Rio de Janeiro, June 2011
Below you find a small selection of posters opposing nuclear power from the collection of the Laka archive. From 28 countries 4 posters are shown. We tried to cover different aspects and time-periods for each country, but for some countries we did not succeed in that due to the limited number of posters available.

If you are interested in posters in order to organise an exhibition, please contact us and we will discuss the possibilities.

If you want to donate posters, please also contact us at

In 2011, the Laka Foundation in cooperation with WISE, published Radiating Posters. A collection posters from the global movement against nuclear power. In this book 600 posters from 40 countries are reproduced. Look here for more details and how to order.

Click on the thumbnail below for a larger image. Be patience, it may take a few seconds before it will appear in the left upper corner of your screen. More information about each poster will appear when moving your mouse over the thumbnail


Basuro nuclear Argentino. Amenaza Radiactiva. 5 Agosto Charla del Fisico; 1988; 22x48cm; Comité Chileno por el Desarme y la Desnuclearizacion Riesgo Nuclear en Argentina; 1994; 30x42cm; Greenpeace Argentina Chubut, No es basurero. Y mucho menos nuclear; 1996; 37x58cm; Red Nacional de Accion Ecologista Esto piensan algunos diputados de Nuestra Constitucion. Impedi que se importe basura nuclear; 2002; 148x119cm; Greenpeace Argentina


Stop Uranium Action Day; 1978; 39x74cm; Movement Against Uranium Mining (MAUM) Non-nuclear future; 1978-83; 35x46cm; CANE, Campaign against nuclear energy Stop Jabiluka Mine; 1998; 30x42cm We say NO radioactive waste dump in our Ngura - in our country; 2000; 42x30cm; Irati Wanti


Nein zu Zwentendorf, 1978 EUsterreich. Spannung steigt; 1994; 59x84cm; PLAGE Lasst dass Uran in der Erde; 1997; The Lie of the Peaceful Atom; 2004; 84x120cm; PLAGE


Democratie; 1978-82; 42x55cm; VAKS, Ver. Aktiegroepen KernStop Doel-bewust stoppen; 1979; 40x61cm; VAKS Antwerpen / Ludo Hendrickx Geen atoomafval in zee; 1983; 42x61cm; VAKS, Ver. Aktiegroepen KernStop Varkens kunnen vliegen; 1996; 30x42cm; Greenpeace Belgium


The problem... the solution; 2009; Flavio Carvalho Pela vida Pela paz…Hiroshima nunca mais. Angra III Não!; 2001; SAPE Sociedade Angrense de Protecão Ecológica Chernobyl. Hiroshima nunca mais; 2006; SAPE Sociedade Angrense de Protecão Ecológica Alerta! Hiroshima Nunca Mais; 2009; 30x43cm; SAPE


Stop the Darlington nuclear power plant; 1977; 43x58cm; Greenpeace Canada Saskatchewan is being targeted as a high-level radioactieve dump. Say No!; 2009; 28x43; Clean Green Saskatchewan Battle of the century. Mr 'Green' Clean vs. 'Big Bruce' Power; 2009; 42x60cm; Clean Green Regina, Renewable Energy Alliance, Pelimba Institute - Richard Vickaryous Nuclear power is … all of the above; 2009; 60x31cm; Clean Green Saskatchewan

Czech Republic

Cernobyl v nas. Vystava umeleckej a dokumentarnej fotografie; 1996; 42x60; Greenpeace Czech Republic Stop Temelin. International Protestweek July; 1997; 33x45cm; CIS /design: Adam Trachtman Jahodná Stop. Greenpeace; 2006; 30x42cm; Greenpace Czech Republic Energetika prisel cas ji zmenit. Neobnovitelne Obnovitelne Zdroje; 2009;  42x60cm; Calla


(no text - comic); 1975-80; 50x36cm; OOA / Claus Deleuran Atom-march; 1978; 45x65cm; OOA Rock mod Atomkraft; 1983; 42x60; OOA Slut op om; 1986; 40x60cm; OOA / Alex Camacho


