Other Poster Collections

The description of the poster often contains a location; a collection of which the poster is part of. That can be an online but also offline collection. Please check out those wonderful collections!
Listed is the first location where the poster has been found. It is very possible that posters are part of other collections too.

Below a list of collections mentioned in the database (in alphabetical order but starting with:)

Archive Laka
Laka Foundation, the documentation and research centre on nuclear power, has an extensive library with many thousands of books and reports (check the catalogue), posters (well, you noticed that already!), music (check), buttons (check), magazines (check), and a lot more. And a large collection orginal posters.
The Netherlands

Affischerna 1967-1979
(The posters 1967-1979) is an internet exhibition displaying Swedish alternative poster art from 1967 to 1979, an important part of our 20th century cultural history. It is a non-profit project with the purpose to inform and inspire.

AGUS Markgräflerland
AGUS Markgräflerland ('Arbeitsgemeinschaft Umweltschutz') is an independent & non-partisan, non-profit registered association; Founded in 1975, it is committed to preserving a livable environment as the foundation of our lives

Allicht collectie
Allicht was a Dutch anti- nuclear magazine produced in Tilburg. Laka had the opportunity to digitize its poster collection.

Amis de la Terre collection.
The association Les Amis de la Terre France was created in 1970 and is co-founder of the International Federation of Friends of the Earth. At the French Archive National a large collection of FOE's history can be found

Amsab is the Belgian Institute for Social History. We keep, disclose, research and valorise the historical struggle for Bread and for Roses, for material improvement of the destiny and a better quality of life. A battle that has crystallized on various themes and in many organizational forms. A struggle against ever new forms of inequality.

Les Années Giscard 1974-1981
Posterbook. For more information see the Posterbook section

Askatasunaren irudiak
Posterbook. For more information see the Posterbook section
Basq Country, Spain

Bild Archiv Austria
Bildarchiv Austria is the image platform of the Austrian National Library. Besides posters also a huge collection of photograph's about Austrian history.

British Anti-Apartheid Movement
This website tells the story of the British Anti-Apartheid Movement and its campaigns to support the people of South Africa in their fight against apartheid. The AAM also campaigned for freedom for Namibia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Angola, and against South Africa's attacks on its neighbours. It has a huge collection of documents, photo's and posters online. Check it out!

Centre for Australian Art
Australian Prints and printmaking provides a gateway for information on printed images from Australia and the Asia Pacific region. The focus of the site is by artists from Australia, Aboriginal Australia, the Torres Strait Islands, Papua New Guinea, Maori and Pakeha Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific region.

Collection suisse des affiches (CCSA)
This Collection of Swiss Posters includes a wide variety of (mainly French) posters published from the second half of the 19th century to the present day. CCSA posters come from collections devoted to a wide variety of themes, including anti (and pro-) nuclear posters

CRAS-Toulouse 'Centre de Recherche pour l'Alternative Social'
From a local libertarian to the autonomous center of archives of social history. From 1976 on several groups started to collect material to "remain master of our history". In December 1982, the archive was raided by police and much of the anti-nuclear material confiscated and never returned. Despite that loss, CRAS now is one of the largest autonomous archives in France.

CSPG. Center for the Study of Political Graphics.
CSPG is an educational and research archive that collects, preserves, documents, and exhibits posters relating to historical and contemporary movements for social change. CSPG is advancing the power of art to educate and inspire people to action.

ddd.uab.cat. Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona.
The UAB Digital Repository of Documents, is the tool that collects, manages, disseminates and preserves digital documents. The collection is mainly integrated by posters coming from the University libraries. The collection includes also posters and promotional materials originated by the different events and university services.

Een teken aan de wand
Posterbook. For more information see the Posterbook section

emuseum. The Museum for design, Zürich.
The Museum für Gestaltung Zürich is Switzerland's leading design and visual communication museum. It is the centre of competence for graphics and design and holds a huge collection of posters.

Fédération Internationale des Centres d'Études et de Documentation Libertaires. Collection of posters from anarchist movements, mainly from France.

Gorleben Archiv
The Gorleben Archiv documents the unique history of nearly 40 years of the Wendland resistance. It collects, views and preserves the evidence of the dispute regarding the nuclear facilities of Gorleben -a social conflict, which will continue to have an impact on future generations...