Maan puoloustus-Leiri; 1982; 30x42cm; Fred Miljö Livsstil Windscale, Harrisburg, Tshernobyl; 1987; 50x70cm Jäähyväiset Ydinvoimalle; 2002; 30x42cm; Valtavirta / Riikka Taavetti Tshernobyl Paiva; 2003; 30x42cm; Vallavirta


Malville: occupons de site nucleaire; 1976; 40x60cm; Les Amis de la Terre Lyon, RAF76 Non a L'uranium; 1980; 50x80cm; Collectif Savoie Uranium Non Sortons de l'age du nucleaire; 2002; Sortir du nucleaire festival du Bure; 2006; 40x60cm; / Lorraine Graphic


Grossdemonstration Bonn; 1979; BBU Karlsruhe Brokdorf 80; 1980; Gorleben ist üeberall; 1996-98; 97x61cm Widerstand braucht Phantasie; 2004; 21x60cm; Anti-Atom Aktuell


We say no to nuclear factory. We say no to nuclear death, 1974; 69x49cm A new policy is born, Ecologists Alternative; 1989-90; 58x86cm; Federation of Ecologists and Alternative Groups 1ste international anti-nuclear festival of Rhodes; 2006; Meditterraen Anti-nuclear watch Nuclear energy, No thanks. We say No to nukes; 2008; 49x70cm; Initiative Against Nuclear Energy


PLTN Public Opponents Nuclear Tragedy. Commemorate the tragedy of Chernobyl; 2006; 30x42cm; Manusia (Masrarakat Antinuklir Indonesia) Chernobyl + 22. Revealing the health tragedy and preventing efforts in Indonesia; 2008; 42x30; Manusia Creating Muria nuclear power plant inflames the earth; 2008-10; 30x42cm Save our earth from nuclear danger; 2008-10; 30x42cm


June 3, International Day against nuclear energy; 1979 National demonstration Rome after Chernobyl; 1988 I have a scream. No al nucleare!!!; 2009; Verdi di Palermo Si al referendum contro il nucleare. Si alle energie rinnovabili, 2011; Partito Democratic


Stop the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant …for the sake of our children…; 2007; CNIC/Gensuikin/Greenpeace/Stop Reprocessing National & Aomori. Illustrator: Seizo Tashima; designer: Etsuko Komatsu Leave your children an earth that is more beautiful than when you were born, one that they can feel safe in. Stop Monju; 2010; Organizing Committee Phase-Out Nucear Energy Day No! Nukes! Genpatsu Sayonara! Goodbye Nuclear Plant!; 2011; 42x60cm 4.10 No Nukes. Toward the day of anger. Massdemonstration Koenji Tokyo; 2011; 42x60cm

The Netherlands

Dodewaard gaat dicht!; 1980; 41x61cm; Gelderse Stroomgroepen Schoonstroom; 1986; 42x60cm; Vereniging Milieudefensie Borssele Dicht!; 1987; 41x61cm: Secretariaat Nooit Meer Tsjernobyl Kernenergie nee bedankt; 2006; 42x60cm; WISE / 1 million / Mads Eskesen


Sayago, nao ! o douro quer viver!; 1980; 40x60cm; organizada pelos de Gruppo de ecologistas de Norte Nao a ao nuclear. Marcha 5 Junho -Sayago; 1980; 40x60cm; organizada pelos de Sayago Uranio em Nisa Não. Nisa, Dia 19 de Outubro; 2008; Movimento Urânio em Nisa Não Energia Nuclear em Portugal. Dia 28 de Maio. Fundamenta as tuas ideias com palestras e debates!; 2009; Commissao Coordinadora de Engenharia do Ambiente (CCEA)


Earthday! For an energy sector without danger, for a future without nuclear energy; 2001; 30x42cm Minatom-they need dirty money. Yabloko-we want a clean country; 2002; 61x86cm; Yabloko Usual nuclear terror -spent nuclear fuel and usual nuclear terror have the same abbreviation; 2011; 30x42cm; Ecodefense Chernobyl-200,000 sq km contaminated; 600,000 liquidators; $200 billion in damage; 350,000 people evacuated; 50 mln Ci of radiation. Are you ready to pay this price for the development of nuclear power?; 2011; 30x42cm; Ecodefense

South Africa

Gegen das Atomkomplott; 1975; AntiApartheid Bewegung /afas Gegen Atomare Zusammenarbeit, 1978 Non a la centrale nucleaire; 1980; 40x60cm; Anti-Outspan COCIAA Nuclear energy costs the Earth; 2002; 59x42cm; Earthlife South Africa

South Korea

Remember Chernobyl; 1996; 52x77cm; Hyung Soo Choi No; 1997; 53x73cm; KFEM Stop nuclear waste transportation; 1997; 53x73cm; KFEM Beyond Nukes; 2001; 52x42cm; No Nukes Asia Forum


Cementerio nuclear No; 1988; 33x57cm; Aedenat Vandellos Chernobil; 1989; 50x70cm; Comite Antinuclear Cofrentes / J.Ortega Cadena humana a Asco i Vandellos; 1984; Manifestacion por el cierre de Almaraz; 2005; Ecologistas & Accion


Barsebaeck-March; 1977; 38x59cm; Miljoeforbundet / OOA / NOAH Stoppa Pleutajokk!; 1980; 45x64cm; PH Atomkraft? Nej tack!; 1981; 50x70cm; FMK / Christin Jonsen Barsebaeck-marsch; 1982; 30x42cm; OOA /FMK


Atomschutz Initiative, JA!; 1978; 34x59cm; Atomschutz Initiative Ja Wir werden Kaiseraugst verhindern; 1980; 30x42; GAGAK Tschernobyl 1700km, Fessenheim 56km; 1986; 42x30cm; GAGAK Strom ohne Atom; 2003; 89x127cm; Strom ohne Atom


Recall Bad Legislators, People in Charge; 1994; Taiwan Environmental Protection Union TEPU, Mr. Lee, Yung-Chuan I Antinuclear, Therefore I am; 1995; No Nukes Asia Forum, TEPU, Mr. Lee, Yung-Chuan No nuclear homeland. Live safely in Taiwan; 2000; 43x62cm; No-Nukes Taiwan / Mr. Pan, Peter Hsiao-Hsia Rather nude than nuke. Stop building the fourth nuclear power plant; 2006; Taiwan Environmental Protection Union TEPU


Nukleer karsiti Kongre, 1992; 47x68cm; Nükleer Karsiti Platform Enerjide cozum mu?; 1993; 46x65cm; Nükleer Karsiti Platform/design: Namik K. Sarikavak Akkuyu Chernobil Olmasin; 1996; 30x42cm; Nükleer Karsiti Platform Nukleer santral yaptirmayacagiz; 2000; Elektrik Muhendislerli Odas Istanbul Subesi


Zaporosian Cosacks; 1988; 85x59cm; Block 4, Alexander Lekomtsev, Eugen Morozovsky, Oleg Staykov Chernobyl museum; 1993; 60x89cm; Chernobyl Museum Energy saving will stop nuclear monster; 2000-2005; Voice of Nature Stop Rivne-2, Khmelnitsky-4; 1999; 42x59cm; Greenpeace, CEE Bankwatch Network

United Kingdom

Stop Sizewell B; 1979; 42x60cm; Anti-Nuclear Campaign / Stephen Brown Stop RTZ; 1981; 45x64cm; Partizans A great energy is about to be released; 1986; 30x42cm is digging a hole really the answer?; 1990-93; 30x42; Nuclear Information, Godalming / Zoe Hall

United States of America

no more nuclear victims, 1979; 46x58cm; Mobilization for survival No nukes, March on Washington; 1979; 15th Anniversary of TMI accident, 1994 Coming soon, to roads near you; 2002; 28x43cm; Citizen Alert