Grohnde Ausstellung
40 jahre 'Schlacht um Grohnde'. Exhibition (and book) to commemorate one of the most militant demonstrations in the history of the German movement against nuclear power: the battle against the nuclear reactor under construction in Grohnde; March 19, 1977

HKS 13
Germany, posters collected for a follow-up project of 'vorwärts bis zum nieder mit': a book and cd-rom on posters from the German anti-nuclear movement with a section international posters (in collaboration with Laka discussed in 2002). Never published. Not available online.

hoch die kampf dem
Posterbook. For more information see the Posterbook section

IISG International Institute of Social History
The IISH is a unique institute. At an international level, it generates and offers reliable information and insights about the (long-term) origins, effects and consequences of social inequality. The IISH collections comprises archive, library and audio-visual material with a thematic emphasis on social and emancipatory movements.

Unfortunately no longer available (August 2019), but Dirk Seifert has a new blog Umweltfairaenden.de, with (part of) the postercollection

Institut Tribune Socialiste
The ITS wants to articulate the history of the PSU (Parti Socialiste Unifié 1960-1989). The PSU no longer exists. It's not about recreating it. But knowing, reporting and enriching the ideas he has sought to develop and implement, is part of the debate and the construction of democracy today, of research and attempts for a more just, egalitarian society.

Libreria Anomalia
Centro di Documentazione Anarchica. The Anarchist Documentation Center (annex bookshop) based in Rome, documents the political struggles and cultural initiatives of the antagonistic movements from the sixties to the present.

Met Emmer en Kwast
Posterbook. For more information see the Posterbook section. Not available online
The Netherlands

Mitwelt website
The private collection of Axel Mayer, especially on Wyhl, is available on this website

Musee de Bretagne Museum of Brittany
The museum strives to bring together objects which are material witnesses to the social, technical and cultural history of Brittany and the Breton people. Includes a large poster & photo collection of societal struggle

nieder bis zum
Posterbook: vorwärts, bis zum nieder mit' For more information see the Posterbook section

OMCA. Oakland Museum of California
The Archive gathered posters from all streams of progressive activity; from movements of protest, liberation, and affirmative action, trade union and community struggles, to electoral and environmental organizing, community services, and visionary manifestos. It is strongest in work from the San Francisco Bay Area, but its scope is national

Meanwhile, the content of the site has changed completely and the postercollection is no longer available

Private collections
This is a list of people that contributed to this great collection. During the preparations (2009-2010) for publishing the Radiating Posters posterbook many individuals all over the world contributed to the project by sending hard copies of posters or by photographing their personal poster collection and send the files to Laka. We were very grateful for that, and although not all posters made the selection in the book, all the posters are in this collection. Thanks to all!

Breakdown Press, Dave Sweeney, Monica Muurlink (Australia); Heinz Stockinger (Austria); Sasha (Belarus); Ines Ribeiro, Rafael Ribeiro, Norbert Suchanek, Sergio Dialetachi (Brazil); David Geary, Ent Work, James Penna, Karen Weingeist, Linda Murphy, Richard Vickaryous (Canada); Wen Bo (China); Vojtech Simek (Czech Republic); Janne Björklund, Mika Huhtanen, Soile (Finland); Jean-Yvon Landrac, Pierre Baliteau, Xavier Rabilloud (France); Falk Beyer, HKS 13 Michael, Sabine Bock (Germany); Dimitra Dourouda (Greece); Perger Andras (Hungary); Ajit Muricken, S.P. Udayakumar (India); Dian Abraham (Indonesia); Antonio Camuso, Vincenco Miliucci (Italy); Philip White (Japan); Sible Schöne, Gerd Vink, Herman Damveld, Peer de Rijk, Wim Kersten (Netherlands); Frank van Schaik (Mexico); Vladimir Slyviak, Vladimir Tchouprov (Russia); Makoma Lekalakala, Muna Lakhani (South Africa); Josep Puig (Spain); Aernschd Born, Philippe de Rougemont (Switzerland); Gloria Hsu (Taiwan); Oya Koca (Turkey); Janine Allis-Smith (U.K.); Eric Epstein, Jack & Felice Cohen-Joppa, Jim Elve, John LaForge, Lisa Clark, Roger Herried (U.S.A.); Arthur Denisenko (Ukraine)